Table of Contents
- 3.11 BIRTH DATA (PA11)
- 3.23 Multiple Immunization Entry (PA23)
- 3.24 FAMILY FEE (PA25)
- 3.25 BREAST PUMP (PA29)
The participant component of the Cornerstone system consists of screens used for the collection and maintenance of participant information, including:
- Participant look-ups
- Participant eligibility
- Participant enrollment
- Group relationships to others participating in Cornerstone
- Family relationships of both participants and non-participants in Cornerstone
- Participant birth and medical data
Most of the participant component encompasses registration. Registration is the first contact with the new participant and therefore the first time that data regarding a new participant is entered into the Cornerstone system. During this initial contact, the local agency will provide information to potential participants about the services that are available from their site and what services can be obtained through referral to outside sources.
- A participant look-up (PA01) is used to reduce duplicate entries of a participant. For this reason, the Participant Look-up must be performed before a new participant can be enrolled into the Cornerstone system. For information about resolving duplicate participants in Cornerstone, please refer to Chapter 3 "Participant Screens" under "3.21 Participant Duplicate Browse (PA21)" or refer to "Appendix I "Duplicate Resolution Procedures"."
- * This screen is used to copy minimal information about a participant who is already registered in the Cornerstone system. A "copy-in" of this data is necessary prior to performing a shared data Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up.
Ways to Perform a Participant Look-up:
- The user can perform a participant look-up by entering the participant's last name and any additional information into the available fields. The Cornerstone system will search for any potential matches and display them in the participant browse pop-up window.
- The user can perform a participant look-up by entering the participant's Recipient Identification Number (RIN) in the "RIN Look-Up" field. The Cornerstone system will search for a participant with a recipient identification that matches the number entered. If a match is found, the participant will be displayed.
- The user can perform a participant look-up by entering the Case ID number in the "Case ID Look-Up" field. (The Case ID is the Group Number of the Participant's Medicaid card.) The Cornerstone system will search for a participant with a Case ID that matches the number entered. If any matches are found, the participant(s) will be displayed.
- The user can perform a participant look-up by entering the Cornerstone participant ID in the "Part. ID Look-Up" field. The Cornerstone system will search for a participant with an ID that matches the ID entered. If a match is found, the participant will be displayed.
When performing a search on the Participant Look-up screen, the system will first search the agency's local records. Any potential matches will be displayed in the Participant Browse - Local pop-up window with black text. If the correct participant is not displayed in the Participant Browse - Local pop-up window, the user can press Esc to continue the search in the statewide records. Any potential matches found will be displayed in the Participant Browse - Statewide pop-up window with blue text.
If a participant has a 'Death Date' entered on the PA03 (Participant Enrollment), the text color will be displayed in red text.
If no possible matches are found in the local search, Cornerstone will automatically perform the statewide search.
If the participant has been flagged as a duplicate on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen, "***DUP***" will appear on the second line of the address in both the Participant Browse - Local and the Participant Browse - Statewide pop-up windows.
Participant Look-up Retrieval:
The participant look-up process will retrieve all participants whose name (last and first name) is similar to the name entered by the user.
For example, if "Warren, J" is entered, the Cornerstone system may retrieve "Warran, J", who would also be displayed in the browse window.
Both current and birth names are searched. If a participant has a birth name of "Smith, S," but has a current name of "Warren, J", "Smith, S" would be included in the browse.
If a birth date is entered as part of the search criteria, all participants displayed in the browse window will have that birth date.
The user can view programs the participant is enrolled in from the browse window. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the appropriate participant and press F1 . A small pop-up window will be displayed with the programs, the participant's current status in each program, and the agency where the participant is enrolled.
To exit the browse window, press Enter . This will select the participant who was highlighted in the browse window and return to the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen and F9 to the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- If the user knows the Cornerstone participant ID, press Enter until the cursor moves to the "Part. ID LOOK-UP" field and type in the participant ID.
- If the participant does not have a Cornerstone participant ID or if the participant ID is not known, go to step 3.
- The Cornerstone system will search for a participant(s) with an ID that matches the ID entered by the user. If a match is found, the participant's information will be displayed. Go to step 10.
- In the "Name (LAST, FIRST)" fields, type the participant's last name in the last name (i.e., the first) field. NOTE: Steps 4 - 6 are optional. The user can type any additional information into these fields. This may help narrow the search during the participant look-up. It is important for the user to correctly enter any information into these fields. This information will be loaded into the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen if the participant is enrolled in the Cornerstone system. If the user attempts to change the information on the PA03 screen, an error message will be displayed stating that the participant look-up must be performed to edit an enrollment.
- Press Enter to go to the "First Name" field and type either the participant's complete first name or the first name initial.
- The user should only enter either the participant's complete first name or the first name initial in this field. Entering a partial first name may cause errors on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen
- It is recommended that the user only search by full first name when adding a new participant into the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen.
- Press Enter to go to the "Sex" field and type the sex of the participant.
- The cursor will go to the "Birth Date" field. Type in the participant's birth date. The Cornerstone system will automatically run the search:
- If a potential match is found in the local search, the individuals who match the entered search criteria will be displayed in the "Participant Browse - Local" pop-up window with black text. The Cornerstone system may display a list of potential participants because the user entered a partial first name OR the Cornerstone system is unable to locate a participant with the exact first name the user requested. If no possible matches are found in the local search, Cornerstone will automatically perform the statewide search. Go to step 8.
- Press Ctrl+J to jump to the participant's name that is most similar to the name entered in the "Name (LAST, FIRST)" fields.
- The user can view programs the participant is enrolled in from the "Participant Browse - Local" pop-up window. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the appropriate participant and press F1 . A small pop-up window will be displayed with the programs, the participant's current status in each program, and the agency where the participant is enrolled. Press Esc to exit out of the program pop-up window without selecting a new participant.
- Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the appropriate participant in the Participant Browse - Local window and press Enter . The participant's information will be displayed on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen. Go to step 10
- If the user cannot find a match, press Esc to search the statewide records.
- If a potential match is found using the statewide search, the individuals who match the entered search criteria will be displayed in the "Participant Browse - Statewide" pop-up window with black text. The Cornerstone system may display a list of potential participants because the user entered a partial first name OR the Cornerstone system is unable to locate a participant with the exact first name the user requested. Go to step 9.
- Press Ctrl+J to jump to the participant's name that is most similar to the name entered in the "Name (LAST, FIRST)" fields.
- The user can view programs the participant is enrolled in from the "Participant Browse - Statewide" pop-up window. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the appropriate participant and press F1 . A small pop-up window will be displayed with the programs, the participant's current status in each program, and the agency where the participant is enrolled. Press Esc to exit out of the program pop-up window without selecting a new participant.
- Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the appropriate participant in the Participant Browse - Local window and press Enter . The participant's information will be displayed on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen. Go to step 10
- If the user cannot find a match, press Esc to exit out of the "Participant Browse - Statewide" pop-up window without selecting a participant.
- If no match is found automatically in the local and statewide searches, a message "No Records Found" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen. The participant is not registered in the Cornerstone system as of the previous day and will need to be enrolled. The user should press F9 to go to the PA03-Participant Enrollment screen and select F5-Add and complete all other required enrollments fields. (Please refer to "Participant Enrollment (PA03) " in this chapter for more information.)
- Once the correct participant's information is displayed on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen, press F9 to copy the participant to the local computer files. A message "Do you want to copy this participant to local files?" will be displayed on the screen. In order to copy the participant in, type "Y" for Yes. The Cornerstone system will move to the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen. (Please refer to "Participant Enrollment (PA03) " in this chapter for more information.)
- If the message "Do you want to copy this participant to local files?" is not displayed, the participant's information has already been copied to the local files at some time prior to performing the participant look-up. A "copy-in" of participant Master Index data begins the in-state transfer process. However, this step does not complete a transfer request. (Please refer to Chapter 12 Program Information (PA15) screen for All Programs under "12.4 In-State Transfers" OR "12.5 Out-of-Sate Transfers (WIC only)" for information about transfers.)
Screen Layout
Participant Look-up:

Participant Browse:

Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Name (L,F) |
15/13 |
Alpha Numeric |
Participant's last name and first name (first letter minimum). |
Birth Date |
8 |
Date |
Date Participant was born. |
Sex |
1 |
Code |
Gender of Participant . |
Rin Look-Up |
9 |
Numeric |
Look-Up by Participant's Recipient Identification Number (RIN). |
Case ID Look-Up |
13 |
Numeric |
Look-Up by Participant's Case ID Number. (The Case ID is the Group Number of the Participant's Medicaid card.) |
Part. ID Look-Up |
14 |
Alpha Numeric |
Look-Up by Participant's Cornerstone ID Number. |
- A participant profile (PA02) is used to inquire on program information and services that the participant has received.
- This screen is for inquiry only.
If the participant has been active in other Cornerstone sites, the user can view that information by pressing the F2 shared data key to access the WAN. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.7.2 Accessing the WAN" for more information.)
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F9 to the Service Entry (SV01) screen OR F10 to the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the participant is in the PSPB before establishing them as the head of the household. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Events window located in the lower portion of the screen. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the records.
- The Events window displays the date services/activities were rendered, each service/activity provided, and the employee/provider/site that provided the service. Under the Comments column, the only comments that will display are from NTOT - Closed Case Finding records on the Service Entry (SV01) screen. Comments from other Service Entry records or any Activity Records will not be displayed here. These comments will display under the Comments column on the Participant Event History (PA04) screen.
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Program Participation window located in the middle portion of the screen. The up and down arrow keys OR Pg Up and Pg Dn can be used to scroll through the records.
- The Program Participation window will display the participant's programs in order with the most recent program record displayed first, status of those programs, and the name of the participant's site.
- The right side of the Program Participation window displays the participant's registration date, case manager(s), coverage type, individual number (RIN), Mang-P, PCCM #, PCCM Name, phone number, disabilities, and language(s).
- If no case manager is assigned to the participant, "None" will be displayed in the "Case Mgr" field. If a participant has one case manager, the case manager's name will be displayed in the "Case Mgr" field. However, if the participant has two or more case managers, the "Case Mgr" field will be titled "Multi CM". The user can view the case managers by using the mouse to highlight "Multi CM" field. A pop-up window that lists each assigned case manager and their corresponding program will display. Press Enter to exit out of the pop-up window.
5. Press F3 to exit this screen and return to the Cornerstone Main Menu.
Screen Layout
Participant Profile:

- A Participant Enrollment (PA03) is completed only once for each participant participating in Cornerstone programs, but can be edited.
- This screen is used to enroll a new participant into the Cornerstone system and to capture demographic information for a new or existing participant (add or edit). If the participant is already enrolled in Cornerstone, this screen is used to view and update demographic information.
- Processing within the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen includes checking for duplicate enrollment, assigning a unique and permanent statewide participant ID number (i.e. registering a participant for the first time in the Cornerstone system), assessing potential eligibility for Cornerstone programs, and recording a participant's date of death.
- The F9 "Address" pop-up window is used to record address and telephone information. When a residence address (type "R") is entered, this information will display in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) located at the top of most Cornerstone screens.
- If the site has not had a successful Beginning of Day, the user will receive a warning message "Adding a new participant while the system files are not up to date may create a duplicate participant" when the user attempts to enroll a new participant into the Cornerstone system. Because the site has not had a successful Beginning of Day, the user could be unknowingly adding duplicate participants and should therefore run a manual Beginning of Day if possible.
