Table of Contents
- 4.1 Service Entry (SV01)
- 4.9 Well Child Visit Summary (SV10)
- 4.10 Well Child Visit Forecast (SV11)
The service/activity component of the Cornerstone system is used to record services performed at the local clinic or at a facility outside the clinic for any program.
Fundamental Case Management:
One of the Fundamental Case Management (FCM) tasks of the Cornerstone system is to track services and activities for maternal and child health participants. Case management activities (face-to-face contact, and assessment) and services (second trimester examination, prenatal nutritional education, and a child's MMR immunization) are performed on behalf of the participant. The Cornerstone system also indicates the services that are scheduled or referred for the client, as well as services actually delivered. The services and activities that occur on a case over time are its case history.
All WIC service codes used to provide WIC activities are recorded as actual services on the Service Entry (SV01) screen. These services include certification, follow-up visits, nutrition education contacts (both group and individual), and food instrument (FI) issuance.
4.1 Service Entry (SV01)
- Service Entries (SV01) are used for entering the actual services that have taken place for the participant whether the services were delivered at the agency or by an external provider.
- This screen is used to record all WIC services. For WIC services, this screen is used to record the service the client is to receive that day.
Immunization services past or present that have been provided by the clinic or a non-Cornerstone provider (private physicians, etc.) are recorded on the Service Entry (SV01) screen. This screen establishes the "quick path" for the sequence of screens to be used for Immunization clients. The F11 fast path key will be shown at the top of each screen and will take the user through the screen flow: PA12 - Immunizations, PA13 - Immunization History, PA14 - Future Immunizations in Chapter 3.
If the screen flow is interrupted, (i.e., if the user goes out of the flow to look at a screen for another client or goes to a different screen than that indicated by F11 ), the flow may be resumed by returning to the Service Entry (SV01) screen, typing or choosing the correct Immunization type of service code, and pressing F11 again.
The user may also choose to enter multiple immunizations by going directly to the Multiple Immunization Entry screen (PA23) and not following the quick path sequence of screens. (Please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "3.23 Multiple Immunization Entry (PA23)" for more information.)
For each well child visit, medical information is entered on the Infant/Child Health Visit (PA09) screen. However, the record of the visit is not created until the Service Entry (SV01) screen has been completed.
Fundamental Case Management:
One of the following service codes should be entered for Case Management records:
- "806" (Well Child/EPSDT/Healthy Kids) for Well Child Visits.
- "907" (APORS Follow-up) for High Risk Infant Follow-up.
- "IWCV" (Immunization Well Child Visit) for immunizations given in conjunction with well child clinics provided at the local agency.
- "ICG" (Immunization Clinic General) for routine general immunization clinics and for immunizations given by any non-Cornerstone provider.
When a Case Management New Medicaid record is terminated on the Program Information (PA15) screen, Cornerstone automatically adds a record on SV01 with the Service Type of "NTOT - Closed Case Finding." This record cannot be edited or deleted. The comments section of the NTOT record will display the Termination Reason information from the Program Information record.
Completion of the Service Entry (SV01) screen establishes the screen flow for WIC program participants. The F11 fast path key will be shown at the top of each screen and will take the user through the screen flow.
Entry of specific WIC service codes triggers certain WIC functions, such as reinstatement or preliminary certifications. To move quickly to the WIC service codes type in the letter "W." Only one of the same Type of Service codes can be added per day. The exception to this are the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor codes (WP**). More than one of the same type of these codes can be added per day.
Entering a WIC service code establishes the screen flow, through the use of the F11 key, needed to provide the specific WIC service. If the screen flow is interrupted, (i.e., if the user goes out of the flow to look at a screen for another client or goes to a different screen than that indicated by F11 ), the flow may be resumed by returning to the Service Entry (SV01) screen, typing or choosing the correct WIC type of service code, and pressing F11 again.
Types of service codes for follow-up visits, individual nutrition education, and group nutrition education must be entered on this screen in order to calculate the totals on the WIC Education Summary Report (HSPR0108). (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.4 WIC Education Summary Report (HSPR0108)" for more information.)
The Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP) uses the F10 "Procedure Specifics Information" pop-up window. Please refer to Chapter 15 "Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP)" for information about completing this pop-up window.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen, F9 to the Case Notes (CM04) screen, and F10 to the "Procedure Specifics Information" pop-up window.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Service Entry (SV01) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent service entry record entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through existing service entry records.
- To add a service entry record, press F5 . Go to step 4.
- To edit a service entry record, press F6 . Go to step 6.
- To delete a service entry record, press F7. The message "Confirm Delete?" will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- In the "Service Completed Date" field, type the date that the service was provided.
- Press Enter to go to the "Type of Service" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.5.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Place of Service" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Service Provider" field. This field is used to identify the name of the provider who administered the vaccine. Type the clinicâ€TMs provider ID number or press F1 Help to go to the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen. (Please refer to Chapter 4 "Service/Activity Screens" under "4.3 Provider Look-up (SV03)" for more information.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Location Code" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Primary Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Secondary Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Other" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Comments" field and type in any comment pertaining to this service.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- After the Service Entry (SV01) screen is saved, the F11 key is highlighted. The Cornerstone system recognizes the Immunization type of service codes and has established the fast path to the required immunization screens. Press F11 to fast path to the Immunizations History (PA13) screen in Chapter 3.
