Table of Contents
The Teen Parent Services (TPS) program helps young parents, under the age of 21, who have applied for or receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or receive Medical Assistance, WIC, FCM or food stamps to:
- enroll and progress in school,
- obtain a high school diploma or its equivalent
- delay subsequent pregnancy
- improve their parenting skills
- maintain their health, and that of their child, through pre-natal care, timely immunizations, well-child visits and developmental screenings
Through the accomplishment of the aforementioned goals the Teen Parent Services program assists young parents and their families to become self-sufficient and economically independent.
Participation in Teen Parent Services is mandatory for applicants or recipients of TANF and voluntary for all other eligible teen parents.
When serving a family in Teen Parent Services (TPS), the information regarding the teen parent, her family, goals and activities are tracked under the pregnant/parenting teen, which should be designated as the head of household. Information specific to the infant or child, such as immunizations, well child visits and developmental screening documentation is tracked under the child, as the participant.
For a pregnant or custodial teen parent (female or male) to be eligible for the Teen Parent Services program, the participant must:
- Be less than 20 years old when enrolled in the program for the first time
- Not have completed high school or received its equivalent (a GED certificate)
Also, in order for a male teen parent to participate in the TPS Program, he must meet one or more of the requirements listed below:
- Age less than 21 on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen and
- Education less than E012 on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen and
- The participant does not have to be the Group Head, but must be active in a Group Relationship on the Participant Group Relationship (PA06) screen and
- Have 02 Food Stamps listed as a Current Service on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen or
- Have an active All Kids (formerly Medicaid) record with a Group Number that starts with 93, 94, or 96 on the View Participant Additional Eligibility Information (PA42) screen or
- Be active in "CM" or "WIC" on the Program Information (PA15) screen
The Teen Parent Services chapter is organized in the following manner:
- 18.2 Participant Program Enrollment
- 18.3 Assessment and Service Plan Development
- 18.4 Case Activation/On-going Verification of TPS Activities
- 18.5 Case Documentation
- 18.6 Case Termination
Please refer to the following screen flows displayed in Appendix A:
- "Cornerstone Teen Parent Services Screen Flow - Pregnant Teen (TPS1)"
- "Cornerstone Teen Parent Services Screen Flow - Teen Parent (TPS2)"
- "Cornerstone Teen Parent Services Screen Flow - Infant or Child (TPS3)"
- "Cornerstone Teen Parent Services Screen Flow - Teen Parent Case Closure (TPS4)"
Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.3 Other Features" for more information on the sequence of the Cornerstone screens.
Prior to registration into the Cornerstone system, the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen is used to verify the existence of a participant ID number by searching the Master Index to find a participant who is currently or has previously been enrolled in Cornerstone.
If, following a Statewide Look-up, it is determined that the teen parent is active in another program (e.g., Family Case Management, Early Intervention) on another server, the participant may be "copied" to the local server and activated in Teen Parent Services. (Note- do not transfer the participant onto the local server)
Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "3.1 Participant Look-up (PA01)" for more information.
This screen is used to enroll a new participant into the Cornerstone system and to capture demographic information for a new participant. If the participant is already enrolled in Cornerstone, this screen is used to view and update demographic information, if necessary.
When enrolling a participant in Teen Parent Services, always enter the last grade completed in the education field. For example, if the teen parent is currently in the 12th grade, enter the 11th grade as the last grade completed.
When completing/updating the Participant Enrollment Screen for Teen Parent Services, use one of the following codes in the Referral Source field to indicate how the teen was referred to TPS:
- DHS - Local office
- TPO - Teen Parent Services Outreach
- TSR - Teen Self-Referral
- TPS - Referral from other TPS Agency
- IAR - Intra-Agency Referral [referral from within agency (from FCM or WIC)]
Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "3.3 Participant Enrollment (PA03)" for more information.
This screen is used to record a participant's Medicare, Insurance and/or other types of insurance information. The user may add Medicare and Other Types of insurance information as it becomes known, but the user is not allowed to add, edit or delete Insurance (INS) records. When the user enters information, the record may be edited, deleted, and used for inquiry.