- This warning message will only be displayed once, at the beginning of the work day, when the user first attempts to enroll a new participant into the Cornerstone system.
Adding a New Participant:
If the user is adding a new participant to the Cornerstone system, the user will not be able to edit any data fields carried over from the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen. If the user attempts to make any changes to these fields, an error message will be displayed stating that the participant look-up must be performed to edit an enrollment.
If the user edits the critical data fields ("Current Name (Last)", "Current Name (First)", "Birth Date", "Sex") of an existing participant on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen and presses F4 to save the changes, a pop-up window with the message "You have changed critical data!" will be displayed. The pop-up window will display the changes that have been made and will ask "Accept these changes?" Press "YES" to accept the changes. Press "NO" to ignore the changes.
Eligibility for certain programs may recommend OR require specific data fields to be completed.
Entering a participant's social security number enables the Cornerstone system to check for duplicate participants. If the user identifies a duplicate participant, a "D" for duplicate should be entered into the "Medical Risk" field. This will create an alert record.
In the comments field of the alert record, the message "PARTICIPANT HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A DUPLICATE BY CLINIC: (clinic number)" will be displayed.
The message "View Alerts" and "DUPLICATE" will be displayed in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB).
On the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen, "***DUP***" will be displayed on the second line of the address in both the Participant Browse - Local and the Participant Browse - Statewide pop-up window.
For more information, see Duplicate Resolution Procedures - Appendix I.
The "Address" pop-up screen must be updated each time a DCFS ward changes placement.
The WIC program requires information in the following fields:
- "Races"
- "Residential Status"
- "Marital Status"
- "Education"
- "Current Services" codes "29" through "37" and "99" are required for all WIC categories. These codes reflect the participant's source of care.
Fast Path Keys:
The user has the option to select a Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up on this screen by pressing the F2 shared data key. This will add any additional information found in the statewide search of the participant look-up function into the local data.
The available fast path keys are F9 to the Address Information window and F10 to the Program Information (PA15) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
When adding a new participant and NO MATCH is found on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen, a new ID number WILL be generated. Press F5 Add to add a record. Go to step 4.
- When adding a new participant and NO MATCH is found on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen, a new ID number WILL be generated. Press F5 Add to add a record. Go to step 4.
- Any information entered on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen will be automatically loaded and displayed on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen. The user will not be able to change any of the fields that are carried over from the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen.
- When adding a new participant and a MATCH is found on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen, a new ID number WILL NOT be generated. The user has the option to access the WAN or type in all of the participant's information. Go to step 4.
- To access the WAN for shared data, the user must press F2 . (Please refer Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " 2.7.2 Accessing the WAN" for more information.) The WAN shared data will be displayed on the screen. The user has the option to use or discard the WAN shared data.
- To use the WAN shared data, press F6 Edit. Any new information that has been obtained on the existing participant may be entered. The user may edit any fields, as necessary. Press F4 to save. This will save all the WAN statewide shared data that was copied in to the local data.
- To discard the WAN shared data, the user should press F3 to exit the screen and return to the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen. Press F6 Edit to type in all the participant's information.
- To type in all of the participant's information without viewing the WAN shared data, press F6 Edit. Any information that has been obtained on the existing participant may be entered.
- When editing an already existing participant, press F6 Edit to edit any of the participant's enrollment information. Go to step 4.
- If the user edits an already existing participant's critical data ("Current Name (Last)", "Current Name (First)", "Birth Date", "Sex") fields on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen and presses F4 to save the changes, a pop-up window with the message "You have changed critical data!" will be displayed. The pop-up window will display the changes that have been made and will ask "Accept these changes?". Press "YES" to accept the changes. Press "NO" to ignore the changes.
- The cursor will be in the "Current Name" fields. The participant's current last and first name will already be added to the "Current Name" fields if the user entered this information on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen.
- The user can edit the "Current Name" fields in an already existing Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen.
- Press Enter to go to the "Current Name (MI)" field and type in the participant's middle initial. This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Birth Name" fields. The "Birth Name" fields will be filled in with the current name as entered on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen. The "Birth Name" fields can be edited as necessary with the participant's complete name given at birth (last name, first name, and middle initial).
- If this information is the same as the participant's current name, press Enter in the "Birth Name" fields, and the information from the "Current Name" fields will fill into the "Birth Name" fields, if the fields have not already been filled in.
- Press Enter to go to the "Second Last Name" field and type the participant's second last name. This step is optional
- The "Second Last Name" field can be used to type in a second surname. This field should not be used for hyphenated surnames.
- Press Enter to go to the "Title" field and type in the correct suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., etc.). This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Also Known As (AKA)" fields and type the participant's (AKA) last and first name into the fields. This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Mother Maiden Name" field and type the mother's maiden name. This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Birth Date" field. The participant's birth date will already be added to the "Birth Date" field if the user entered this information on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen. This is a required field.
- The user can edit the "Birth Date" field in an already existing Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen.
- Press Enter to go to the "Sex" field. The participant's sex will already be added to the "Sex" field if the user entered this information on the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen. This is a required field.
- The user can edit the "Sex" field in an already existing Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen. Type the participant's sex or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions " for more information about F1 Help.) If the user edits the "Sex" field the message "CRITICAL DATA CHANGE" will be displayed.
- Press Enter to go to the "Group ID" field and type the Participant ID of the GROUPHEAD as listed on Participant Group Relationships - (PA06). This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Relation" field and type the participant's family relationship to the Group Head or use F1 Help. This step can only be entered if step 11 is completed.
- Press Enter to go to the "Household Size" field. This field will automatically default to "1". If the participant's household size is larger than "1", type in the total number of persons in the field. The participant is included in this number.
- If the participant is pregnant, the fetus should not be counted as an additional person in the household, unless it is required for eligibility by the program the participant is enrolling in.
- Program eligibility is not affected by the information in this field. Program eligibility is determined on the Program Information screen (PA15)
- The correct household size for DCFS wards is "1".
- Press Enter to go to the "Annual Income" field and type the unverified annual income for the participant's household.
- "0" is a valid amount since the income entered is estimated income
- The information entered into the "Household Size" and "Annual Income" fields determine, in part, a participant's eligibility for a program.
- Press Enter to go to the "Registration Date" field. The user should enter the date a new participant is enrolled into the Cornerstone system. The "Registration Date" field will default to the current date. This date can be changed to a previous date, but the Cornerstone system will not allow a future date to be entered into the "Registration Date" field.
- For example, if the registration takes place during a home visit and is later entered into the Cornerstone system, the date of the home visit should be entered into the "Registration Date" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Medical Risk" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant has any risk factors that constitute a medical risk condition. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- This field is also used to identify a duplicate participant. Any user can enter "D" for duplicate in the "Medical Risk" field to indicate that the record is a duplicate. This will create an alert record.
- Press Enter to go to the "Referral Source" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- When processing a WIC out-of-state transfer, a code value of "O" (out-of-state transfer) must be entered in the "Referral Source" field. (Please refer to Chapter 12 "Program Information (PA15) screen for Programs" under "12.5 Out-of-State Transfers (WIC only)."
- Press Enter to go to the "Social Security Num" field and type the participant's complete Social Security Number. The SSN (Social Security Number) field now masks all numbers, except for the last four, of a participant's SSN.
- When entering a SSN, all numbers will display as long as the cursor is in the SSN field. A few seconds after leaving the field, the first five numbers will be masked and appear as asterisks (*). Only the last four numbers will display.
- Once the numbers are masked, the only way they can be removed or changed is by pressing the DEL key on the keyboard while in the SSN field. Once the DEL key is pressed, all nine numbers are deleted. The SSN must be re-entered
NOTE: The user should request the participant's social security number, but it is not required to receive program services. A participant's social security number will enable the Cornerstone system to check for duplicate participants.
- The cursor will move to the "Death Date" field. Type in the participant's date of death, if applicable. This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Hispanic Origin" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. The user should ask the participant for their preferred Hispanic origin. This is a required field. (Please refer to Appendix K "Racial/Ethnic Data Collection" for guidelines on the use of the "Hispanic Origin" field.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Races" field and type in the correct codes or use F1 Help. The user should ask the participant for their preferred racial status. Users will be able to document up to six race codes. This is a required field. (Please refer to Appendix K "Racial/Ethnic Data Collection" for guidelines on the use of the "Races" field.)
- If the user selects Asian as a Race, then an Asian Sub-Category will also need to be selected. Press Enter to go to the "Asian Sub-Category" field. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help. The user should ask the participant for their preferred Asian Sub-Category status.
- Press Enter to go to the "Residential Status" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- This field is required for the WIC program.
- Press Enter to go to the "Marital Status" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. This step should only be completed for adult participants.
- This field is required for the WIC program.
- Press Enter to go to the "Education" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. This step should only be completed for adult participants.
- This field is required for the WIC program.
- Press Enter to go to the "Employment Status" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. This step should only be completed for adult participants.
- Press Enter to go to the "Occupation" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. This step should only be completed for adult participants.
- Press Enter to go to the "Pregnant" field and type the "Y" for Yes or "N" for No. If the user has entered the participant as a male in the "Sex" field, the cursor will skip the "Pregnant" field.
- The cursor will move to the "Primary Care Provider (PCP)" field. Press F1 to search for local providers on the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen. (Please refer to "4.3 Provider Look-up (SV03)." For more information on how to perform a Provider Look-up.) If the participant has no primary care provider, leave the field blank.
- It is recommended that this field be completed for all participants.
- Press Enter to go to the "Languages" fields and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. This is a required field.
- For Adults, enter the preferred language for service delivery in the top "Language" field. Add any additional languages spoken in the following fields
- For Infants/Children, enter the preferred language for service delivery of the caregiver in the top "Language" field. Add any additional languages spoken in the following fields.
- Press Enter to go to the "Disabilities" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Current Services" and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- It is recommended that this field be completed for all participants
- This field is required for the WIC program.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed, and the participant's system-generated identification (ID) number will be highlighted in the top right corner of the screen.
- Each new participant enrolled in the Cornerstone system will be assigned a unique ID number.
- The ID number is generated from demographic information collected from the participant's critical data ("Curr Name (Last)", "Curr Name (First)", "Curr Name (Middle Initial)", "Birth Date", "Sex").
- If the Cornerstone system finds an existing ID number that matches the new ID number, a message "This Participant already exists. Add anyway?" will be displayed. The message window will also include the participant's name, date of birth, Social Security number, mother's maiden name, All Kids number (formerly Medicaid), and Address.
- If the new participant is DIFFERENT from the existing participant, type the letter "Y" for Yes. Go to step 33
- If the new participant is A DUPLICATE of the existing participant, type the letter "N" for No. Press F12 to cancel the add function. The user will need to return to the Participant Look-up (PA01) screen to search for the existing participant record.
- After the information has been successfully added, a Program Eligibility box will be displayed, listing programs for which the participant may be eligible. Press Esc to remove the window.
- Anytime a PA03 record is saved, a pop-up window will display with instructions to add or edit the residential address of the participant. Follow the steps below to correctly enter a participant's address.