Screen Layouts
Service Entry:

Procedure Specific Information:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Service Completed Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of the service. |
Type of Service |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the type of service provided to the participant. Through the Service Entry (SV01) screen, service types provide a way for users to move through the screens needed to complete a service. |
Place of Service |
4 |
Code |
A description of the type of place where the service was provided (i.e. clinic). |
Service Provider |
9/36 |
Numeric/Assigned |
A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the provider performing the service, followed by the name of the provider (if a service provider ID is entered). |
Primary Diagnosis |
5 |
Code |
Primary diagnosis, if any. |
Secondary |
5 |
Code |
Secondary diagnosis, if any. |
Other |
5 |
Code |
Other diagnosis, if any. |
Comments |
60 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Text field for adding notes about the service. |
Transportation Provided |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field that indicates whether transportation was provided to the participant for the service requested. |
Procedure Specific Information Pop-up Window |
The following fields are on the Procedure Specific Information pop-up window. |
Procedure Code |
5 |
Choice |
Code and description of the procedure. |
Number of Units |
4 |
Numeric |
The number of units of the procedure. |
Procedure Result |
4 |
Choice |
Code and description of the result of the procedure. |
Recommendations |
4 |
Choice |
Code and description of the recommended course of action to be taken. |
Referring Physician |
9/36 |
Numeric Assigned |
A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the provider performing the service, followed by the name of the provider (if a service provider ID is entered). |
Payor Code |
4 |
Choice |
Code and name of program that is paying for the procedure. |
Procedure Charge |
4/2 |
Choice |
The monetary amount charged for the procedure. |
Results Received |
8 |
Date |
Date that the results were received. |
Bill Acknowledged |
8 |
Date |
Date that the bill was acknowledged. |
Bill Print |
8 |
Date |
Date that the bill was printed. |
Film Comparison |
1 |
Yes/No |
Enter ‘Yâ€TM for Yes or ‘Nâ€TM for No if a film comparison was done. |
Film Comparison Result |
4 |
Choice |
Code and description of the film comparison results. |
Film Comparison Result Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of the film comparison results. |
Bethesda System Used |
4 |
Choice |
Code and description of the Bethesda System used. |
Specimen Adequacy of Pap Test |
1 |
Choice |
Code and description used to describe the specimen adequacy of the pap test. |
Specimen Type for Pap Test |
1 |
Choice |
Code and description used to describe the specimen type of the pap test. |
- The Activity Entry (SV02) screen is used by case management staff to enter participant-specific case management activities. Recording of time spent on case management activities is required in order to properly calculate the case management time involved with a participant. Activities that are not directly related to a specific participant are recorded on the Staff Time Entry (SV04) screen.
- This screen is used in the Family Case Management (FCM) program and the Healthy Families Illinois (HFI) program to determine the costs to a local agency for performing case management activities for a family and to determine that an agency is meeting specified performance requirements for timely case finding, frequency of face-to-face contact, and home visits with participants.
- This screen can be used by Non-Case Management Staff to record Cost Based Reimbursement Activity.
- The Activity Entry (SV02) screen is used in the Early Intervention (EI) program to enter child and family specific service coordination activities.
- Agency case management staff identified as staff type "D" (direct service staff, including those working in FCM and Healthy Start), are required to complete this screen during time study periods (the first two weeks of January, April, July and October). It is strongly encouraged that case managers complete this screen each day, not only during time study periods.
- Paper copies of the Time and Activity Logs, signed by the agency administrator, must be retained by the agency for a period of five years for auditing purposes. Requesting the Case Manager Activity Report (HSPR0723) will create paper copies. (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.79 Case Manager Activity Report (HSPR0723)" for more information about this specific report.)
- The validation on the Activity Entry (SV02) screen prevents participants from being activated in overlapping case management periods.
Activity Code Entries:
When entering activity code "100 - General Case Management" "Service Code" is not required.
When entering activity code "105 - Referral, Advocacy, Follow-up," a "Service Code" is required.
Contact Types:
Contact types "01 - Face-to-Face," "02 - Group," and "03 - Telephone" will change a participant's status on the Family Case Management program record from "E" (income/age eligible) to "A" (active) when codes "100 - General Case Management," "105 - Referral, Advocacy, Follow-up," have been entered in the "Activity Code" field.
DCFS Wards:
For DCFS wards (participant category CFSP, CFSI or CFSC), contact type "06" will change a participantâ€TMs status to "A" (active).
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen, F9 to the Case Notes (CM04) screen, and F10 to the Staff Time Entry (SV04) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Activity Entry (SV02) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent activity entry record entered for the participant. Use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Activity Date" or "Activity Code" fields to scroll through existing activity entry records.
- To add an activity entry record, press F5 . Go to step 4.
- To edit an activity entry record, press F6 . Go to step 6.
- To delete an activity entry record, press F7 . The message "Confirm Delete?" will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- In the "Staff ID" field, type in the appropriate Cornerstone employee ID number or use F1 Help to display a list of employees. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- If the staff person is the same as the user that is signed on to the Cornerstone system, this field will auto-fill that ID.
- Press Enter to go to the "Activity Date" field and type in the date the activity occurred.
- The date cannot be a future date.
- The date entered must be after the registration date entered on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen.
- The cursor will go to the "Activity Code" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- If the Activity Code is "541", the cursor will go to the "CPT Code" field.
