Table of Contents
- 6.4 CASE NOTES (CM04)
- 6.6 Alert Comments (CM07)
- 6.7 View Alert Comments Summary (CM08)
The Cornerstone system is used by case managers to develop individualized care plans for their clients. Care plans in the Cornerstone system consist of goals, planned services, case notes, and information collected on the various medical screens.
Each care plan developed on the Cornerstone system will also have one or more goals, resulting from assessment or professional opinion and in response to implied or explicit risk factors; planned service or services, intended to address identified goals; resources, internal or external, to deliver planned services; and appointments for internal resources, or referrals if external.
If the service needed to address the client's goal is provided within the clinic, an appointment is made via Cornerstone scheduling functions. If the service is not provided at the clinic, referrals are made to specific community resources that can provide the needed service.
- The Case Management Assignment History (CM01) is used to view a specific participant's previously and currently assigned case manager for each program.
- The information displayed is only found at the local clinic.
- This screen is used to end a participants assignment to a case manager. When a participant is reassigned from one case manager to another, the new case manager will be displayed on this screen.
- The Case Management Assignment History (CM01) is used to inquire on a participants case manager(s) and date(s) of assignment.
- This screen is used to end a case manager assignment after a participant has been terminated from case management.
The user has the option to select a Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up by pressing the F2 shared data key on this screen. This will temporarily display any statewide data pertinent to the client on the screen, including all of the case managers who have been responsible for that participant at other Cornerstone sites.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key is F9 to the Caseload Reassignment (AD17) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- If the participant has been active in other Cornerstone sites and the user would like to view that case manager information, press the F2 shared data key to access the WAN. (Please refer to the Step by Step Instructions in Chapter 2 System Environment under 2.8.2 Accessing the WAN.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Case Management Assignment History window, if necessary. This portion of the screen lists the current and previous case managers assigned to the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and highlight the appropriate case management assignment.
- To edit a case management assignment, press F6.
- The Termination/End Date pop-up box will be displayed. In the End Date field, type in the date that the participant was removed from the case managers caseload.
- The end date can be the same date as the case assignment effective date, but cannot be a future date.
- Press F4 to save. A message Record updated will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Case Management Assignment History:

Termination/End Date:

Field Definitions (pop-up window)
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
End Date |
8 |
Date |
The date that the assignment is terminated/ended. |
- The Participant Goals (CM02) screen displays system-generated goals selected for the care plan, as well as a status and priority for each goal. The goals are generated as a result of the answers to assessment questions. The goals should be used as a guide in formulating the participants individual care plan.
- Goals may be added or changed from the standard list of goals, and the user may update goal detail information.
- A minimum of one goal must be generated or developed for each participant. If all assessment questions were answered with the norm, then no goals or services will be system-generated; therefore the user will have to develop a goal.
- Goals should not be deleted, per program policy.
- All goals should be addressed.
Available Goal Status Codes:
- RE (Recommended) - The goal is recommended but no activity has taken place.
- IN (Inappropriate for client) - The goal is inappropriate for the client.
- NA (Not Available) - The goal is recognized but is not available.
- RF (Refused by Participant) - The goal has been recognized, but the participant has refused to participate in services or activities related to that goal.
- SE (Selected for the Care Plan) - The case manager is actively assisting the participant with services and activities developed to meet the goal.
- CO (Completed) - The participant has received all the necessary referrals and services and meets the goal.
- UL (Unable to Locate) - This code should be used to close out goals when the clinic is unable to locate the participant.
Available Priority Codes:
- H - High
- M - Medium
- L - Low
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F9 to the Planned Services/Care Plan (CM03) screen and F10 to the Participant Goals Summary view.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- The Participant Goals Summary will be displayed with any goals entered for the participant. Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Participant Goals window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent group appointment record entered for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and select the appropriate goal.
- To add a goal, press F5. Go to step 4.