Entering a Participant's Address Information
Entering Address Information:
It is very important that the address information is entered into Cornerstone in a standardized format. This is especially critical for Child and Family Connection (CFC) agencies, since the address information collected in Cornerstone is used to mail out Family Fee invoices to applicable participants. Therefore, included in the step-by-step instructions for entering a participant's address information are guidelines on how address information should be entered. In addition, examples of the correct and incorrect way an address should be entered are provided at the end of this section.
Anytime a PA03 record is saved, a pop-up window will display with instructions to add or edit the residential address of the participant.
The user cannot add, edit, or delete ("INS") address records. These records are used only by the Early Intervention program. All private insurance information for EI participants is entered and updated by the Central Billing Office.
When adding a secondary address record, all fields will auto-fill with the data contained in the participant's residential ("R") record. The "Relation" will default to "FR" ("Financially Responsible").
If the user presses F4 to save the residence address (type "R") of a participant who is a Group Head, the user will be prompted to update the residence address of group members?" If the user types "Y" for Yes, the group member(s) address will be updated to match the Group Head's address. If the group member does not have a residence address, then an address record will be added. If the user types "N" for No, then no changes will be made.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key is F10 to the Program Information (PA15) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Press F9 to display the "Address" pop-up window for address information.
- To add an address record, press F5 Add. Go to step 2.
- To edit an address record, the cursor will move to the "Address Type" field. Type in the correct "Address Type" code or use F1 Help. Press F6 Edit to confirm the Address Type. Go to step 3
- To delete an address record, press F7 Delete. The "Confirm delete?" pop-up window will be displayed. Press "Yes" to delete the record. Press "No" to cancel. If the record is deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen. The user cannot delete the only existing "R" record.
- In the "Address Type" field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- A participant can have only one address of each type (i.e., a participant can't have two "R" - Residence addresses), but a participant can have multiple address types (i.e., a participant can have an "R" - Residence address and an "E" - Emergency address).
- For DCFS wards, the address of the foster home is recorded as a residence address (type "R"). This should be modified for each change of foster care placement.
- Always obtain and enter the participant's residence (type "R") address. If the participant is homeless, enter the address where the participant most frequently stays (e.g., a friend's home or a shelter).
- The address for All Kids (formerly Medicaid) participants (type "HFS") will be the mailing address that has been provided to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services. This address is imported electronically through the All Kids import process. The local Cornerstone user cannot modify this address.
- Press Enter to move through the "Address" fields:
- Enter the participant's address.
- Use one space between the street number, street name, etc.
- Use standard abbreviations without punctuation.
Street |
Suffixes |
DV |
DR |
LN |
RD |
ST |
Secondary Unit |
Designators |
FL |
PH |
RM |
- For additional abbreviations, contact the local post office or visit the United States Postal Service's web site at
- For Rural Route numbers, use the format "RR 1 BOX 111". Do not spell out "rural route", and do not use pound signs (#)
- Include any secondary unit designators at the end of the address line. This does not include apartment numbers. Apartment numbers should be entered in the "Apt. No" field.
- The secondary unit designator should ONLY be placed on the second address line if it will not fit on the first line. The second address line should not be used for any other information.
- Press Enter to go to the "Apt. No." field. If applicable, type in the participant's apartment number.
- Enter the apartment number only. Do not include a pound sign (#)
- Do not enter any other number (i.e., Suite number, room number, etc.) in this field.
- Press Enter to go to the "City" field and type in the city where the participant resides.
- Do not abbreviate the city name (i.e., "CHGO" for "Chicago"; "SFLD" for "Springfield"). Only enter the city's complete name.
- Press Enter to go to the "State" field and type in the correct state code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Zip" field and type in the participant's ZIP code.
- Press Enter to go to the "County" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Phone" field and type in the participant's telephone number (with area code).
- Press Enter to go to the "Cell" phone field and type in the participant's cell phone number (with area code).
- Press Enter to go to the "Fax" field and, if applicable, type in the fax number. This step is only an option for Providers.
- Press Enter to go to the "Modem" field and, if applicable, type in the modem number. This step is only an option for Providers.
- Press Enter to go to the "Email" field and type in the participant's email.
- Press Enter to go to the "Contact Person" field and type in the contact person's name.
- DCFS wards with the address type "R" (residence), the name of the foster parent is always used in the "Contact Person" field. This is the only place that the foster parent's name is recorded in the Cornerstone system
- For All Kids (formerly Medicaid) infant participants (i.e., participants whose type of address is "HFS"), the name of the guardian will automatically be displayed in the "Contact Person" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Relation" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- DCFS wards with the address type "R" (residence), the code "FP" (foster parent) is always used in the "Relation" field.
- Press F4 to save the address information. The message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- If the user adds or edits the residence address (type "R") of a participant who is a Group Head, the message "Update residence address of group members?" will be displayed. If the user types "Y" for Yes, the group member(s) address will be updated to match the Group Head's address. If the group member does not have a residence address, then an address record will be added. If the user types "N" for No then no changes will be made.
- Press F3 to return to the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen.
Address Examples
Incorrect |
Correct |
RM 12
CHGO IL 62707
333 N MAIN ST RM 12
RURAL RTE. # 2 BOX # 23A
RR 2 BOX 23A
CELL - 123-4567
Screen Layout
Participant Enrollment:


Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Curr Name (L, F, MI) |
15/13/1 |
Alpha |
Participant's current last name, first name, and middle initial. |
Participant ID |
14 |
Assigned |
A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the participant at enrollment. |
Birth Name (L, F, MI) |
15/13/1 |
Alpha |
Participant's birth last name, first name, and middle initial. |
Second Last Name |
15 |
Alpha |
Used when a participant has more than one last name. |
Title |
10 |
Alpha |
Used to distinguish between Jr. and Sr. The suffix of Jr. or Sr. should be entered in the title field and not as part of the last name field. |
Also Known As |
15/13/1 |
Alpha |
The last name, first name, and middle initial by which a participant may also be known. |
Mother's Maiden Name |
15 |
Alpha |
The mother's maiden name. |
Birth Date |
8 |
Date |
Date participant was born. |
Sex |
1 |
Code |
Gender of the participant. |
Group ID |
14 |
Assigned |
The Cornerstone ID of the Group Head. |
Relation |
2 |
Code |
The family relationship of the participant to the Group Head. |
Household Size |
2 |
Numeric |
The number of people in the participant's household. |
Annual Income |
6 |
Numeric |
The income for all members in the household. |
Registration Date |
8 |
Date |
The date a participant is first registered into the Cornerstone system. |
Medical Risk |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field used by the participant's case manager to note a high-risk participant. User can also enter "D" for duplicate to indicate that the participant is a duplicate. |
Referral Source |
4 |
Code |
A code to identify the source of the referral to a specific program. |
Social Security Num |
9 |
Numeric |
The participant's Social Security number. |
Death Date |
8 |
Date |
Date the participant died. |
Hispanic Origin |
2 |
Code |
A code used to identify a participant whose origins are in Spain, Mexico, or the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America. |
Races |
2/2/2/2/2/2 |
Code |
Participant's declared race/ethnicity. |
Asian Sub-Category |
2 |
Code |
Only added if Asian Race is added. |
Residential Status |
2 |
Code |
Participant's living accommodations. |
Marital Status |
2 |
Code |
The participant's marital status. |
Education |
4 |
Code |
The number of years of education completed. |
Employment Status |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the current employment status of the participant. |
Occupation |
3 |
Code |
A code that identifies a participant's occupation. |
Pregnant |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant is pregnant. |
Primary Care Provider |
Sep-50 |
Numeric/Assigned |
A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the participant's primary provider of medical care followed by the name of the provider (if a primary care provider ID is entered). |
Languages |
4/4/2004 |
Code |
For Adults, enter the preferred language for service delivery in the first field. Enter additional languages spoken in the following fields. For Infants/Children, enter the preferred language for service delivery of the caregiver in the first field. Enter additional languages spoken in the following fields. |
Disabilities |
2/2/2002 |
Code |
Disabilities of the participant, if any. Up to three disabilities can be recorded for one participant. |
Current Services |
2/2/2/2 |
Code |
Services a participant is currently receiving: includes source of care for WIC. |
Address Pop-up Window |
The following fields are on the Address pop-up window. |
As of: |
8 |
Assigned |
The as-of-date that the participant has had this particular address. |
Clinic |
30 |
Assigned |
A location where program services were delivered. The name of local clinic/site. |
Address Type |
4 |
Code |
The type of address that is being entered in the "Address" pop-up window. |
Address |
20 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The street address for the address type shown. |
Apt. No |
5 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The apartment number for the address type shown. |
City, St, Zip |
20/2/9 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The city, state, and zip code for the address type shown. |
County |
3 |
Code |
The county code for the address type shown. |
Phone |
10 |
Numeric |
The telephone number for the address type shown. |
Cell Phone |
10 |
Numeric |
The cellular number for the participant. |
Fax |
10 |
Numeric |
Not allowed for Participants. |
Modem |
N/A |
N/A |
Not available at this time. |
Email |
50 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The email address for the participant. |
Contact Person |
25 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The contact person for the address type shown. |
Relation |
4 |
Code |
The relationship of the participant being enrolled to the person. |
- Participant Event History (PA04) is used to review case management activities and services that have been recorded on behalf of the participant. The display is in chronological order and will display all activities and services, or a specified type of service or activity code.
- Comments displayed on this screen are from comments entered on the Service Entry (SV01) screen and the Activity Entry (SV02) screen.
- This screen is for inquiry only.
If the participant has been active in other Cornerstone sites, the user can view that information by pressing the F2 shared data key to access the WAN. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.7.2 Accessing the WAN" for more information.)
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F9 to the Activity Entry(SV02) screen OR F10 to the Service Entry (SV01) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the participant is in the PSPB before establishing them as the head of the household. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 twice to activate the Participant Event History window to narrow the search.
- In the "Service Type" field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Keyboard Functions" for more information about this key.) This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Activity Code" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. This step is optional.
- Press Enter to display all or the selected events for the participant, based upon what was entered above.
- Press F3 to exit this screen and return to the Cornerstone Main Menu.
Screen Layout
Participant Event History:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Service Type |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the type of service provided to the participant. |
Activity Code |
4 |
Code |
A unique code used to identify the type of activity on a participant or by an employee. |
- Participant Medicare/Insurance (PA05) is used to record a participant's Medicare, Insurance, and/or Other types of insurance information. The user can add, edit or delete records with a Type of "O - Other" or "MC - Medicare".
- The user cannot add, edit or delete INS records. These records are used only by the Early Intervention program. All private insurance information for EI participants is entered and updated by the Central Billing Office.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen, F9 to the Address screen and F10 to the Program Information (PA15) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about the PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Participant Medicare/Insurance window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Medicare/Insurance record entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through previous participant Medicare/insurance records.
- To add a Medicare/Insurance record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a Medicare/Insurance record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 5.
- To delete a Medicare/Insurance record, press F7 Delete. The message "Confirm Delete?" will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel. If deleted, the message "Record deleted" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen. Insurance Provider records cannot be deleted.
- In the "Type of Coverage" field, enter the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Medicare ID/Group Number" field and type in the appropriate number. This step is optional for "Other" Insurance.
- The cursor will move to the "Individual Number" field. Type in the appropriate number.
- The "System Generated" field is a read-only field that cannot be edited.
- The "System Generated" field will display 'Y' for a record that is system generated (i.e., a record that was created at Central Office).