- If the Activity Code is not "541", the cursor will go to the "Service Code" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Service Code" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- This field is required for Activity Code "105 (Referral, Advocacy, Follow-up)." The code must begin with either '8' or '9'.
- This field is optional for all other Activity Codes.
- Press Enter to go to the "CPT Code" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. This field is enabled only if the Activity Code is "541 (Medicaid Services)" for Cost Based Reimbursement:
- Only 1 of the same CPT Code can be entered per participant per day.
- There are three types of CPT Codes: Immunization, Non-Immunization and Influenza.
- Immunization: Can enter multiple immunization codes at a time (up to 5). When adding multiple codes, immunization codes cannot be mixed with non-immunization or influenza codes.
- Non-Immunization and Influenza:
- Only one CPT Code can be added at a time.
- Press Enter to go to the "Time Spent" field and type in the amount of time spent in conducting the activity.
- For 541 Activity codes, time spent cannot be '0'.
- Immunizations: If only 1 immunization is entered, the minimum time increment is 5 minutes and in 5 minute intervals afterwards. If more than 1 immunization is entered, then minimum time increment is 15 minutes and in 5 minute intervals afterwards.
- Non-immunization or Influenza: Minimum time increment is 5 minutes and in 5 minute intervals afterwards.
- For other Activity codes, time spent can be '0'.
- Press Enter to go to the "Site of Contact" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Contact Type" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- The "Contact Type" field must be completed for all activity codes.
- In order for a participantâ€TMs status to be "A" (active) in the Family Case Management program, a successful contact must be recorded.
- The "System Generated" field defaults to "N" for no, to indicate that the activity entry was not generated by the Cornerstone system.
- Press Enter to go to the "Comments" box and type any comments.
- If descriptions of time and activities are made in the "Comments" box, additional case notes are not necessary.
- Press F4 to save the record. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Activity Entry:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Staff ID |
9 |
Numeric |
Cornerstone ID of the case manager who performed the activity. |
Activity Date |
8 |
Date |
The date the activity occurred. |
Activity Code |
4 |
Code |
A code to indicate the specific activity (100, or 105) that was performed. |
Service Code |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the specific service for which the 105 activity involved. |
CPT Code |
5/2 |
Character |
A code that indicates the specific 541 activity performed. |
Time Spent |
4 |
Numeric |
The amount of time spent on the activity. |
Site of Contact |
4 |
Code |
Where the case manager performed the activity. |
Contact Type |
4 |
Code |
Method used in performing the activity; i.e. phone, face to face, etc. |
System Generated |
1 |
Display |
This field is display only. |
Comments |
50 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Free-form text for comments regarding the activity. |
- The Provider Look-up (SV03) screen is used to perform a look-up of the providers of services available to the local agency when the ID number is not available.
- This screen is used to look-up Early Intervention (EI) payees to the local agency when the ID number is not available. EI payees and individual providers are downloaded to each site using their FEIN or Social Security Number IDs. These payees and individual providers are used when authorizing services for an EI participant.
- Each agency can maintain a list of local providers that are entered and updated on the Provider Maintenance (AD01) screen.
The Provider Look-up (SV03) screen can be accessed by using F1 Help in the following screen fields:
- Participant Enrollment (PA03) in Chapter 3 - "Primary Care Provider" field
- Immunizations (PA12) in Chapter 3 - "Provider ID" field
- Service Provider Selection (RF01) in Chapter 5 - "Referred to ID" field
- Service Entry (SV01) in Chapter 4 - "Service Provider" field
- Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) in Chapter 4 - "Payee" field
- EI Authorized Service Inquiry (SV08) in Chapter 4 - "Payee" field
The Provider Look-up (SV03) screen can be accessed on the following screens via the Provider Standard Processing Block (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.6.3 Provider Standard Processing Block" for more information.):
- Provider Services Offered (AD02) in Chapter 9
- Provider Referral History (RF02) in Chapter 5
There are many ways to use the search function on this window. To view all possible providers, type any character into the "Provider Name" field. If the user types an "A", a complete list of providers will be shown with the first provider highlighted. The list will be displayed alphabetically with the provider starting with the selected letter listed first.
To narrow the search, fill in the appropriate field(s) by typing in the information or code(s). The provider look-up search may be performed on a single field or any combination of fields. When using two or more fields in the search, only providers meeting all the criteria entered will be displayed.
When using the "Status" field in a search, in most cases the user will enter "A" for "Active."
Early Intervention Access:
When accessing the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen from the Payee field on the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen the "Provider Name" will actually be the "Payee Name," the "Status" field will default to "A" for 'Active," the "Service Type" field will auto-fill based on the information entered in the "Service Code" field on the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen.
The "Service Category," "Language (EI only)," and "County Served" fields are for selecting EI payees only.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys on this screen are the F9 Provider Detail to the Individual Provider Look-up (SV09) screen and the F10 Print Provider List, to print the entire list of providers shown in the Provider Browse window.
Step by Step Instructions
- In the "Provider Name" field, type in the name of the service provider.
- Press Enter to go to the "Status" field and type in the provider's current status or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.5.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Type" field and type in the correct type of provider or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Referral Status" field and type in the correct referral status or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Service Category" field and type in the correct service code or use F1 Help. This step is for selecting EI payees only.
- Press Enter to go to the "Service Type" field and type in the correct service type code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Language (EI only)" field and type in the correct language code or use F1 Help. This step is for selecting EI payees only.