- To edit a goal, press F6. A completed record, one with a status code of CO, cannot be edited. Go to step 4.
- To delete a goal, press F7. The Confirm delete? pop-up window will be displayed. Select Yes to delete the record, or No to cancel.
- In the Goal field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under 2.5.2 Keyboard Functions for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the Status field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. All system-generated goals are automatically given the status of Selected for the Care Plan (SE).
- Once the status of a goal has been changed to completed "CO," the completion date and the goal will remain in the Care Plan Summary (CM09) screen and the Participant Care Plan Report (HSPR0204). (Please refer to Chapter 11 Reports under 11.16 Care Plan (HSPR0204) for more information.)
- Press Enter to go to the Status Date field. This field will default to the current date.
- The user can change the status date to a prior date, but not a future date.
- Press Enter to go to the Priority field. The priority for all goals is automatically set to Low. To change the priority, type in the correct code or use F1 Help
- The cursor will move to the Added to Care Plan field. This field will default to the current date. This date can be changed to a prior date, but not a future date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Assigned By field and type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID number or use F1 Help.
- Pressing Enter to move past the Assigned By field, will auto-fill the field with the current user's ID.
- Press Enter to go to the Target Completion Date field and type in the target completion date. This date can be the current date or as far as two years in the future.
- The target completion date should reflect the priority of the goal.
- Press Enter to go to the Comments field and type in any comment pertaining to the goal added.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message Record added OR Record edited will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Participant Goals Summary:

Participant Goals:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Goal |
3 |
Code |
The goal for the participants care plan. |
Status |
3 |
Code |
Status of the goal for the participant. |
Status Date |
8 |
Date |
Date when the current status was set. |
Priority |
3 |
Code |
Priority of the goal (high, medium, or low). |
Added to Care Plan |
8 |
Assigned |
Date this goal was made part of the participants care plan. |
Assigned By |
9 |
Numeric |
ID of the participants case manager who is developing the care plan. |
Target Completion Date |
8 |
Date |
Date by which the goal is expected to be met. |
Comment |
Un-defined |
Alpha/Numeric |
Free form text field for recording notes about the goal. |
- The Planned Services/Care Plan (CM03) screen displays system-generated services that are appropriate to the achievement of participant goals. Planned services are generated as a result of answers to assessment questions.
- This screen is used to view the services recommended for a participant based upon the goals that are generated from the answers to assessment questions.
- Planned Service/Care Plan services can be added or deleted.
- The Planned Services/Care Plan (CM03) screen is used to update the status and/or the planned completion date for a service.
Planned Service data can be displayed in either Detail view or Summary view. Detail view displays all data for a specific Planned Service while Summary view displays all data for all Planned Services entered in a table format. Planned Service records can only be added or edited in Detail view.
The planned services list only occurs as a result of doing assessments. If the user adds to this list, it will be necessary to manually add services for the goals. Manually added goals and services will also be displayed on this screen.
When there are multiple planned services with the same type, the service that is edited will remain on the screen.
The case manager must select at least one planned service for each goal established for the participant.
The planned completion date determines the order services are addressed.
After an appointment has been scheduled or a referral for a planned service has been made, the status of that service must be updated.
Available Planned Service Status Codes:
- RC (Recommended) - This service is recommended for this participant.
- IP (In Progress) - This service has been selected and is ongoing. The case manager will monitor this service at each contact and evaluate the care plan for needed changes.
- NA (Services Not Available) " This service is not available for client.
- RF (Referred) - The case management agency will not provide this service, but the participant will be referred to a provider outside of the agency to receive the service.
- RP (Refused by Participant) - The participant does not agree to the service.
- SC (Scheduled) - The service will be provided by the agency, and the client has been scheduled.
- SE (Selected for Care Plan) - The case manager is actively assisting the participant with services and activities developed to meet the goal.
- CO (Completed) - The participant has received all the necessary referrals and services and meets the goal.