- The "System Generated" field will display 'N' for a record that is not system generated (i.e., a record that is added by a user).
- Non-system generated records can be edited or deleted.
- Press Enter to go to the "Effective Date" field and type in the appropriate date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Termination Date" field and type in the appropriate date.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Participant Medicare/Insurance:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Type of Coverage |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the type of coverage provided to the participant. |
Medicare ID/Group Number |
16 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Medicare ID - Number assigned by the Social Security Administration for Medicare to identify all the persons receiving coverage.
Group Number - Number used by insurance providers to identify all of the persons receiving coverage.
Individual Number |
9 |
Numeric |
Individual Number - A unique identification number for the insurance providers, which goes with the group number. |
System Generated |
1 |
Y/N |
Y records were added by the Central Office and cannot be edited or deleted. N records were added by the site and can be edited or deleted. |
Effective Date |
8 |
Date |
Begin date of coverage. |
Termination Date |
8 |
Date |
End date of coverage. |
Address Pop-up Window (for INS records) |
The following fields are on the Address pop-up window. |
As of: |
8 |
Assigned |
The as-of-date that the insurance address information was entered in Cornerstone. |
Clinic |
30 |
Assigned |
A location at which program services were delivered. The name of local clinic/site. |
Address Type |
4 |
Code |
The type of address that is being entered in the "Address" pop-up window. (INS1, INS2, etc.) |
Ins Prov Name |
20 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The name of the insurance company. |
Address |
20 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The street address of the insurance company. |
Apt. No |
5 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The apartment or suite number of the insurance company. |
City, St, Zip |
20/2/9 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The city, state, and zip code of the insurance company. |
County |
3 |
Code |
The county code of the insurance company, if applicable. |
Phone |
10 |
Numeric |
The telephone number of the insurance company. |
Contact Person |
25 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The name of the policy holder / insured party. |
Relation |
4 |
Code |
The relationship between the policy holder / insured party and the EI participant. |
- All participants must be enrolled in the Cornerstone system (i.e., Participant Enrollment screen (PA03) must have been completed) to establish group relationships.
- A Participant Group Relationships (PA06) is used to establish and display group relationships among participants in the Cornerstone system.
- This screen is used to add, edit, end, or delete group relationships.
- The user can accurately count and establish family linkages necessary for Family Case Management program reporting. This screen is required for all Family Case Management and Healthy Start families.
- Appointments can be scheduled with the families on this screen.
- A Participant Group Relationships (PA06) is used to establish the group ID number used for WIC group food instrument (FI) issuance for a family.
Early Intervention Program:
EI participants should not be grouped until they have an active IFSP. The youngest sibling should be the group head.
This is required if multiple children in household receive EI services so the family only receives one family fee invoice.
Participant Group Relationships:
Participant Group Relationships (PA06) serve three purposes in the Cornerstone system:
- Convenience of scheduling: A group schedule may be displayed or a report of the group schedule may be printed.
- WIC Food Instrument (FI) issuance: The user may "page through" the group to bring up group members for WIC group food instrument (FI) issuance. This eliminates the need to change participants one at a time in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB).
- Identifying families: Families are identified for the various Family Case Management reports that are utilized to determine costs, payments, and to monitor local agency performance.
An adult parent or guardian can be identified as a group head with a category "P - Pregnant" or "G - Guardian." A Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen MUST be completed for the adult parent or guardian, in order to enroll that person into the Cornerstone system. This must be done even if the adult parent or guardian does not qualify for any programs. However, a Program Information (PA15) screen does not need to be completed.
It is not necessary for the participant to be enrolled in a program (i.e., complete the Program Information (PA15) screen) in order for them to be in a group. Participants may be in any program status, including "I - Inactive," and still belong to a group.
A group relationship can only be established in the Cornerstone system between two or more individuals. It is not possible for a participant to be a "group" of one.
Adding a Member to a Group Relationship
In order to establish a new group relationship, it is necessary to first close the member from any existing group (terminate the relationship).
When adding a participant to a group, the Cornerstone system will check to see if the group member has a residence address (type "R"). If the group member does not have a residence address, the Cornerstone system will automatically give the group member the same residence address as the Group Head. If the group member already has a residence address, the message "Update the member's address data with group head data?" will be displayed. If the user types "Y" for "Yes," the "Address" and "Phone Number" fields will be updated. If the user types "N" for "No," no changes will be made.
To Delete a Group Member/Group Relationship
In order to view all group members, the group head must be in the PSPB. To delete the entire group, the user must close the relationships of all open members by entering the "End" date. The group head record will automatically delete when there are no longer any open members in a relationship. It is not possible to delete the record of the participant designated as the group head.
Overlapping Dates in Group Relationships
The Cornerstone system will not allow the user to create a new group, or add a new member to an existing group, if the requested effective dates will cause the new relationship to overlap any of the participant's previous relationships. For example, if the user adds an infant to a group using their date of birth as the effective from date then later terminates that group relationship, the user cannot establish another group relationship for the infant participant using the date of birth as the effective from date. This would cause an overlapping date situation because the user is requesting that the same participant be in two different group relationships in the same time frame.
Ending a Group Relationship:
When ending a group relationship and creating a new one, the end date in the previous relationship and the effective date on the new group relationship cannot be the same date (i.e. the current date).
If the requested dates overlap with an existing relationship, an overlapping effective date error message will be displayed.
If the overlapping error is on the group member, the following error message will be displayed: "Part. has overlapping eff. dates from date to date with GR ID # (Group Head Participant ID)."
If the overlapping error is on the group head, the following error message will be displayed: "Group head has overlapping effective dates from date to date ."
If either of these error messages are displayed, the user must either change the requested dates OR delete the participant's prior relationship and create a new Group Relationship.
The user should verify the group head ID listed in the error message. It may not be the same group head the user is currently working with. If it is not, the user will have to change the participant in the "Participant" window at the top of the screen. The screen will only display closed/ended group relationships when the group head's Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) is displayed. This will help the user see and correct the group relationships when an overlapping effective dates error message is received.
About DCFS wards
A Participant Group Relationships (PA06) does not need to be completed for DCFS wards. DCFS wards should not be put into a group. If a Cornerstone participant is an existing group member and they become a DCFS ward, their group relationship must be terminated.
Fast Path Keys:
Any group member's Participant Profile (PA02) screen can be easily accessed and viewed. In order to view all group members, the group head must be in the PSPB. To view the Participant Profile (PA02) screen of the participant who is currently displayed in the PSPB, press F8 . To view the Participant Profile (PA02) screen of any group member who is not currently displayed, highlight the desired group member in the Related Participants and press F10 .
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen and F9 to the Household Members (PA16) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.) Each Family Case Management participant must have a group head that is a participant category "P - Pregnant" or "G - Guardian" of a case managed child.
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Participant Group Relationships (PA06) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the Group Relationships for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight a group member. It is not possible to edit the group head record. (In order to be able to use the delete option on this screen, the user must be given access to that function using the 9.16 Screen Security (AD16) screen.)
- To add a Group Member Relationship, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a Group Member Relationship, press F6 Edit. Go to step 4.
- To delete a Group Member Relationship, press F7 Delete. The "Confirm Delete (Y/N)?" pop-up window will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- In the "Participant ID" field, type in the participant's ID number. Go to step 8.
- If the Participant ID is unknown, go to step 5.
- Press Enter to go to the "Last Name" field and type in the last name of the participant related to the group head.
- Press Enter to go to the "First Name" field and type in the first name of the participant related to the group head.
- Press Enter and the Participant Browse window will be displayed. Use the down arrow key to highlight the name of the person to be added. Press Enter to bring the selected participant into the Add Relationship Information window.
- In the "Rel" field, type in the correct relation code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- The participant in the PSPB is automatically designated as the group head.
- Press Enter to go to the "Effect" field. The effect date field will auto-fill with the current date. If necessary, re-type the date if the current date is incorrect.
- The Cornerstone system will only accept past dates in this field.
- Press Enter to go to the "End" field. Type the current date in the "End Date" field to end the relationship. The end date cannot be a future date.
- The "End" field should only be completed when closing/terminating the selected member's group relationship.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- After the F4 Save is completed, a message 'CONFIRM BOX' will appear asking "Update the member's address data with Group Head data? Yes or No ". Select YES if you want the participants address updated to the group heads address, select NO if you do not want the address record updated to the Group Heads address.
Screen Layout
Participant Group Relationships:

Add Relationship Information:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Group ID |
14 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The Cornerstone ID of the person established as the head of the group (group head). |
Add Relationship Information Pop-up Window |
Participant ID |
14 |
Alpha/Numeric |
A unique system-generated identification number which is assigned to the participant at enrollment. |
Last Name |
15 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Participant's last name. |
- Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) is used to add, edit, or inquire about a participant's prenatal health visit information. Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) must be completed for all pregnant women. This screen can only be entered for participants 6 years old or older.
- If this screen is completed at a postpartum visit (i.e. the woman did not enroll until after delivery), the user will need to complete the following fields:
- "Number of Pregnancies (Gravida)"
- "Number of Live Births"
- "Date of Last Live Birth"
- "Weight of Last Live Birth (lbs)"
- "Date of Last Other Termination."
- There must be a Postpartum Data (PA10) screen completed for each existing Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen. After a pregnancy has been "closed," through completion of the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen, some of the information on the Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen cannot be edited.
In order to reduce the duplication of data entry, medical screens should be completed before assessment screens. The entry of data into this screen is not program specific, so any program can complete this screen and use the data.
If the Cornerstone system finds a prenatal record that does not have a corresponding postpartum record, the message "A previous prenatal record exists with no outcome. Please add a postpartum record with an EDC date of date ." will be displayed. The user must "close" a previous prenatal record by completing the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen before they can make a new prenatal record.
DO NOT add a participant's new pregnancy data by editing a prenatal record for a previous pregnancy.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F9 to the Assessment (AS01) screen and F10 to the Adult Health Visit (PA08) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Initial Prenatal Data window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent prenatal record entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Visit Date" or "Type of Service" fields to scroll through previous initial prenatal data records. If the user has completed the Service Entry (SV01) screen, a message "Record not found for Service: ____ Date: __/__/____" will be displayed. If required, the user should add Initial Prenatal Data (PA07). If the Cornerstone system finds a prenatal record that does not have a corresponding postpartum record, the message "A previous prenatal record exists with no outcome. Please add a postpartum record with an EDC date of date ." will be displayed.
- To add an initial prenatal data record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit an initial prenatal data record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 7.
- Verify the date of service in the "Visit Date" field. If the date is incorrect, type in the correct date of service.
- Press Enter to go to the "Type of Service" field. Verify the type of service. If the service code is incorrect, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- The "Provider" field is for display only.
- Press Enter to go to the "Pre-pregnancy Weight (lbs)" field and type in the participant's weight before the pregnancy, in pounds. Press Enter to go to the "Pre-pregnancy Weight (oz)" and type in the participant's pre-pregnancy weight in additional ounces.
- Press Enter to go to the "Height" fields and type in the participant's height before pregnancy in feet and inches.
- If the participant was measured in feet, type in the participant's height, in feet, in the "Height (ft)" field. Type in any additional inches in the "Height (in)" field.
- If the participant's height was measured in inches only, type in the participant's height, in inches, in the "Height (in)" field only.
