Chapter 9 Administrative Screens

Table of Contents

  2. 9.1 Beginning of Day Message Center
  4. 9.3 Provider Maintenance (AD01)
  5. 9.4 Provider Services Offered (AD02)
  6. 9.5 Clinic Schedules (AD04)
  7. 9.6 Biologics Inventory (AD05)
  8. 9.7 Inquire on Biologic Lot Number (AD06)
  9. 9.8 Portable PC (Laptop) Upload/Download (AD09)
  11. 9.10 END OF DAY PROCESS (AD11)
  12. 9.11 WIC Auto Termination
  13. 9.12 Case Management Category Updates and Auto Termination
  14. 9.13 Re-indexing Screen (AD12)
  15. 9.14 Clinic Administrative Data (AD14)
  16. 9.15 Employee Information (AD15)
  17. 9.16 Screen Security (AD16)
  18. 9.17 Caseload Reassignment (AD17)
  20. 9.19 Schedule Closed Dates (AD19)
  21. 9.20 Standard System Interface Import (AD20)
  22. 9.21 Employee Expenses (AD22)
  23. 9.22 Agency Operating Expenses (AD23)
  25. 9.24 Reset Password (AD25)
  26. 9.25 Reset Login Flag (AD26)
  27. 9.26 Color Options (AD27)
  28. 9.27 Procedure/Diagnosis Table Maintenance (AD28)
  29. 9.28 Medical Direct Expenses (AD29)
  30. 9.29 Security Access Request (AD30)


Administrative functions of the Cornerstone system include maintenance of agency specific scheduling and provider tables, creation of files for the daily upload/download processes with the Central Office, staff and agency expense reporting, system security maintenance, and import and export functions. Administrative functions include those activities that are either not part of the daily activity or those which should be performed exclusively by site administration.

9.1 Beginning of Day Message Center

BOD messages will now display on each Cornerstone workstation when each user logs in to Cornerstone successfully. BOD messages will no longer print with the Beginning of Day process. New messages will be shown at the top of the screen and users should click on the word 'OPEN" to view each individual message in the bottom portion of the screen. To remove a message from the list once it has been read, place a checkmark in the box next to 'HAVE READ' in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. The message will no longer appear in the message center. In order to review a message once it has been marked as 'HAVE READ', users can run the HSPR0407 - Beginning of Day Messages report under the Reports menu.

Since the BOD messages will now show up on each user's workstation, messages will be sent to all users in a specific program. For example, when the WIC Program sends out a BOD message, it will only show up in the Message Centers of those users who are active in the WIC program. Messages with a Program of ALL will show up on all Cornerstone users' workstations. It is important for clinics to verify that all of the proper program(s) and statuses are listed in the AD15 - Employee Information screen for each employee. A new field labeled 'Cornerstone Liaison' has been added on the AD15 screen. If the user is a Cornerstone Liaison, adding information to the 'Cornerstone Liaison' field will display all of the BOD Messages to that user.

The Message Center and the BOD messages that it contains will not download to a laptop; however, the Message Center will appear when the laptop is connected to the network and the user is logged in with their User ID.

Cornerstone Message

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Message ID 8 Assigned Generic number that Cornerstone uses.
Title Unlimited Assigned Describes the content of the BOD message.
Program 3-4 Assigned Active users in this program will receive the BOD message. If the program listed is 'ALL', then all Cornerstone users will receive the BOD message.
Date 8 Assigned Date of BOD message.
Open 4 Assigned Select the Open button to view the BOD message.
| less than sign 2 Assigned Displays the first message in the list.
less than sign 1 Assigned Displays the previous message in the list.
greater than sign 1 Assigned Displays the next message in the list.
greater than sign | 2 Assigned Displays the last message in the list.
Print 5 Assigned Prints the BOD message displayed.
Exit 4 Assigned Exits out of the Message Center.
Have read 9 Checkbox To remove a BOD message from the Message Center, place a checkmark in the checkbox next to 'Have read'. The only way to retrieve a BOD message once it has been marked as 'Have read' is to run the HSPR0407 - Beginning of Day Messages report.



  • Used to automatically run the End of Day (EOD) and Beginning of Day (BOD) processes. The automated process is designed to do the following, in sequence:
    1. Run the end of day process
    2. Sit in a "wait" state until a specified time
    3. Run the beginning of day process
      • Used to cancel the automated process, when necessary.
      • The user now has the option to schedule the Auto EOD process.
      • When the user schedules an Automated EOD, it is for the current day (one day) only.
      • Users can schedule the EOD anytime during the day, but the start time must be between 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm (NO EXCEPTIONS).
      • Once the process has been scheduled, it goes into an EOD Wait State (same as BOD Wait State) and the workstation CANNOT be used for the remainder of the day.
      • The scheduled process can be cancelled by pressing the ESC key and entering a User ID and Password (same as BOD Wait State)
      • The user still has the option to run the Auto EOD immediately (by pressing F6 Edit, enter "Y" to answer "Ready to run EOD" and then F4 save). The time field must not be changed when running the Auto EOD immediately.


Only one user (called the operator from this point on) runs the automated EOD/BOD process. All other users must be logged out of the Cornerstone system at this time. When the beginning of day (BOD) process is complete, the Cornerstone system logs the operator out of Cornerstone. Because the EOD/BOD process is arranged to be completed in the early morning hours, users can begin regular use of the Cornerstone system when they arrive at work. The Central Office establishes the time for each site's BOD process to run.

A generic ID (999999998) is available to perform the end of day and beginning of day process so that the operator does not need to tie up their ID while running the process. This ID only has access to the Automated EOD/BOD Process (AD00) screen, Beginning of Day (AD10) screen, and End of Day (AD11) screen.

The following is a description of the sequence of events that take place during the automated EOD/BOD process.

EOD Process

The EOD process accomplishes the following:

  • Performs automatic terminations for the WIC and FCM programs
  • Creates upload files of the day's Cornerstone activity to be sent to the Central Office
  • Generates reports
  • Executes the purge process
  • Runs the re-index process every eighth end of day or when selected to run on the Clinic Administrative Data (AD14) screen

NOTE: On the seventh End of Day, the following message will be displayed: "Note: The next time the user runs End of Day, a complete re-index will be performed." When F6 Edit is pressed on the eighth end of day, the following message will be displayed: "IMPORTANT: A complete automated re-index will be performed with this End of Day. Please be sure that users remain out of Cornerstone until this process is completed." These messages allow the user running the End of Day process to notify the others of when the Cornerstone system will not be available.

All records that were updated and added since the last EOD process ran are included. For WIC, this process also uploads the obligations created by the printing of food instruments.

When the EOD process begins, the EOD messages are displayed on the screen:

If the site chooses to schedule the EOD to run at a later time in the day, a screen will be displayed as follows:

  • "Waiting for End of Day process. Process will begin on day/date/time*. Time remaining #hours, #minutes, # seconds**." (Black background with red/blue snake moving around the screen.

*(Day\date\time) will auto-fill with today's day of the week, date and the time selected to run EOD process. Day/Date cannot be changed. Time can be changed by canceling the EOD process (press Esc) and setting up process again.

** hours/minutes/seconds is a LIVE countdown to the actual time selected to run the process.

Upon reaching the scheduled time the following messages will be displayed in the top pop-up window:

  • Creating upload tables
  • Transferring upload tables (screen goes blank)
  • Printing daily reports (screen comes back)
  • Printing monthly reports
  • Running purge process
  • Running re-index process

If the site does NOT schedule a time for the EOD process:

The process will start immediately and user sees two pop-up windows over the current screen. The box at the top will describe which tasks are being completed, while the box at the bottom has a status bar and lists any tables being processed. The messages that will be displayed in the top pop-up window are as follows:

  • Creating upload tables
  • Transferring upload tables (screen goes blank)
  • Printing daily reports (screen comes back)
  • Printing monthly reports
  • Running purge process
  • Running re-index process

The following is a comprehensive list of reports that are generated through the EOD process.

Daily EOD Reports:

  • HSPR0113 Food Instrument Log (WIC only)
  • HSPR0401 Upload Control Totals
  • HSPR0408 Cornerstone Re-indexing Report - Prints after re-index process has been run
  • HSPR0702 Summary of New Participants by Program
  • HSPR0711 Termination Report
  • HSPR0712 Case Management Program Category Code Changes by Participant
  • HSPR0772 EI Pending Provider Services Report

Monthly EOD Reports:

These reports are generated on two different days of the month, the 2nd of the month, and the last day of the month.

On the 2nd of the month, certain reports are printed for the previous month. For example, on February 2nd, the January reports are printed. The following reports print at this time:

  • HSPR0107 WIC Participant by Priority and Category
  • HSPR0108 WIC Education Summary
  • HSPR0116 WIC - Medically Prescribed Formula
  • HSPR0117 WIC Breastfeeding Initiation Report
  • HSPR0118 WIC Breastfeeding Reasons Ceased
  • HSPR0706 Participants Who Have Delivered in the Current Month
  • HSPR0718 WIC Breastfeeding Tracking Detail Report
  • HSPR0734 Caseload Composition Report
  • HSPR0734A Caseload Composition Detail Report

On the last day of the month, the Cornerstone system generates certain reports for the next month. For example, on February 28th, the March reports are printed. The following reports print at this time:

  • HSPR0705 Participants with Expected Delivery Date This Month
  • HSPR0707 Infants Who Will Turn 1 Year Old This Month
  • HSPR0743 Upcoming Terminations

Wait State

When the EOD process is finished, the screen of the machine being used enters the wait state. During this time, the screen displays information at the top about the time the BOD process will begin and how much time remains until the BOD process begins. The rest of the screen goes blank, except for a screen saver.

NOTE: Only the machine running the automated process and the operator's ID are affected by the wait state. Users may access the Cornerstone system on other machines once the process enters the wait state; however, all users must be logged out of Cornerstone before the BOD process begins.

BOD Process

The BOD process accomplishes the following:

  1. Updates the site's files with information from the Central Office;
  2. Generates reports.

All records from the Central Office that have been downloaded to the site are processed. When the BOD process begins, the operator's screen displays the message "Accessing the WAN" on a blank screen. The BOD messages are displayed. The user sees two pop-up windowes similar to the EOD boxes. The box at the top describes which tasks are being completed, while the box at the bottom has a status bar and lists any tables being processed. The messages that are seen in the top pop-up box are as follows:

  • Updating with download tables
  • Printing daily reports

NOTE: All user IDs except the operator's ID may access the Cornerstone system after the Master Index tables start processing. When the Master Index tables start processing, the bottom pop-up window displays "MASTNDX1." The operator can then inform the users that the Cornerstone system is ready to be accessed.

Once the BOD process is complete, the BOD reports are generated automatically. The following is a comprehensive list of reports that are generated through the BOD process.

Daily BOD Reports

  • HSPR0402 Download Control Totals
  • HSPR0404 Download Message Report
  • HSPR0405 Laptops Currently Downloaded

Other BOD Reports

The following report is generated monthly when the All Kids import process is run at the Central Office.

  • HSPR0724 Case Finding List

Step by Step Instructions

To Run the Automated Process

  1. Make sure all staff are logged out of the Cornerstone system.
  2. Make sure the laser printer has an adequate paper supply in the tray for printing the EOD and BOD reports.
  3. Access the Automated EOD/BOD Process (AD00) screen . The "Last Successful Upload Date" and "Last Successful Download Date" fields will display the last successful EOD and BOD processing dates.
  4. A new field has been added (Start EOD Time) which allows the EOD/BOD Operator to schedule the Automated EOD process to kick off anytime between the hours of 5:00-10:00 PM.
    • Start EOD Time: 00:00 PM -The user has the option to edit this field if in order to run the Automated process at a certain time. To immediately run the Automated EOD, leave this field blank.
    • Start EOD Date: XX\XX\XXXX This field in informational only, it defaults to today's date.
  5. Check the "Last Status" field. This field automatically displays one of the following three values:
    • C (Complete) - Indicates that the last time the automated process ran, all three steps ran to completion.
    • NOTE: If the EOD or BOD process completes abnormally, a message is sent to the printer to alert the users to this fact. Any messages will be displayed on the first page before the reports. Users should always check the reports generated by the EOD/BOD process at the beginning of the work day to verify that both processes completed successfully.
    • W (Wait State) - Indicates that the last time the process ran, it was interrupted during the wait state.
    • B (Beginning of Day) - Indicates that the last time the process ran, it was interrupted during the BOD process.

If a "W" or "B" is displayed, the BOD process must be run manually. Other reasons for running the EOD and BOD processing manually would include a situation where the site is closed all week and computer equipment needs to be turned off before staff leave or upon instruction from Central Office that a manual process be run.

NOTE: The operator can run the BOD and/or EOD process manually at any time, using the Beginning of Day (AD10) screen or End of Day (AD11) screen respectively. (Please refer to the Step by Step Instructions under "9.9 Beginning of Day (AD10)" and "9.10 End of Day (AD11)" in this chapter.)

  1. The "Start BOD Time" is an informational field that displays the time Central Office has set for that particular site's BOD to begin. This field is not editable.
  2. The "Start BOD Date" field displays the date that the BOD process executes. This field defaults to the next day that the clinic is scheduled to be open as listed on the AD04 - Clinic Schedules screen, but may be edited. Agencies may want to edit this field for various reasons, such as when sites aren't open every day of the week. These sites would schedule the BOD process to run the next day that the site IS open, so as to include the most recent updates from the Central Office. For the edit instructions, see step 8 below. NOTE: In order for the date to be correct, the clinic schedule must be accurate on the AD04 - Clinic Schedules screen.
  3. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  4. The "Ready to run EOD/BOD?" pop-up box is displayed. Type "Y" for Yes.
  5. If the operator would like to schedule the EOD process to run at a specific time add the hours/minutes in the Start EOD Time filed and press Enter. If the Automated EOD Process is to start now, leave the time field blank. If the operator would like to change the date that the BOD process runs, press Enter until the cursor is on the "Start BOD Date" field. Edit this field to reflect a future date up to 2 weeks from the current date.
  6. Press F4 to save. The automated EOD/BOD process begins.