- Press Enter to go to the "Base County" field and type in the correct county code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "County Served" field and type in the correct county code or use F1 Help. This step is for selecting EI payees only.
- Press Enter to move the cursor past the "County Served" field to activate the "Provider Browse." The "Provider Browse" pop-up window will be displayed in the middle of the screen. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and highlight the appropriate provider.
- The "Provider Browse" pop-up window list includes the providerâ€TMs name, type, street address, and city.
- The "Provider Browse" pop-up window contains information that corresponds to the fields that were completed. For example, if information was entered in the "Service Type" and "Base County" fields, the list would contain a list of providers that provide the service within the base county indicated.
- If there is no information in the Cornerstone system to match what is entered, a message "No Providers Found for Search Criteria" will be displayed.
- Press Enter to select a provider, and to return to the original screen, if the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen was accessed from another screen.
- Press F9 "Prov Detail" to display the Individual Provider Look-up (SV09) screen. Press F3 to return to the Provider Browse pop-up window.
- Press Esc to exit out of the Provider Browse pop-up window without selecting a provider.
Screen Layout
Provider Look-up:

Provider Browse:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Provider Name |
36 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The name of the service provider or payee (EI). |
Status |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the current status of the provider (such as active or inactive). |
Type |
4 |
Code |
The type of provider. |
Referral Status |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates referral recommendations, such as if the provider is actively accepting referrals. |
Service Category |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the service category of the provider. This field is available only for EI providers. |
Service Type |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the type of service provided by the provider. The Service Types are entered on AD02 for local providers, and are automatically downloaded for EI providers. |
Base County |
3 |
Code |
The code for the base county of the provider. This is the county in which the providerâ€TMs main office is located. |
County Served |
3 |
Code |
The code for the county(s) served by the individual provider. This field is available only for EI providers. |
- Staff Time Entry (SV04) is used by case management staff (by case managers, case manager assistants, and outreach workers), for the Family Case Management (FCM) program, to record time spent on non-participant (non-case management) related activities.
- The Staff Time (SV04) screen can be used by Non-Case Management Staff to record Cost Based Reimbursement Activities as well as view recorded "Participant Related Activities."
- Code 200 Case Management Outreach and code 300 Case Management Administration are still limited to Case Management employees only. Remaining codes can be used by non-Case Management staff.
- Staff Time Entry (SV04) is used to record time spent on all activities other than case management.
- This screen is used to record time spent on outreach.
- Staff Time Entry (SV04) is used to record time spent by case managers working in other programs (for example, WIC or Immunizations).
- This screen displays both the non-participant related and participant related activities that have been recorded for the requested day.
- Use code 542 (Influenza), instead of code 526 (Immunization Program) for any clerical influenza time.
An alternative to doing an employee browse is to use F1 Help when the cursor is in the first "Employee ID" field to display the available employee names. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.5.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
Participant Related Activities:
The Participant Related Activities window displays the activity, the participant ID, the participant name, and the amount of time spent on case management activities on the date in the Staff Time Entry window. This window displays the total time spent on participant-related activities that have been entered on the Activity Entry (SV02) screen.
The user can view all the details for Participant Related Activity entered on the Activity Entry (SV02) screen by pressing F8 .
Non-Participant Related Activities:
There are several non-participant related activity codes that allow for entering and reporting on activities/time not related to a participant or other Cornerstone defined activities. The first five codes have set descriptions: 700 - Child Health, 701 - Prenatal, 702 - General Public Health Nursing, 703 - Senior Wellness, 704 - Developmental Assessments. The remaining fifteen are 705-719 and have been given generic descriptions of "Clinic Defined Activity 1-15." If a clinic uses the generic codes, that clinic will need to develop their own scheme of what each of the generic codes mean since the names of the codes may not be changed.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Participant Related Activity Details F9 to the Service Entry (SV01) screen and F10 to the Activity Entry (SV02) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify the information in the Employee Standard Processing Block (ESPB) belongs to the employee currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.6.2 Employee Standard Processing Block (ESPB)/Employee Browse" for more information about the ESPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Staff Time Entry (SV04) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent staff time entry record entered. In the "Date" field type in the date to view or use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Date" fields to scroll through existing staff time entry records.
- Press Ctrl+F1 as many times as necessary to activate the Participant Related Activities window or the Non-Participant Related Activities window. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and highlight the activity list.
- To edit an activity time, press F6 . The "Update Time" pop-up window will be displayed.
- In the "Time Spent" field, type the amount of time spent on the activity, in hours and/or minutes.
- Press F4 to save the record. A message "Record updated" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- The amount of time in the "Total Time" field will automatically update to include the additional time entered.
Screen Layout
Staff Time Entry:

Update Time:

Participant Related Activity Detail:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Date |
8 |
Date |
The date that the activity was completed. |
Activity |
36 |
Choice |
The user can choose, with the highlight bar, which activity to record time on. |
Time Spent (in pop-up window) |
4 |
Numeric |
The amount of time spent on the activity, in hours and/or minutes. |
- The Procedure History Inquiry (SV06) is used to inquire on all the BCCP screening cycle procedures performed for a participant since the time of enrollment.
- The Information displayed is found at the local clinic only.
