Appendix E Food Instrument Problem Guide

Following is a problem guide for potential problems and solutions that may be encountered while printing food instruments. Food instruments (FIs) must be carefully controlled, however, errors are inevitable. This problem guide should provide the information necessary to recover from an error. If the problem is not covered here or the instructions are not clear, please call the Cornerstone® at (866) 791-4554. The assigned Technical Assistance and Monitoring Consultant will also provide guidance and assistance as needed.

Problem 1 - The FI sequence number is not included in the ranges updated on the Food Instrument Stock Range (FI06) screen.

  1. Go to the Food Instrument Stock Range (FI06) screen to verify FI stock ranges.
  2. If one of the ranges must be changed or deleted, press F6 Edit to edit or F7 Delete to delete. (Please refer to Chapter 8 "WIC Food Instrument Screens" under "8.6 Food Instrument Stock Range (FI06).")

If the range does not exist, press F5 Add to add the range on the Food Instrument Stock Range (FI06) screen.

If the range exists and is entered correctly, verify the range was entered correctly on the Produce Food Instruments (FI01) screen and Void/Re-issue Food Instruments (FI03) screen. If the error message is still displayed, call the Cornerstone Service Desk at (866) 791-4554.

Problem 2 - The computer printed sequence number does not match the pre-printed sequence number AND THE PARTICIPANT IS STILL IN THE CLINIC.

  1. On the Void/Re-issue Food Instruments (FI03) screen, update the SEQUENCE NUMBER to match the next FI available for printing.
  2. Using void reason "H" in hand, void FIs.
  3. Void the pre-printed sequence number of all FI stock that has printing on it but the computer printed sequence numbers did not match.
  4. Go to the Food Instruments Inquire (FI02) screen and select the computer printed number. Press F10 to go to the Void/Re-issue Food Instruments (FI03) screen. Void the computer printed number on each FI if the computer number does not match the pre-printed number.
  5. Re-issue FIs issued to the participant that have been voided by:
    • Using the Food Instruments Inquire (FI02) screen to select instruments to re-issue
    • Re-issue the FIs on the Void/Re-issue Food Instruments (FI03) screen.
  6. Have the participant sign the stubs of the re-issued FIs.
  7. Locate the pre-printed FI for each voided instrument. This may require finding a pre-printed sequence number in another box or stack. Physically remove these instruments from the stack or box.

Service Deskify the Cornerstone Service Desk® immediately at (866) 791-4554.

10. Stamp "VOID" on all voided FIs and stubs.

Problem 3 - The computer printed sequence number does not match the pre-printed sequence number AND the participant has left the clinic.

Perform the following steps using the stubs from all non-matching FIs:

  1. Go to the Food Instrument Stock Range (FI06) screen to verify the red pre-printed sequence number exists in the FI stock ranges.
  2. After verifying that the range exists for the red sequence numbers, go to the Correct FI Sequence Number (FI05) screen to correct the FIs. (Please refer to Chapter 8 "WIC Food Instrument Screens" under "8.4 Correct FI Sequence Number (FI05).")
  3. The first misnumbered FI must be located. If the first misnumbered FI is not found, an error message will be displayed. To find the first misnumbered FI:
    • If the red number is greater than the black computer-generated number, go to the bottom misnumbered FI.
    • If the black computer-generated sequence number is greater than the red pre-printed sequence number, go to the top misnumbered FI.
    • Enter the red FI stock sequence number located on the FI stub.
    • Enter the black computer-generated sequence number located on the FI stub.
  4. The correct FI information will be displayed on the Correct FI Sequence Number (FI05) screen in the following fields:
    • Issue Date
    • Participant ID
    • Food Package
    • First Day to Use
    • Last Day to Use
    • Maximum Amount
  5. Verify that all the displayed information matches the information printed on the FI stub and press F4 to save.
  6. Repeat steps 2-4 until all misnumbered FI's have been corrected.

Problem 4 - Printer begins to jam while printing FIs.

  1. Take the printer off-line by pressing the SEL button.
  2. Adjust the paper in the printer to clear the jam.
  3. Put the printer back on-line by pressing the SEL button so that the printing will continue.
  4. When the printing is finished, check the pre-printed (red) and computer printed (black) sequence numbers of the FIs. If the numbers do not match, use the procedures in Problem 2 to void and re-issue.

