Administration & Program Support - GRF

FY16 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Staff (June 30th) - GRF

FY15 Request FY15 Adj. FY15 EOY FY16 Adj. FY16 Request
Staff (June 30th) 439.0 439.0 (5.0) 434.0

Appropriation - GRF

Appropriation Name FY15 Approp. FY15 Adj. FY15 Est. Exp. FY16 Adj. FY16 Request
Personal Services $26,983.5 $1,420.4 $28,403.9 $4,683.8 $33,087.7
Social Security $1,999.2 $90.9 $2,090.1 $441.1 $2,531.2
Subtotal $28,982.7 $1,511.3 $30,494.0 $5,124.9 $35,618.9
Contractual $3,061.8 $3,061.8 $3,061.8
Contractual - Leased Property Mgmt $40,459.3 $800.0 $41,259.3 $41,259.3
Contractual - PIO Mgmt $206.0 $206.0 $206.0
Contractual - Graphic Design Mgmt $56.7 $56.7 $56.7
Contractual - CMS Fleet Management $2,026.8 $2,026.8 $2,026.8
Contractual - Upward Mobility Program $750.0 $750.0 $750.0
Contractual - GoHIT $160.0 $160.0 $160.0
Travel $170.3 $170.3 $170.3
Commodities $955.1 $955.1 $955.1
Printing $1,283.0 $1,283.0 $1,283.0
Equipment $222.1 $222.1 $222.1
Telecommunications $1,374.9 $1,374.9 $1,374.9
Op of Automotive $179.0 $179.0 $179.0
Indirect Cost Principles/Interfund Transfers $0.1 $0.1
Permanent Improvements $1,491.1 $1,491.1 $1,491.1
Refunds - General Revenue Fund $7.7 $7.7 $7.7
Tort Claims $475.0 $475.0 $475.0
Tort Claims Employees $10.9 $10.9 $10.9
Non PS&F Subtotal $51,979.7 $1,710.0 $53,689.7 $0.1 $53,689.8
Total Appropriation $80,962.4 $3,221.3 $84,183.7 $5,125.0 $89,308.7

FY16 Staff Adjustments

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Discontinue Illinois Welcoming Center Program (2.0) and Immigrant Integration Services Program (3.0) (5.0)

FY15 Adjustments

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Additional funding needed to support estimated liability $1,420.4
Social Security Additional funding needed to support estimated liability $90.9
Contractual - Leased Property Mgmt Additional funding needed to support estimated liability $800.0
Contractual Services - Upward Mobility Prgm Establish appropriation for Upward Mobility Program previously funded by CMS $750.0
Contractual Services - GoHIT Establish appropriation for Governor's Office of Health Innovation and Transformation (GoHIT) $160.0

FY16 Adjustments

FY16 Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $4,683.8
Social Security Social Security Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $441.1
Indirect Cost Principles/Interfund Transfers Restore Indirect Cost Principles appropriation $0.1