ABE Portals – Apply for Benefits, Manage My Case (MMC), Appeals and the Partner Portal

Illinois' Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) has three portals to support customers with their benefits:

  1. Apply for Benefits;
  2. Manage My Case (MMC); and
  3. Appeals.

It also has a Partner Portal for MPE providers and All Kids Application Agents to allow agencies assisting customers to submit applications and information more easily.

Apply for Benefits Portal (ABE.Illinois.gov)

  • To apply for healthcare, food and cash assistance benefits, click the blue "Apply for Benefits" button. You will need to set up an account, log in and fill out the online application. Supporting documents can also be uploaded after the application is signed and submitted.

Manage My Case (MMC) Portal - Information Available for customers and their designee only:

Requesting Manual State Identity Proofing to Access Manage My Case

  • If a customer or applicant has tried to set up MMC, but could not pass Identity Proofing in ABE, there is now a process to request manual State Identity Proofing.
  1. To request State Identity Proofing, fill out, sign, and return the State Identity Proofing Request Form (pdf), IL444-3610 S FORMULARIO DE SOLICITUD DE PRUEBA DE IDENTIDAD DEL ESTADO (pdf). and proof documents (listed on page 3 of the form).
  2. If an Approved Representative is completing the form, a signed Approved Representative Form MUST be mailed along with the Request form, and Proof Document, even if one is already on file with the State.
  3. Proof documents - you will need a copy of one (1) document from Column A or two (2) documents from Column B from the list of Acceptable Identity Proofing Documents.
  4. Return the completed form and proof documents to:
    Illinois Department of Human Services
    Attn.: ID Proofing Unit
    600 E. Ash, Building 500, 5th Fl.
    Springfield, IL 62703
    Return the form to your local FCRC
    The form cannot be emailed and should NOT be sent to Central Scanning.
  5. Allow 6-8 weeks to hear back from the state.
  6. If there are questions, email:  ABE.Questions@illinois.gov

Appeals Portal

  • The ABE Appeals portal will allow users to file and manage appeals via the client facing portal. The Appeals portal can be accessed through MMC or directly at: ABE.Illinois.gov
  • All correspondence from the Bureau of Hearings will be available in the ABE Appeals portal, including the final Administrative Decision.
  • The customer can submit requests directly to the Bureau of Hearings for continuances, withdrawls, etc.
  • The customer can upload documents such as representative forms, Powers of Attorney, and exhibits for the hearings.

ABE Partner Portal - limited to specific Medicaid Providers such as MPE providers and All Kids Application Agents (AKAA)

  • Allows providers, as ABE partners, to create an account in ABE and submit applications through the Partner account.
  • If you are an MPE provider or AKAA, refer to the user manuals.