For Regular EOD process:

If there are still users logged into the Cornerstone system, a pop-up window will appear with the message "Users logged into System. All users must be out of the system to run End of Day process. Check ALL workstations. Press Esc to continue." After checking all stations and making sure all users are logged out of Cornerstone, press Esc. A pop-up window with the message "Retry End of Day? Yes/No" will appear.

  • By selecting "Yes," the system will re-check to make sure all users are logged out of the system. If all users are logged out of the system at this time, End of Day processing will continue. If all users still are not logged out of the system, the first pop-up message box will appear again.
  • By selecting "No," the End of Day process will be aborted.

For Schedule EOD process:

When the Cornerstone system reaches the appointed time, the Schedule EOD will kick off, if there are still users logged into the Cornerstone system, a pop-up window will appear with the message "Users logged into System. All users must be out of the system to run End of Day process. Check ALL workstations. Press Esc to continue." A pop-up window will appear displaying users logged in. After those users have logged out, (just resetting the log in flag will not exit the user from Cstone) a pop-up window with the message "Retry End of Day? Yes/No" will appear. This message will remain on the screen until acknowledge by a user.

  • By selecting "Yes," the system will re-check to make sure all users are logged out of the system. If all users are logged out of the system at this time, End of Day processing will continue. If all users still are not logged out of the system, the first pop-up message box will appear again.
  • By selecting "No," the End of Day process will be aborted.

Note: If this message is found on the evening of the process, after successfully getting all users logged out answer 'Yes' to retry. If this is found the next morning, then question should be answered 'No' do not retry. The system will abort the Auto EOD/BOD process and will allow the user to log into Cornerstone. The user should then run a Manual BOD.

  1. First, the EOD process occurs. (Please refer to the beginning of this section under EOD Process for more information about this process.)
  2. When the EOD process is complete, the screen enters the wait state. (Please refer to the beginning of this section under Wait State for more information about this process.)
  3. When the Cornerstone system reaches the appointed time, the BOD process runs. (Please refer to the beginning of this section under BOD Process for more information about this process.)
  4. The Cornerstone system automatically logs the operator out of Cornerstone.
  5. If either the EOD or BOD process has difficulty connecting to the Central Office, the automated screen will attempt to make another connection should the current attempt fail.

If the first attempt fails, a message will appear stating "Connection Not Successful. Wait 1 minute to try connecting again. Press ESC key to cancel." After the one minute has passed, the system attempts to dial again. If the second attempt to connect fails, the message "Connection Not Successful. Wait 5 minutes to try connecting again. Press ESC to cancel" is displayed. The system then waits five (5) minutes before attempting to re-connect. If the five (5) minute attempt fails, the system then returns to the one minute wait.

  1. The Cornerstone system will try to connect in intervals of one (1) minute then five (5) minutes (this is one interval) for a total of seven (7) intervals before the process is considered unsuccessful and stop trying. An appropriate error message will print out stating that there was a connection problem with the Central Office.

NOTE: Cornerstone Support does not recommend pressing the ESC key to cancel out of the process since the EOD/BOD process retries several times automatically. Exiting and retrying manually should only be done when instructed by Cornerstone Support.

To Cancel the Automated Process

When the automated process is in the wait state, the operator may cancel the process.

  1. Press Esc.
  2. The operator is prompted for a password. Enter the correct password of the ID used to run the automated process.
  3. The Cornerstone system prompts the operator with the message "Cancel Automated EOD/BOD Process?"
  1. To cancel the process, type "Y" for Yes. The Cornerstone system will return to the Automated EOD/BOD Process (AD00) screen .
  2. To return to the wait state, press "N" for no. The Cornerstone system will return to the wait state.

4. If the process is cancelled, the operator may press F3 to return to the Cornerstone Main Menu.

Screen Layout

Automated EOD/BOD Process

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Last Successful Upload Date 8 Date Date of last successful upload of data to Central Office.
Last Successful Download Date 8 Date Date of last successful download of data from Central Office.
Last Status 1 Assigned Displays the status of the last run of the Automated EOD/BOD process.
Start BOD Time 6 Assigned Pre-set at the Central Office, this field displays the time that the BOD process will start.
Start BOD Date 8 Date The date that the BOD process will run. The date defaults to the next day that the clinic is open, but can be modified by the user to a date in the future.
Ready to run EOD/BOD? 1 Choice Yes/No field for indicating readiness to run the EOD/ BOD process.
Override upload BEGIN date 8 Assigned Will display a date change for the begin date. Can change the date on this screen in the "Start BOD Date" field described above or on the End of Day Process (AD11) screen.
Override upload END date 8 Assigned Will display a date change for the end date. Can change the date on the End of Day Process (AD11) screen.

9.3 Provider Maintenance (AD01)


  • Used by the local site to establish its list of local providers of services. This screen allows the user to add providers that are used by the agency for making participant referrals and for completion of a participant's service provider on the Participant Enrollment (PA03), Immunizations (PA12), Service Provider Selection (RF01), and Service Entry (SV01) screens.
  • Used to edit information on existing providers and to add and update address information on providers.
  • Information on this screen is used in the provider browse, and includes address, phone, provider type, and referral status.
  • The user can view all services offered by the provider by pressing F10 which will fast path to the Provider Services Offered (AD02) screen and will automatically display the services offered by the provider.

Step by Step Instructions

1. To add a new provider, press F5 Add and go to step 2.

To edit a current provider's information, type in the ID of the provider to be edited in the "Prov. ID" field. Press F6 Edit and continue with step 3 to edit any fields, as necessary.

NOTE: If the provider ID is unknown, use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the available providers to select the record to edit. Press F6 Edit and continue with step 3 to edit any fields, as necessary.

  1. In the "Prov. ID" field, type the provider ID. The provider ID must begin with a zero ("0"). Local agencies can establish the ID number scheme for their own provider table.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "ID Format" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Name" field and type the provider name.

NOTE: How the name is entered influences how the provider look-up works when the first initial of the first name or last name is used to do the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen. DHS' Community Support Services (CSS) recommends LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (MI) etc.

  1. Press Enter to go to the "Provider Type" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Status" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.

NOTE: To display on the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen, the status of the provider must be "A" (active). Providers cannot be deleted. If a provider is no longer available to the agency, status is changed to "I" (inactive). This prevents the provider from being displayed on the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen.

  1. Press Enter to go to the "Referral Status" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
  2. Press Enter to go "County" and type in the correct county code or use F1 Help.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Comments" field and type in any comments or notes about the provider that is pertinent.
  4. Press F4 to save the record. A message "Record added" or "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  5. Press F9 to go to the "Address" pop-up window.
  6. NOTE: The "Address" pop-up window is the same box that is used for participants on the Participant Enrollment screen (PA03). Therefore, the procedure for entering the provider address information is the same as for participants.
  7. To add an address record, press F5 Add and go to step 16.
  8. To edit an address record, use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Address Type" field to scroll through the records to select the record to be edited. Press F6 Edit and continue with step 16 to edit any fields, as necessary.
  9. To delete an address record, use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Address Type" field to scroll through the records to select the record to be deleted. Press F7 Delete to delete the record. The "Confirm delete?" pop-up window will be displayed. Type "Y" for Yes to delete the record or "N" for No to cancel. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen. If no more action is required on this screen, skip the remaining steps and go to the next appropriate screen.
  10. At the "Type of Address" field type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
  11. The common address type for providers is "O" (office).
  12. NOTE: The provider's address is displayed on the 3 copies of the referral that are printed when the Service Provider Selection screen (RF01) is saved.
  13. Press Enter to go to the "Address" field and type the street address of the provider.
  14. Press Enter to go to the "Apt. No." field and, if applicable, type in the apartment number.
  15. Press Enter to go to the "City" field and type in the city.
  16. Press Enter to go to the "State" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
  17. Press Enter to go to the "Zip" field and type in the Zip code.
  18. Press Enter to go to the "County" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help to complete this field.
  19. Press Enter to go to the "Phone" field and type in the telephone number with area code.
  20. Press Enter to go to the "Contact Person" field and, if applicable, type the contact person's name.
  21. Press Enter to go to "Fax" and, if applicable, type in the fax number.
  22. Press F4 to save the address information. The message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  23. The available fast path key is F10 to the Provider Services Offered screen (AD02). (Please refer to the next section on how to proceed with this screen.)

Screen Layout #1

Provider Maintenance

Screen Layout #2

Address Screen

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Provider ID 9 Numeric A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the provider.
ID Format 1 Code Specifies if the Provider ID number is the provider's Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN), Social Security number, or a locally defined number.
Provider Name 50 Alpha/Numeric Name of the provider.
Provider Type 4 Code Refers to the nature of the provider's services.
Status 4 Code Status of the provider. Can be active or inactive.
Referral Status 4 Code Refers to the provider/local agency relationship regarding the taking of referrals.
County 4 Code The code for the county in which the provider is located.
Comments Un-defined Alpha/Numeric Free form text field used to enter pertinent additional information about the provider.
Date on System 8 Assigned The date that the provider was added to the Cornerstone system.
Date Last Update 8 Assigned The system-generated date when the screen was last modified.
Modified by 9 Assigned The ID of the user who made the last modification.

9.4 Provider Services Offered (AD02)


  • Used to add or delete the services offered by each provider (newly established or existing) to whom the local agency refers. The user may assign to a provider the list of services that are offered by the provider. The service codes are selected from the standard list established in the Cornerstone system. Services cannot be tailored to an individual site or agency.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Verify the information in the Provider Standard Processing Block as that of the provider currently being processed. (If there is no provider shown, please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.5.3 Provider Standard Processing Block" for more information.)
  2. Once the correct provider has been brought into the Provider Standard Processing Block, the service codes and description of those services the provider offers will be displayed in the Services Offered window. Press Ctrl+F1 to activate this window.
    • To add provider services, press F5 Add and go to step 3.
    • To delete provider services, use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the service to be deleted and press F7 Delete. The "Confirm delete?" pop-up window will be displayed. Type "Y" for Yes to delete the record or "N" for No to cancel the delete. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen. If no more action is required on this screen, skip the remaining steps and go to the next appropriate screen.
  3. The "Enter Service Code" pop-up window is displayed. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
  4. Press F4 to save. The service codes and description of those services that the user selected will now be displayed on the Provider Service Offered (AD02) screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  5. To add additional provider services, repeat steps 2 through 4.
  6. The available fast path key is F9 to the Provider Maintenance (AD01) screen.

Screen Layout #1

Services Offered

Screen Layout #2

Enter Service Code pop up

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Provider 9/50 Numeric & Alpha/Numeric or Assigned A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the provider and the name of the provider.
Service 4 Code A code that indicates the type of service(s) that the provider offers. Through the Service Entry (SV01) screen, service types provide a way for users to move through the screens needed to complete a service.
Description 30 Assigned Description of the service's code given above.

9.5 Clinic Schedules (AD04)


  • Used to build and maintain clinic (site) schedules and clinic (site) resources available for each schedule.
  • Used to create the clinic (site) "Master" Schedule for the entire clinic and separate schedules for clinic (site) appointments and classes as needed.
  • Each site has flexibility in determining how to build schedules for their own unique needs. Once built, the site also is able to identify resources available for their clinic schedules. The F9 fast path key may be used to go to the "Identify Resources/Slots" screen, but this function is not available for class schedules.
  • The Master Schedule (schedule ID = "00") is displayed first. The clinic schedules are displayed in ascending order by schedule ID.
  • The F10 fast path key may be used to go to the Schedule Closed Dates (AD19) screen and carry forward the schedule that is being worked on into that screen.


The Central Office sets up the Master Schedule for the site. When the Clinic Schedules screen (AD04) is accessed, this pre-set Master Schedule will be displayed. The only fields that can be edited by the local agency are the following:

  • "Open Time"
  • "Close Time"
  • "Comments."

The site may need to edit the times to reflect the actual hours when their building doors are open (unlocked). This is important information for the Central Office to know, for maintenance and repair purposes.

The Master Schedule cannot be deleted.

Step by Step Instructions

To Customize the Master Schedule

  1. Press F6 Edit to edit the Master Schedule.
  2. At the "Open Time" field, press Enter or use the up and down arrow keys to highlight any of the times that need to be changed, and type over the existing times.
  3. At the "Close Time" field, use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate open and close times and press Del.

NOTE: If the user edits a schedule open or close time which will affect a participant, a warning message will be displayed listing the date, day, time and length of each appointment that will be affected.

  1. To add a comment pertaining to this schedule, press Enter until the cursor is in the "Comments" field and type the appropriate comment.
  2. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Building a Clinic Schedule

Schedules can be built for any individual clinic that the local agency offers. Clinics can include WIC certification, follow-up visits, and individual nutrition education visits, an immunization or well-baby clinic, or in-office case management visits.

  1. Press F5 Add to add a new schedule.

The "Schedule ID" field automatically increases, each time a schedule is added.

  1. In the "Class (Y=Yes/N=No)?" field, type in "N" for No.
  2. The cursor automatically moves to the "Schedule Name" field. Type in the name of the schedule.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Open Time" and "Close Time" fields and type in the start and end times of the schedule as follows:

To build a schedule that is the same Monday through Saturday ("ALL")

NOTE: It is possible to edit the "Open Time" and/or "Close Time" fields, once a schedule has been set for Monday through Saturday. To do this, press Enter to move to any day when the schedule is different. Type over the time or press Del to delete the time.

  • In the ALL row, in the "Open Time" field, type in the correct start time for the schedule, such as "09:00."
  • The cursor moves to the right of the "Open Time" field. Type "A" for AM or "P" for PM. The time will automatically be displayed in Monday through Saturday on the schedule.
  • In the "Close Time" field, type in the correct end time for the schedule, such as "10:00."
  • The cursor moves to the right of the "Close Time" field. Type "A" for AM or "P" for PM. The time will automatically be displayed in Monday through Saturday.