The Procedure History Inquiry (SV06) screen under the individual participant can be used to determine if a procedure has been charged correctly. The list can also be used to monitor results for all procedures and determine if appropriate follow-up procedures have been recorded. This screen lists all procedures the client has had with the program in reverse sequence. The procedure shows a "B" for "Billed" when the Detailed Procedure and Reimbursement Report (HSPR0783) has been submitted for the current month, by the clinic, to request reimbursement from the Department. (Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.116 BCCP - Detailed Procedure and Reimbursement Report (HSPR0783)" for more information.)
The user has the option to select a Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up by pressing the F2 shared data key on this screen. This will temporarily display any statewide data pertinent to the client on the screen.
Fast Path Keys:
Fast path keys available on this screen are F8 to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen, F9 to the Case Notes (CM04) screen, and F10 to the Service Entry (SV01) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Procedure History Inquiry (SV06) window, if necessary. The user can scroll through the window using the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn.
- The Procedure History Inquiry (SV06) screen automatically displays all of the screening cycle information for the participant.
- If the group has been active in other Cornerstone clinics and the user would like to view appointments made for this group at those clinics, press F2 to access the WAN. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.8.2 Accessing the WAN" for more information.)
Screen Layout
Procedure History Inquiry:

Field Definitions
This screen is for inquiry only. The field definitions below describe the assigned fields on the screen.
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Date |
8 |
Assigned |
Date of the procedure. |
Service |
4 |
Assigned |
A code that indicates the type of service provided to the participant, which is carried over from the Service Entry (SV01) screen. |
Provider |
9 |
Assigned |
A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the provider performing the service. |
Procedure |
5 |
Assigned |
CPT code assigned to the procedure. |
Result |
4 |
Assigned |
Indicates the findings of the procedure. |
Payor |
4 |
Assigned |
Primary payor for the procedure. |
Charge |
6 |
Assigned |
Amount billed for the procedure. |
Bill Status |
4 |
Assigned |
A "B" indicates that the procedure has been billed by the BCCP - Detailed Procedure and Reimbursement Report (HSPR0783). |
- The Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen is used to enter services that are authorized for EI participants. These authorized services are included in the evaluation and assessment plan and the Individualized Family Service Plan. These authorized services identify the provider entity (payee) as well as the individual provider (person providing the service) for each type of EI program service.
- This screen is used by the service coordinator during the service coordination period. The same screen format is used for all types of authorizations (evaluations, assessments, IFSP meeting, direct service and assistive technology authorizations).
- The Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen can only be used for adding and editing data if an EI program record has been entered for the child in the Program Information (PA15) screen and if an Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen exists for the child.
- Once a service authorization record has been added, it cannot be deleted.
Service Authorizations:
Authorizations for services not subject to family fees may be entered in the absence of a family fee record and/or insurance record. Interim IFSPs may not be used to extend the 45-day timeline.
Authorizations associated with an IFSP (by the "Entry Date") will be discontinued automatically when a new Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record is added and becomes "Active". (Note that authorizations are not discontinued when the associated Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record is changed to "Closed").
If two (2) Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) records exist (one "Active" and one "Pending"), the "Select Record" pop-up window will be displayed prompting the user to select the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record / IFSP period with which the new authorization will be associated. Select the appropriate record and continue with step 3.
If the "Pending" record is selected and the "Interim IFSP" dates are blank, only evaluation authorizations will be allowed. As a result, the "Auth Type" field will default to "EA - Evaluation". If the "Interim IFSP" dates are completed, any type of authorization will be allowed.
Authorizations associated with an Interim IFSP will also be adjusted if the user enters "Current IFSP" dates that overlap with the "Interim IFSP" dates on the Early Intervention Program Data screen (PA35). If the "Interim IFSP" end date is greater than the "Current IFSP" begin date, Cornerstone will automatically adjust the "Interim IFSP" end date to be one day before the "Current IFSP" begin date. Cornerstone will also automatically adjust any authorizations entered for the Interim IFSP period to fall within the adjusted "Interim IFSP" date range. For authorizations that are adjusted, the "Status" date will be changed to "ADJT - Adjusted", except for evaluation authorizations or authorizations in "CAN - Cancelled" status.
Authorization Criteria:
After selecting the authorization criteria ("Auth Type", "Service Code", "Method", "Place of Service", "Payee", and "Ind. Provider"), the system will generate the appropriate "Procedure" code. This code is not editable except for Assistive Technology procedure codes. Editing the appropriate authorization criteria field(s) will update the "Procedure" code automatically.
Service Coordinators are required to select a "Place of Service" code for every authorization including IFSP development and Assistive Technology operations. Because the "Place of Service" code is directly tied to payment, it is very important to ensure the "Place of Service" code accurately reflects where EI services are to be provided.
The EI service authorization "Payee" is the entity that bills and is paid for the services rendered by the Individual Provider. (For example, Dr. John Doe (Individual Provider) works for XYZ Health Systems (Payee)). The Payees listed in the Cornerstone system are the authorized payees for credentialed and enrolled individual providers. This list is updated daily through the Beginning of Day (BOD) process and users cannot add, modify, or delete the Payees. When billing for an agency is handled by a billing service or a parent company, the agency will be listed under the name of the billing entity. The "Service Code" field on the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen will auto-fill based on the information entered on the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen. The "Status" field will also default to "A" for "Active" on the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen.