- UL (Unable to Locate) - This code should be used to close out planned services when the clinic is unable to locate the participant.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Referral (RF01) screen, F9 to the Case Notes (CM04) screen, and F10 to the Schedule Appointment (SC02) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Planned Services/Care Plan window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Planned Services/Care Plan record entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and select previous planned services. Planned Service records can only be added, edited or deleted in Detail view.
- To add a planned service, press F5. Go to step 4.
- To edit a planned service, press F6. A completed record, one with a status code of CO, cannot be edited. Go to step 5.
- To delete a planned service, press F7. The Do you want to delete this record? pop-up window will be displayed. Select Yes to delete the record, or No to cancel.
- In the Planned Service field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under 2.5.2 Keyboard Functions for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the Status field. This field auto-fills with a status of RE (Recommended). To change the status, type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Once the status of a service has been changed to ˜Completed (CO), the completion date and the service will remain in the Care Plan Summary (CM09) screen and the Participant Care Plan Report (HSPR0204). (Please refer to Chapter 11 Reports under 11.16 Care Plan (HSPR0204) for more information.)
- Press Enter to go to the Status Date field. This field will default to the current date. The user may change the status date to a previous date, but not a future date.
- Press Enter to go to the Planned Completion Date field and type in the planned completion date. The completion date can be the current date or a future date.
- Planned Completion Dates can be edited for code "802 - Prenatal Care" to allow the completion date to be prior to the current date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Assigned By field and type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID number or use F1 Help.
- Pressing Enter to move past the Referred By ID field, will auto-fill the field with the current user's ID.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message Record added OR Record edited will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Planned Services/Care Plan - Detail:

Planned Services/Care Plan - Summary:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Planned Service |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the planned service intended to help the participant meet a goal of the care plan. |
Status |
3 |
Code |
Status of the planned service. |
Status Date |
8 |
Date |
Date the current status was set. |
Planned Completion Date |
8 |
Date |
Expected date by which the service will have been provided. |
Assigned By |
9 |
Numeric |
ID of the participants case manager who is developing the care plan. |
- Case Notes (CM04) is an optional screen, used to document services provided by the case manager/service coordinator and to provide a clear and concise explanation of services delivered and claimed on the Activity Entry (SV02) screen.
If the case notes are marked as "Confidential, only the user who entered the record and their supervisor will be able to view the case note.
Writing Case Notes:
The case notes must be written in a clear and focused manner. Notes are free-form and may be used to record information about the service or activity provided to the participant. There is no limit to the number of notes that may be entered.
Begin the case note by indicating the program for which these case notes are being entered (type the name of the program or abbreviate, such as, FCM, HSCM, PPC, IMM, WIC, BCCP, etc.). Case notes are available for the use of all programs; therefore, identifying the program is extremely important.
After the user completes the case notes, press Enter twice and type in the full name, the credentials, and title of the case manager who provided the service. If the author of the case notes is not the user currently logged on to the Cornerstone system, the author's name and credentials will need to be entered at the bottom of the note
Once case notes have been saved they cannot be edited or deleted. If errors occur, new case notes must be entered in order to correct the errors.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F9 to the Assessment screen (AS01) and F10 to the Planned Services/Care Plan (CM03) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Case Notes window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent case note record entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through previous case notes.
- Press F5 to add case notes for this participant.
- Press Enter to go to the "Date" field. This field will default to the current date. The user may change the status date to a previous date, but not a future date.
- Pressing Enter to move past the Date field, will auto-fill the information fields.
- The Note Number field is not editable and is only for inquiries. The "Note Number" field indicates the number of documented case notes on the participant for the selected date.
- Press Enter to go to the Confidential field. The field defaults to N for no, but can be made confidential by typing Y for yes.
- The "Entered By" field defaults to the ID number and name of the user logged in to the Cornerstone system.
- Press Enter to go to the case note field and type in any necessary notes.