To build a schedule for a specific day(s) of the week.

  • Press Enter until the cursor is on the day of the week the schedule is to be offered.
  • In the "Open Time" field, type in the correct start time for the schedule, such as "08:00."
  • The cursor moves to the right of the "Open Time" field. Type "A" for AM or "P" for PM.
  • Press Enter to go to the "Close Time" field and type in the correct end time for the schedule, such as "08:45."
  • The cursor moves to the right of the "Close Time" field. Type "A" for AM or "P" for PM.

Repeat the above steps to add the start and end times for the schedule on another day, if needed.

  1. Press Enter as many times as necessary to go to the "Increments" field and type the number of minutes needed for the schedule.
    • Schedules must be in increments of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, or 120 minutes.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Resources/Slots" field and type in the number of resources available for this schedule. Resources will be identified after the schedule is saved. At least one resource is required for a clinic scheduled appointment and it cannot be deleted. (See step 9 below.)
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Comments" field and type in any comments pertaining to the schedule.
  4. Press F4 to save. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

NOTE: The Cornerstone system creates a schedule ID as each schedule is added and saved. It does so numerically by adding incrementally. There are up to 99 schedules possible. If a schedule is deleted, the Cornerstone system will automatically set the schedule ID of the next schedule built to reuse the ID of the deleted one.

  1. Press F9 to identify resources. The "Enter Resource Names" pop-up window will be displayed. The number of resources the clinic has specified are identified as "Resource #1," "Resource #2," etc.
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit one of these resource names to be the specific resource name the clinic wants to use.
    • Resources can be identified as names, titles, rooms, etc.
  3. In the "Enter Resource Name" pop-up box, press Del as many times as necessary to delete the old resource name. Type in the new resource name.
  4. Press F4 to save. The new resource name will be displayed in the "Enter Resource Names" pop-up window.
  5. Use the up and down arrow keys to choose another resource to rename.

Repeat steps 10 through 13 above until all the desired resources have been renamed.

  1. After the edit is completed, additional resources can be added from the pop-up window by pressing F5 Add and repeating steps 11 through 12 above.
  2. Press F3 to return to the Clinic Schedules (AD04) screen.

Building a Class Schedule

Schedules can be built for classes that the local agency offers.

Follow steps 1 through 8 above under Building a Clinic Schedule, taking note of the following:

  • In the "Class (Y=Yes/N=No)?" field, type "Y" for Yes.
  • After step 3, press Enter to go to the "Type of Service" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
  • For step 6, this schedule uses slots. Type in the number of slots (openings) available in this class. The standard class size is 15-20 people.

Class Offered One Day a Month

Follow steps 1 through 8 above under Building a Clinic Schedule.

Press F10 to go to the Schedule Closed Dates (AD19) screen. Close the class on the day of the week the class is not offered. (Example: Class is offered the first Tuesday of the month. Enter closed dates for every Tuesday of the month after the first Tuesday.)

Please refer to the Step by Step Instructions under "9.19 Schedule Closed Dates (AD19)" in this chapter.

To Delete a Schedule

NOTE: If the user wants to see a list of participants who may be scheduled before deleting a schedule, the Clinic Schedule report (HSPR0505) or the Class Schedule report (HSPR0503) may be printed. (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.54 Clinic Schedule (HSPR0505)" and "11.52 Class Schedule (HSPR0503)" for more information.) If there are participants listed, go to the Schedule Appointment (SC02) screen or the Class Schedule (SC03) screen and delete the names. (Please refer to Chapter 5 "Scheduling and Referral Screens" under "5.2 Schedule Appointment (SC02)" and/or "5.3 Class Schedule (SC03)" for more information.)

  1. In the "Schedule ID" field, use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the records to select the schedule to delete.
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit or delete an individual schedule time or F7 Delete to delete the entire schedule.
    • To delete a single schedule ID on a specific day, use F6 Edit to edit. DO NOT use F7 Delete, this will delete all of the schedule times listed. Go to the day of the week the schedule to be deleted is offered. Press Del to remove the open and close times on that day. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
    • To delete an entire schedule, press F7 Delete to delete. The "Confirm delete?" pop-up window will be displayed. Type "Y" for Yes to delete the entire schedule or "N" for No to cancel. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

NOTE: When F7 Delete is pressed the program checks for appointments in the future. If there are appointments in the future, a message reading "This schedule has upcoming appointments and cannot be deleted" will be displayed.

To Edit an Existing Record

Clinic schedules and classes may be edited. A class is indicated when the "Class" field is filled with a "Y"; a clinic schedule is indicated when the "Class" field is filled with an "N."

Before editing a clinic schedule, it is advisable to check future appointments already made in the schedule prior to changing times or resources on a schedule.

Class schedules may be edited to add or change a time or to increase or decrease the number of available slots. In this situation, as well, future appointments should be checked prior to editing.

  1. In the "Schedule ID" field, use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the records to select the schedule to be edited.
  2. Verify that the schedule on the screen is the one that needs to be changed by checking the information in the "Clinic," "Schedule ID," and "Class" fields.
  3. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  4. Press Enter to move to the fields on the screen that needs to be edited.
    • The "Type of Service" field can only be edited if the user is editing a class schedule.
    • The F9 fast path key to identify resources is only available if the user is editing a clinic schedule.
  5. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Screen Layout #1

Clinic Schedules

Screen Layout #2

Enter Resource Names

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Clinic 6 Alpha/Numeric Unique number assigned to each clinic/site for identification.
Schedule ID 3 Assigned An identification number assigned by the Cornerstone system to a particular schedule.
Location 2 Numeric A location where program services were delivered. The codes are setup by Central Office to support multiple clinic sites utilizing the same Cornerstone server.
Class (Y=Yes/ N=No)? 1 Choice Indicates whether the schedule is for a class or not.
Schedule Name 30 Alpha/Numeric The name/description of the schedule.
Type of Service 4 Code A code that indicates the type of service provided by the schedule (optional).
Open Time 4/1 Numeric & Choice Time clinic program is scheduled to begin. An "A" or "P" is used to designate AM or PM.
Close Time 4/1 Numeric & Choice Time clinic program is scheduled to end. An "A" or "P" is used to designate AM or PM.
Increments 3 Numeric Length of time needed for each participant appointment.
Resource/Slots 2 Numeric The number of resources or slots available for each schedule ID.
Comments 50 Alpha/Numeric Free form text field used to enter pertinent additional information about the schedule.

9.6 Biologics Inventory (AD05)


  • Used to add, edit, or delete biologics (vaccine) inventory data, in order to maintain biologics accountability. Use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the biologic types.
  • Used to accurately account for all vaccines maintained at the site, whether state-supplied or private purchase. The accuracy of the Immunizations (PA12) and Multiple Immunization Entry (PA23) screens depends on the accuracy of this screen.
  • Used to transfer vaccines from the current clinic to other community or Cornerstone providers.

NOTE: When an amount is entered in the "Doses Transferred" field, a valid Provider ID must be entered into the "Transfer To Provider" field. The "Doses Available" field is automatically computed and is a display only field.

  • Used to record the cost per dose information for future local audit requirements.
  • Used to adjust the inventory levels of all immunizations.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. If the clinic has biologic inventory, the screen will display the inventory in biologic type order.
  • To add biologic inventory data, press F5 Add and go to step 2.
  • To edit biologic inventory data, use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Biologic Type" field to scroll through the existing records to select the biologic type to be edited. The user may go directly to the biologic type that needs to be edited by typing in the correct code or using F1 Help and pressing Enter. Once the correct biologic type is displayed, press F6 Edit and continue with step 4 to edit any fields, as necessary.
  • To delete biologic inventory data, use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Biologic Type" field to scroll through the existing records to the biologic type to be deleted. The user may go directly to the biologic type that needs to be deleted by typing in the correct code or using F1 Help and pressing Enter. Once the correct biologic type is displayed, press F7 Delete to delete. The "Confirm delete?" pop-up window will be displayed. Type "Y" for Yes to delete the record or "N" for No to cancel the delete. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen. If no more action is required on this screen, skip the remaining steps and go to the next appropriate screen.

NOTE: Vaccine lots cannot be deleted from this screen if any transactions (Doses Used, Doses Transferred, Doses Expired, Doses Adjusted or Doses Wasted) have been applied to the specified lot number.

  1. In the "Biologic Type" field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help to complete this field. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Lot Number" field and type in the correct lot number.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Private Purchase" field. Type "Y" for Yes or "N" for No, as appropriate.
  4. The cursor will move to the "Price per Dose" field and type in the price, if the price is available from the Department.
    • This price will be provided annually, and will assist in local audit inquiries regarding federal funding support.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Received From" field and type in the place from which the inventory was received.
  6. Press Enter to go to the "First Doses Rec'd Date" field. Type in the date on which the first doses for the lot were received.
    • NOTE: Since users should not update this field when additional doses for the same lot are received on a later date, this field is not editable after saving the record.
  7. Press Enter to go to the "Doses Received" field. Type in the number of doses received.
  8. Press Enter to go to the "Expiration Date" field and type in the expiration date.
  9. Press Enter to go to the "Doses Used" field and, if applicable, type in the number of doses used.

NOTE: The "Doses Used" field cannot be edited.

  1. Press Enter to go to the "Doses Expired" field and, if applicable, type in the number of doses expired.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Doses Wasted" field and, if applicable, type in the number of doses wasted.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Doses Transferred" field and, if applicable, type in the number of doses transferred to another site.
    • It is only necessary to complete this field if the clinic moves vaccines to other community providers or sites.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "Transfer to Provider" field and, if applicable, type in the correct code or use F1 Help to complete this field with the provider ID to where doses of vaccine were transferred.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Adjustments" field and, if applicable, type in the number of vaccine doses to be adjusted which are not covered by use, expiration, waste, or transfer for a lot number.
  6. Press Enter to go to the "Manufacturer (bought from)" field and type in the name of the manufacturer of the vaccine.
  7. Press F4 to save. A message "Record added" or "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  8. The available fast path key is F9 to the Inquire on Biologic Lot Number screen (AD06).

Screen Layout

Biologics Inventory

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Biologic Type 4 Code A code to identify the specific antigen or vaccine being recorded.
Lot Number 10 Alpha/Numeric A unique manufacturer's number listed on a vial of vaccine referring to a particular batch of the product.
Private Purchase 1 Choice Yes/No field to indicate whether the immunization biologic was privately purchased.
Price Per Dose 5 Numeric Cost of the vaccine as provided by the Immunization program.
Received From 10 Alpha/Numeric The place from which immunization biologics were received.
First Doses Rec'd Date 8 Date The date the clinic received the first doses of either WIC FI stock or immunization biologics. Since this field should not be updated when additional doses for this lot are received, the field is not editable after saving the record.
Doses Received 6 Numeric The number of doses of vaccine received for a lot number.
Expiration Date 8 Date The date that an immunization expires for a lot number.
Doses Used 6 Numeric The number of doses of vaccine used for a lot number.
Doses Expired 6 Numeric The number of doses of vaccine which expired for a lot number.
Doses Wasted 6 Numeric The number of doses of vaccine wasted for a lot number.
Doses Transferred 6 Numeric The number of doses of vaccine transferred to another provider for a lot number.
Transfer to Provider 9 Numeric A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the provider to whom immunization doses were transferred.
Adjustments 6 Numeric The number of vaccine doses to be adjusted that are not covered by use, expiration, waste, or transfer for a lot number.
Doses Available 6 Assigned The system-generated number of doses of vaccine remaining in a given lot number.
Manufacturer (bought from) 50 Alpha/Numeric The name of the manufacturer of the vaccine (e.g. MSD).
Date Last Update 8 Assigned The system-generated date when the screen was last modified.
Modified by 9 Assigned The ID of the user who made the last modification.

9.7 Inquire on Biologic Lot Number (AD06)


  • Used to inquire/view the clinic's current or expired biologic inventory, by lot number.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. In the "Biologic Type" field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help to select a specific biologic type to view. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
    • To display the entire current inventory, type in "All."
  2. To edit the information, press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Biologic Lots window.
  3. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate biologic inventory and press F9 to fast path to the Biologics Inventory (AD05) screen where the information can be updated. (Please refer to "9.6 Biologics Inventory (AD05)" in this chapter for more information.)

Screen Layout

Biologic Lots

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Biologic Type 4 Code A code to identify the specific antigen or vaccine upon which the inquiry is being made.
Lot Number 10 Assigned A unique manufacturer's number listed on a vial of vaccine referring to a particular batch of the product.
Biologic Type 25 Assigned A code and the name of the specific antigen or vaccine upon which the inquiry is being made.
Received 8 Assigned The date the clinic received either WIC FI stock or immunization biologics.
Expiration 8 Assigned The date that an immunization expires for a lot number.
Doses Avl 6 Assigned The system-generated number of doses of vaccine remaining in a given lot number.

9.8 Portable PC (Laptop) Upload/Download (AD09)


  • Used to download pertinent participant data from the local area network (LAN) to a portable PC (laptop).
  • Used to upload updated data from the portable PC (laptop) to the local area network (LAN).


The user can perform either a download or an upload of information from this screen, but cannot do both at the same time.

Not counting the actual day the download is performed, Cornerstone users have eight (8) calendar days to work on their laptop. For example, if a user downloads to their laptop on Monday, the user has eight calendar days - starting Tuesday - to work on their laptop. Therefore, this user can work on their laptop through Tuesday of the following week.

After successfully downloading to the laptop, a message will be displayed indicating the last day the laptop can be used before the user must upload. For example, the message will read: "Monday, February 12, 2001 is your LAST DAY to use the laptop before you must UPLOAD. Press Enter to continue…" A similar message will also appear when logging in to Cornerstone on the laptop.

On the last day that the laptop can be used prior to uploading, the message will warn users: "Today is your LAST DAY to use the laptop before you must UPLOAD. You will have no other choices tomorrow except to UPLOAD."

After the last day, users attempting to log in to Cornerstone on the laptop will receive the message: "You will only be able to UPLOAD now!"