NOTE: When printing is finished, a message box displays all FIs that have been obligated. The message "Press any key to continue?" is also displayed. If this box is not displayed, see Problem 6.

Problem 5 - The printer jams but the FI processing is complete.

  1. Clear out unusable FIs from the printer.
  2. Put the printer on-line. If the red ALARM light is flashing, turn the printer off, then on again.
  3. The printer may still continue to print any data in the buffer.
  4. Once the printer has stopped printing, look at the current SEQUENCE number on the screen (Produce Food Instruments (FI01) screen or Void/Re-issue Food Instruments (FI03) screen).
  5. Load the printer so that the next FI to be printed on matches the current sequence number on the screen. Save any blank FIs that are skipped and will not be used.
  6. If all of the participant's FIs printed and are readable, obtain the participant's signature on the stubs and continue processing.
  7. If all of the participant's FIs did not print, perform the following

NOTE: All void reasons should be "H" (in hand)

  • Any non-matching pre-printed and computer printed FIs should be voided according to the procedures in Problem 1 above.
  • Void and re-issue non-readable FIs as follows:
    1. Go to the Food Instruments Inquire (FI02) screen and selecting the FIs to be voided. (Please refer to Chapter 8 "WIC Food Instrument Screens" under "8.2 Food Instruments Inquire (FI02).")
    2. Press F10 to go to the Void/Re-issue Food Instrument (FI03) screen to void and re-issue the selected FIs. (Please refer to Chapter 8 "WIC Food Instrument Screens" under "8.3 Void/Re-issue Food Instrument (FI03).")
  • Stamp all voided FIs and stubs as "VOID."

Problem 6 - The printer jams and the FI processing does NOT complete.

NOTE: The printer error box will be displayed. If a printer jam has occurred and the error box is not displayed, turn the printer off. The box will then be displayed.

  1. Clear out unusable FIs from the printer.
  2. Turn the printer on and make sure it is on-line (SEL light is on).
  3. The last sequence number obligated is displayed in the printer error box. The next FI that will be printed is also displayed. Line up the FI stock in the printer (red number) to match the next FI sequence number (black number) to be printed.
  4. Enter the begin and end range. Type in "Y" to the update range question if ranges are correct. The printing process will continue.
  5. Void and re-issue FIs that are blank or partially complete. If the FIs are misnumbered, void all the FIs for the participant. Void and re-issue as follows:
    • Go to the Food Instruments Inquire (FI02) screen and select the FIs to be voided. (Please refer to Chapter 8 "WIC Food Instrument Screens" under "8.2 Food Instruments Inquire (FI02).")
    • Press F10 to go to the Void/Re-issue Food Instrument screen to void and re-issue the selected FIs. (Please refer to Chapter 8 "WIC Food Instrument Screens" under "8.3 Void/Re-issue Food Instrument (FI03).")
  6. Stamp all voided FIs and stubs as "VOID."

Problem 7 - When attempting to issue FIs to a participant, an error message is received indicating participant is not active.

  1. If the participant is a transfer from an in-state clinic, this error may mean the transfer request did not complete successfully (the participant demographic, health, and WIC Assessment information was NOT downloaded). Investigate to determine if:
    • The participant ID is not valid or the participant has been terminated in WIC.
    • The participant ID was keyed incorrectly.
    • The transfer did not take place because of communications problems the evening before.
  2. If the participant is a transfer and the request was successful (the participant demographic, health, and WIC Assessment information is downloaded), check the following:
    • Has the participant's termination date past? In this case the participant must be re-certified. (Please refer to Chapter 14 "WIC in Cornerstone" under "14.3 Re-certification Screen Flows" for more information.) After re-certification is complete, FIs may be issued.
    • If the participant's termination date has not past but the participant has been terminated, reinstate the participant then continue with FI issuance. (Please refer to Chapter 8 "WIC Food Instrument Screens" under "8.9.2 Missed Food Instrument Pick-up (WMFI)" OR Chapter 14 "WIC in Cornerstone" under "14.2.6 Infant - Missed Follow-up Visit Infant Preliminary (WMIP)" and "14.2.9 Pregnant - Missed Follow-up Visit Pregnant Preliminary (WMPP)" for information on how to reinstate the participant.)
  3. For all other participants, check that the participant was assigned risk factors. The participant must complete the certification process before being issued FIs.