- Spell check is available for correcting Case Notes.
- Press F4 to save the case notes. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Case Notes:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of the case note. |
Note Number |
2 |
Assigned |
Displays the number of notes available on this participant. |
Confidential |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the case note is confidential. |
Entered by |
9 |
Assigned |
User who is logged in to the Cornerstone system. |
Notes |
Un-defined |
Alpha/Numeric |
Space in which to enter notes. |
- The Caseload Inquiry (CM05) screen allows a user to view a list of assigned participants to a particular case manager. The total number of cases is also displayed.
- This screen displays a list of participants currently assigned to the case manager's caseload and program status.
- The Caseload Inquiry (CM05) screen may be used by case management supervisors to determine that case managers are making successful contact with participants.
- This screen is for inquiry only.
An alternative to doing an employee browse is to use F1 Help when the cursor is in the first Employee ID field to display the available employee names. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under 2.5.2 Keyboard Functions for more information about F1 Help.)
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify the information in the Employee Standard Processing Block (ESPB) belongs to the employee currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under 2.6.2 Employee Standard Processing Block (ESPB)/Employee Browse for more information about the ESPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Caseload Inquiry window, if necessary.
- The Total Number of Cases field indicates the number of participants assigned to the employee.
- Press Enter to go to the "Program" field. The Program field displays the details for an employee's specific program. Type in the correct program code or us F1 Help.
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Caseload Detail window. This portion of the screen lists the cases/participants assigned to an employee. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the appropriate participant to review.
- Press F8 to go to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen.
- Press F9 to go to the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen.
Screen Layout
Caseload Inquiry/Detail:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.
6.6 Alert Comments (CM07)
- The Alert Comments (CM07) screen is used to create, send, and acknowledge informative messages about a participant within a clinic and between sites (via the WAN).
- Alert comments can be created by clinic staff or by the Central Office.
When viewing alert comments, the user may display all the information available from the Cornerstone site by pressing the F2 shared data key to access the WAN. (Please refer to the Step by Step Instructions in Chapter 2 System Environment under 2.8.2 Accessing the WAN.)
Alert Message:
The message View Alerts will be displayed in the PSPB when there are unacknowledged alert messages about a participant.
If there are no alert messages about a participant, the message No Alert Messages for This Participant will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Acknowledge an Alert Message:
When a comment is added that requires an alert acknowledgment, the message View Alert is displayed on any screen when the participant is accessed. This message is displayed to indicate to personnel that a message exists regarding the participant. The employee should go to the Alert Comments (CM07) screen and acknowledge the alert comments.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F9 to the View Alert Comments Summary (CM08) screen and F10 to the Acknowledgement Window" pop-up box.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Alert Comments window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Alert Comments entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and select and Alert Comment.
- To add an Alert Comment, press F5. Go to step 6.
- To edit an Alert Comment, press F6. Go to step 6.
- To delete an Alert Comment, press F7. The Confirm delete? pop-up window will be displayed. Select Yes to delete the record, or No to cancel.
- The Date Written field automatically defaults to todays date.
- The "Written By" field is not editable. The user currently logged in to the Cornerstone system will be displayed.
- In the Does this comment require acknowledgment? field, type Y for yes or N for no to indicate if the alert requires an acknowledgment.
- If Y for yes is selected, the message View Alerts will be displayed in the top right corner of the PSPB until the alert message is acknowledged.
- The cursor will move to the Alert Comment Text field. Type in the necessary alert notes. Do not include any confidential information in this field.
- Press F4 to save. A message Record added or Record edited will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
To Acknowledge an Alert Message:
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Alert Comments window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Alert Comments entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and select an Alert Comment.
- Press F10 to display the Acknowledgment Window pop-up window.
- To acknowledge the alert comment, press F4 to save. A message Alert Acknowledged will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- The letter Y will be displayed in the Acknowledged? field on Alert Comments (CM07) screen the next time the screen is accessed.