Once information has been downloaded to the laptop, only the user who downloaded the information can log on to the laptop. If another user attempts to log in to Cornerstone, the following message will be displayed, with the NAME and ID completed: "NAME (ID number) is the only person authorized to use the laptop at this time. Please log out."

After downloading a participant's information onto the laptop, it is possible that a specific field may be updated both at the agency site and on the laptop. In the event that this should occur, when the upload process is performed from the laptop to the agency site's server, the updated information on the laptop will replace the information that was updated at the site. The information that is overridden will be reported on the Laptop Upload Exceptions Report (HSPR0406), which will print automatically.

The Cornerstone Programs that are permitted to download are:

Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Reporting System (APOR)

Breast & Cervical Cancer (BCCP)

Case Management (CM)

Early Intervention (EI)

Healthy Families Illinois (HFI)

Healthy Start Case Management (HSCM)

Teen Parent Services (TPS)

WiseWoman (WW)

The following Cornerstone Screens are downloaded to the laptop:
















































Step by Step Instructions

  1. Press F10 to view existing downloads.
  2. To perform an upload or download, press F6 Edit to edit.
  3. The "Download to Portable PC (Laptop)" option will be highlighted.
    • To perform a download, press the space bar. This will put an "*" in the "Download to Portable PC (Laptop)" field. Go to step 4.
    • To perform an upload, press Tab once to highlight the "Upload to Local Area Network" line and press the space bar. This will put an "*" in this field. Go to step 5.
  4. The cursor will move to the "Case Manager" field. This field defaults to the case manager currently signed onto the workstation, but can be changed. Type in the correct case manager ID or use F1 Help to view a list of active employees to choose from. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
  5. Press F4 to save. The following message will appear: "Important Note for Laptop Users Laptop batteries are designed to run approximately 2-3 hours. Please connect the laptop to a power source using the laptop power adapter while using the Cornerstone Upload/Download Process. Loss of power on a laptop while in Cornerstone may result in FILE CORRUPTION or LOSS OF DATA. Press any key to continue…"
  6. After pressing any key to continue, the "About Download" or the "About Upload" pop-up window will be displayed, asking "Continue Download?" or "Upload to Network?" Type "Y" for Yes, to run the process, or "N" for No, to cancel the process.

Screen Layout

Portable PC Upload/Download

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Clinic ID 6 Assigned Unique number assigned to each clinic/site for identification.
Download to Portable PC (Laptop) 1 Choice An "*" to indicate whether the user wants to download to a portable PC. If left blank, the PC will not be downloaded.
Upload to Local Area Network 1 Choice An "*" to indicate whether the user wants to upload to a LAN. If left blank, the PC will not be uploaded to a LAN.
Case Manager 9 Assigned The case manager currently signed on whose caseload will be downloaded.



  • Used to manually execute the beginning of day (BOD) process that updates local files with information from the Central Office. All records from the Central Office that have been downloaded to the site will be processed. Downloaded files from the Central Office include in-state transfer requests and the monthly All Kids import data. Additionally, the Central Office can send broadcast messages, as needed, to all Cornerstone sites through the beginning of day process.
  • A generic ID (999999998) is available so that the operator does not need to tie up their ID while running the process. (Please refer to "9.1 Automated EOD/BOD Process (AD00)" under BOD Process in this chapter for more information.)
  • Reports that are produced during this process are:
  • HSPR0402 Download Control Totals
  • HSPR0404 Download Message Report
  • HSPR0407 Beginning of Day Messages (only when sent by the Central Office)
  • HSPR0724 Case Finding List (once per month)

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Make sure all staff are logged out of the Cornerstone system.
  2. Make sure the laser printer has an adequate paper supply in the tray for printing the Beginning of Day reports.
  3. At the Beginning of Day screen (AD10), press F6 Edit to edit.
  4. The "Last Successful Download Date" displays the date of the last successful download of data from Central Office to the site, known as the Beginning of Day (BOD) process.
  5. The "Ready to run Beginning of Day" pop-up window is displayed. Type "Y" for Yes.
  6. Press F4 to save. The beginning of day process will begin.
    • Users may access the Cornerstone system after the Master Index tables start processing.
  7. When the Beginning of Day process is complete, the beginning of day reports will be produced.
  8. Press F3 to return to the Cornerstone Main Menu.

Screen Layout

Beginning of Day Process

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Last Successful Download Date 8 Date Date of last successful download of data from Central Office to the site.
Ready to Run Beginning of Day 1 Choice Yes/No field for indicating readiness to run the Beginning of Day process.



  • Used to manually execute the End of Day (EOD) process which updates Central Office files with information from the local site. All records that have been added, edited, or deleted since the last end of day process are compiled into a file that is uploaded to the Central Office each night. For WIC, this process also uploads the records created by the printing of food instruments (FIs).
  • A generic ID (999999998) is available so that the operator does not need to tie up their ID while running the process.
  • Reports are produced during this process on a daily and monthly basis.
  • Please refer to "9.1 Automated EOD/BOD Process (AD00)" under EOD Process in this chapter for more information.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Make sure all staff are logged out of the Cornerstone system.
  2. Make sure the laser printer has an adequate paper supply in the tray for printing the end of day reports.
  3. Press F6 Edit to edit. The "Last Successful Upload Date" displays the date of the last successful upload of data to Central Office from the site, known as the End of Day (EOD) process.
  4. The "Ready to run End of Day?" pop-up window is displayed. Type "Y" for Yes.
  5. The "Override Upload BEGIN Date" and "Override Upload END Date" fields are accessible only to Central Office personnel. Dates may be displayed in these fields.
  6. Press F4 to save.

NOTE: If there are still users logged into the Cornerstone system, a pop-up window will appear with the message "Users logged into System. All users must be out of the system to run End of Day process. Check ALL workstations. Press Esc to continue." After checking all stations and making sure all users are logged out of Cornerstone, press Esc. A pop-up window with the message "Retry End of Day? Yes/No" will appear.

  1. By selecting "Yes," the system will re-check to make sure all users are logged out of the system. If all users are logged out of the system at this time, End of Day processing will continue and the end of day reports (daily and monthly) will be produced. If all users still are not logged out of the system, the first pop-up message box will appear again.
  2. By selecting "No," the End of Day process will be aborted.
  3. Press F3 to return to the Cornerstone Main Menu.

Screen Layout

End of Day Process

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Last Successful Upload Date 8 Date Date of the last successful upload of data from the site to Central Office.
Ready to Run End of Day 1 Choice Yes/No field for indicating readiness to run the End of Day process.
Override Upload Begin Date 8 Date Used by Central Office to change the Begin Date.
Override Upload End Date 9 Date Used by Central Office to change the End Date.

9.11 WIC Auto Termination

The WIC auto termination procedure runs automatically during the end of day process. The Cornerstone system checks each participant's scheduled termination date. If the current date is greater than the scheduled termination date, the Cornerstone system will automatically terminate the participant. The Cornerstone system will also terminate a participant who has failed to pick up food instruments for two consecutive months.

The WIC auto termination procedure generates the Termination Report (HSPR0711). (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.69 Termination Report (HSPR0711)" for more information.)

On the Program Information (PA15) screen for the auto terminated participant, the "Program Status" field is changed from "A" (active) to "T" (terminated) with the termination date being the date that the Cornerstone system auto terminated the participant. The "Termination Reason" field lists the system-generated reason codes of "16" (automated termination) when a participant has reached the scheduled termination date or "15" (two months no FI pick-up) when a participant has not picked up their food instruments (FIs) for more than two months.

9.12 Case Management Category Updates and Auto Termination

The Case Management category updates and termination processing evaluates all participants that have a status of "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) in either the Family Case Management (FCM) or Healthy Families Illinois (HFI) programs. It automatically updates the participant category and terminates the participant, if appropriate, based on information about the participant, such as the category code, EDC date, delivery date (and the relationship among these dates), and the group relationships. The category updates and automatic termination procedures run automatically during the EOD process.

The table on the next two pages details the conditions that cause the update, the participant's group relationship, and the resulting changes. This process does not affect Prenatal and postpartum records from previous pregnancies.

The auto termination procedure changes the participant's information in the "Program Status" field on the Program Information (PA15) screen from "A" (active) to "T" (terminated) with the termination date being the date that the Cornerstone system auto terminated the participant. The "Termination Reason" field lists the system-generated reason code of "16" (automated termination). The auto termination procedure generates the Case Management Program Category Code Changes by Participant (HSPR0712) report. (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.7.9 Case Management Program Code Category Changes by Participant (HSPR0712)" for more information.)

Status Conditions that Cause the Update Group Relationship Change Made
Active Has a prenatal record without a matching postpartum record AND the EDC plus 42 days is after the current date. (EDC is not more than 42 days in the past.) N/A Category of "C" or "G" will be set to "P"; "CFSC" will be set to "CFSP"; "T20C" will be set to "T20P"
Active Program status date is more than 1 year ago.

In a group with other members that are "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) in the same program as this participant.

Not in a group OR in a group with other members that are NOT "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) in the same program as this participant.

Category of "P" and "T20P will be set to "G"; "CFSP" will be set to "CFSC."

Terminate the program record with reason "16" (automated termination).

Active Participant's age is over 1 year old. N/A Category of "I" will be set to "C"; "CFSI" will be set to "CFSC"; "T20I" will be set to "T20C."
Active Has a postpartum record with an actual delivery date more than 42 days before the current date. In a group with other members that are "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) in the same program as this participant. Category of "P" and "T20P" will be set to "G"; "CFSP" will be set to "CFSC."
Active Has a postpartum record with an actual delivery date more than 42 days before the current date. Not in a group OR in a group with other members that are NOT "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) in the same program as this participant. Terminate the program record with reason "16" (automated termination).
Active Has a prenatal record with an Estimated Date of Confinement (EDC) that is more than 60 days before the current processing date and no matching postpartum record.

In a group with other members that are "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) in the same program as this participant.

Not in a group OR in a group with other members that are NOT "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) in the same program as this participant.

Category of "P" and "T20P" will be set to "G"; "CFSP" will be set to "CFSC."

Terminate the program record with reason "16" (automated termination).

Active If category is "P," "T20P," or "CFSP" and does NOT have a prenatal record without a matching postpartum record. (No information entered on a current pregnancy.)

In a group with other members that are "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) in the same program as this participant.

Not in a group OR in a group with other members that are NOT "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) in the same program as this participant.

Category of "P" and "T20P" will be set to "G"; "CFSP" will be set to "CFSC."

Terminate the program record with reason "16" (automated termination).

Eligible If category is "P" or "T20P" AND the program record has not been updated in the last 60 days and there is not a prenatal record for this participant. N/A Terminate the program record with reason "16" (automated termination).
Eligible If category is "I" or "T20I" AND the program record has not been updated in the last 60 days and there is not a birth record for this participant. N/A Terminate the program record with reason "16" (automated termination).


  1. If an infant or child is terminated by any of the rules listed above, and the only other person in the group relationship is an active guardian, then the guardian's program record is also terminated with the reason "16" (automated termination).
  2. If the user activates a pregnant woman and does not enter an Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen, or one does not already exist, the participant will terminate that night.
  3. Guardians that are not in a group relationship will be terminated. If the user activates a participant as a guardian, be sure to establish a Participant Group Relationships (PA06) screen with the other group members. It is important to note that the group members must all have a status of "A" (active), "E" (eligible), or "N" (new All Kids) IN THE SAME PROGRAM. If the infant is active in case management and the guardian is active in HFI, the group relationship will not "count" and the guardian will be terminated.

9.13 Re-indexing Screen (AD12)


  • Used to execute a procedure that recreates specific files that are associated with the Cornerstone tables. The tables have been separated into logical groupings to facilitate this procedure. The user can select one or all of these groupings to re-index by pressing the space bar to place an "X" next to the group(s) to be re-indexed.
  • The time it takes to re-index these groups varies, depending on the size of the tables. This process can be set to run "on line," which is immediate, or set to occur later as part of the end of day process.

NOTE: Since the re-indexing process requires all users to log out of the Cornerstone system and is a time consuming process, agencies should perform the re-index offline as part of the end of day process. Staff can wait for the tables to re-index automatically, as described below, or can re-index some or all of the groups, as necessary (i.e., users notice obvious index problems, or the Central Office or Cornerstone support staff suggest re-indexing).

  • The Cornerstone system automatically re-indexes all tables during the end of day processing after eight calendar days, regardless of whether the connection was successful. The "Re-index Ran" column shows the last date each group of tables was re-indexed. (The user can specify the day of the week on which the automated re-indexing process will occur on the Clinic Administrative Data (AD14) screen.)
  • The re-indexing process prints the Cornerstone Re-indexing Report (HSPR0408). This should be checked for possible error messages.

NOTE: All users must be logged out of the Cornerstone system when the re-index process is run.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  2. The cursor should be in the "Run!" column of the screen. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the table group to be re-indexed.
  3. Press the space bar to select the highlighted table group. When a group is selected, an "X" is displayed in the "Run!" column.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above until all the table groups to be re-indexed have an "X" in the "Run!" column.
    • If a group of tables has been selected in error, use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate group. Press the space bar to remove the "X" from the "Run!" column.
  5. After all of the groups to be re-indexed are selected, press F4. The "About Re-index" pop-up window will be displayed, stating "You can run re-index now or as part of the End of Day. Do you want to run the Reindex Process now?" Highlight either "NOW" or "EOD" by using Tab or the arrow keys, and press Enter to select.
    • If "NOW" is selected, the re-index process will begin. A status bar will display the progress of the re-index process.
    • If "EOD" is selected, the pop-up window will be removed. The user will remain on the Re-indexing Screen (AD12).
    • When the re-index process is run, the Cornerstone system will print the Cornerstone Re-indexing Report (HSPR0408). (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.37 Cornerstone Re-indexing Report (HSPR0408)" for more information.)
    • If the Cornerstone system encounters any errors during the re-indexing process, this report will list the name of the file and an error message describing why the file was not re-indexed (see step 6).
    • If no errors are encountered, the report will state that the process was successful.
  6. When error messages are listed, contact the Cornerstone Service Desk® at (866) 7 91-4554.
    • A common problem when re-indexing is a lack of hard drive space on the local workstation. In this case, the following message will be displayed: "There is not enough space on this workstation for this process. Please reduce the number of tables or try to run this process on another workstation." The Cornerstone Service Desk should be contacted in this instance, as well. With assistance, staff can re-index using the network hard drive space.

