Appendix F All Kids (Formerly Medicaid) Import Process

Beginning in version 11.10 of Cornerstone, the All Kids import process is an automatic daily download of All Kids data into the Cornerstone system. In addition, each clinic will have access to statewide All Kids data with a 2 year history for all existing Cornerstone participants. The Participant Look-up (PA01) screen has been enhanced to allow users to look up participants by Case ID or by Recipient ID (RIN) and will show All Kids data.

For new Cornerstone participants, All Kids data will be downloaded to clinics with the Beginning of Day that occurs after the participant has become Eligible or Active in a program. To re-state, there will be a 1 day lag in receiving All Kids data for newly added participants and a Program Information (PA15) record in status E or A must exist to trigger the downloading of the All Kids data. For existing Cornerstone participants, updates will be sent daily through the Beginning of Day process.

A new screen, Participant View Additional Eligibility Information (PA42), has been added for displaying participant's eligibility data for the following programs: All Kids < 200%, All Kids Expansion, Food Stamps and Cash. This new screen is an inquiry only screen. The F5 - Add and F6 - Edit functions are not available on this screen since the information is for view only purposes. The Participant Medicare/Insurance (PA05) screen will no longer display All Kids data or allow adding or editing of this data. PA05 has been modified to be the Medicare/Insurance screen and will still function for Medicare, Insurance and Other Coverage Types.

NOTE: Participant Browse/Additional Eligibility Information - The Participant Browse window accessed by completing the look-up function, either from the Participant Look-Up (PA01) screen or from the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB), has an F1 Help feature that displays the Cornerstone programs and All Kids eligibility information for the participant selected in the Browse window. This has been modified to include the new Additional Eligibility date, including Food Stamps and Cash. Because dates are not displayed on this F1 Help window, the Status is determined from the Effective Date and End Date and displayed accordingly. This means that the user may see a participant in an 'Active' status in the F1 Help Browse window, but on the Participant View Additional Eligibility Information (PA42) screen the participant may show a status of 'cancelled' with the End Date in the future.

The current process for Case Management Case Finding will continue to run on a monthly basis and the HSPR0724 - Case Finding List Report will automatically be generated. The week before the Case Management Case Finding process occurs the daily Beginning of Day (BOD) messages will warn and remind users about the process. The message will inform the users of the exact day that the process will occur.

The actual All Kids import updates are based on information received from HFS. The updates affect the following screens in the following ways:

  • Participant Enrollment (PA03) - When the participant is new to Cornerstone, all available enrollment information is added. When the participant is not a new participant the enrollment information will not need to be updated, but the address information will be updated as follows:
  • If there is no residence address the import will add the residence address.
  • If there is already a residence address, but no HFS address, the Cornerstone system will add an HFS address.
  • If there is current HFS address the Cornerstone system will update the current HFS address with the address received from HFS.

Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "Participant Enrollment (PA03)" for more information about this screen.

  • Program Information (PA15) - The program status and other information on this screen may be affected.
  • If the participant was not active they will be given a Case Management record with a program status of "N" (new All Kids).
  • If the participant was "E" (income/age eligible) the status will be updated to a program status of "N" (new All Kids).
  • If the participant is currently active in Case Management and there has been a category change for a DCFS participant, the All Kids import process will make the program status change. In other words, the import will change a DCFS participant to a non-DCFS participant and vice versa.

Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "Program Information (PA15)" for more information about this screen.

  • Participant View Additional Eligibility Information (PA42) screen - Updates eligibility as appropriate. Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "Participant View Additional Eligibility Information (PA42) screen" for more information about this screen.
  • System Cross Reference List/System Cross Reference Look-up (PA17/PA18) - If the participant is eligible for All Kids, the system will make sure the participant has a System Cross Reference record with a system code of HFS, and the Individual Number for the Cross Reference ID. Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "3.10 System Cross Reference" for more information about this screen.

These updates are received at the clinic with the first successful BOD after the participant has become Eligible or Active in a program. After a successful run the following reports will be printed or sent out.

  • Download Message Report (HSPR0404) - This report prints out every BOD, but after the All Kids import process this report will display extra messages relating to the import process. (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.33 Download Message Report (HSPR0404)" for more information about this report.)
  • Case Finding List (HSPR0724) - This report prints monthly after the Case Management Case Finding process has run and needs to be reviewed, per program policy. (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.80 Case Finding List (HSPR0724)" for more information about this report.)
  • All Kids Import Central Office Error Report (HSPR1050) - This report, which is sent by mail from the Central Office, contains information similar to the Download Message Report (HSPR0404).

The following table will help the user understand the codes on the Download Message Report (HSPR0404) and the All Kids Import Central Office Error Report (HSPR1050). Updated February, 2007.


DUPE DUPLICATE PARTICIPANT The participant has been enrolled more than once in Cornerstone.

