- Eliminates references to the Protective Payee/Verification Unit when using IL444-0097 Verification of Birth, Marriage, Divorce or Death.
- Places in the manual additional procedures for verifying birth, marriage, divorce, and death.
- Adds clarification about a sheltered care resident residing in a county facility who applies for AABD cash assistance.
Protective Payee/Verification Unit
The Protective Payee/Verification Unit no longer verifies birth, marriage, divorce, or death via Form 97 Verification of Birth, Marriage, Divorce or Death for the Family Community Resource Centers (FCRC).
Assisting the Customer in Verifying Birth, Marriage, Divorce or Death
Use the IDPH query in the KIDS system to verify the birth of a child born in Illinois. Use SOLQ to verify death. When the customer asks the FCRC to assist them in obtaining verification of an adult's Illinois birth, an out of state birth, or any marriage, divorce or death, write directly to the appropriate agency. The appropriate agency for each state is published on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Website at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/w2w.htm. Follow the instructions provided by the state. If there is a fee, contact the agency and ask them to waive the fee. If the state will not waive the fee, contact the Bureau of Policy Development at DHS.PolicyDevelopment@illinois.gov.
Clarification for Sheltered Care Residents
A person receiving sheltered care in a county facility can qualify for cash whether or not they are receiving SSI, or have been denied SSI due to income.
[signed copy of file]
James T. Dimas
Secretary-designate, Illinois Department of Human Services
Felicia Norwood
Director, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services