- For any additional eighth inch measurements, type in the participants eighth inch measurements in the "/8 IN" field. For example, type in "4/8" for a 1/2 inch measurement.
- Press Enter to go to the "Prenatal Visits Prior to Initial Visit" field and type in the number of prenatal medical visits the participant made prior to their current visit.
- Press Enter to go to the "Month Care Began" field and type in the month of pregnancy that participant's prenatal care began. Type in "0" if the participant has not received prenatal care. Type in "9" if the month is unknown.
- The number entered refers to the month of pregnancy, not the calendar month of the year (for example, "3" refers to the third month of pregnancy, not the month of March).
- The "BMI" field value is automatically calculated when data is entered in the "Height" and "Weight" fields.
- The cursor will move to the "Estimated Date of Confinement (EDC)" field. Type in the participant's expected due date or delivery date for the current pregnancy, 280 days after the last menstrual period. The EDC date cannot be more than 270 days after the date entered in the "Visit Date" field.
- If the EDC date is within 28 days of another prenatal record's EDC date, the message "WARNING! Prenatal record exists with an EDC date of: date . Are you sure you wish to continue (Y/N)?" will be displayed. Type "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- The "Date of Last Menstrual Period" field will be automatically generated based on EDC date entered.
- Press Enter to go to the "Verified" field. This field is used to indicate if the pregnancy has been medically confirmed. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- The cursor will move to the "Date Pregnancy was Confirmed" field.
- If "Y" was entered in the "Verified" field, type in the date the participant's pregnancy was confirmed.
- If "N" was entered in the "Verified" field, go to step 16
- The "Date of Last Menstrual Period" field will be automatically generated based on EDC date entered.
- Press Enter to go to the "Number of Pregnancies (Gravida)" field. This field defaults to "1." If this is not the participant's first pregnancy, type in the participant's total number of pregnancies, including the current pregnancy.
- The "Date of Last Menstrual Period" field will be automatically generated based on EDC date entered. If needed, this field can be edited.
- Press Enter to go to the "Number of Live Births" field and type in the number of times the participant has given birth. If the amount is greater than 3, a validation message "Number of live births is greater than 3. Please verify." will be displayed.
- For multiple births, each individual is counted as one (for example, twins are counted as two).
- Press Enter to go to the "Date of Last Live Birth" field and type in the date. This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Weight of Last Live Birth" fields and type in the live infant's weight.
- If the live infant's weight was weighed in pounds and ounces, the Cornerstone system will automatically convert pounds and ounces into grams.
- If the live infant's weight was weighed in grams, the Cornerstone system will automatically convert grams into pounds and ounces.
- Press Enter to go to the "Date of Last Other Termination" field and type in the date the participant last had a pregnancy that did not end in a live birth.
- Press Enter to go to the "Number of Terminations" field and type in the participant's number of pregnancies that did not end in a live birth.
NOTE: Steps 22 through 26 apply to the participant's habits in the three months prior to pregnancy.
- Press Enter to go to the "Cigarettes/Day" field and type in the average number of cigarettes the participant smoked per day. If the participant did not smoke, enter "0".
- The "Smoke" field will be filled automatically with either "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- The cursor will move to the "Drink Days/Week" field. Type in the average number of days per week the participant drank alcohol. If the participant did not drink, enter "0." Type in "8" if the participant claims to have only drunk on occasion.
- The cursor will move to the "Drinks per Day" field. Type in the average number of alcoholic beverages the participant drank per day. If the participant did not drink, enter "0." Type in "8" if the participant claims to have only drunk on occasion.
- The "Drink" field will be filled automatically with either "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Initial Prenatal Data:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Visit Date |
8 |
Date |
The date a participant visited a clinic/site for a service. |
Type of Service |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the type of service provided to the participant. |
Provider |
50 |
Assigned |
The name of the provider providing the service; carries forward from the Service Entry (SV01) screen. |
Pre-pregnancy Weight |
2-Mar |
Numeric |
The participant's weight in pounds and ounces before pregnancy. |
Height |
1/2/2001 |
Numeric |
The participant's height in feet, inches, and eighth inches before pregnancy. NOTE: Height may be entered entirely in inches and eighth inches. |
Prenatal Visits Prior to Initial Visit |
2 |
Numeric |
The number of prenatal medical visits the participant made prior to this initial prenatal visit. |
Month Care Began |
1 |
Numeric |
Month of pregnancy that prenatal care began (not calendar month). |
3 |
Assigned |
Body Mass Index is a figure that closely correlates with body fat and is an indicator of health and nutritional status. Calculated when data is entered in height and weight fields. |
Estimated Date of Confinement (EDC) |
8 |
Date |
The expected due date or delivery date for the current pregnancy, 280 days after the last menstrual period. |
Verified |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the pregnancy has been medically confirmed. |
Date Pregnancy was Confirmed |
8 |
Date |
The date the participant's pregnancy was confirmed. This may be the date that the pregnancy was diagnosed or the date of a positive pregnancy test by a reliable procedure. |
Date of Last Menstrual Period |
8 |
Assigned |
Date that the last menstrual period began. |
Number of Pregnancies (Gravida) |
2 |
Numeric |
The total number of pregnancies for a participant, including the current pregnancy. |
Number of Live Births |
2 |
Numeric |
The number of times the participant has given birth. For multiple births, each individual is counted as one. |
Date of Last Live Birth |
8 |
Date |
The date the participant last gave birth to a living infant. |
Weight of Last Live Birth (LBS/OZ) |
2-Feb |
Numeric |
The weight in pounds and ounces of the last live infant born to this participant. |
Weight of Last Live Birth (Grams) |
4 |
Numeric |
The weight in grams of the last live infant born to this participant. |
Date of Last Other Termination |
8 |
Date |
The date the participant last had a pregnancy end in other than a live birth. |
Number of Terminations |
2 |
Numeric |
The number of pregnancies that did not end in a live birth. |
Cigarettes/Day |
2 |
Numeric |
Average number of cigarettes smoked per day during the 3 months prior to pregnancy. |
Smoke |
1 |
Y/N |
Field indicates whether the participant smoked during the 3 months prior to pregnancy. This field auto-fills based on the answer in the "Cigarettes/Day" field. If the number of "Cigarettes/Day" is 0, then the "Smoke" field auto-fills with an "N" for "No". If the number of "Cigarettes/Day" is greater than 0, then the "Smoke" field auto-fills with a "Y" for "Yes". |
Drink Days/Week |
1 |
Numeric |
Average number of days per week the participant drank alcohol during the 3 months prior to the pregnancy. |
Drinks/Days |
2 |
Numeric |
Average number of alcoholic beverages the participant drank each day that she did drink during the 3 months prior to the pregnancy. |
Drink |
1 |
Y/N |
Field indicates whether the participant drank alcoholic beverages during the 3 months prior to the pregnancy. This field auto-fills based on the answers given in the "Drink Days/Week" field and the "Drinks/Days" field. If both answers are 0, then the "Drink" field auto-fills with an "N" for "No". If both answers are greater than 0, the "Drink" field auto-fills with a "Y" for "Yes". |
- Adult Health Visit (PA08) are used to add, edit, or inquire upon medical/health visit information for an adult participant.
- This screen can be used to record information about visits made either to the Cornerstone site or to an outside provider.
- This screen is only used for DCFS wards if the participant is receiving clinical prenatal services.
In order to reduce the duplication of data entry, medical screens should be completed before assessment screens. The entry of data into this screen is not program specific, so any program can complete this screen and use the data.
A WIC participant's weight, height, and hemoglobin/hematocrit data must be re-measured every 60 days. If the participant's category status (i.e. Pregnant "P", Non-lactating "N", or Breastfeeding "B") changes, the participant's record data will need to be re-measured.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key is F9 to the Assessment (AS01) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Adult Health Visit window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent adult health visit record entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Visit Date" or "Type of Service" fields to scroll through previous adult health visit records. If the user has completed the Service Entry (SV01) screen, a message "Record not found for Service: ____ Date: __/__/____" will be displayed. If required, the user should add an Adult Health Visit record (PA08).
- To add a new adult health visit record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4
- To edit an adult health visit record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 6.
- Verify the date of service in the "Visit Date" field. If the date is incorrect, type in the correct date of service.
- Press Enter to go to the "Type of Service" field. Verify the type of service. If the service code is incorrect, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Anthro Date" field.
- If the weight and height measurements are taken today in the clinic, leave the "Anthro Date" field blank. The Cornerstone system will assume the current date is the date of measurement
- If the weight and height measurements were taken before today, enter the date that the weight and height measurements were taken into the "Anthro Date" field.
- The "Provider" field is for display only.
- Press Enter to go to the "Hgb/Hct Date" field.
- If the hemoglobin or hematocrit is done today in the clinic, leave the "Hgb/Hct Date" field blank. The Cornerstone system will assume the current date is the date of measurement
- If the hemoglobin or hematocrit was obtained before today, enter the date the test was done in the "Hgb/Hct Date" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Hgb" field and type in the hemoglobin value, or press Enter to go to the "Hct" field and type in the hematocrit value.
- The WIC program requires either the hemoglobin or hematocrit for certification. If neither the hemoglobin nor the hematocrit value is known, fill the field with 9's.
- Press Enter to go to the "Weight (lbs)" field and type in the participant's weight in pounds on the date of the visit. If the participant's weight (lbs) is not entered, the field will default to all "9's".
- Press Enter to go to the "Weight (oz)" field and type in the participant's additional weight in ounces. If the participant's weight (oz) is not entered, the field will default to all "9's".
- Press Enter to go to the "Height" fields. If the participant's height measurements are not entered, the "Height" fields will default to all "9's".
- If the participant was measured in feet, type in the participant's height, in feet, in the "Height (ft)" field. Type in any additional inches in the "Height (in)" field.
- If the participant's height was measured in inches only, type in the participant's height, in inches, in the "Height (in)" field only
- For any additional eighth inch measurements, type in the participants eighth inch measurements in the "/8 IN" field. For example, type in "4/8" for a 1/2 inch measurement.
- The "BMI" field value is automatically calculated when data is entered in the "Height" and "Weight" fields.
- BMI will not be calculated if an open prenatal record exists.
- Press Enter to go to the "Blood Pressure" field and type in the participant's blood pressure reading.
- Press Enter to go to the "Vitamin/Mineral" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Primary Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code to indicate diagnosis of a medical condition or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.) This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Secondary Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.) This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "Other Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.) This step is optional.
NOTE: Steps 19 through 26 are for pregnant participants only.
- Press Enter to go to the "Urine Protein" field and type in the correct code to indicate the presence of protein in the urine or use F1 Help.
- The "Weeks Gestation" field value is automatically calculated. In order to be considered "currently pregnant," the participant must have a prenatal record (Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen) that does not have a postpartum record (Postpartum Data (PA10) screen) associated with it.
- Press Enter to go to the "Fetal Movement" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help to complete this field.
- Press Enter to go to the "EDEMA" field and type "Y" for Yes or "N" for no.
- The cursor will go to the "Fundal Height" field. Type in the participant's uterus measurements.
- The cursor will go to the "FHR Result" field. Type in the fetal heart rate.
- The cursor will go to the "FHR Method" field. Type in the method used to assess the fetal heart rate or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Multiple Gestation" field and enter number of fetuses. Only complete this step if there is more than one fetus recorded.