Pregnant or parenting teens receiving any type of medical assistance are eligible for Teen Parent Services. Exceptions to TPS eligibility: Wards of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) medical cards, which begin with category 98.
Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "3.5 Participant Med/Insurance (PA05)" for more information.
This screen is used to view a participant's All Kids < 200% (formerly Medicaid), All Kids Expansion, Cash and Food Stamp information and is updated daily through the All Kids Import Process. Users are not allowed to add, edit or delete any records on this screen. Please refer to Appendix F "All Kids Import Process" for more information.
Pregnant or parenting teens receiving any type of medical assistance are eligible for Teen Parent Services. Exceptions to TPS eligibility: Wards of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) medical cards, which begin with category 98.
DCFS WARD NOTE: For children whose legal guardian is DCFS, the child's All Kids Recipient ID number will be listed on the View Participant Additional Eligibility Information (PA42) screen.
NOTE: A Service Entry (SV01) record of '0003 - TPS: Verify All Kids < 200%' needs to be added on Male enrollments whose only qualifier is Medicaid.
Use the Program Information screen (PA15) to record the data required to determine the participant's eligibility for TPS. When completing the Program Information (PA15) screen for TPS, use the "TPS" program code and one of the following category codes:
- P - Pregnant Woman
- T - Teen Parent
- I - Child Under Age 1
- C - Child Age 1 and Over
Please note that completion of this screen does not activate the young parent in TPS. The teen and her family are not activated in Teen Parent Services until the TPS Verified Activity Entry (PA55) screen is completed.
Please refer to Chapter 12 "Program Information Screen (PA15) for All Programs" under "12.1 General Information and Enrollment" for more information on the completion of the Program Information Screen.
The Participant Group Relationships (PA06) screen should be completed at the time of enrollment. The screen is used to establish and display group relationships among Cornerstone participants in the Cornerstone system.
To be included in a group relationship, each participant must have a completed Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen.
Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "3.6 Participant Group Relationships (PA06)" for more information on completion of this screen.
The Caseload Reassignment (AD17) screen is used to assign the Group Head to a case manager. Other members of the group will be automatically assigned to the case manager at the same time. This screen is also used to change a family's case manager.
Please refer to Chapter 9 "Administrative Screens" under "9.17 Caseload Reassignment (AD17)" for more information.
After enrolling the participant in TPS, the completion of an assessment will allow the case manager to determine the teen parent's:
- Educational background
- Family health issues
- Plan for delaying subsequent pregnancy
- Strengths
- Barriers
- Career plan
Any of the Cornerstone Assessments (e.g. 700 - General, 701 - Other Service Barriers Assessment, 706 - Home Assessment) can be used. Although the information gathered during the assessment will automatically generate goals and services on the Participant Goals (CM02) screen and the Planned Services/Care Plan (CM03) screen, a Responsibility and Services plan containing the teen's goals and activities must be manually developed for each teen parent who participates in Teen Parent Services.
Please refer to Chapter 7 "Assessment Screens" under "7.1 Assessment (AS01)" for more information.
Once the assessments have been completed, and a Responsibility and Services Plan has been developed along with the teen parent, use the TPS Verified Activity Entry (PA55) screen to report on the progress and verification of the teen's activities during the month. Completion of this screen with any activity, other than Unsuccessful Outreach, will result in activation of the teen parent in Teen Parent Services.
The TPS Verified Activity Entry screen must be updated monthly to verify the teen's activity and the 30-day contact between the teen parent and her case manager during the month being reported, otherwise referred to as the effective month. Please note that the substance of the 30-day contact between the teen parent and her case manager should be documented on the Case Notes (CM04) screen.
Data entry of verified activity is expected to occur when the event is known or verification is received.
