March 30, 2015 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board-Executive Committee Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Executive Committee Meeting. The public is welcome to attend.


March 30, 2015 9:30am to 10:30am 


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Think Tank Video Conference Room
  • Springfield: 100 South Grand Avenue East, 3rd Floor Secretary Executive Video Conference Room


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Consideration of Montgomery County (4th Circuit) Site Request
  4. Other Business
  5. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:37 a.m.
  2. Roll Call
    Jim McCarter, Paula Wolff, Mary Reynolds, Janet Ahern, and Grace Hong-Duffin. George Timberlake by phone. Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, Kassandra Hauptmann, John Payne and Angie Jimenez.
  3. Consideration of Montgomery County
    Montgomery County submitted a request on behalf of the Fourth Judicial Circuit for an additional $42,250 in Redeploy funding for the remainder of FY15. Currently, there is a balance of $1,274.21 to cover the cost of services through the end of June. As a result, the circuit elected to discontinue all referrals to MST and place restrictions on referrals for psychological evaluations, ART, housing, drug testing, electronic monitoring, and transportation.
    John Payne provided the Executive Committee members with background discussing previous concerns that some counties within the Fourth Judicial Circuit did not have access to services, especially mental health treatment. Payne noted that MST was essentially limited to Marion County. There were 12 slots available, and six of those slots were reserved for Marion County and the remaining six slots were given all of the other counties within the circuit. Since that time, the number of slots have increased from 12 to 18, and 16 slots have been taken so far this year. Now every county is able to individually contract with a mental health provider. Payne said that transportation throughout the region for mental health services remains a challenge.
    With the expansion of services and growth in capacity throughout the entire circuit, this has resulted in increased costs for mental health counseling and psychological evaluations, Payne noted. In the request, mental health counseling is the largest line item. Payne said that there is also a contract with Franklin Detention Center for evaluations in the non-secure but supervised facility.
    George Timberlake asked how much the Fourth Judicial Circuit spent on MST and whether there was a concern from the circuit in using MST. John Payne explained how that was an issue initially, but there is now wide acceptance of MST.
    Paula Wolff asked whether the circuit discontinued referrals to MST because they lacked the funds. Karrie Rueter said yes as well as most other services and that the Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board should anticipate a future request for an increase to their baseline grant amount beginning in FY16.
    George Timberlake said it would be helpful for sites to better understand treatment modalities and referral characteristics for youth in specific best practice model programs. Jim McCarter suggested that would be a good topic for the Redeploy All Sites Retreat.
    Mary Reynolds noted that Fourth Judicial Circuit has reduced its number of commitments to DJJ, and its costs are in line with other Redeploy sites. Karrie Rueter informed the committee that the average annual cost per youth is $4,075 in the Fourth Judicial Circuit. If all sites are included, the average cost is $5,900 per youth.
    Rueter said that original site request for the Fourth Judicial Circuit was towards funding of three of the counties within the circuit but has since expanded to include all nine counties. There has never been a request to raise the grant base amount. Rueter said she anticipates the circuit will reassess program and then submit a request to increase their base going forward beginning in FY16.
    Paula Wolff asked whether there are funds available to accommodate the Fourth Judicial Circuit's request. Rueter said that she anticipates there will be excess funds from the Second Judicial Circuit, and the Second Judicial Circuit could authorize transferring those unspent funds to the Fourth Judicial Circuit. However, Rueter indicated there was approximately $500,000 remaining in the appropriation line and recommended we amend their contract through DHS rather than asking the Second Judicial Circuit to transfer funds.
    Motion: Paula Wolff motioned to approve the site's request for additional funding for the balance of FY15. Jim McCarter seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the motion.
  4. Other Business
    Karrie Rueter informed the Executive Committee of the Redeploy All Sites Retreat June 3-5 in Bloomington and invited Executive Committee members to attend. Rueter reminded the committee that the Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board authorized Youth Network Council to reallocate funds from the Redeploy Focused budget to the sites' evaluation, which is currently on hold. Rueter suggested the committee consider moving some of those funds towards costs associated with the All Sites meeting and other training opportunities. Grace Hong-Duffin asked if there was a way to maximize the time devoted to the meeting and whether the trainings offered during the All Sites Meeting can be deemed essential.
  5. Adjourn
    Paula Wolff made a motion to adjourn. Jim McCarter seconded the motion.
    The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.