Screen Layout

Tables in Group screen

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Care Plan 1 Choice An "X" in the "Run!" column will indicate that this particular set of tables is to be re-indexed. If left blank, this particular set of tables will not be re-indexed.
Clinic/Employee 1 Choice Same as above.
General Office 1 Choice Same as above.
FI 1 Choice Same as above.
General 1 Choice Same as above.
Master Index 1 Choice Same as above.
Participant 1 Choice Same as above.
Schedule/Appointment 1 Choice Same as above.

9.14 Clinic Administrative Data (AD14)


  • Used to establish the clinic as the "All Kids Provider" for immunization biologics reporting and establish guidelines for case management follow-up reporting.
  • Used to control the grace periods for missed services.
  • Used to edit existing information, including the site's address.
  • Used to "trigger" management reports indicating the need for follow-up.
  • Used to specify the day of the week on which the re-indexing process will occur.
  • Used to set up single or double strike options for printing FIs.
  • Follow-up guidelines include:
  • Length of grace period for a missed service target date.
  • Maximum number of days permissible for no case management contact.
  • Number of days past EDC when follow-up should have occurred.

Step by Step Instructions

NOTE: The "Clinic" field on this screen is entered at the Central Office when the agency is converted to the Cornerstone system. It is not possible for local agency users to add an ID number or to edit this field.

  1. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  2. The "Medicaid Provider ID" field is active. Type in the provider ID number of the agency itself.

NOTE: The relationship of the clinic ID number to the Medicaid provider number is tied to immunization biologics functionality.

  1. Press Enter to go to the "Enter the number of days grace period that should be applied for a missed service target date: Internal" field and type in the number of days grace period.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Enter the number of days grace period that should be applied for a missed service target date: External" field and type in the number of days grace period.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Enter the maximum number of days for which a participant can have no case management contact" field and type in the maximum number of days.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "Enter the number of days past a participant's EDC date that should be the maximum grace period allowed" field and type in the number of days grace period past a participant's EDC date.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Reindex Weekly on Each:" section. "Monday" will be highlighted. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the day on which the automated re-indexing process should occur. Press Enter to select the highlighted day.

NOTE: If a day is not selected on the "Reindex Weekly on Each:" section, the system will automatically reindex every eighth day.

  1. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. If desired, press F9 to go to the "Address" pop-up window.
  • To add an address record, press F5 Add and go to step 9.
  • To edit an address record, use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Address Type" field in order to scroll through the records and select the record to be edited. Press F6 Edit and continue with step 9 to edit any fields, as necessary.
  • To delete an address record, use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Address Type" field in order to scroll through the records and select the record to be deleted. Press F7 Delete to delete the record. The "Confirm delete?" pop-up window will be displayed. Type "Y" for Yes to delete the record or "N" for No to cancel. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen. If no more action is required on this screen, skip the remaining steps and go to the next appropriate screen.
  1. At the "Address" field, type the street address.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Apt. No." field and, if applicable, type in the apartment number.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "City" field and type in the city.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "State" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Zip" field and type in the Zip code.
  6. Press Enter to go to the "County" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help to complete this field.
  7. Press Enter to go to the "Phone" field and type in the telephone number with the area code.
  8. Press Enter to go to the "Contact Person" field, and if applicable, type the contact person's name.
  9. Press Enter to go to the "Fax" field and, if applicable, type in the fax number.
  10. Press Enter to go to the "Modem" field and, if applicable, type in the modem number.
  11. Press F3 to return to the Clinic Administrative Data screen (AD14).

Screen Layout #1

Clinical Administrative Data

Screen Layout #2

Address screen

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Clinic 6 Assigned Unique number assigned to each clinic/site for identification.
Medicaid Provider ID 9 Numeric A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the Medicaid provider.
Enter the number of days grace period that should be applied for a missed service target date (Internal/External) 3/3 Numeric As stated under Field Name.
Enter the maximum number of days for which a participant can have no case manager contact 3 Numeric As stated under Field Name.
Enter the number of days past a participant's EDC date that should be the maximum grace period allowed 3 Numeric As stated under Field Name.
Re-index Weekly on Each: Monday 1 Choice An "X" to indicate that the user wants the automated re-indexing process to occur on Monday of each week.
Re-index Weekly on Each: Tuesday 1 Choice An "X" to indicate that the user wants the automated re-indexing process to occur on Tuesday of each week.
Re-index Weekly on Each: Wednesday 1 Choice An "X" to indicate that the user wants the automated re-indexing process to occur on Wednesday of each week.
Re-index Weekly on Each: Thursday 1 Choice An "X" to indicate that the user wants the automated re-indexing process to occur on Thursday of each week.
Re-index Weekly on Each:
Friday 1 Choice An "X" to indicate that the user wants the automated re-indexing process to occur on Friday of each week.
Re-index Weekly on Each: Saturday 1 Choice An "X" to indicate that the user wants the automated re-indexing process to occur on Saturday of each week.
Re-index Weekly on Each: Sunday 1 Choice An "X" to indicate that the user wants the automated re-indexing process to occur on Sunday of each week.

9.15 Employee Information (AD15)


  • Used to establish the Cornerstone user ID for all users of the Cornerstone system. Entry of employee information on new employees (and assignment of the employee's Cornerstone Employee ID number) may be added to the Cornerstone system using the Security Access Request Screen (AD30). Once added, the site supervisor can edit information as needed.
  • Used to add employment information about new employees, to edit/update information about current employees, and to terminate employee's access to the Cornerstone system. Can also be used to edit employee information (i.e., information about the individual's employment dates and status with the local agency) on an employee who no longer works for the agency.
  • Used to add and edit employee's program records. The bottom of the screen contains a browse window that lists the programs in which the employee is involved. New programs may be added and existing ones may be updated.
  • FCM NOTE: Employees who are case managers must have a Family Case Management (CM) program record before cases can be assigned to them. Any employee whose salary is paid in full or in part with Family Case Management program funds must also have a CM program record entered.
  • Used to change a terminated employee to active. The previously terminated employee will not automatically receive access to the screens they had previously been set up to access. The site supervisor can change screen authorization at any time on the Screen Security (AD16) screen.
  • This screen must be completed for all employees who will be using the Cornerstone system, as well as all employees who have any salary expense to be allocated to the Family Case Management program.
  • An employee information record must be completed before:
  • the employee can be granted security access to the Cornerstone system
  • related information can be added for the employee
  • cases can be assigned to the employee who is a case manager
  • staff time or activity records can be entered for the employee
  • The user can maintain address information for the employee by pressing F9 to bring up the standard address pop-up window.

Step by Step Instructions

To Edit Employee Information

To terminate an employee, please refer to the steps under To Terminate an Employee below.

NOTE: For fields that do not need to be edited, press Enter to bypass.

  1. In the "Employee ID" field, type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID, use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the records to select the employee to edit, or use F1 Help to list employee names. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit employee information.
    • Steps 3 through 8 detail the information that can be edited, as necessary.
  3. In the "Name (L, F, MI):" field, type in the employee's last name. Press Enter and type in the employee's first name. Press Enter and type in the employee's middle initial. The old information has to be deleted out before editing the name fields.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "Title" field and type in the employee's job title.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Status" field, if applicable, and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.

NOTE: The "Status" and "Term. Date" fields will be skipped when the employee has an active status and there are programs in which the employee is still active in. To terminate an employee, each of the employee's program records must be terminated first. (Please refer to the steps under To Terminate an Employee Program Record below.)

  1. Press Enter to go to the "Start Date" field and type in the date on which the employee began employment with the agency.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Term. Date" field and, if applicable, type in the date that the employee's last pay period ended (following termination of employment). Please see the note under step 5.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Supervisor" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "Tax ID" field. This field is used by Early Intervention staff. If applicable, enter the employee's Tax ID number.

NOTE: In order to complete this field, the employee must have a valid provider ID (from Provider Connections) and a provider category of "SC - Service Coordinator".

For security purposes, the screen will only display the Tax ID number when the employee logged into Cornerstone is the same employee being updated on the Employee Information (AD15) screen.

  1. Press Enter to go to the "Cornerstone Liaison" field. Cornerstone Liaisons should enter a "Y" for Yes in this field. By doing this, the Liaison will receive ALL BOD messages that are sent. This includes the messages that are sent only to employees of a specific program (WIC, CM, EI, etc.). If the field is left blank or "N" for No is entered, the Liaison will only receive messages specifically sent to all users and will not receive messages sent to program members unless the Liaison is active in the program on the AD15 - Employee Information screen.
  2. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

To Add/Edit an Employee Program Record

To terminate a program record, please refer to the steps under To Terminate an Employee Program Record below.

  1. In the "Employee ID" field, type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID, use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the records to select the employee whose program record needs to be updated or use F1 Help to list employee names. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Programs window.
    • To add an employee program record, press F5 Add. A blank "Enter Program Information" pop-up box will be displayed. Information is entered in this pop-up window. After saving the record, it will be displayed in the Programs window. Go to step 3 to add program record information.
    • To edit an employee program record, use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate program record. Press F6 Edit to edit. The "Enter Program Information" pop-up window with the existing program record information will be displayed. Any of the fields in the pop-up window may be edited. After saving the record, the changes will be displayed in the Programs window. Continue with step 3 to edit any fields, as necessary.
  3. In the "Program" field, enter a known program function code or use F1 Help to select from a complete list.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "Status" field and type in the correct code to indicate the employee's status in that program or use F1 Help.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Effective Date" field and type in the effective date.
  6. Press F4 to save. The program, status, and effective date will be displayed in the Program window for that program.
  7. To add or edit additional program employee records, repeat steps 2 through 6 above as many times as necessary.

To Enter an Employee Address

  1. Press F9 to go to the "Address" pop-up window.

NOTE: The "Address" pop-up window is the same box that is used for participants on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen. Therefore, the procedure for entering the employee address information is the same as for participants.

  • To add an address record, press F5 Addand go to step 2.
  • To edit an address record, use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Address Type" field to scroll through the records to select the record to be edited. Press F6 Edit and continue with step 3 to edit any fields, as necessary.
    • To delete an address record, use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Address Type" field to scroll through the records to select the record to be deleted. Press F7 Delete to delete the record. The "Confirm delete?" pop-up window will be displayed. Type "Y" for Yes to delete the record or "N" for No to cancel the delete. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen. If no more action is required on this screen, skip the remaining steps and go to the next appropriate screen.
  1. At the "Type of Address" field, type in "R" (residence).
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Address" field and type in the street address of the employee.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Apt. No." field and, if applicable, type in the apartment number.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "City" field and type in the city.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Street" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
  6. Press Enter to go to the "Zip" field and type in the Zip code.
  7. Press Enter to go to the "County" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
  8. Press Enter to go to the "Phone" field and type in the telephone number (with area code) of the employee.
  9. Press Enter to go to the "Contact Person" field and, if applicable, type in the name of a contact person.
  10. Press Enter to go to the "Fax" field and, if applicable, enter the employee's fax number.
  11. Press F4 to save the address information. The message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

To Terminate an Employee Program Record

  1. In the "Employee ID" field, type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID, use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the records to select the employee whose program records need to be terminated, or use F1 Help to list employee names. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Programs window.
  3. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the program to terminate. Press F6 Edit to edit the existing program record. The "Enter Program Information" pop-up window will be displayed.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "Status" field and type in a "T" (terminated from program) or use F1 Help to select.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Termination Date" type in the termination date.
  6. Press F4 to save. The status and termination date will be updated in the Program window for that program.
  7. To terminate additional employee program records, repeat steps 2 through 6 above as many times as necessary.

To Terminate an Employee

To terminate an employee, each of the employee's program records must be terminated first. (Please refer to the steps under To Terminate an Employee Program Record above.) Once all the program records have been terminated, complete the steps below.

  1. In the "Employee ID" field, type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID, use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the records to select the employee to be terminated, or use F1 Help to list employee names. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit employee information.
  3. Press Enter four times to go to the "Status" field and type a "T" (terminated) or use F1 Help to select.
  4. Press Enter twice to go to the "Term. Date" field and type in the date that the employee's last pay period ended (following termination of employment).
  5. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Screen Layout #1

Programs screen

Screen Layout #2

Address Screen

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Clinic 6 Assigned Unique number assigned to each clinic/site for identification.
Employee ID 9 Numeric The unique identification number assigned to employees, used for accessing the Cornerstone system.
Name (L, F, MI) 15/13/1 Alpha/Numeric Employee's last name, first name, and middle initial.
Title 30 Alpha/Numeric Employee's working or payroll title.
Status 4 Assigned Employee's current employment status with the agency.
Start Date 8 Date Date employment with the agency began.
Term. Date 8 Date Date employment with the agency ended. For FCM staff, date of the last pay period for which the employee receives compensation.
Supervisor 9 Numeric Cornerstone ID of the employee's supervisor.
Tax ID 9 Numeric Tax ID number of the employee. (Used by the Early Intervention program only.)
Cornerstone Liaison 1 Yes/No Used by the Cornerstone Liaison. Enter 'Y' to receive all BOD messages, regardless of the Program Status. Enter 'N' or leave blank to only receive BOD messages sent to the specific program(s) that the Cornerstone Liaison is active in as listed on the AD15 screen and to receive BOD messages sent with the Program Status of ALL.
Date Last Update 6 Assigned The system-generated date when the screen was last modified.
Modified by 9 Assigned The ID of the user who made the last modification.
Program 25 Assigned MCH (maternal child health) programs in which the employee works.
Status 20 Assigned Current employment status in the MCH program at the local agency.
Effective Date 8 Date Date the employee began working in the program.
Termination Date 8 Date Date the employee's work in the program was terminated.