To Print an Alert Comment:
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Alert Comments window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Alert Comments entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and select an Alert Comment.
- Press Enter twice. The Print the Alert Now pop-up window will be displayed. Press Y for yes or N for no to print the alert comment.
Screen Layout
Alert Comments:

Acknowledgement Window:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Date Written |
8 |
Assigned |
Date the alert was created. |
Written By |
25 |
Assigned |
The last and first name of the user who writes the alert message. |
Does this comment require acknowledgment? |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the comment requires acknowledgment. |
Acknowledged By and Acknowledged Date |
1/8 |
Assigned |
Yes/No field indicating whether the alert comment has been acknowledged, followed by the date that it was acknowledged, if the answer is yes. |
Alert Comment Text |
Un-defined |
Alpha/Numeric |
Text field for recording the appropriate alert comment that will be displayed. |
6.7 View Alert Comments Summary (CM08)
- The View Alert Comments Summary (CM08) screen is used to inquire on alert comments that have been written about a participant. The screen displays a summary (list) of documented alert comments that have been created for a participant.
To view an alert comment, the user can place the cursor on the specific alert record and press F9. This will display the Alert Comments screen (CM07) that has more detail about each alert message. (Please refer to 6.6 Alert Comments (CM07) in this chapter for more information.)
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the View Alert Comments Summary window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the Alert Comments entered for the participant. Use the arrow keys or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and select an Alert Comment.
- To view an alert comment, press F9. This will take the user to the Alert Comments (CM07) screen.
- Press F9 To return to the View Alert Comments Summary (CM07) screen.
Screen Layout
View Alert Comments Summary:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.
- The Care Plan Summary (CM09) screen provides a summary of a participant's current care plan. All goals with a Selected for Care Plan status and services are displayed.
- The information displayed is only found at the local clinic.
- This screen is for inquiry only.
The user has the option to select a Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up by pressing the F2 shared data key on this screen. This will temporarily display any statewide data to the screen, including a display of all of the case managers who have been responsible for that participant at other Cornerstone sites. (Please refer to the Step by Step Instructions in Chapter 2 System Environment under 2.8.2 Accessing the WAN.)
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key is F8 to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Care Plan Summary window, if necessary.
- The screen will display a summary for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight and select a care plan.
- Press Ctrl+F1to activate the Planned Goals window. Use the up and down arrow keys or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight and select the goals and priorities for the participant.
Screen Layout
Care Plan Summary:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.
- The Participant Forms (CM10) screen is a modified version of the Case Notes (CM04) screen. The user can complete separate forms from a template. Each pre-defined template has a specific format type.
- This screen is used in Early Intervention (EI) to complete and update portions of the service plan and other program-specific forms.
- Once a Participant Form has been marked as final, it can no longer be edited. However, a new form can be created based on the old form by making a copy of the old form available for editing.
- Once a Participant Form has been saved, users can use Ctrl+Page Up or Ctrl+Page Down to scroll through the text section of the screen.
- Only one EICV - IFSP Cover Page can be entered for a participant.
Copying an Existing Participant Form:
If a form in not editable because it has been marked final, the format type does not allow for editing, or the specified time period for editing has passed, a copy of the form can be created for editing.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F9 to the Assessment (AS01) screen and F10 to the Planned Services/Care Plan (CM03) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Participant Forms window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Participant Form entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and select a Participant Form.
- To add a Participant Form, press F5. Go to step 4.
- To edit a Participant Form, press F6. Go to step 7.
- The Date Prepared field will default to the current date. Any previous date can be entered in place of the default date.
- Press Enter to go to the Format Type field. Enter the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under 2.5.2 Keyboard Functions for more information about F1 Help.)
- The Note Number field is for inquiry only. This field displays the current number of saved forms for the Date Prepared for the selected participant.
- Press Enter to go to the Final field. The field defaults to N for no, but can be made final by typing Y for yes.
