GRF Walk to DHS FY16 Introduced Budget
(All Numbers in Thousands)
GRF FY15 Appropriations
Category |
Total |
Line Item |
GRF FY15 Appropriations |
$3,086,869.1 |
Alcoholism & Substance Abuse |
($34.8) |
Alcoholism and Substance Abuse FY15 PS & F Shortfall |
($34.8) |
Developmental Disabilities |
$22,430.8 |
Developmental Disabilities FY15 Community Shortfall |
$14,400.6 |
Developmental Disabilities FY15 PS & F Shortfall |
$8,030.2 |
Family & Community Services |
$326,737.7 |
Childcare FY15 Shortfall |
$277,745.1 |
Family and Community Services FY15 PS & F Shortfall |
$41,992.6 |
Early Intervention FY15 Shortfall |
$12,000.0 |
Reduction in Funeral and Burial Services |
($5,000.0) |
Mental Health |
$29,146.9 |
Mental Health FY15 Community Shortfall |
$33,739.4 |
Mental Health FY15 Williams Shortfall |
$2,425.9 |
Mental Health FY15 BIP Program Shortfall |
$1,877.3 |
Mental Health FY15 PS & F Shortfall |
$16,823.7 |
Elgin & Chester Forensic Plan of Correction FY15 Shortfall |
$880.6 |
Treatment & Detention Facility FY15 Shortfall |
$2,700.0 |
Mental Health Non-Medicaid to FY14 spending levels |
($5,500.0) |
Mental Health Community Hospital Inpatient Psychiatric Services to FY14 spending levels |
($3,000.0) |
Mental Health Individual Care Grant lapsing funds |
($5,800.0) |
New Mental Health Child & Adolescent line unexpended funds |
($7,000.0) |
Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Facility lapsing funds |
($8,000.0) |
Rehabilitation Services |
$26,246.9 |
Home Services Program FY15 Shortfall |
$26,011.7 |
Rehabilitation Services FY15 PS & F Shortfall |
$235.2 |
Program Administration |
($4,872.4) |
Program Administration FY15 PS & F Shortfall |
$417.6 |
Program Administration Other Lines Shortfall |
$1,710.0 |
MIS Contractual Services One-Time Savings for Project Delays |
($7,000.0) |
FY15 Estimated Spending; includes proposed supplemental |
$399,655.1 |
$3,486,524.2 |
DHS FY16 Introduced Budget
Category |
Total |
Line Item |
Alcoholism & Substance Abuse |
$2,139.1 |
PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps |
$90.6 |
Annualization of 3% Rate Increase Implemented in FY15 |
$2,048.5 |
Developmental Disabilities |
$34,604.5 |
PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps |
$7,104.0 |
Electric Contract Increase |
$168.4 |
DCFS Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA) Annualization |
$1,488.4 |
SODC CILA Annualization |
$2,657.9 |
90 New DCFS CILA Transitions |
$2,471.6 |
100 New SODC CILA Transitions |
$2,844.6 |
Ligas Prioritization of Unmeet Need Annualization (approx. 500) and New (500) - BIP Program Initiative |
$11,689.8 |
Home Based Program Cap increase due to SSI Increase |
$1,165.4 |
Info System Tech - Rates & Quality Assurance - BIP Program Initiative |
$500.0 |
Employment First Initiative Annualization- BIP Program Initiative |
$1,400.0 |
Expansion of 24-Hour Stabilization Services - BIP Program Initiative |
$3,114.4 |
Family & Community Services |
($28,911.7) |
PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps |
$16,264.5 |
AABD Decrease in liability |
($1,244.0) |
TANF Decrease in liability |
($8,988.5) |
Discontinuation of FY15 TANF one-time costs |
($3,300.0) |
Discontinuation of Child Care one-time costs |
($42,483.5) |
Child Care Increase in QRS usage |
$1,408.1 |
Child Care Reduction in co-payment |
$1,983.5 |
Child Care - Annualization of FY15 rate increases |
$3,610.8 |
SEIU Training and Special Needs |
$1,250.0 |
General Revenue pickup of America Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds |
$1,598.7 |
Contractual, Equipment and Telecommunications |
$1,288.7 |
Discontinue GRF Assistance to Homeless Fund - should have been fund 100 |
($300.0) |
Mental Health |
$36,268.3 |
PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps |
$5,495.6 |
Electric Contract Increase |
$180.6 |
Facility Annualization |
$2,486.5 |
Annashae Medical Officer on Duty & Psych Rate Increase |
$695.0 |
Chester Forensic Plan of Correction Annualization |
$505.7 |
TDF Annualization |
$2,000.0 |
Supportive Housing Project Association Annualization |
$148.2 |
Money Follows the Person Program - transfer from HFS |
$1,324.8 |
Williams Consent Decree Annualization and Costs to Support New Transitions |
$15,791.3 |
GRF Funding realignment from Other State Funds |
$6,000.0 |
Costs associated with BIP Program Initiatives Approved by Federal Government |
$1,640.6 |
Rehabilitation Services |
$19,116.9 |
PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps |
$2,158.9 |
Electric Contract Increase |
$76.5 |
PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps (HSP Staff Only) |
$5,599.6 |
Annualization of FY15 Individual Provider Rate Increases Mandated in SEIU Agreement & Annualization of Current Cases |
$12,072.4 |