- NOTE: Steps 27 through 35 apply to the participant's habits on the date of the recorded visit. Based on the program the participant is enrolled in, the Cornerstone system may skip these fields.
- Press Enter to go to the "Cigarettes/Day" field and type in the average number of cigarettes the participant smokes per day. If the participant does not smoke, enter "0".
- The "Smoke" field will be filled automatically with either "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- Press Enter to go to the "Others Living in Household" field. This field is used to indicate if other people in the household smoke. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for "No. "
- The cursor will move to the "Change in Smoking" field. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help to complete this field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Intervention" field. This field is used to indicate if an intervention was provided. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- The cursor will move to the "Drink Days/Week" field. Type in the average number of days per week the participant drinks alcohol. If the participant does not drink, enter "0." Type in "8" if the participant claims to only drunk on occasion.
- The cursor will move to the "Drinks per Day" field. Type in the average number of alcoholic beverages the participant drinks per day. If the participant does not drink, enter "0." Type in "8" if the participant claims to only drunk on occasion.
- The "Drink" field will be filled automatically with either "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Adult Health Visit:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Visit Date |
8 |
Date |
The date participant received a service. |
Type of Service |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the type of service provided to the participant. |
Anthro Date |
8 |
Date |
Date that length/height and weight were measured, if different from the visit date. |
Provider |
50 |
Assigned |
The name of the provider providing the service; carries forward from the Service Entry (SV01) screen. |
Hgb/Hct Date |
8 |
Date |
The date hemoglobin or hematocrit was measured, if different from the visit date. |
Hgb |
4 |
Numeric |
Measure used to estimate red blood cell (and iron) status; reported in grams per 100 milliliters (gm/dl). |
Hct |
4 |
Numeric |
Measure of the packed cell volume (PCV) in a total volume of blood after centrifugation and is used to detect the red blood cell status of an individual. |
Weight |
2-Mar |
Numeric |
The participant's weight in pounds and ounces on the visit date. |
Height |
1/2/2001 |
Numeric |
The participant's height in feet, inches, and eighth inches on the visit date. NOTE: Height may be entered entirely in inches and eighth inches. |
3 |
Assigned |
Body Mass Index is a figure that closely correlates with body fat and is an indicator of health and nutritional status. Calculated when data is entered in height and weight fields. |
Blood Pressure |
3-Mar |
Numeric |
Tension in the walls of blood vessels reported as a ratio of systolic pressure (top number) over diastolic pressure (bottom number) in millimeters of mercury. |
Vitamin/Mineral |
2 |
Code |
A code that identifies vitamin and/or mineral supplements being taken by a participant. |
Primary Diagnosis |
5 |
Code |
Primary diagnosis of a medical condition, if applicable. |
Secondary Diagnosis |
5 |
Code |
Secondary diagnosis of a medical condition, if applicable. |
Other Diagnosis |
5 |
Code |
Other diagnosis of a medical condition, if applicable. |
Urine Protein |
3 |
Code |
A code that indicates the presence of protein in the urine. |
Weeks Gestation |
2 |
Numeric |
Calculates using the actual delivery date and the last menstrual period. |
Fetal Movement |
3 |
Code |
A code to identify the presence or absence of fetal movement for a pregnant woman. |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether there is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in body tissue. |
Fundal Height |
3 |
Numeric |
A measurement of the fundal height (size of uterus) for a pregnant woman. |
Multiple Gestation |
2 |
Numeric |
Used to indicate number of fetuses. Only required if more than one. |
FHR Result |
3 |
Numeric |
Fetal heart rate. |
FHR Method |
1 |
Code |
A code to indicate the method used to assess fetal heart rate. |
Cigarettes/Day |
2 |
Numeric |
Average number of cigarettes smoked per day. |
Smoke |
1 |
Y/N |
This field auto-fills based on the answer in the "Cigarettes/Day" field. If the number of "Cigarettes/Day" is 0, then the "Smoke" field auto-fills with an "N" for "No". If the number of "Cigarettes/Day" is greater than 0, then the "Smoke" field auto-fills with a "Y" for "Yes". |
Others Living in Household |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether others in the household smoke. |
Change in Smoking |
4 |
Code |
An indication of change in smoking habits of the participant since pregnancy. |
Intervention |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating if intervention was provided to a currently smoking participant. |
Drink Days Per Week |
1 |
Numeric |
Average number of days per week the participant drinks alcohol. |
Drinks Per Day |
2 |
Numeric |
Average number of alcoholic beverages the woman drinks each day that she does drink. |
Drink |
1 |
Y/N |
This field auto-fills based on the answers given in the "Drink Days/Week" field and the "Drinks/Days" field. If both answers are 0, then the "Drink" field auto-fills with an "N" for "No". If both answers are greater than 0, the "Drink" field auto-fills with a "Y" for "Yes". |
- An Infant/Child Health Visit is used to add, edit, or inquire about a participant-infant or child health visit information, regardless of the provider or the program in which the participant is enrolled.
- This information can be obtained from the parent, if the provider is an outside provider.
In order to reduce the duplication of data entry, medical screens should be completed before assessment screens. The entry of data into this screen is not program specific, so any program can complete this screen and use the data.
For participants enrolled in the WIC program, medical screens must be completed before completing the WIC Assessment (AS02) screen. If weight, height, hemoglobin, or hematocrit were not obtained by the clinic/site, the information must be documented. (Please refer to the WIC Policy and Procedure Manual). Data used to certify an infant or child in the WIC program must be less than 60 days old and while the WIC participant was in the current participant category. Based on WIC program guidelines, an Infant/Child Health Visit record for a different service type that is less than 60 days old may also be used for WIC certification.
For participants nine months and older, the WIC program requires either a hemoglobin or a hematocrit for certification. Hemoglobin and Hematocrit values may be entered for infants as young as six months old. If neither the hemoglobin nor the hematocrit value is known, fill the fields with 9's.
In the "Currently Breastfeeding" field, a "Y" answer to this question could potentially over-count the currently breastfeeding infants if the breastfeeding information is not updated. Only a CHP should change the food package and is responsible for updating this screen. The CHP should use the "WUII" (WIC Update Infant Information) service code, which is designed to be used when changing a breastfed infant's food package. Using this service code prevents staff from having to go back and verify the "Currently breastfeeding" status and "Age first formula" later or potentially forgetting to do so.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Lead Screening screen (PA40), F9 to the Assessment (AS01) screen, and F10 to the Breast Pump (PA29) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Infant/Child Health Visit window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Infant/Child health visit record entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Visit Date" or "Type of Service" fields to scroll through infant/child health records. If the user has completed the Service Entry (SV01) screen, a message "Record not found for Service: ____ Date: __/__/____" will be displayed. If required, the user should add an Infant/Child health visit record (PA09).
- To add a new infant/child health visit record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4
- To edit an infant/child health visit record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 5.
- Verify the date of service in the "Visit Date" field. If the date is incorrect, type in the correct date of service.
- Press Enter to go to the "Type of Service" field. Verify the type of service. If the service code is incorrect, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Anthro Date" field.
- If the weight and height measurements are taken today in the clinic, leave the "Anthro Date" field blank. The Cornerstone system will assume the current date is the date of measurement
- If the weight and height measurements were taken before today, enter the date that the weight and height measurements were taken into the "Anthro Date" field.
- The "Provider" field for display only.
- Press Enter to go to the "Hgb/Hct Date" field.
- If the hemoglobin or hematocrit is done today in the clinic, leave the "Hgb/Hct Date" field blank. The Cornerstone system will assume the current date is the date of measurement
- If the hemoglobin or hematocrit was obtained before today, enter the date the test was done in the "Hgb/Hct Date" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Hgb" and "Hct" fields:
- If the participant is less than nine months old, leave both the "Hgb" and the "Hct" fields blank.
- If the participant is nine months of age or older, press Enter to go to the "Hgb" field and type in the hemoglobin value, or press Enter to go to the "Hct" field and type in the hematocrit value
- If the hemoglobin and hematocrit are not being checked today, fill the field with all "9's". If the field is left blank, they will auto-fill with all "9's".
- Press Enter to go to the "Head Circumference" field and type in the measurement of the participant's head circumference in centimeters.
- Press Enter to go to the "Percentile" field and type in the participant's normed head circumference from a growth grid.
- Press Enter to go to the "Height" fields.
- If the participant was measured in feet, type in the participant's height, in feet, in the "Height (ft)" field. Type in any additional inches in the "Height (in)" field.
- If the participant's height was measured in inches only, type in the participant's height, in inches, in the "Height (in)" field only.
- For any additional eighth inch measurements, type in the participants eighth inch measurements in the "/8 IN" field. For example, type in "4/8" for a 1/2 inch measurement
- If the participant's height is not known, fill the fields with 9's.
- Press Enter to go to the "Percentile" field and type in the participant's normed height from a growth grid.
- Press Enter to go to the "ETS - Others Living In Household" field. This field is used to indicate if other people living in the household use tobacco products. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- Press Enter to go to the "Weight (lbs)" field and type in the participant's weight in pounds on the date of the visit. If the participant's weight is unknown, fill the fields with 9's.
- Press Enter to go to the "Weight (oz)" field and type in the participant's additional weight in ounces. If the participant's weight is unknown, fill the fields with 9's.
- The "BMI" field value is automatically calculated when data is entered in the "Height" and "Weight" fields. It will not calculate for children under two years of age.
- Press Enter to go to the "Blood Pressure" field and type in the participant's blood pressure reading.
- Press Enter to go to the "Vitamin/Mineral" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- The "Lead Screening" fields are not enterable on this screen.
- Press Enter to go to the "Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- There are three enterable "Diagnosis" fields on this screen. Up to three diagnoses can be recorded.
- Press Enter to go to the "EDC Date" field and type in the expected due date of the infant. .
- The "Weeks Gestation" field is an auto-generated field and is not editable. This calculation will only be done for infants born under 37 weeks.
- This calculation will only compute if the child is under 24 months of age.
- The "Adjusted Age" field is an auto-generated field and is not editable.
- The "Chronological Age" field is an auto-generated field and is not editable. NOTE: Steps 26 through 33 apply to the participant's breastfeeding information. Breastfeeding information fields must be completed appropriately on the PA09 screen before food packages can be entered on the AS02 screen and before food instruments can be issued.
- Press Enter to go to the "Ever Breastfed" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant was ever breastfed. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- The "Breast Pump" field for display only.
- The cursor will move to the "Currently Breastfeeding" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant is currently breastfed. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- The cursor will move to the "Date BF Ceased" field.
- If "Y" for Yes was entered in the "Ever Breastfed" field and "N" for the "Currently Breastfeeding" field, type in the date (best estimate) the participant was last breastfed. Go to step 26.
- If "N" for No was entered in the "Ever Breastfed" field, go to step 27.
- Press Enter to go to the "Reason BF Ceased" field. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help. Complete this field only if a date was entered in the "Date Breastfeeding Ceased" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Age First Formula" field.
- If "Y" for Yes was entered in the "Ever Breastfed" field, type in the participant's age, in weeks, when they began receiving formula on a regular basis.
- If "N" for No was entered in the "Ever Breastfed" field, enter "1."
- If the participant has never received formula, leave this field blank.