- Once a form has been marked final, it can no longer be edited.
- Press Enter to go to the Confidential field. The field defaults to N for no. To make the form confidential in the Cornerstone system, type Y for yes.
- If the form is marked Y for Confidential, only the participants assigned service coordinator/case manager and their supervisor will have access to this case note.
- The Date Updated field is for inquiry only. This field displays the last day the form was updated. When saving a new form, the Date Updated defaults to the current date.
- The Entered by field is for inquiry only. When saving the form, this field defaults to the ID number and name of the user who is logged in to the Cornerstone system.
- Press Enter to go to the form window located at the bottom of the screen. The appropriate pre-formatted form will appear in the field based on what Format Type is selected. Use the arrow keys or Pg Up and Pg Dn to maneuver through and complete the form. The text of the pre-formatted form can be deleted or changed.
- After completing the form, press F4 to save.
Copying an Existing Participant Form:
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. Any member of a group can be selected to get all group information. (Please refer to Chapter 2 System Environment under Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Participant Forms window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Participant Form entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and select a Participant Form.
- Press F6 to edit the selected form. A pop-up window with the message This case note may not be edited, but a copy may be created that can be edited. Would you like to make a copy? will be displayed. Use the mouse to click Yes to make a copy of the form or No to cancel.
- When the user select Yes the Date Prepared field defaults to the current date.
- Press Enter to go to the Format Type field. Enter the correct code or use F1 Help.
- If the Format Type is changed, A pop-up window with the message "If you change the form type you will lose any changes that have been made to the notes. Do you still want to change the form type?" will be displayed. Use the mouse to click Yes to change the form type or No to cancel.
- The Note Number field is for inquiry only. This field displays the current number of saved forms for the Date Prepared for the selected participant.
- Press Enter to go to the Final field. The field defaults to N for no, but can be made final by typing Y for yes.
- Once a form has been marked final, it can no longer be edited.
- Press Enter to go to the Confidential field. The field defaults to N for no. To make the form confidential in the Cornerstone system, type Y for yes.
- If the form is marked Y for Confidential, only the participants assigned service coordinator/case manager and their supervisor will have access to this case note.
- The Date Updated field is for inquiry only. This field displays the last day the form was updated. When saving a new form, the Date Updated defaults to the current date.
- The Entered by field is for inquiry only. When saving the form, this field defaults to the ID number and name of the user who is logged in to the Cornerstone system.
- Press Enter to go to the form window located at the bottom of the screen. The appropriate pre-formatted form will appear in the field based on what Format Type is selected. Use the arrow keys or Pg Up and Pg Dn to maneuver through and complete the form. The text of the pre-formatted form can be deleted or changed.
- After completing the form, press F4 to save. The Date Updated field will be set to the current date.
Screen Layout
Participant Forms:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Date Prepared |
8 |
Date |
Date the form was originally created. |
Format Type |
4 |
Code |
Code indicating the type of pre-formatted form. |
Note Number |
2 |
Assigned |
Displays the number of forms entered on the Date Prepared for this participant. |
Date Updated |
8 |
Date |
Date the form was last updated. |
Final |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the form is final. |
Confidential |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the form is confidential. |
Entered by |
9 |
Assigned |
User who is logged in to the Cornerstone system and saved the form. |
Notes |
Un-defined |
Alpha/Numeric |
Space in which the pre-formatted form appears for the user to complete. |
- The Participant Risk (CM11) screen displays the Assessment Date, Assessment Type, and Risk Level from the three risk screening assessments (711, 712, and 713).
- If there is only one assessment date displayed, that means that the case manager agreed to the assessment risk type.
- It there are two of the same assessment date, that means that the case manager did not agree and the assessment risk type was overridden.
- When the assessment dates are the same, the bottom line displays the original risk type and the top line displays the case managers overridden response.
Screen Layout:
Participant Risk:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.