9.16 Screen Security (AD16)


  • Used by the site supervisor to establish/set the level of security access to staff who use the Cornerstone system. The employee's basic access to Cornerstone screens is determined by default. Screens not assigned to an employee may be added within the guidelines built into the Cornerstone system.
  • To update and tailor screen security for active users of the Cornerstone system. Within a screen, the site supervisor can set the functions (add, edit, or delete) that the employee may perform based upon the employee's job duties in the site. Inquiry access to the screens assigned to an employee is automatic.


Following the addition of a new employee to the Cornerstone system or a previously terminated employee who is changed to active, the site supervisor assigns the Cornerstone system access for each employee. Screen security access should only be given to an employee based upon the employee's job duties and responsibilities. Access to screens and functions enabled on screens (i.e., add, edit, delete) should only reflect what is needed for the employee to do their job. All screen access assignments made by the local agency are subject to review by the Department.

There are two categories of screen security access: "Edit" and "All." An employee's initial screen access is "Edit," which is pre-set by the Cornerstone system. The site supervisor can modify the pre-set access to some extent. However, the site supervisor does not have the ability to give a user access to the "All" category. (This category allows access to all four of the WIC functions, as listed below.) The Program Coordinator - WIC, Nutrition Services, is the only one who can give Total WIC Access. This will be determined following submission of a completed Cornerstone Security Access Request via screen, AD30, within the Cornerstone system.

WIC screens have been divided into four subgroups, reflecting four basic functions, as follows:

  • Participant Enrollment (PA03)
  • Medical screens (PA07 through PA11)
  • WIC Assessment (AS02)
  • Produce Food Instruments (FI01)

An employee can be assigned all of the above screens. However, the site supervisor cannot assign the following combinations of screens and access on the screen:

  • "Add" access on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen
  • "Add" access on the medical (PA07 through PA11) screens
  • "Add" access on the WIC Assessment (AS02) screen
  • "Edit" access on the Produce Food Instruments (FI01) screen

Step by Step Instructions

To Assign a Screen to an Employee

When a new employee or a previously terminated employee who has been changed to active is established on the Employee Information (AD15) screen, the employee will only be given access to the default set of screens. The previously terminated employee will not automatically receive access to the screens they had previously been set up to access. The site supervisor can change screen authorization at any time.

  1. In the "Empl. ID" field, type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID or use F1 Help to display a list of employees. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit. The first screen name listed in the Not Assigned Screens window will be highlighted.
    • When assigning screens for the first time, the default screens are listed in the Current Screen Security window. The unassigned screens are listed in the Not Assigned Screens window.
  1. To assign other screens to the employee, use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate screen. Press Enter and the screen will move from the Not Assigned Screens window on the left to the Current Screens Security window on the right.
  2. Repeat the above step until all the appropriate screens have been assigned to the employee.
  3. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  • The "Move All" function at the bottom of the screen is not available for employees. If selected, the message "Works only for Help Desk" will be displayed.

To Remove Assigned Screens from an Employee's Access

  1. In the "Empl. ID" field, type in the appropriate employee ID or use F1 Help to list employee names. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  3. To select the screen to be removed, press Tab to go to the Current Screen Security window.
  4. To remove assigned screens from the employee, use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate screen. Press Enter and the screen will move from the Current Screens Security window on the right to the Not Assigned Screens window on the left.
  5. Repeat the above step until all the appropriate screens have been removed from the Current Screens Security window.
  6. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
    • The "Remove All" function at the bottom of the screen is not available for employees. If selected, the message "Works only for Help Desk" will be displayed.

Changing Edit Rights for Screens

The assignment of a screen to an employee grants that employee the ability to inquire on a screen. It is possible to enable the employee to add, edit and/or delete on the assigned screen (i.e., to change the employee's edit rights).

  1. In the "Empl. ID" field, type in the appropriate employee ID or use F1 Help to list employee names. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  3. Press Tab to move to the Current Screen Security window.
  4. To select the screen on which to change edit rights for the employee, use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate screen.
  5. Use the left and right arrow keys to go to and move among the "Add," "Upd" (update), and "Del" (delete) fields in the lower right corner of the screen.
    • The dark arrow indicates which screen is currently being updated.
  6. Change any of the three edit settings by typing in "Y" for Yes, to indicate that the function should be enabled, or "N" for No, to indicate that the function should not be enabled for this employee.
    • If all of the edit functions are blank, the screen is for inquiry only.
    • The asterisk indicates the function(s) that are not available.
    • If an attempt is made to provide an employee with full authorization to all screens and subgroups, a message "Cannot have access to all 4 WIC groups" will be displayed.
  7. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Screen Layout

Security Screen

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Empl. ID 9 Numeric The unique identification number assigned to employees, used for accessing the Cornerstone system.
Clinic 6 Assigned Unique number assigned to each clinic/site for identification.
Title 30 Assigned Job title of the employee.
Not Assigned Screens 4/25 Assigned List of screens not currently assigned to the user.
Current Screens Security 4/25 Assigned List of screens currently assigned to the user.
ADD 1 Choice Yes/No field for indicating whether the user has "Add" rights to the given screen. (An "*" in this field means the function is not possible on the given screen.)
UPD 1 Choice Yes/No field for indicating whether the user has "Update" rights to the given screen. (An "*" in this field means the function is not possible on the given screen.)
DEL 1 Choice Yes/No field for indicating whether the user has "Delete" rights to the given screen. (An "*" in this field means the function is not possible on the given screen.)

9.17 Caseload Reassignment (AD17)


  • Used by an administrator (supervisor) to assign unassigned participants who have a program record in the Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP), Early Intervention (EI), Family Case Management (FCM), Healthy Families Illinois (HFI), and/or Healthy Start Case Management (HSCM) to the appropriate case manager. All FCM participants must be assigned to a case manager.
  • Used to assign a participant to multiple Case Managers/Service Coordinators with different roles (CM, EI, BCCP, etc.) at the same time. A record will appear for each program in which the participant is enrolled.
  • Used to change a participant's case manager.
  • Used to display a case manager's current caseload.
  • Reassignment of a case manager's entire caseload to another case manager may be accomplished on this screen. Groups (families) can easily be assigned to the same case manager as well.


The middle window (From Employee Case Assignments) displays the caseload of the employee, from which a case will be moved. The bottom window (To Employee Case Assignments) displays the caseload of the employee to whom a case will be moved.

Entry of "999999999" in the "From" field will bring up a list of participants who are not assigned to a case manager.

Local agency policy will determine how participant caseloads are assigned to the case manager and by whom.

A supervisor who has security access to this screen must complete the Caseload Reassignment (AD17) screen.

When making case management assignments, the Cornerstone system will set the effective date to today's date. When closing case management assignments, the Cornerstone system will set the end date to today's date. Case management assignments are therefore instantaneous.

It is possible for a participant in a group to have a different case manager than another member in the same group.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. In the "From" field, type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID number or use F1 Help to display a list of employees. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)

When reassigning, the case(s)/participant(s) will be moved FROM this case manager.

NOTE: To display a list of participants who have not yet been assigned to a case manager, type "999999999" in the "From" field.

  • A list of the participants currently assigned to this case manager will be displayed in the From Employee Case Assignments window (middle). If 9's were entered, the middle window will display all the unassigned participants.
  1. The cursor will move to the "Prog" field. The field is used to specify a program code for filtering participants, if desired. To filter cases, use F1 Help to display a list of program IDs and choose the appropriate program.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "To" field. Type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID number OR use F1 Help to display a list of employees who have an active program record on the Employee Information (AD15) screen. When reassigning, the case(s)/participant(s) will be moved TO this case manager.
    • A list of the participants currently assigned to this case manager will be displayed in the To Employee Case Assignments window (bottom).

NOTE: The Cornerstone system will not allow the user to enter the same employee ID in the "From" and the "To" fields.

  1. Press F6 Edit to edit and the From Employee Case Assignments window will be activated with the first participant highlighted.
  2. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the participant to be assigned and press Enter to select that participant. The Cornerstone system will move the participant from the From Employee Case Assignments window to the To Employee Case Assignments window of the screen.
    • When the "From" field contains a single case manager, it is possible to assign all of the participants in the middle window to the case manager in the "To" field by pressing Tab until "All" is highlighted and then pressing Enter.
  3. If a participant to be assigned is in a group, a message "Reassign all participants with this Group ID?" will be displayed when the participant has been highlighted.
    • If the user answers "Y" for Yes, the Cornerstone system will check to see if any of the other participants in the group have current case manager assignments.
    • If other members of the group have other case manager assignments and the case manager is NOT either the employee in the "From" field or the employee in the "To" field, the Cornerstone system will ask "Participants in this Group have different managers; reassign anyway?"
    • If the user answers "Y" for Yes, the Cornerstone system will correctly close any case manager assignments that other group members may have before making the new assignment.
    • If the user answers "N" for No to either of the prompts described above, only the original participant selected for assignment will be assigned to the new case manager.
  4. Repeat this procedure for all participants to be assigned to this case manager.

NOTE: If a participant has been selected and moved in error, press Tab to go to the bottom window, use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the participant and press Enter to select. This will move the participant back to the middle window. To clear the bottom window of all participants who were just moved to that window (i.e., to move them all back to the middle window), press Tab until "None" is highlighted, then press Enter.

  1. Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Are you sure?" will be displayed, confirmation of the reassignments. Type "Y" for Yes to save or "N" for No to cancel.

Screen Layout

Caseload Reassignment

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Employee From/To 9/9 Numeric The unique identification number assigned to employees, used for accessing the Cornerstone system. Will be assigned to new employees by the Cornerstone Service Desk.
Name From/To



Assigned Name of the employees whose ID's were entered above.
Title From/To 28 Assigned Title of the employees whose ID's were entered above.
Cases From/To 3 Assigned The count of cases of the employees whose ID's were entered above.
Prog 4 Code Specifies a program code for filtering participants, if desired.
From Employee Case Assignments Assigned List of cases currently assigned to the employee ID in the "Employee From" field.
To Employee Case Assignments Assigned List of cases currently assigned to the employee ID in the "Employee To" field.


The Medicaid Billing feature is not operational at this time. It may be available in future versions of Cornerstone.

This screen will be used to generate HCFA 1500 Medicaid health insurance claim forms.

9.19 Schedule Closed Dates (AD19)


  • Used to build holidays, administrative days, and closed dates and times into the clinic (site) Master Schedule and/or individual clinic (site) and class schedules.
  • Used to add closed dates and times to existing schedules created on the Clinic Schedules (AD04) screen.
  • Used to edit or delete existing closed dates and times.

Step by Step Instructions

The "Master" Schedule (schedule ID = "00") is for the local site's hours of operation. Therefore, any dates or times that are closed in the Master Schedule apply automatically to all of the individual clinic and class schedules. Because of the Cornerstone system's flexibility, it is possible to close dates and times within each individual schedule, without impacting the other individual schedules. The Schedule Appointment (SC02) and Class Schedule (SC03) screens will identify the open/closed time frames. The user will be able to schedule participants for an appointment or class on days where the Master Schedule contains closed times that do not overlap the appointment or class times.

  1. In the "Schedule Name" field, use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the records to select the appropriate schedule or press F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
  2. Verify the "Schedule Name" and "Schedule ID" fields.
  3. Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Closed Dates window.
  4. To add a closed date record, press F5 Add to add. The "Add Closed Date" pop-up window will be displayed. Go to step 4.
  5. To edit an existing closed date record, use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the record to be edited and press F6 Edit. The "Edit Closed Date" pop-up window will be displayed. The "Date" field cannot be edited and is automatically bypassed. Continue with step 5 to edit any fields, as necessary.
  6. To delete a closed date record, use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the service to be deleted and press F7 Delete. The "Confirm delete?" pop-up window will be displayed. Type "Y" for Yes to delete the record or "N" for No to cancel. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen. If no more action is required on this screen, skip the remaining steps and go to the next appropriate screen.
  7. In the "Date" field, type the date on which the site is to be closed. The date can be entered directly or press F1 to activate a pop-up calendar. Use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the months, and the arrow keys to scroll through the dates. Press Enter to select.
  8. Press Enter to go to the "Begin" field. This field defaults to the information that was entered on the Clinic Schedules (AD04) screen in the "Open Time" field. To change that time, type in the start time of the first appointment to be blocked out and "A" for AM or "P" for PM.

NOTE: An entire day or a portion of a day may be blocked out. It is not possible to block out multiple portions of one day's schedule.

  1. The cursor automatically moves to the "End" field. This field defaults to the information that was entered on the Clinic Schedules (AD04) screen in the "Close Time" field. To change that time, type in the ending time which is being blocked out and "A" for AM or "P" for PM.
  2. The cursor automatically moves to the "Comments" field. Type in any comments pertaining to the schedule just added (for example, a description of the reason for the clinic unavailability).
  3. Press F4 to save the record. A message "Record added" or "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. The available fast path key is F10 to the Clinic Schedules (AD04) screen.

Screen Layout #1

Closed Dates

Screen Layout #2

Add Closed date

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Schedule Name 30 Alpha/Numeric The name/description of the schedule.
Schedule ID 3 Assigned An identification number assigned by the Cornerstone system to a particular schedule.
Date 8 Date The date that the schedule will be unavailable/closed.
Begin 6 Numeric/Choice The start of the closed time, including an "AM" or "PM" to designate morning or afternoon/evening.
End 6 Numeric/Choice The end of the closed time, including an "AM" or "PM" to designate morning or afternoon/evening.
Comments 50 Alpha/Numeric Free form text field for recording notes about the closed date.

9.20 Standard System Interface Import (AD20)


  • Used to run the Cornerstone system's data import option. This feature allows users to transfer/import demographic and/or immunization data from other automated applications (such as participant billing or tracking systems) to the Cornerstone system.
  • Importing data eliminates the need to enter the same information into multiple systems.