Preventive Services-Annualization & Implement Mandatory Background Checks |
$369.6 |
Consolidate Match Lines and add New Federally Required Match for Supported Employment Program under WIOA |
$68.0 |
Employment First Initiative - BIP Program Initiative |
($1,228.1) |
Program Administration |
$21,941.4 |
PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps |
$9,735.9 |
Management Information Systems (MIS) Statistical Services Revolving Fund (SSRF) rate increase |
$1,000.0 |
MIS Telecommunications Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Project Estimate |
$4,000.0 |
Restoration of MIS Contractual Services One-Time Savings for Project Delays |
$7,000.0 |
Office of Inspector General (OIG) Operations related to additional staff |
$205.4 |
Restore Indirect Cost Principle appropriation |
$0.1 |
Department of Human Services General Revenue Fund Maintenance Budget |
$85,158.5 |
$3,571,682.7 |
Alcoholism & Substance Abuse |
($27,581.0) |
20% Reduction in Services for DCFS Clients |
($1,800.0) |
20% Reduction in Child Domiciliary Services |
($191.0) |
10% Reduction in Recovery Home Services |
($290.0) |
10% Reduction in Heroin Addiction Treatment Services |
($1,900.0) |
20% Reduction in Global Treatment Services |
($23,400.0) |
Developmental Disabilities |
$38,195.6 |
Discontinue ARC Lifespan Grant |
($482.2) |
Discontinue Best Buddies Grant |
($1,000.0) |
Discontinue Autism Grant |
($4,300.0) |
Discontinue Dental Services |
($986.8) |
Discontinue Epilepsy Grants |
($2,075.0) |
Discontinue Group Respite Grants |
($969.6) |
Discontinue Voucher Respite Grants |
($2,291.6) |
Discontinue Respite Grants |
($5,683.7) |
Discontinue Contractor Services for Individual Planning |
($2,000.0) |
Limit New Admission to CILA and Adult Home Based Services to levels Required under the Ligas Consent Decree |
($1,415.5) |
GRF Funding realignment from Other State Funds |
$101,000.0 |
12.0% Rate Reduction Private ICF/DD |
($41,600.0) |
Investment in Community Funding |
$29,500.0 |
10.0% Reduction to State Operated Developmental Centers |
($29,500.0) |
Family & Community Services |
($219,603.8) |
Discontinue Funeral & Burial |
($4,485.0) |
Discontinue care provided by relatives in the child's or the relative's home |
($108,000.0) |
Increase parental copays in three increments |
($10,500.0) |
Freeze child care intake to ages less than six |
($16,538.4) |
Discontinue Refugee Social Services |
($208.7) |
Discontinue Immigrant Integration Services |
($6,673.6) |
Discontinue Welcoming Centers |
($1,033.5) |
Discontinue Children's Place |
($390.0) |
Reduce Infant Mortality (Family Case Management) |
($6,792.8) |
Early Intervention Reduction |
($23,000.0) |
Discontinue Supportive Housing Services |
($12,649.9) |
Reduce Employability Development Services |
($1,500.0) |
Discontinue Teen Parent Services |
($1,426.9) |
Discontinue Emergency Food |
($220.4) |
Reduce Homeless Youth Services |
($3,098.1) |
Discontinue Westside Housing Authority Crisis Intervention |
($300.0) |
Discontinue Addiction Prevention Services |
($1,025.0) |
Discontinue Homeless Prevention Services |
($1,000.0) |
Discontinue SSI Advocacy |
($1,316.1) |
Discontinue Community Services |
($5,645.4) |
Discontinue Afterschool Youth Programs |
($13,800.0) |
Mental Health |
($82,069.4) |
Reduce MH Care Coordination |
($18,477.6) |
Discontinue Psychiatric Leadership Capacity Grant |
($27,000.0) |
Discontinue funding for Non-Medicaid Fee for Service (non Medicaid eligible clients) |
($11,400.0) |
Discontinue Community Hospital Inpatient Program (non Medicaid eligible service) |
($2,500.0) |
Discontinue Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Facility - Similar Community Services |
($8,233.3) |
Discontinue Integrated Health Care |
($1,298.7) |
Discontinue Individual Placement & Support |
($525.1) |
Discontinue Eligibility & Disposition Assessment |
($3,567.0) |
Reduction in Special Project Grants (non Medicaid eligible services) |
($9,067.7) |
Rehabilitation Services |
($113,988.0) |
Discontinuation of Certain Services Currently Packaged with the Electronic Voice Verification System |
($1,000.0) |
Reduction of Brain Injury Case Management Costs |
($2,248.4) |
Discontinue Customer training contract with Illinois Network of Center for Independent Living |
($454.3) |
Discontinue Individual Provider backup contracts with Access Living and Progress Center for Independent Living |
($80.0) |
Discontinue Individual Provider Latino Contract with Progress Center for Independent Living |
($35.0) |
Increase the Minimum DON score to 37 from 29 to be eligible for HSP and other program changes |
($110,170.3) |
Program Administration |
($2,895.7) |
Reduction in Management Information Systems |
($2,895.7) |
Department of Human Services General Revenue Fund Governor's Proposed |
($407,942.3) |
$3,163,740.4 |