The EI service authorization "Individual Provider" is the credentialed/enrolled individual directly providing the service for the participant. [For example, Dr. John Doe (Individual Provider) works for XYZ Health Systems (Payee).] The Individual Providers listed in the Cornerstone system are those credentialed by Provider Connections and enrolled with the Central Billing Office (CBO). This list is updated daily through the Beginning of Day (BOD) process and users cannot add, modify, or delete the EI Individual Providers. When choosing an individual provider, the provider must have a valid category code for the service to be provided. The "Service Code" field and the "Provider/Payee" field on the Individual Provider Look-up (SV09) screen will auto-fill based on the information entered on the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen. The Status field will default to "A" for "Active' on the Individual Provider Look-up (SV09) screen.
EI Service Authorization "Status" field:
After saving an edited authorized service record, if the "Status" code field was previously blank, then the "Status" code will automatically change to "ADJT" - Adjusted, and the "Status Date" will automatically change to the current date. The "ADJT - Adjusted" status code is used when information on an authorization is adjusted. This code is used when terminating a child from the EI program or to discontinue an authorization for any reason. To discontinue an authorization, users should change the "End Date" and use the "ADJT" - Adjusted code in the "Status" field.
The "CAN" - Cancelled "Status" code is used to cancel authorized services that have not yet begun. This code is used to cancel authorizations that never should have been entered (i.e., no services can be billed). If an authorization "Start Date" is in the future, authorized services can be cancelled by changing the "Status" to "CAN" - Cancelled. When the "Status" code is changed to "CAN" - Cancelled, the "Status Date" will automatically change to the current date, and the "End Date" will automatically change to the "Start Date."
If an authorizationâ€TMs "Start Date" is in the past (less than todayâ€TMs date), the authorization can be cancelled by supervisory staff ONLY. An authorization may only be cancelled after it has been determined that no payments have been made against the authorization. Once cancelled, the "Status" code can no longer be changed and no further updates can be made to the record.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to Participant Profile (PA02) in Chapter 3, F9 to Participant Forms (CM10) in Chapter 6, F10 to Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) in Chapter 3, and CTRL+F11 to Family Fee (PA25) in Chapter 3.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent authorization entry record entered for the participant. Use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Start Date" fields to scroll through existing authorization entry records.
- To add a service authorization entry record, press F5 . Go to step 4.
- To edit a service authorization entry record, press F6 . Go to step 5.
- In the "Start Date" field, enter the beginning date of the time period for which the service is authorized.
- Press Enter to go to the "Months" field. Based on the "Months" field, the system will calculate and fill the "End Date" field. This step is optional.
- The user can skip the "Months" field and directly enter the "End Date."
- Press Enter to go to the "End Date" field and type in the end date for which the service is authorized. This step is optional.
- The "End Date" field auto-fills if the user entered the number of months the service is authorized in the "Months" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Auth Type" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help to complete this field. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.5.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Service Code" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Method" field and type in the correct method of service or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Place of Service" field and type in the correct code for the place where the service is to be performed or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Payee" field and type in the correct code for the payee of the authorized service or use F1 Help.
- Pressing F1 brings up the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen, where a search of EI payees (not individual providers) can be performed. (Please refer to Chapter 4 "Service/Activity Screens" under "4.3 Provider Look-up (SV03)" for more information.)
- The user can bypass the "Payee" field and go to the "Ind. Provider" field to select an Individual Provider. The "Payee" field will auto-fill with the correct "Payee" information.
- Press Enter to go to the "Ind. Provider" field and type in the correct code for the provider who is being authorized to perform the service or use F1 Help.
- Pressing F1 brings up the Individual Provider Look-up (SV09) screen, where a search of individual providers can be performed. (Please refer to Chapter 4 "Service/Activity Screens" under "4.8 Individual Provider Look-up (SV09)" for more information.)
- If the Payee field was completed, F1 Help will display a list of individual providers available from the selected Payee.
- If the "Payee" field is not completed, F1 Help will display a list of all the providers who are authorized to perform the specific service.
- The "Entry Date" field is for inquiry only. This field displays the "Entry Date" as recorded on the associated Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen record.
- Press Enter to go to the "Procedure" field. Based on the authorization criteria ("Auth Type", "Service Code", "Method", "Place of Service", "Payee", and "Ind. Provider") the system will generate the appropriate "Procedure" code for all authorizations except Assistive Technology.
- For Assistive Technology authorizations, enter the correct code or use F1 Help. If a miscellaneous or non-specific code is used, use the "Comments" field to document the specific item.
- The "Procedure" code is not editable except for Assistive Technology procedure codes.
- The "Procedure" field will auto-update when editing the authorization criteria field(s).
- Press Enter to go to the "Frequency" field and type in the number of times the service can be provided. The cursor will move to the "Per" field. Type in the time period a service is provided.
- For Assistive Technology authorizations, the "Frequency" field defaults to "1" and the "Per" field defaults to "Auth."
- The cursor will move to the "Per" field. "Per" field. Enter the correct period code for the frequency or use F1 Help to complete this field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Intensity" field and type in the number of minutes per session (in 15-minute intervals) the service is authorized.
- The "Intensity" field is only applicable to direct services.
- Press Enter to go to the "Comments" field. If desired, additional comments regarding the authorized service can be entered in free form text.
- The comments entered will print on the EI Authorized Provider Services Report (HSPR0771) in Chapter 11 and the EI Service Plan Report (HSPR0777) in Chapter 11.