Step by Step Instructions

The steps for importing data are presented below. Please refer to Appendix D, "Cornerstone Data Import Capability and Usage" for complete information and instructions regarding this feature.

  1. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  2. The cursor is in the "Import File from Drive" field, which defaults to the "G" drive. To modify the default value, type in a new drive location.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Import Path" field. This field defaults to "APPL\IMPORT\." To modify the default value, type in a new path location.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "Import Run Option" window.

NOTE: It is recommended that the "Edit Only" option be run first. The user can then correct all the errors before the system import, which updates Cornerstone, is done.

  • If the user needs to check for possible errors before the import is actually run, the user can choose the "Edit Only" option by pressing the space bar. This will put an "X" in the parentheses to the left of the "Edit Only" option. Go to step 6.
  • The "Edit Only" process will produce the Edit Error Report (HSPR0410). (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.39 Edit Error Report (HSPR0410)" for more information.)
  • If the user knows there are no errors in the import file or has corrected all the errors found during the "Edit Only" process then the user is ready to run the import process. Press Tab once to highlight the "Edit and Upload Cornerstone" option and press the space bar. This will put an "X" in the parentheses to the left of the "Edit and Upload Cornerstone" option. Go to step 5.
  • The "Edit and Upload Cornerstone" process will produce the Import Update Report (HSPR0411) and the Potential Duplicate Participant Report (HSPR0412). (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.40 Update Error Report (HSPR0411)" and the "11.41 Potential Duplicate Participant Report (HSPR0412)" for more information.)
  • If an incorrect import option is selected, with the incorrect import option highlighted, press the space bar again to deselect the import option.
    1. The cursor will move to the "Always prompt before updating Cornerstone Data" option.
  • If the user wants to be prompted each time the Cornerstone system updates the data, then press the space bar to put an "X" in the brackets to the left of this option.
  • If the user does not want to be prompted each time the Cornerstone system updates the data, then go to step 6.
    1. Press F4 to process the import file request. The respective reports will print out.

Screen Layout

Standard System Interface Import

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Import File from Drive 1 Alpha The disk drive to import the file from. Disk drive import file will be written to.
Import Path 40 Alpha/Numeric The exact path where the import file is located. Drive path where the file will be written (i.e. \APPL\IMPORT).
Edit Only 1 Choice To select this option, use the space bar to place a dot next to this option.
Edit and Update Cornerstone 1 Choice To select this option, use the space bar to place a dot next to this option.
Always prompt before updating Cornerstone Data 1 Choice To select this option, use the space bar to place an "X" next to this option.
Ready to run import function? 1 Choice Yes/No field for indicating readiness to run the import process.

9.21 Employee Expenses (AD22)


  • Used to add or edit employee expense information for the Family Case Management program. Salary information is entered monthly for all employees whose salary is paid, in part or in full, from Family Case Management program funds.
  • Used to report monthly wage and salary amounts paid to agency employees.
  • Used to review previous wage and salary information.
  • Used to calculate the cost of conducting case management activities. Expense information should be entered for:
  • Agency administrative staff
  • Case management supervisors
  • Case managers, outreach workers, and case manager assistants
  • Case management support staff
  • For agencies with multiple sites, employee expenses are to be entered only at the site designated as the agency headquarters.

Step by Step Instructions

To Add Employee Expense Information

  1. The expenses of the employee who is currently signed on to the Cornerstone system will initially be displayed on the screen. If the employee does not have any expenses, the fields on this screen will be blank.
  2. To add, edit, or view expenses for this employee, go to step 3.
    1. To add, edit, or view expenses for a different employee, the cursor must be in the first "Employee ID" field and type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID number or use F1 Help to display a list of employees. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.) Go to step 3.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "For Period Ending" field.
    • To add employee expense information, press F5 Add. Type in the month and year for the expense record to be created.

If the employee has entered expense information for previous months, a message "Latest staff expense record will be copied" will be displayed. The new month's data is added by typing over the information that has changed. Go to step 4.

  • If an employee expense record already exists for this employee for this month, a message "Expense record exists for this month" will be displayed. Follow the instructions below to edit or view, as necessary.

To edit or view existing employee expense information, use Pg Up and Pg Dn to move through the employee's records if there are any. The expense information for the month and year shown in this field will be displayed on the screen. To edit any existing records, make sure the record to be edited is displayed. Press F6 Edit and continue with step 4 to edit any fields, as necessary.

  1. Press Enter to go to the "Staff Type" field and enter one of the following or press F1 Help to complete this field.
    • A (Administration) - Agency administrators who are responsible for the Family Case Management program, in addition to other administrative responsibilities.
    • C (Support Staff) - Clerical, secretarial and other staff who support the Direct Service staff.
    • D (Direct Service) - Case managers, case manager assistants and outreach workers.
    • I (EI Service Coordinator) - Note: This type is strictly for the use of Early Intervention for staffing level calculations. This feature will allow program staff to electronically gather and calculate staffing levels of each Early Intervention clinic.
    • O (Other) - Staff who have no responsibility for the Family Case Management program.
    • S (Supervisor) - Full-time employees whose only responsibility is the supervision of the Direct Service staff.
    • M (Medical Services Provider) Note: This type cannot be entered the same month as any other Staff Type for the same employee. (This is to be used for Cost Based Reimbursement)
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Actual Gross Pay" field and type in the actual amount paid to the employee for the month. Do not include fringe benefits in this amount. This is a required field for staff types A, C, D, R, and S; as well as any staff used in generating the MCH Services Claiming Report.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Actual Hours Worked" field and type in the actual hours worked for the period. This is a required field for staff types D and M; as well as any staff used in generating the MCH Services Claiming Report.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "Case Management" field and type the percentage of time spent on the Family Case Management program. This is a required field for staff types C and S.
    • Example: An employee will type "25" if 25 percent of their time is spent on the Family Case Management program.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Full Time Equivalent" field and type the employee's full-time equivalence. This is a required field for staff types D, I, and M; as well as any staff used in generating the MCH Services Claiming Report.
    • Full-time equivalence is calculated by dividing the number of hours per week (or other time period) that the employee is hired to work by the number of hours in the agency's regular work week (or other time period).
  6. Press Enter to go to the "Salary Federal" field. Enter the percent of the employee's salary that is paid from federal funds. This field may be skipped, if none of the employee's salary is paid from federal funds.
    • Example: An employee whose salary is paid entirely from federal funds would type "100."
  7. Press Enter to go to the "Fringe Benefit Rate" field and type the employee's fringe benefit percentage rate. This field may be skipped, if the employee does not have a fringe benefit rate.
    • This field is used for calculations in generating the MCH Services Claiming Report.
  8. Press F4 to save. A message "Record added" or "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Screen Layout

Employee Expenses

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Employee ID 9 Numeric The unique identification number assigned to employees, used for accessing the Cornerstone system. Will be assigned to new employees by the Security Access Request (AD30) screen.
For Period Ending 6 Numeric Month and year of the salary expense being reported.
Staff Type 4 Code FCM staff type code.
Actual Gross Pay 9 Numeric The total actual gross amount (NOT including fringe benefits) of wages or salary earned by or paid to an employee for the month entered. This field is required for any staff used in generating the MCH Services Claiming Report (HSPR0423).
Actual Hours Worked 5 Numeric The number of hours for which the employee was paid for during the month. This field is required for any staff used in generating the MCH Services Claiming Report (HSPR0423).
Case Management (%) 3 Numeric The percent of time spent on case management activities by support or clerical staff.
Full Time Equivalent 4 Numeric The employee's full-time equivalence. This field is required for any staff used in generating the MCH Services Claiming Report (HSPR0423).
Salary Federal (%) 3 Numeric The percent of the employee's salary paid from federal funds.
Fringe Benefit Rate (%) 5 Numeric The agency's fringe benefit rate. This field is required for any staff used in generating the MCH Services Claiming Report (HSPR0423).
Last Update Date 8 Assigned System-generated date to indicate date on which employee expense information was last updated.

9.22 Agency Operating Expenses (AD23)


  • Used to add or edit the agency's direct and indirect expenses associated with conducting case management activities for purposes of Family Case Management cost reporting.
  • Information entered on this screen is used to calculate the cost of conducting case management activities.
  • Expenses must be recorded monthly.
  • For agencies with multiple sites, operating expenses are to be entered only at the site designated as the agency headquarters.

Step by Step Instructions

To Add Operating Expense Information

  1. In the "Period Ending" field, type the month and year of the expenses to be recorded.
  2. Press F5 Add to add.
  3. In the "Length of Workday" field, type the length of the agency's regular work day in hours.
  4. In the "F.T.E. Employees" field, type in the agency's total number of employees, measured in full-time equivalents.

NOTE: The "Total Direct Expenses" and the "Total Indirect Expenses" fields will be filled in automatically after the expense amounts are entered in the lower window.

  1. Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the lower window.
  2. In the lower window, record the agency's direct and indirect expenses.
    • Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the categories in the Expense Type column.
    • Press Tab to move between the Direct, Indirect and Expense Type columns.
  3. For direct expenses, type the amount of expenditures directly related to conducting case management activities during the month and year being reported.
  4. For indirect expenses, type the amount of expenditures indirectly related to conducting case management activities during the month and year being reported.

NOTE: Only those agency-wide expenses that can be attributed to every employee in the agency should be reported as indirect expenses. Indirect expenses may not include amounts reported as direct expenses for case management activities or for any other program.

  1. After the last amount has been entered, press F4 to save. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner ofthe screen.

NOTE: Unless the user moves the cursor outside the field where the last value was entered, that value will not be saved.

To Edit Operating Expense Information

  1. In the "Period Ending" field, type in the month and year to be updated and press Enter or use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the existing records to select the month and year to be edited.
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  3. The cursor will move to the "Conversion" field, under the "Expense Type" heading. This field cannot be edited. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the expense type to be updated.
  4. For items for which the direct expense amount is to be updated, press Tab to go to the "Direct" field. Type in the direct expense amount.
  5. For items for which the indirect expense amount is to be updated, press Tab to go to the "Indirect" field and type in the indirect expense amount.
  6. Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the top portion of the screen.
  7. The cursor will automatically go to the "Length of Workday" field. Edit the field, as necessary.
  8. Press Enter to go to the "F.T.E. Employees" field. Edit the field, as necessary.
  9. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Screen Layout

Expense Type

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Period Ending 6 Numeric Month and year of the expenses to be recorded or reviewed.
Agency 6 Assigned Unique number assigned to each agency for identification.
Length of Workday 4 Numeric Length of the agency's regular work day, in hours.
F.T.E. Employees 7 Numeric Agency's total number of employees, measured in full-time equivalents.
Total Direct Expenses 8 Assigned Total amount of direct expenses for the month specified.
Total Indirect Expenses 9 Assigned Total amount of indirect expenses for the month specified.
Expense Type 30 Assigned The category of a particular expense at a site.
Direct 8 Numeric Direct expense amounts.
Indirect 8 Numeric Indirect expense amounts.



  • Used to place a "lock" on the production of WIC food instruments (FIs) to prevent the issuance of FIs to a participant. This procedure is to be used when it is desired that the participant see the site supervisor before being issued FIs or to prevent FIs from being issued to a participant at the clinic because of potential dual participation or for other administrative reasons.
  • Used to remove an FI lock from a participant when the potential for dual participation or other administrative matters have been resolved.
  • The lock can be set by the site administrator or by the Central Office in the case of possible duplicate participants identified through the beginning of day process. Access to the Lock/Unlock Participant FI Issuance (AD24) screen should be limited to site administrative/supervisory staff.
  • Participants who are identified as possible duplicates (dual participants for WIC) will automatically have the lock placed on FI production as part of the nightly duplicate checking process. It is the responsibility of local agency staff to investigate each identified potential duplicate daily, in order to determine whether the participant is dually participating in the WIC program. The FI lock should only be removed following the investigation and resolution of the potential dual/duplicate situation.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Verify the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) as that of the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about the PSPB.)
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  3. In the "Lock Reason" field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help to indicate the reason the lock has been set. The available codes are as follows:
    • A - Administrative
    • D - Dual Participation
    • N - No Lock (use this code when removing an FI lock)
  4. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  5. Comments entered on the Alert Comments (CM07) screen will be shown in the "Comments" box. Use Pg Up and Pg Dn to view comments.
  6. The available fast path keys are F9 to the Produce Food Instruments (FI01) screen and Ctrl+F11 to the Alert Comments (CM07) screen.

Screen Layout

Lock/Unlock Participant FI Issuance

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Lock Reason 4 Code Describes the reason a lock is put on a participant's FI issuance.

9.24 Reset Password (AD25)

This procedure will reset/change an employee's password. This can be done at any time or the user can wait for the Cornerstone system prompts that will require a password change every 30 days.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. The cursor will be at the "Reset Password for User ID" field. Type in the employee's ID whose password needs to be changed.
  2. If the ID does not match an employee, the message "Employee not Found" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. If the ID matches an employee, the employee's name will fill in.
  4. Use the mouse to click "Ok". The message "Password Reset" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

NOTE: When an employee's password is reset, the next time the user logs into Cornerstone, the word "default" must be typed in when the user is prompted for a password. Cornerstone will then prompt the user to change their password. The user will have to type in their new password twice to verify the change.

Screen Layout

Reset Password

9.25 Reset Login Flag (AD26)

This procedure will reset an employee's login flag so the user can log back into Cornerstone.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. A box will display the employees logged in at that time. Use the mouse to click the button in the reset box next to the employee to be reset.
  2. Use the mouse to click the arrow in the Reason box to display a pop-up window with a list of reasons for logging in again. Click on the correct reason and then click "Ok".
  3. The employee's login flag has now been reset. The employee is free to log back into Cornerstone.
  4. To reset another employee login flag, repeat steps 2 and 4 above.

Screen Layout

Reset Login Flag

9.26 Color Options (AD27)


  • Each active employee may choose a color schemes for their own login ID.
  • Color schemes apply to the individual employee's ID and not the individual workstation.
  • Color schemes may also be reset to the default colors.