- Press Enter to go to the "Any Supplementary Feeding" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant is supplementary feeding. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- The cursor will move to the "First Date of Supplemental Feeding" field.
- If "Y" for "Yes" was entered in the "Any Supplementary Feeding" field, enter the date (best estimate) when the feedings were started. Go to step 31.
- If "N" for "No" was entered in the "Any Supplementary Feeding" field, go to step 31 NOTE: Steps 34 through 40 apply to the participant's screenings.
- The cursor will move to the "Dental Screening" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant received a dental screening on the visit date. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- Press Enter to go to the "Developmental Screening" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant received a developmental screening on the visit date. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- Press Enter to go to the "Mental Health Screening" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant received a mental health screening on the visit date. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- Press Enter to go to the "Hearing Screening" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant received a hearing screening on the visit date. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- Press Enter to go to the "Vision Screening" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant received a vision screening on the visit date. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- Press Enter to go to the "Substance Abuse Screening" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant received a substance abuse screening on the visit date. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- Press Enter to go to the "Tuberculosis Screening" field. This field is used to indicate if the participant received a tuberculosis screening on the visit date. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Infant/Child Health Visit:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Visit Date |
8 |
Date |
The date participant received a service. |
Type of Service |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the type of service provided to the participant. |
Anthro Date |
8 |
Date |
Date that length/height and weight were measured, if different from the visit date. |
Provider |
50 |
Assigned |
The name of the provider providing the service; carries forward from the Service Entry (SV01) screen. |
Hgb/Hct Date |
8 |
Date |
The date hemoglobin or hematocrit was measured, if different from the visit date. |
Hgb |
3 |
Numeric |
Measure used to estimate red blood cell (and iron) status; reported in grams per 100 milliliters (gm/dl). |
Hct |
3 |
Numeric |
Measure of the packed cell volume (PVC) in a total volume of blood after centrifugation and is used to detect the red blood cell status of an individual. |
Head Circumference |
3 |
Numeric |
Measurement in centimeters of the participant's head circumference. |
Percentile |
3 |
Numeric |
The participant's normed head circumference from a growth grid. |
Height |
1/2/2001 |
Numeric |
The participant's height in feet, inches, and eighth inches. NOTE: Height may be entered entirely in inches and eighth inches. |
Percentile |
2 |
Numeric |
The participant's normed height from a growth grid. |
ETS - Others Living in the Household |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant is living in a household with someone that smokes. A yes (Y) response indicates there is someone living in the household who smokes. |
Weight |
2-Mar |
Numeric |
The participant's weight in pounds and ounces. |
Percentile |
2 |
Numeric |
The participant's normed weight from a growth grid. |
3 |
Assigned |
Body Mass Index is a figure that closely correlates with body fat and is an indicator of health and nutritional status. Calculated when data is entered in height and weight fields for children 24 months and older. |
Blood Pressure |
3-Mar |
Numeric |
Tension in the walls of blood vessels reported as a ratio of systolic pressure (top number) over diastolic pressure (bottom number) in millimeters of mercury. |
Vitamin/Mineral |
2 |
Code |
A code that identifies vitamin and/or mineral supplements being taken by a participant. |
Diagnosis |
5/5/2005 |
Code |
Medical diagnosis developed by provider. |
EDC Date |
2/2/2004 |
Date |
The expected due date of the infant. |
Weeks Gestation |
2 |
Numeric |
Calculated based on the EDC date and the infant's date of birth. |
Adjusted Age |
2 |
Numeric |
Calculates only for participants 37 weeks gestation or less, based on the Birth Date and the Weeks Gestation. |
Chronological Age |
2-Jan |
Numeric |
Displays the participant's age broken down into years and months, to aid in plotting information on the Growth Chart. |
Ever Breastfed |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant was ever breastfed. |
Breast Pump |
1 |
Display |
Yes/No field that indicates if a breast pump is, or ever has been, issued to the participant. |
Currently Breastfeeding |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant is currently breastfeeding to any degree. |
Date BF Ceased |
8 |
Date |
The date the participant last breastfed. |
Reason BF Ceased |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the reason breastfeeding stopped. |
Age First Formula (WEEKS) |
2 |
Numeric |
Age, in weeks, when an infant began receiving formula. |
Any Supplementary Feeding |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether or not the participant is receiving any Supplementary Feeding. Supplementary feedings are defined by the CDC as anything other than including water. |
First Date of Supplementary Feeding |
2/2/2004 |
Date |
Date of first Supplementary Feeding. |
Dental |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant received a dental screening on the visit date. |
Developmental |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant received a developmental screening on the visit date. |
Mental Health |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant received a mental health screening on the visit date. |
Hearing |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant received a hearing screening on the visit date. |
Vision |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant received a vision screening on the visit date. |
Substance Abuse |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant received a substance abuse screening on the visit date. |
Tuberculosis |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant received a tuberculosis screening on the visit date. |
- Postpartum Data (PA10) is used to add, edit, or inquire about a participant's postpartum information. For each pregnancy, there must be one Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen and one Postpartum Data (PA10) screen completed. These screens are "linked" by certain information that is entered (for example, the EDC fields).
- The participant can only have one postpartum data record per pregnancy, even if the pregnancy results in multiple births. This screen must be completed within six weeks of delivery. Once a pregnancy has been "closed" through completion of the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen, some of the information on the Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen cannot be edited.
In order to reduce the duplication of data entry, medical screens should be completed before assessment screens. The entry of data into this screen is not program specific, so any program can complete this screen and use the data.
The participant must have an open prenatal record in order to add a postpartum record (PA10).
The participant's EDC date entered on the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen must match the date recorded on the Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen. If the user enters a new EDC date on the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen, the user will need to update the EDC date on the Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen to match before completing the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen. Once a Postpartum Data (PA10) screen has been completed, the initial prenatal data and postpartum data for the one pregnancy are linked, and the EDC date cannot be changed.
If the participant is active in WIC and the delivery date is entered in the "Date of Delivery" field, the "Sched Closed/Term Date" field on the Program Information (PA15) screen will be updated. This update will occur regardless of the code entered in the "Type of Service" field on the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key is F9 to the Adult Health Visit (PA08) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Postpartum Data window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent postpartum record entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Visit Date" or "Type of Service" fields to scroll through previous postpartum data records. If required, the user should add a Postpartum Data (PA10). There can only be one postpartum data record (PA10) per pregnancy.
- To add a postpartum data record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a postpartum data record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 6.
- Verify the date of service in the "Visit Date" field. If the date is incorrect, type in the correct date of service.
- Press Enter to go to the "Type of Service" field. Verify the type of service. If the service code is incorrect, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- The "Provider" field for display only.
- Press Enter to go to the "Date of Delivery" field and type in the date the participant gave birth. If the delivery date is left blank, the error message "Delivery Date cannot be blank" will be displayed.
- Press Enter to go to the "Hospital ID" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Place of Delivery" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Infant's ID" field and type in the infant's Cornerstone ID number.
- If there is more than one infant from this pregnancy, enter the ID of the "oldest" infant (i.e. the one delivered first).
- Press Enter to go to the "Weight at Delivery" fields and type the participant's (i.e. the mother's) weight at delivery. If the user enters a weight of less than 30 in the "Weight at Delivery (lbs)" field, an error message stating "Enter Mother's weight at delivery" will be displayed. Type in the correct weight, then press Enter to go to the "Weight at Delivery (oz)" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Weight at Delivery (oz)" field and type the participant's (i.e. the mother's) additional weight in ounces at delivery.
- Press Enter to go to the "Number of Females" field and type in the total number of females resulting from the pregnancy, whether live or not.
- The cursor will move to the "Prenatal EDC" field. The user must enter the estimated date of confinement (EDC) date that matches the EDC date in an open Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) record. Press F1 to display a pop-up window containing the EDC date(s). Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the EDC date and press Enter to select the date.
- If the user enters a new EDC date on the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen, the user will need to update the EDC date on the Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen to match before completing the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen. Once a Postpartum Data (PA10) screen has been completed, the initial prenatal data and postpartum data for the one pregnancy are linked, and the EDC date cannot be changed.
- Press Enter to go to the "Number of Males" field and type in the total number of males resulting from this pregnancy, whether live or not.
- The "Length of Pregnancy" field is automatically calculated by using the "Date of Delivery" on this screen and the "Date of Last Menstrual Period" from the Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen.
- Press Enter to go to the "Prenatal Medical Visits" field and type in the total number of medical visits the participant made during the pregnancy.
- Press Enter to go to the "Method of Delivery" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Pregnancy Outcome" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- If Pregnancy Outcome codes "LS" for "Live Birth - Single" or "LM" for "Live Birth - Multiple" are entered and the number of the males/females does not agree with the selected outcome, the error message "Pregnancy Outcome does not agree with Number of Females/Males" will be displayed.
- Press Enter to go to the "Delivery Complications" field. This step is optional.
- If there were medical complications, press Enter to display the "Delivery Complications" pop-up window. Type in the correct code(s) or use F1 Help. As many as five delivery complications may be entered. Press Esc to return to the Postpartum Data (PA10) screen.
- If there were no medical complications, use the down arrow key to go past this field to the "Hospitalizations During Pregnancy" field.
- The cursor will move to the "Hospitalizations During Pregnancy" field. Type in the number of times the participant was hospitalized during this pregnancy, not including delivery.
- Press Enter to go to the "Family Planning Method" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help to indicate the method of family planning used postpartum.
- NOTE: Steps 23 through 27 apply to the participant's habits during the last three months of pregnancy.
- Press Enter to go to the "Cigarettes/Day" field and type in the average number of cigarettes the participant smoked per day during the last three months of her pregnancy. If the participant did not smoke, enter "0".
- The "Smoke" field will be filled automatically with either "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- The cursor will move to the "Drink Days/Week" field. Type in the average number of days per week the participant drank alcohol during the last three months of her pregnancy. If the participant did not drink, enter "0." Type in "8" if the participant claims to have only drunk on occasion.
- The cursor will move to the "Drinks per Day" field. Type in the average number of alcoholic beverages the participant drank per day during the last three months of her pregnancy. If the participant did not drink, enter "0." Type in "8" if the participant claims to have only drunk on occasion.
- The "Drink" field will be filled automatically with either "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- NOTE: For Multiple Births Only. Steps 28 through 32 are required if the "Pregnancy Outcome" field is marked "LM" for "Live Birth - Multiple."
- Press Enter to go to the "Total Fetuses" field and type in the total number of fetuses in the pregnancy.
- The cursor will move to the "Number of Stillborn" field. Type in the number of infants that were stillborn in the pregnancy.
- The cursor will move to the "Live at Birth" field. Type in the number of infants alive at birth.
- The cursor will move to the "Live at Postpartum Visit" field. Type in the number of infants alive at the medical postpartum visit.
- The cursor will move to the "Died At (Weeks Gest.)" field. Type the age in weeks when the infant died.