- Press Enter to go to the "Amount Each" field and type in the correct dollar amount authorized for the single item.
- This field is only required for assistive technology ("AT") authorizations.
- The "Total" field is for inquiry only. This field calculates and displays the total amount of the "Frequency Times" multiplied by the "Amount Each" fields.
- Press Enter to go to the "Ordering (L, F)" field. Enter the name (last name, first name) of the physician who ordered the AT equipment/device in the "Ordering (L, F)" field.
- The "Ordering (L, F)" field is to be completed when a physician has ordered assistive technology equipment or devices.
- Press Enter to go to the "License #" field and enter the license number of the physician who ordered the assistive technology equipment or devices.
- Press Enter to go to the "Status" field.
- This field should be left blank when adding a new authorization.
- The "Status Date" field is for inquiry only. Each time an edited record is saved, the "Status Date" is updated.
- The "Auth Number" field is for inquiry only. After pressing F4 to save the record, the system-generated authorization number will be displayed in this field. The "Auth Number" cannot be changed by the user.
- Press Enter to go to the "Private Insurance" field.
- If the "01 - No Private Insurance" code was selected for the "Private Insurance" field on the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen, the user will not be required to complete the "Private Insurance" field on this screen.
- If the "02 - Bill Insurance First" code was selected for the "Private Insurance" field on the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen, the user will be required to complete the "Private Insurance" field on this screen.
- If the service is not billable to insurance, the "Private Insurance" field will default to "11 - Insurance Billing Not Required". Users cannot edit this auto-filled code.
- The "Print Date" field is for inquiry only.
- This field is automatically updated each time the EI Authorized Provider Services report (HSPR0771) in Chapter 11 or the EI Service Plan Report (HSPR0777) in Chapter 11 is printed.
- The "By" field is for inquiry only. This field indicates the name of the user who last updated the screen.
- Press F4 to save the record. A message "Record updated" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Start Date |
8 |
Date |
Beginning date of the time period for which the service is authorized. |
Months |
2 |
Numeric |
Optional field used to calculate the End Date. The End Date is one day less than the Start Date plus the number of months entered. |
*End Date |
8 |
Date |
Ending date of the time period the service is authorized. |
Auth Type |
4 |
Code |
A code which identifies the type of authorization. |
Service Code |
4 |
Code |
A code which identifies one of the categories of EI program services. |
*Method |
4 |
Code |
A code which identifies the method of the authorized service to be provided. |
*Place of Service |
4 |
Code |
A code to identify where the service is to be performed. |
Payee |
9 |
Code |
A code to identify the payee of the authorized service. The Payee is the entity that bills and is paid for the services rendered by the Individual Provider. |
*Ind. Provider |
4 |
Code |
A code to identify the individual provider who is being authorized to perform the service. The Individual Provider is the credentialed/enrolled individual directly providing the service for the participant. (For example, Dr. John Doe (Individual Provider) works for XYZ Health Systems (Payee)). |
Entry Date |
8 |
Date |
Inquiry only field displaying the date recorded on the "Entry Date" field on the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record with which the authorization is associated. |
Procedure |
5 |
Code |
A code to identify the specific authorized procedure. |
*Frequency |
2 |
Numeric |
The number of times the authorized service can be provided during a given period. |
*Per |
4 |
Code |
Defines the given period relating to the frequency. |
*Intensity |
4 |
Numeric |
The number of minutes (in 15 minute intervals) per session for which the service is authorized. |
*Comments |
40 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Free form text for comments regarding the authorized service. |
*Amount Each |
6 |
Numeric |
The dollar amount authorized for assistive technology ("AT") authorizations. |
Total |
6 |
Numeric |
Display only field calculating the "Frequency Times" multiplied by the "Amount Each" field. |
Ordering (L,F) |
18/12 |
Alpha |
Name of the physician ordering the assistive technology equipment or devices. |
License # |
10 |
Numeric |
License number of the physician ordering the assistive technology equipment or devices. |
Status |
4 |
Code |
A code to identify the status of the authorization. |
Status Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of the last time the record status was updated. |
Auth Number |
14 |
Assigned |
A system-generated number assigned to each authorization record. |
Private Insurance |
2 |
Code |
The code indicating whether or not private insurance is available for use; and if so, how it is to be used. |
Print Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of the last time the service authorization report (HSPR0771) or the service plan (HSPR0777) was printed. |
By |
25 |
Alpha |
The name of the user last updated the screen. |
* The fields indicated may be corrected for up to 90 days from the authorization "Start Date" by supervisory CFC personnel only. Please refer to a CFC supervisor for more information.
- The EI Authorized Service Inquiry (SV08) is used to inquire on services authorized for EI participants.
- This screen is for inquiry only. The data viewed on the EI Authorized Service Inquiry (SV08) is initially captured on the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen.
- The EI Authorized Service Inquiry (SV08) is used by the service coordinator during the service coordination period.
- The user can scroll through all authorized EI services for a participant.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key are F9 to Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) and F10 to Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07).
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the EI Authorized Service Inquiry (SV08) window, if necessary.
- In the "Ending After" field the date will default to the current date or the user can enter any valid date. Any services with an "End Date" greater than the date in "Ending After" field will be will be displayed in the IFSP window.