Use the following activity codes to identify the teen's activities during the month being reported:
- 816 - Mental Health Treatment
- 817 - Alcohol/Substance Abuse Treatment
- 820 - Pre/Postpartum Exemption
- 909 - Domestic Violence Counseling
- 913 - Job Skills Training
- 913 - Job Search
- 918 - Parenting Skills Education (not a billable code)
- ABE - Adult Basic Education
- CWE - Work Experience
- ELEM - Elementary School
- 712 - English as a Second Language
- EMFT - Full-Time Employment
- EMPT - Part-Time Employment
- GE9 - GED - 9th Grade Reading Level
- GE10 - GED - 10th Grade Reading Level
- GE11 - GED - 11th Grade Reading Level
- GE12 - GED - 12th Grade Reading Level
- HS9 - High School 9th Grade
- HS10 - High School 10th Grade
- HS11 - High School 11th Grade
- HS12 - High School 12th Grade
- LIT - Literacy Program
- MID - Middle School
- PSE - Post Secondary Education
- PSR - Parent Activity/School Readiness
- RET - Reconciliation (TANF Only)
- REV - Re-engagement (Volunteer Only)
- SI - Sanction Imposed on a TANF case
- SRT - Sanction Recommended
- STV - Vocation Training
- VCS - Community Service
Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "3.33 TPS Verified Participant Activities (PA55)" for more information.
The Case Notes (CM04) screen is used to document narrative information regarding the 30-day contact between the teen parent and her case manager, and to document any other supporting case information (e.g., contact with school personnel who verified school attendance).
NOTE: Once case notes have been saved they cannot be edited or deleted. Update a new case note to report any change or clarification.
Please refer to Chapter 6 "Case Management Screens" under "6.4 Case Notes (CM04)" for more information.
Medical Screens
Use the following general medical screens to document health-related information about the teen parent and/or her child(ren):
- Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) - Teen
- Adult Health Visit (PA08) - Teen
- Infant/Child Health Visit (PA09) - Child
- Postpartum Data (PA10) - Teen
- Immunizations (PA12) - Teen/Child
Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "3.6 Medical Screens" for specific information on completion of the above mentioned screens.
The Schedule Appointment (SC02) screen is used to record and maintain a schedule of all appointments for participants. Dates and schedules are selected through the use of pop-up windowes. For a TPS teen parent, the screen is used to schedule further appointments for program-related activities.
Please refer to Chapter 5 "Scheduling and Referral Screens" under "5.2 Schedule Appointment (SC02)" for more information.
The Service Provider Selection (RF01) screen is used to record/establish a referral for a participant to an outside provider for a specific type of service. Once a referral has been generated, certain information can be changed (appointment date/time and comments). When this screen is saved, the selected number of copies of the referral will be printed.
For a TPS teen, the Service Provider Selection (RF01) screen is used to make an outside referral for other services, or internally if service is available within the agency and the agency is included on the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen.
Please refer to Chapter 5 "Scheduling and Referral Screens" under "5.7 Service Provider Selection (RF01)" or Chapter 4.2, "Service/Activity Screens" under "4.3 Provider Look-up (SV03)" for additional information.
Please refer to the following screen flows displayed in Appendix A:
* "Cornerstone Teen Parent Services Screen Flow - Teen Parent Case Closure (TPS4)"
The Program Information (PA15) screen is completed at the time of the participant's program termination. To terminate a teen parent from Teen Parent Services, change the program status to "T" and enter one of the following Termination Reason Codes:
- 44 - Closed due to age. (Previously code 999A)
- 21 - Closed locally because the participant moved out of the agency's catchment area. (Previously code 999M)
- 45 - Closed because the teen no longer meets income related requirements. (Previously code 999I)
- 13 - Closed due to lack of interest (valid only for Medical Assistance Cases that begin with categories 93, 94 or 96). (Previously code 999L)
- 40 - Closed because the young parent failed to cooperate for unknown reasons. (Previously code 999U)
- 16 - Entered automatically to terminate a teen parent who no longer meets TPS eligibility requirements at age
greater than or equal to 22 years. (Previously code 999)
Please refer to Chapter 12 "Program Information Screen (PA15) for All Programs" under "12.6.2 Manual Termination" for more information.