Appendix A Cornerstone Screen Flow Diagrams

Table of Contents

  1. A.1 Cornerstone Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP) Screen Flows (BCCP1)
    1. A.1.1 New Participant (BCCP New)
    2. A.1.2 Established Patient (BCCP EST)
    3. A.1.3 In-State Transfer All Categories (BCCP INXFER)
    4. A.1.4 Termination (BCCP TERM)
    5. A.1.5 Reactivate/Data Correction/Termination (BCCP REACT/DATA CORR/TERM)
  2. A.2 Cornerstone Family Case Management Screen Flows
    1. A.2.1 Infant or Child (FCM1)
    2. A.2.2 Guardian of Case Management Child (FCM2)
    3. A.2.3 Pregnant Woman (FCM3)
    4. A.2.4 Participant Case Closure (FCM4)
    5. A.2.5 DCFS Ward Infant or Child (DCFS1)
    6. A.2.6 Pregnant DCFS Ward (DCFS2)
    7. A.2.7 DCFS Ward Child Over Age 6 (DCFS3)
    8. A.2.8 Targeted, Intensive Prenatal Case Management - Screen Flow Pregnant Woman (TIPCM)
    9. A.2.9 Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Reporting System - Screen Flow for Infant or Child - for CCDPH Sites Only (APORS1)
  3. A.3 Cornerstone Early Intervention Screen Flows
    1. A.3.1 Referral Activities (EI1)
    2. A.3.2 Intake (EI2)
    3. A.3.3 Evaluation/Eligibility Determination - 0 to 3 years old (EI3A)
    4. A.3.4 IFSP Development - 0 to 3 years old (EI3B)
    5. A.3.5 Day 1 - Instate Transfer (EI4A)
    6. A.3.6 Day 2 - Instate Transfer (EI4B)
    7. A.3.7 6 Month Update / 12 Month Annual Review (EI5)
    8. A.3.8 Participant Case Closure (EI6)
    9. A.3.9 Participant Follow up with Additional Diagnosis (EI7)
    10. A.3.10 Early Intervention Word Perfect Screen Flows
      1. A.3.10.1 Accessing Word Perfect (EIWP1)
      2. A.3.10.2 Accessing the A Drive (EIWP2)
      3. A.3.10.3 Saving to the "A" Drive - New Document (EIWP3)
  4. A.4 Cornerstone Immunization Only Screen Flows
    1. A.4.1 New and Pre-existing participants (IMM1)
    2. A.4.2 WAN Access of participant Information Recorded at Another Cornerstone Site (IMMUNWAN)
  5. A.5 Cornerstone Healthy Families Illinois (HFI) Screen Flows
    1. A.5.1 Pregnant Woman [HFI(A)]
    2. A.5.2 Pregnant Woman - Successful Home Visit [HFI(A-1)]
    3. A.5.3 Pregnant Woman - Unsuccessful Home Visit [HFI(A-2)]
    4. A.5.4 Guardian of Infant or Child [HFI(B)]
    5. A.5.5 Guardian of Infant or Child - Successful Home Visit [HFI(B-1)]
    6. A.5.6 Guardian of Infant or Child - Unsuccessful Home Visit [HFI(B-2)]
    7. A.5.7 Infant or Child [HFI(C)]
    8. A.5.8 Termination (Pregnant Mother, Guardian, Infant/Child) [HFI(D)]
  6. A.6 Cornerstone Healthy Start Case Management Screen Flows
    1. A.6.1 Infant or Child (HSCM1)
    2. A.6.2 Guardian of Case Management Child (HSCM2)
    3. A.6.3 Pregnant Woman (HSCM3)
    4. A.6.4 HSCM Interconceptional (HSCM/ICM)
    5. A.6.5 TIP Interconceptional (TIP/ICM)
  7. A.7 Cornerstone WIC Only Screen Flows
    1. A.7.1 Certification of All Categories (WIC1)
    2. A.7.2 Certification of Infant or Child (WIC1a)
    3. A.7.3 Certification of a Pregnant Woman (WIC1b)
    4. A.7.4 Certification of a Breastfeeding or Postpartum Woman (WIC1c)
    5. A.7.5 Individual and Group Nutrition Education / FI Issuance (WIC2)
    6. A.7.6 Follow Up "K" Visit - All Categories (WIC3)
    7. A.7.7 In-State Transfer All Categories (WIC4)
    8. A.7.8 Out of State Transfer All Categories (WIC5)
    9. A.7.9 Preliminary -P- Visit - Infant of WIC Mother Only (WIC6)
    10. A.7.10 Category Change - Breastfeeding to Postpartum #1 - Mother with Risk Factors of Her Own (WIC7)
    11. A.7.11 Category Change - Breastfeeding to Postpartum #2 - Mother with no Risk Factors of Her Own Who Must Be Terminated and Reassessed (WIC8)
    12. A.7.12 FI Issuance Only All Categories (WIC9)
    13. A.7.13 6 Week "K" Visit - Infant of WIC Mom (WIC10)
    14. A.7.14 Missed FI Issuance All Categories (WIC11)
    15. A.7.15 Reinstatement of an Auto-terminated Preliminary Infant (WIC12)
    16. A.7.16 WIC Follow-up Preliminary Pregnant (WIC13)
    17. A.7.17 WIC Certification Preliminary Pregnant (WIC14)
    18. A.7.18 Update Infant Information (WIC15)
    19. A.7.19 WIC Wait List Active - Categories "C" & "N" (WIC16)
    20. A.7.20 WIC Missed Preliminary Pregnant - Reinstatement of an Auto-terminated Preliminary Pregnant (WIC17)
  8. A.8 Cornerstone Teen Parent Services (TPS) Screen Flows
    1. A.8.1 Pregnant Teen (TPS1)
    2. A.8.2 Teen Parent (TPS2)
    3. A.8.3 Infant or Child (TPS3)
    4. A.8.4 Teen Parent Case Closure (TPS4)
  9. A.9 Cornerstone WISEWOMAN (WW) Screen Flows
    1. A.9.1 New Participant (IWP1)
    2. A.9.2 Established Participant (IWP2)
    3. A.9.3 Integrated Office Visit - Initial Office Visit/Rescreen (IWP3)
    4. A.9.4 Healthy Lifestyle Assessment (IWP4)
    5. A.9.5 Intervention Information (IWP5)
    6. A.9.6 Follow-up Phase Information (IWP6)
  10. A.10 Cornerstone Genetics Program Screen Flow
    1. A.10.1 All Participants (GEN1) )