Contact the other agency where the duplicate was identified and determine if this is the same participant.

If the participant is enrolled in WIC, Food Instrument Issuance (AD24) will have been locked. Follow WIC program policies for resolving the duplicate situation and unlocking FI issuance.

MADR REPLACED ADDR WITH HFS ADDR This file has been changed. The HFS address has been updated in Cornerstone, but NOT the residential address. Use the new address to locate the participant, if necessary.
MCAT CAT CODE CHGED VIA HFS MATCH The file has been changed. The participant's category has changed as a result of the All Kids import process. Verify the change in the participant's category.
MCID GROUPID SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED The participant's case number has changed for one or more participants in the group. Check to see if the participant still has the same relationship with others in their group.
MDOB HFS DOB DIFF - NO UPDATE The date of birth on Cornerstone is different from the date of birth on the information from HFS. Check for correct date of birth, after receiving detailed information from IDPH.
MELG NO LONGER All KIDS ELIGIBLE The file has been changed. List of participants who are no longer eligible for All Kids. Determine whether to continue to case manage these participants under a different funding source. If not, close the case.
MFNM HFS FIRST NAME DIFF - NO UPD The first name on Cornerstone is different from the first name on the information from HFS. Check for correct first name, after receiving detailed information from IDPH.
MLNM HFS LAST NAME DIFF - NO UPD The last name on Cornerstone is different from the last name on the information from HFS. Check for correct last name, after receiving detailed information from IDPH.
MMST HFS MARITAL STAT DIFF - NO UPD The marital status on Cornerstone is different from the marital status on the information from HFS. Check for correct marital status, after receiving detailed information from IDPH.
MRAC HFS RACE DIFF - NO UPDATE The race on Cornerstone is different from the race on the information from HFS. Check for correct race, after receiving detailed information from IDPH.
MSEX HFS SEX DIFF - NO UPDATE The sex on Cornerstone is different from the sex on the information from HFS. Check for correct sex, after receiving detailed information from IDPH.
MSSN HFS SSN DIFF - NO UPDATE The Social Security number on Cornerstone is different from the Social Security number on the information from HFS. Check for correct Social Security number, after receiving detailed information from IDPH.
NOAW NO ACTIVE WIC WIC-specific data have been sent to the Central Office; however, there is no active WIC program record. Contact the Cornerstone Service DeskTM for assistance (866) 791-4554.
NOEM NO EMPLOYEE RECORD Employee-specific data have been sent to Central Office; however, the Central Office does not have a record for that employee. Contact the Cornerstone Service DeskTM for assistance (866) 791-4554.
NOPE NO PARTENRL RECORD Data have been received at the Central Office for which there is no matching participant record. Contact the Cornerstone Service DeskTM for assistance (866) 791-4554.
PRAC PROGRAM ACTIVE AT OTHER CLINIC The participant was uploaded with a program status of "active", and the participant is already at the Central Office as "active" in that program but at another clinic. Contact the clinic indicated in the download message to resolve the status.
TFRM PARTICIPANT TRANSFERRED The participant has transferred from the agency receiving this message. No action required.
TNPF TRNSFR - NO PRGM FOUND - FROM A transfer request was made, but the Central Office does not have the participant in the program at any other agency. There is nothing to transfer. Contact the Cornerstone Service DeskTM for assistance (866) 791-4554.
TNPR TRNSFR - NO PRGM FOUND - REQSTING A transfer request was made, but the Central Office does not have the participant in the program at any other agency. There is nothing to transfer. Contact the Cornerstone Service DeskTM for assistance (866) 791-4554.
TPND TRNSFER PENDING UNTIL TERMED The agency receiving has requested a transfer in Family Case Management (FCM) or Healthy Start (HSCM). Completion of the transfer is pending termination by the previous agency.

Review the participant's program status [on the Program Information (PA15) screen] after three days of successful BOD and EOD. If the status remains "R", contact the other agency to determine if they have terminated the FCM or HSCM program record.

If necessary, Contact the Cornerstone Service DeskTM for assistance (866) 791-4554.

TRNC CANCELLED TRANSFER NONEXISTENT A previously requested transfer has been cancelled by the agency. No action required.
TTO TRANSFER COMPLETED The agency requesting the transfer has received the participant information and the transfer HAS occurred. Review the participant's program record to verify that it has been updated. Review the Birth (PA11) screen, Prenatal (PA07) screen, Postpartum (PA10) screen, and medical screens, as appropriate for the participant, to determine that information has been transferred.
TTRM TERMINATE SO TRNSF CAN COMPLTE The transfer of a Family Case Management (FCM) or Healthy Start (HSCM) participant has been initiated by another agency. Terminate the participant's FCM or HSCM program record so that the transfer can complete. Update the Program Information (PA15) screen and change the participant's status to "T" (terminated) with a Reason Code of "14" (transferred).