- To view all of the participant's prior EI authorizations, enter the childâ€TMs birth date in the "Ending After" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Payee" field and type in the correct payee number or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.5.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Pressing F1 brings up the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen, where a search of local providers can be done. (Please refer to Chapter 4 "Service/Activity Screens" under "4.3 Provider Look-up (SV03)" for more information.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the IFSP window located in the lower portion of the screen. Use the up and down arrow keys or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the existing EI authorization records. Press F10 to view the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen for that record. (Please refer to Chapter 4 "Service/Activity Screens" under "4.6 Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07)" for more information.)
- Press F3 to exit this screen and return to the Cornerstone Main Menu.
Screen Layout
EI Authorized Service Inquiry:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.
- The Individual Provider Look-Up (SV09) is used to look-up Early Intervention (EI) individual providers in the Provider Detail Table. These are the individual employees of the provider "Payee" entities accessed and selected on the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen.
- This screen is used to identify and select individual providers when EI services are being authorized.
The Individual Provider Look-Up (SV09) screen can be accessed by pressing F1 Help in the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) - "Ind. Provider" field or the Provider Look-up (SV03) - "Prov Detail" function key.
The search may be performed on a single field or any combination of fields.
There are many ways to use the search function on this window. To view all possible individual providers, type any character into the "Individual Name" field. If the user types an "A", a complete list of providers will be shown with the first provider highlighted. The list will be displayed alphabetically with the provider starting with the selected letter listed first.
To narrow the search, fill in the appropriate field(s) by typing in the information or code(s). The provider look-up search may be performed on a single field or any combination of fields. When using two or more fields in the search, only providers meeting all the criteria entered will be displayed.
When using the "Status" field in a search, in most cases the user will enter "A" for "Active."
Early Intervention Access:
When accessing the Individual Provider Look-up (SV09) screen from the "Individual Provider" field of the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen the "Provider/Payee Name" and "Service Type" fields will auto-fill based on information entered and the "Status" field will default to "A" for "Active."
Step by Step Instructions
- In the "Individual Name" field, type in the individual provider's name.
- Press Enter to go to the "Status" field and type in the provider's status or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.5.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "County Served" field and type in the correct county code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Language (EI Only)" field and type in the correct language code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Service Type" field and type in the correct service code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Service Category" field and type in the correct category code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to move the cursor past the "Service Category" field to activate the "Individual Provider Browse." The "Individual Provider Browse" pop-up window will be displayed in the middle of the screen. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and highlight the appropriate provider.
- The "Individual Provider Browse" pop-up window list includes the providerâ€TMs name, type, street address, and city.
- The "Individual Provider Browse" pop-up window contains information that corresponds to the fields that were completed. For example, if information was entered in the "Service Type" and "Service Category" fields, the list would contain a list of providers that provide the service within the base county indicated.
- If there is no information in the Cornerstone system to match what is entered, a message "No Providers Found for Search Criteria" will be displayed.
- Press Enter to select a provider, and to return to the original screen, if the Individual Provider Look-Up (SV09) screen was accessed from another screen.
- Press F9 "Prov Detail" to display the Individual Provider Look-Up (SV09) screen. Press F3 to return to the Individual Provider Browse pop-up window.
- Press Esc to exit out of the Provider Browse pop-up window without selecting a provider.
Screen Layout
Individual Provider Look-Up:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Individual Name |
36 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The name of the individual service provider. |
Status |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the current status of the individual provider (such as active or inactive). |
County Served |
4 |
Code |
The code for the county served by the individual provider. |
Service Type |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the specific type of service offered by the individual provider. |
Service Category |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the service category of the individual provider. |
4.9 Well Child Visit Summary (SV10)
- The Well Child Visit Summary (SV10) is used to determine what EPSDT visits (service type code "806") have been conducted for a child participant by viewing a list of prior EPSDT visits and the age of the participant at the time of each visit.
- This screen contains information captured on the Service Entry (SV01) screen and is for inquiry only.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Well Child Visit Summary (SV10) window, if necessary.
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Service Code window. Use the up and down arrow keys or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and highlight the existing records.
- Press F9 to view the Service Entry (SV01) screen for the highlighted record. (Please refer to Chapter 4 "Service/Activity Screens" under "4.1 Service Entry (SV01)" for more information.)
- Press F3 to exit the Service Entry (SV01) screen and return to the Cornerstone Main Menu.
Screen Layout
Well Child Visit Summary:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.
4.10 Well Child Visit Forecast (SV11)
- The Well Child Visit Forecast (SV11) is used to determine when the next EPSDT visits are due to be scheduled for a child participant.
- This screen shows the date of the childâ€TMs last EPSDT visit, the age of the child at the visit, and the due dates for future EPSDT visits.
- The Well Child Visit Forecast (SV11) screen contains information captured on the Service Entry (SV01) screen with a service code of "806" - Well Child/EPSDT/Healthy Kids.
- This screen is for inquiry only.
Future EPSDT visit due dates are based on the child participantâ€TMs last visit date, their current age, and the normal time period between EPSDT visits for the child participantâ€TMs age. If a child participant does not have any EPSDT visits, then the child participant date of birth is considered the last visit date.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about the PSPB.)
- The screen automatically displays the Last EPSDT Visit Date, Age at Visit, and Next EPSDT Visit Due Dates for the participant.
- To exit this screen and return to the Cornerstone Main Menu, press F3 .
Screen Layout
Well Child Visit Forecast:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.