A.1 Cornerstone Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP) Screen Flows (BCCP1)

A.1.1 New Participant (BCCP New)

New Participant (BCCP New)

A.1.2 Established Patient (BCCP EST)

Established Patient (BCCP EST)

A.1.3 In-State Transfer All Categories (BCCP INXFER)

In-State Transfer All Categories (BCCP INXFER)

A.1.4 Termination (BCCP TERM)

Termination (BCCP TERM)

A.1.5 Reactivate/Data Correction/Termination (BCCP REACT/DATA CORR/TERM)

Reactivate/Data Correction/Termination (BCCP REACT/DATA CORR/TERM)

A.2 Cornerstone Family Case Management Screen Flows

A.2.1 Infant or Child (FCM1)

Infant or Child

A.2.2 Guardian of Case Management Child (FCM2)

Guardian of Case Management Child

A.2.3 Pregnant Woman (FCM3)

Pregnant Woman

A.2.4 Participant Case Closure (FCM4)

Participant Case Closure

A.2.5 DCFS Ward Infant or Child (DCFS1)

DCFS Ward Infant or Child

A.2.6 Pregnant DCFS Ward (DCFS2)

Pregnant DCFS Ward

A.2.7 DCFS Ward Child Over Age 6 (DCFS3)

DCFS Ward Child Over Age 6

A.2.8 Targeted, Intensive Prenatal Case Management - Screen Flow Pregnant Woman (TIPCM)

Targeted, Intensive Prenatal Case Management - Screen Flow Pregnant Woman

A.2.9 Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Reporting System - Screen Flow for Infant or Child - for CCDPH Sites Only (APORS1)

Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Reporting System - Screen Flow for Infant or Child -

A.3 Cornerstone Early Intervention Screen Flows

A.3.1 Referral Activities (EI1)

Referral Activities

A.3.2 Intake (EI2)

Intake Screen flow

A.3.3 Evaluation/Eligibility Determination - 0 to 3 years old (EI3A)

Evaluation/Eligibility Determiniation 0 to 3 years old

A.3.4 IFSP Development - 0 to 3 years old (EI3B)

IFSP Development 0 to 3 years old

A.3.5 Day 1 - Instate Transfer (EI4A)

In-State Transfer

A.3.6 Day 2 - Instate Transfer (EI4B)

In-State Transfer Day 2

A.3.7 6 Month Update / 12 Month Annual Review (EI5)

Six Month Update/12 month Annual review

A.3.8 Participant Case Closure (EI6)

Participant Case Closure

A.3.9 Participant Follow up with Additional Diagnosis (EI7)

Participant Follow up with Additional Diagnosis

A.3.10 Early Intervention Word Perfect Screen Flows

A.3.10.1 Accessing Word Perfect (EIWP1)

Accessing Word Perfect

A.3.10.2 Accessing the A Drive (EIWP2)

Accessing the A Drive

A.3.10.3 Saving to the "A" Drive - New Document (EIWP3)


A.4 Cornerstone Immunization Only Screen Flows

A.4.1 New and Pre-existing participants (IMM1)

New and Pre-existing participants

A.4.2 WAN Access of participant Information Recorded at Another Cornerstone Site (IMMUNWAN)

WAN Access of Participant Information Recorded at Another Cornerstone Site

A.5 Cornerstone Healthy Families Illinois (HFI) Screen Flows

A.5.1 Pregnant Woman [HFI(A)]