The Color Options (AD27) screen displays all fields that are applicable to having the color changed on them. The user can right click on a field and then select a different color from the choices given. The user can also create and save custom colors to be applied to fields.

On this screen, the user can change the colors on as many fields as desired. The user may need to restart Cornerstone in order to see the changes.

If the user wants to change the colors of a screen back to the default colors, the user can click on the Reset button and the colors on the screen will change back to the default blue settings.

A color scheme is specific to the individual user ID and not the individual workstation on which it was changed.

Step by Step Instructions:

  1. Select the Employee option under the Admin menu and then select "Color Options".
  2. Choose a field to change the color on and then right click on that field.
  3. Select a different color from the basic colors that are displayed or create a custom color by left clicking on "Define Custom Color".
  4. Once the new color has been selected, click on the "OK" button.
  5. The Color Options (AD27) screen will be updated with the new color choice.
  6. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until all fields are updated.
  7. To save the changes to the Color Options screen (AD27), click on the "OK" button.
  8. Click on the "Exit" button to exit the Color Options screen

NOTE: To change the colors back to the original default settings, click on the "Reset" button on the Color Options (AD27) screen and then click "Exit" to save the changes.

Screen Layout

Color Options

Field Definitions

No fields to be defined.

9.27 Procedure/Diagnosis Table Maintenance (AD28)


  • Used to add, edit, and inquire upon information associated with procedure/diagnosis codes. Procedure codes displayed are built into the Cornerstone system centrally; none can be added or deleted locally.
  • The "add" function is restricted to Central Office personnel only. This table is set and maintained at the Central Office. Local agency users may inquire and edit. When this screen is edited, the "Procedure Charge" field is the only field that local users can change.
  • Used in conjunction with the Medicaid billing function on the Generate Medicaid Billing Form screen (AD18) to enter charge information on procedures. However, the Generate Medicaid Billing Form screen (AD18) is not yet available in the Cornerstone system.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. In the "Procedure Code" field type in the code to view/edit or use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the records to select the procedure code to be viewed/edited.
    • Each procedure code is associated with a description, which is displayed in the "Description" field.
  2. Press F6 Edit to edit.
  3. The cursor moves to the "Procedure Charge" field. Type in the dollar amount charged for the procedure.
  4. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
  5. To add an additional procedure charge, repeat steps 1 through 4.

Screen Layout

Procedure Diagnosis Table Maintenance

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Procedure Code 5 Code A code which identifies the type of medical procedure which was provided to a participant.
Description 15 Assigned System-generated description of the procedure code.
Expanded Description Un-defined Assigned Expanded system-generated description of the procedure code.
HFS Type of Service 4 Assigned A code that indicates the type of service provided to the participant by HFS.
Unit Type 4 Assigned A code which indicates the units of measure of a service or procedure.
Medicaid Claimable 1 Choice Yes/No field to indicate whether the service is Medicaid-reimbursable.
Procedure Charge 7 Numeric The dollar amount of charge for the referenced procedure, per unit for that procedure.
Procedure Type 1 Assigned A code that indicates whether the type is "P" for procedure or "D" for diagnosis.
Procedure Status 1 Assigned A code that indicates whether the procedure status is "A" for active or "I" for inactive.
Date Last Update 8 Assigned The system-generated date when the screen was last modified.
Modified by 9 Assigned The ID of the user who made the last modification.

9.28 Medical Direct Expenses (AD29)


  • The Medical Direct Expenses (AD29) is used to add or edit direct expenses - not staff expenses.
  • The expenses entered on this screen will be used to calculate the cost report for end of the year claiming to HFS.
  • All immunization expenses will be entered under code 99999 Combined Immunization Costs as it is not necessary to list expenses for each individual immunization CPT code.


Examples of the information to be entered on this screen include:

  1. The cost of alcohol pads, band-aids, etc would be entered under the Combined Immunization Costs.
  2. The cost for Denver kits, etc would be entered under the Denver/ASQ CPT code.

Step by Step Instructions

Expense Entry Tab:

  1. The screen will display the recent expense entry. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the existing expense entry records.
    • To add an Expense Entry, press F5 Add. Go to step 2.
    • To edit an Expense Entry, press F6 Edit. Go to step 3.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Period Ending" field and type the month and year of the expenses to be recorded.
    • Period Ending is the month the expenses were incurred.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "Expense Amount" field, type the amount of the expense.
  4. Press F4 to save. A message "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Summary Tab: This screen is for inquiries only.

Screen Layout

Medical Direct Expenses - Expense Entry:

Medical Direct Expenses

Medical Direct Expenses - Summary:

Medical Direct Expenses Summary

9.29 Security Access Request (AD30)


  • The screen gives each site the ability to add employees to Cornerstone. When adding an employee, sites will be able to request Total Access for WIC, Admin rights, Linux ID's, as well as adding the employee to multiple sites.
  • After adding new employees, the records will upload to Central Office during the EOD process. Central Office processing will create IDs for the employees and download the IDs to each site's Employee table during the BOD process the next day.
  • When adding employees with existing Cornerstone ID's, the records will upload to Central Office during the EOD process. Central Office processing will verify that the name and ID match the existing ID. If a match is found, the ID will be downloaded to the site's Employee table during the BOD process the next day. If a match is not found, the request will not be processed.
  • For all records submitted, the site will be notified with the appropriate message code on the HSPR0404 report.
  • Any record added on the current day will be in pending status until the site has completed a successful EOD.
  • All requests for Total Access for WIC will come from AD30. The requests will be submitted electronically to the state WIC Administrative staff for approval. Once a request is submitted, there is a minimum 2-day turn-around for WIC Administrative staff to either approve or deny the request. The day after the request is approved; the employee's record on the Employee table will be updated for all sites requested.
  • Once a Linux ID has been added, someone from Cornerstone will contact the site.
  • If more than one site is entered on the request, the request will be generated for all sites as listed. If WIC and/or Admin rights are not needed for the ID at all sites, then the requests must be made separately on separate days.
    • Day 1 - Add employee. If WIC or Admin rights are needed for the original site, submit them.
    • Day 2 - Add with the employee's now existing Cornerstone ID and add the additional site without WIC or Admin rights.
  • An inquiry can be used to see if the employee has already been added on this screen. Inquiries are performed by pressing the Page Up/Page Down keys to view records previously added.


Initially, the F5 key is the only key visible. Add is used in several ways:

  • Add new Cornerstone ID for a new employee.
  • Add employee with an existing Cornerstone ID from another site to current site.
  • Add employee with a new or existing Cornerstone ID to additional sites.

Edit (F6) - The F6 key is only available for the employee that added the record.

  • Before EOD - The record is pending, but only the person that added it can edit it.
  • After EOD - The record is no longer pending, so it cannot be edited (by anyone).

Delete (F7) - The F7 key is only available for the employee that added the record.

  • Before EOD - The record is pending, but only the person that added it can delete it.
  • After EOD -The record is no longer pending, so it cannot be deleted (by anyone).

Terminated Employees:

Current site - If the employee has an existing Cornerstone ID at the site, an error message will display if the employee is not active. Pressing any key cancels the add function. Go to the AD15 screen and re-activate the employee.

Additional site(s) - If adding an employee to additional sites with an existing Cornerstone ID, that employee must not have a terminated record at the requested sites.

Step by Step Instructions

New Cornerstone ID (Press the TAB key or Enter key to move through the fields):

  1. Press Enter to go to the "Last Name" field and type in the employee's last name. This step is required.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "First Name" field and type in the employee's first name. This step is required.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "MI" field and type in the employee's middle initial. This step is optional.
    • The employee name is no longer available when the cursor leaves the middle initial field. All the other fields become enabled.
  4. In the "Start Date (for new employee)" field, type in the employee's starting date (past present or future). This step is required.
  5. Use the mouse (or press the space bar) to check the "Add New Employee" checkbox. This step is required.
  6. Use the mouse (or press the space bar) to check the "Total Access for WIC" checkbox, if necessary. This step is optional.
  7. Press Enter to go to the "Title" field and type in the employee's title. This step is optional.
  8. Press Enter to go to the "Linux ID...(for applicable sites only)" field and type in the employee's Linux ID. This step is optional.
  9. Press Enter to go to the "Supervisor's ID" field and type in the employee's supervisor ID or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2. Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.) This step is optional.
  10. Press Enter to go to the "Should employee be given Admin rights?" field. The default is set to "N" for No, but can be changed to "Y" if requesting Admin rights. This step is required.
  11. Press Enter to go to the "Additional Sites(s) where access is requested" field and type in the site ID(s) for additinal sites or use F1 Help.
    • Enter sites from left to right, top row first
    • If an employee needs to be added to more than nine additional sites, submit the additional sites the next day, after a successful EOD/BOD.
  12. The "From(Contact Person)" field is not editable. The name and ID of the person logged into Cornerstone is listed.
  13. Press Enter to go to the "Telephone Number" field and type in the contact person's telephone number. This step is required.
  14. In the "Ext" field, type in the contact person's extension. This step is optional.
  15. Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Existing Cornerstone ID (already at this site):

  1. In the "Current Cornerstone ID (if any for existing employee)" field type in the existing employee's Cornerstone ID or use F1 Help to select the ID from the drop list (alphabetized by last name). Most of the other fields become enabled after leaving the middle initial field.
  2. Once the cursor is past the middle initial field, the following fields are disabled: Current Cornerstone ID, Employee Name (Last, First & MI), Start Date, Title, and Supervisor's ID. This information cannot be updated on this screen.
  3. Use the mouse (or press the space bar) to check the "Change using Employee's existing Cornerstone ID" checkbox. This step is required.
  4. Use the mouse (or press the space bar) to check the "Total Access for WIC" checkbox, if necessary.
  5. Press Enter to go to the "Linux ID...(for applicable sites only)" field and type in the employee's Linux ID.
  6. Press Enter to go to the "Should employee be given Admin rights?" field. The default is set to "N" for No, but can be changed to "Y" if requesting Admin rights. This step is required.
  7. Press Enter to go to the "Additional Sites(s) where access is requested" field and type in the site ID(s) for additinal sites or use F1 Help.
    • Enter sites from left to right, top row first.
    • If an employee needs to be added to more than nine additional sites, submit the additional sites the next day, after a successful EOD/BOD.
  8. The "From(Contact Person)" field is not editable. The name and ID of the person logged into Cornerstone is listed.
  9. Press Enter to go to the "Telephone Number" field and type in the contact person's telephone number. This step is required.
  10. In the "Ext" field, type in the contact person's extension.
  11. Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Existing Cornerstone ID (from another site):

  1. In the "Current Cornerstone ID (if any for existing employee)" field type in the existing employee's Cornerstone ID or use F1 Help. A warning message will appear stating "No matching employee ID found." It is not found because, although the employee already has a Cornerstone ID, the ID has not yet been added to the site.
  2. Press Enter to go to the "Last Name" field and type in the employee's last name exactly as it is at the other site. This step is required.
  3. Press Enter to go to the "First Name" field and type in the employee's first name exactly as it is at the other site. This step is required.
  4. Press Enter to go to the "MI" field.
    • If the employee has a middle initial entered at the other site, it must be entered here. Any deviation in the name for the requested ID will cause the request to be rejected.
    • The Cornerstone ID and Employee Name are no longer available when the cursor leaves the middle initial field.
  5. In the "Start Date (for new employee)" field, type in the employee's start date. The date can be the employee's original start date or start date at this site. This step is required.
  6. Use the mouse (or press the space bar) to check the "Change using Employee's existing Cornerstone ID" checkbox. This step is required.
  7. Use the mouse (or press the space bar) to check the "Total Access for WIC" checkbox, if necessary.
  8. Press Enter to go to the "Title" field and type in the employee's title.
  9. Press Enter to go to the "Linux ID...(for applicable sites only)" field and type in the employee's Linux ID. This step is optional.
  10. Press Enter to go to the "Supervisor's ID" field and type in the employee's supervisor ID or use F1 Help.
  11. Press Enter to go to the "Should employee be given Admin rights?" field. The default is set to "N" for No, but can be changed to "Y" if requesting Admin rights. This step is required.
  12. Press Enter to go to the "Additional Sites(s) where access is requested" field and type in the site ID(s) for additional sites or use F1 Help.
    • Enter sites from left to right, top row first.
    • If an employee needs to be added to more than nine additional sites, submit the additional sites the next day, after a successful EOD/BOD.
  13. The "From(Contact Person)" field is not editable. The name and ID of the person logged into Cornerstone is listed.
  14. Press Enter to go to the "Telephone Number" field and type in the contact person's telephone number. This step is required.
  15. In the "Ext" field, type in the contact person's extension.
  16. Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Screen Layout

Security Access Request:

Security Access Request

Field Definitions

Field Name Length Field Type Definition
Current Cornerstone ID (if any for existing employee) 9 Numeric The unique identification number assigned to employees, used for accessing the Cornerstone system.
Last Name 15 Alpha The Employee's last name.
First Name 13 Alpha The Employee's first name.
MI 1 Alpha The Employee's middle initial.
Start date(for new employee) 8 Numeric The Employee's official start date.
Add New Employee N/A Ceckbox Indicates that the request is for a new employee.
Change using Employee's existing Cornerstone ID N/A Ceckbox Indicates that chages are requested to a current employee.
Total Access for WIC N/A Ceckbox Indicates that the employee should have total access for WIC.
Title 30 Alpha/Numeric The Job title of the employee.
Linux ID...(for applicable sites only) 30 Alpha/Numeric The Linux ID number of the employee.
Supervisor's ID 9 Numeric The employee's supervisor's ID.
Should employee be given Admin rights? 1 Choice Yes/No field to indicate whether the employee should be given Admin rights.
Additional Site(s) when access is requested 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6 Numberic ID number of any additional sites a current employee is access.
From (Contact Person) N/A N/A Current user's Cornerstone ID and name. Non-editable field. For inquiries only.
Telephone Number 10 Numeric The Employee's telephone number.
Ext 4 Numeric The Employee's telephone extension.