Pregnant Woman

A.5.2 Pregnant Woman - Successful Home Visit [HFI(A-1)]

Pregnant Woman Successful Home Visit

A.5.3 Pregnant Woman - Unsuccessful Home Visit [HFI(A-2)]

Pregnant Woman Unsuccessful Home Visit

A.5.4 Guardian of Infant or Child [HFI(B)]

Guardian of Infant or Child

A.5.5 Guardian of Infant or Child - Successful Home Visit [HFI(B-1)]

Guardian of Infant or Child Successful Home Visit

A.5.6 Guardian of Infant or Child - Unsuccessful Home Visit [HFI(B-2)]

Guardian of Infant or Child Unsuccessful Home Visit

A.5.7 Infant or Child [HFI(C)]

Infant or Child

A.5.8 Termination (Pregnant Mother, Guardian, Infant/Child) [HFI(D)]

Termination (Pregnant Mother, Guardian, Infant/Child)

A.6 Cornerstone Healthy Start Case Management Screen Flows

A.6.1 Infant or Child (HSCM1)

Infant or Child

A.6.2 Guardian of Case Management Child (HSCM2)

Guardian of Case Management Child

A.6.3 Pregnant Woman (HSCM3)

Pregnant Woman

A.6.4 HSCM Interconceptional (HSCM/ICM)

HSCM Interconceptional

A.6.5 TIP Interconceptional (TIP/ICM)

TIP Interconceptional

A.7 Cornerstone WIC Only Screen Flows

A.7.1 Certification of All Categories (WIC1)

Certification of All Categories

A.7.2 Certification of Infant or Child (WIC1a)

Certification of Infant or Child

A.7.3 Certification of a Pregnant Woman (WIC1b)

Certification of a Pregnant Woman

A.7.4 Certification of a Breastfeeding or Postpartum Woman (WIC1c)

Certification of a Breastfeeding or Postpartum Woman

A.7.5 Individual and Group Nutrition Education / FI Issuance (WIC2)

Individual and Group Nutrition Education / FI Issuance

A.7.6 Follow Up "K" Visit - All Categories (WIC3)


A.7.7 In-State Transfer All Categories (WIC4)

In-State Transfer All Categories

A.7.8 Out of State Transfer All Categories (WIC5)

Out of State Transfer All Categories

A.7.9 Preliminary -P- Visit - Infant of WIC Mother Only (WIC6)

Preliminary -P- Visit - Infant of WIC Mother Only

A.7.10 Category Change - Breastfeeding to Postpartum #1 - Mother with Risk Factors of Her Own (WIC7)

Category Change - Breastfeeding to Postpartum #1 - Mother with Risk Factors of

A.7.11 Category Change - Breastfeeding to Postpartum #2 - Mother with no Risk Factors of Her Own Who Must Be Terminated and Reassessed (WIC8)

Category Change - Breastfeeding to Postpartum #2 - Mother with no Risk Factors

A.7.12 FI Issuance Only All Categories (WIC9)

FI Issuance Only All Categories

A.7.13 6 Week "K" Visit - Infant of WIC Mom (WIC10)


A.7.14 Missed FI Issuance All Categories (WIC11)

Missed FI Issuance All Categories

A.7.15 Reinstatement of an Auto-terminated Preliminary Infant (WIC12)

Reinstatement of an Auto-terminated Preliminary Infant

A.7.16 WIC Follow-up Preliminary Pregnant (WIC13)

WIC Follow-up Preliminary Pregnant

A.7.17 WIC Certification Preliminary Pregnant (WIC14)

WIC Certification Preliminary Pregnant

A.7.18 Update Infant Information (WIC15)

Update Infant Information

A.7.19 WIC Wait List Active - Categories "C" & "N" (WIC16)


A.7.20 WIC Missed Preliminary Pregnant - Reinstatement of an Auto-terminated Preliminary Pregnant (WIC17)

WIC Missed Preliminary Pregnant - Reinstatement of an Auto-terminated

A.8 Cornerstone Teen Parent Services (TPS) Screen Flows

A.8.1 Pregnant Teen (TPS1)

Pregnant Teen

A.8.2 Teen Parent (TPS2)

Teen Parent

A.8.3 Infant or Child (TPS3)

Infant or Child

A.8.4 Teen Parent Case Closure (TPS4)

Teen Parent Case Closure

A.9 Cornerstone WISEWOMAN (WW) Screen Flows

A.9.1 New Participant (IWP1)

New Participant

A.9.2 Established Participant (IWP2)

Established Participant

A.9.3 Integrated Office Visit - Initial Office Visit/Rescreen (IWP3)

Integrated Office Visit - Initial Office Visit/Rescreen

A.9.4 Healthy Lifestyle Assessment (IWP4)

Healthy Lifestyle Assessment

A.9.5 Intervention Information (IWP5)

Intervention Information

A.9.6 Follow-up Phase Information (IWP6)

Follow-up Phase Information

A.10 Cornerstone Genetics Program Screen Flow

A.10.1 All Participants (GEN1) )

All Participants