- If more than one infant has died, enter the age in weeks at which the first infant died.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Postpartum Data:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Visit Date |
8 |
Date |
The date participant received a service. |
Type of Service |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the type of service provided to the participant. |
Provider of Service |
50 |
Assigned |
The name of the provider providing the service; carries forward from the Service Entry (SV01) screen. |
Date of Delivery |
8 |
Date |
The date the participant gave birth. |
Hospital ID |
4 |
Code |
A code to indicate hospital of birth, if applicable. |
Place of Delivery |
4 |
Code |
A code which identifies the place where the delivery occurred. |
Infant ID |
14 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Infant's Cornerstone ID number. |
Weight at Delivery |
2-Mar |
Numeric |
Mother's weight in pounds and ounces at delivery. |
Number of Females |
1 |
Numeric |
Total number of females resulting from this pregnancy, whether live or not. |
Prenatal EDC |
8 |
Date/Code |
Estimated date of confinement (delivery date) can be typed in or brought in with <F1> Help from the Initial Prenatal Data (PA07) screen. |
Number of Males |
1 |
Numeric |
Total number of males resulting from this pregnancy, whether live or not. |
Length of Pregnancy (WEEKS) |
2 |
Assigned |
Length of pregnancy calculated automatically in weeks. |
Prenatal Medical Visits |
2 |
Numeric |
Total number of medical visits the participant made during the pregnancy. |
Method of Delivery |
2 |
Code |
A code which identifies the type of delivery for a pregnant participant. |
Pregnancy Outcome |
2 |
Code |
A code which identifies the outcome of the pregnancy. |
Delivery Complications |
4 |
Code |
Medical complications during delivery, if any. |
Hosp. During Preg |
2 |
Numeric |
The number of times a postpartum participant was hospitalized during pregnancy, not including delivery. |
Family Planning Method |
2 |
Code |
Indication of family planning method used postpartum. |
Cigarettes/Day |
2 |
Numeric |
Average number of cigarettes smoked per day during the last 3 months of pregnancy. |
Smoke |
1 |
Y/N |
Field indicates whether the participant smoked during the last 3 months of the pregnancy. This field auto-fills based on the answer in the "Cigarettes/Day" field. If the number of "Cigarettes/Day" is 0, then the "Smoke" field auto-fills with an "N" for "No". If the number of "Cigarettes/Day" is greater than 0, then the "Smoke" field auto-fills with a "Y" for "Yes". |
Drink Days/Week |
1 |
Numeric |
Average number of days per week the participant drank alcohol during the last 3 months of pregnancy. |
Drinks/Day |
2 |
Numeric |
Average number of alcoholic beverages the woman drank each day that she did drink during the last 3 months of pregnancy. |
Drink |
1 |
Y/N |
Field indicates whether the participant drank alcoholic beverages during the last 3 months of the pregnancy. This field auto-fills based on the answers given in the "Drink Days/Week" field and the "Drinks/Days" field. If both answers are 0, then the "Drink" field auto-fills with an "N" for "No". If both answers are greater than 0, the "Drink" field auto-fills with a "Y" for "Yes". |
Total Fetuses |
1 |
Numeric |
FOR MULTIPLE BIRTHS ONLY, total number of fetuses in this pregnancy. |
Number of Stillborn |
1 |
Numeric |
FOR MULTIPLE BIRTHS ONLY, number of infants stillborn at birth. |
Live At Birth |
1 |
Numeric |
FOR MULTIPLE BIRTHS ONLY, number of infants alive at birth. |
Live At Postpartum |
1 |
Numeric |
FOR MULTIPLE BIRTHS ONLY, number of infants alive at the medical postpartum visit. |
Died At (WEEKS GEST.) |
2 |
Numeric |
FOR MULTIPLE BIRTHS ONLY, the age in weeks that the infant died. If more than one infant has died, enter the age in weeks that the first infant died. |
3.11 BIRTH DATA (PA11)
- A Birth Data (PA11) is used to record birth information for each participant. The Cornerstone system allows entry of only one birth record per participant.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key is F9 to the Infant/Child Health Visit (PA09) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Birth Data window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the Birth Data (PA11) record for the participant. Only one birth record for a participant should be entered. Verify the information and determine if another program has already completed a birth record for this participant.
- To add a Birth Data record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a Birth Data record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 4.
- The cursor will move to the "Birth Weight" fields. Type in the participant's birth weight in either pounds and ounces or grams.
- If the participant's weight is entered into the "Birth Weight (LBS/OZS)" fields, the Cornerstone system will automatically calculate and fill in the "Birth Weight (Grams)" field
- If the participant's weight is entered into the "Birth Weight (Grams)" fields, the Cornerstone system will automatically calculate and fill in the "Birth Weight (LBS/OZS)" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Birth Length (in)" field and type in the participant's length in inches at birth.
- Press Enter to go to the "Birth Length (/8 in)" field and type in the participant's additional birth length in eighth inches.
- The "Birth Length (CM)" field is not editable and is only for inquiries. This calculation is for display only and will not be stored in the Birth table.
- The cursor will move to the "Infant of WIC Mother at Birth" field. This field will indicate whether the participant was born to a woman who participated in the WIC program during pregnancy. Type "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- The cursor will move to the "Mother's ID" field. Type in the mother's 14 digit Cornerstone ID number.
- This field must be completed, whether the answer to the above question is a "Y" or "N," because it links the mother's pregnancy with the infant's birth outcome.
- Press Enter to go to the "Head Circumference" field and type in the measurement of the participant's head circumference in centimeters.
- Press Enter to go to the "5 Min. APGAR Score" field and type in the participant's APGAR score that is given 5 minutes after birth of the infant. This must be a number between 0 and 10 and reflects the general, overall condition of the infant. If the APGAR score is not known, leave this field blank.
- Press Enter to go to the "APORS" field. This field indicates whether the infant is part of the High Risk Infant Follow-up Program. Type "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- If a "Y" is entered and the record is saved, the field cannot be changed to an "N".
- The cursor will move to the "ICU Admission" field. This field indicates whether the infant was ever admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Type "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- The cursor will move to the "Infant Complications" field. Type in the correct code(s) or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- If the "Infant Complications" field is filled with "None - 10," the cursor will advance to the "Disposition at Discharge" field.
- If the "Infant Complications" field is filled in with "Death Prior to Newborn Discharge - 00," then the "Disposition at Discharge" field must be filled in with the code "DD01 Infant Died Before Discharge."
- Press Enter to go to the "Disposition at Discharge" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help to identify the health status of the infant when discharged from the hospital.
- If the "Infant Complications" field is filled in with "Death Prior to Newborn Discharge - 00," then the "Disposition at Discharge" field must be filled in with the code "DD01 Infant Died Before Discharge."
- If the participant is living, go to step 16.
- If the participant has died and the "Date of Death" field was completed on the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen, press Enter to go to the "Cause/Death" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Birth Certificate Number" field and type in the participant's birth certificate number.
- Press Enter to go to the "Hospital ID" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- If the user enters a Hospital ID code, the "Type of Place," "City," "State," and "County" fields will auto-fill.
- Press Enter to go to the "City" field and type in the city where the participant was born.
- Press Enter to go to the "State" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Type of Place" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "County" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Birth Data:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Birth Weight (LBS/OZ) |
2-Feb |
Numeric |
The weight in pounds and ounces of the participant at birth. |
Birth Weight (Grams) |
4 |
Numeric |
The weight in grams of the participant at birth. |
Birth Length |
1-Feb |
Numeric |
The participant's length in inches and eighth inches at birth. |
Infant of WIC Mother at Birth |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the participant was born to a woman who participated in WIC during her pregnancy. |
Mother's ID |
14 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The unique system-generated identification number which was assigned to the mother at enrollment. |
Head Circumference |
3 |
Numeric |
Measurement in centimeters of the participant's head circumference at birth. |
5 Min. APGAR Score |
2 |
Numeric |
The score that is given 5 minutes after birth of an infant, reflecting the general, overall condition of the infant, if known. |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the infant is part of the High Risk Infant Follow-up Program. |
ICU Admission |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the infant was ever admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. |
Infant Complications |
2/2/2/2/2 |
Code |
Codes that identify complications an infant participant had at the time of birth, if any. |
Disposition at Discharge |
4 |
Code |
A code used to identify the health status of the infant when discharged from the hospital. |
Date of Death |
8 |
Date |
Date of infant's death that carries forward from the Participant Enrollment screen (PA03). |
Cause of Death |
4 |
Code |
A code to identify the cause of death. |
Birth Certificate Number |
15 |
Numeric |
A unique number assigned to the certificate associated with a participant at birth. |
Hospital ID |
4 |
Code |
A code to indicate the hospital of birth. |
City |
20 |
Alpha/Numeric |
A name to identify the city where the participant was born. |
State |
2 |
Code |
A name to identify the state where the participant was born. |
Type of Place |
4 |
Code |
A code to describe the nature of the place of birth. |
County |
4 |
Code |
A name to identify the county where the participant was born. |
- A Single Immunization (PA12) is used to enter a participant's single immunizations data by vaccine type, date, provider, lot number, and place of service. To enter multiple immunizations on a single participant when the same provider gave all of the immunizations on the same date, use the Multiple Immunization Entry (PA23) screen. (Please refer to "3.23 Multiple Immunization Entry (PA23)" in this chapter for more information.)
- This screen can be used to record immunizations given by the local clinic and outside providers for infant, child, and adult participants.
- Immunizations can be given at the local clinic if the biologic inventory is available. The inventory will automatically be deducted from the clinic's biologic inventory when the "Lot Number" field is filled in.
- Immunizations can be given at another Cornerstone facility and added to the local data through the Beginning of Day process. If the Cornerstone system does not have a record of the immunization, the user can enter the data manually .
- Immunizations can be given at a non-Cornerstone facility, such as private physician's offices. The records will be copied and added to the local data through the Beginning of Day process if the outside facility enters them into the ICARE system, or bills for the vaccines to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services. Otherwise, the data will have to be entered manually.
The user has the option to select a Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up on this screen by pressing the F2 copy shared data key. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.7.2 Accessing the WAN" for more information.)
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Multiple Immunization Entry (PA23) screen, F9 to the Immunization History (PA13) screen, OR F10 to the Future Immunizations (PA14).
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Single Entry Immunization window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent immunization record entered for the participant. Use Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Immunization Code" field to scroll through the immunization records. If no immunizations have been recorded, a message "No immunizations have been entered for this participant" will be displayed.
- To add an immunization record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit an immunization record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 7.
- To delete an immunization record, press F7 Delete. The message "Confirm Delete?" will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- In the "Immunization Code" field. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help to complete this field (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Immunization Date" field, and type in the immunization date.
- The cursor will go to the "Estimated Date" field. This field is used to indicate if the immunization date is an estimate. Type in the letter "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- The cursor will go to the "Exemption Code" field. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Provider ID" field. This field is used to identify the Cornerstone provider who administered the vaccine. The Cornerstone provider ID number is the 9-digit ID number assigned to the local site by the Central Office. Press F1 to search for providers on the Provider Look-up screen (SV03). (Please refer to "4.3 Provider Look-up (SV03)." For more information on how to perform a Provider Look-up.)
- If an immunization is administered at the local clinic, it is important that this field contain the local clinic's ID number. The local clinic's provider ID can be found at the top of every Cornerstone screen. Entering the local clinic's provider ID will automatically fill in the "Place of Service" field with code "6" (clinic). This ensures that the clinic's inventory is adjusted. Go to step 9.
- If an immunization is administered at another Cornerstone site, type in the provider ID number or press F1 to go to the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen. (Please refer to Chapter 4 "Service/Activity Screens" under 4.3 Provider Look-up (SV03)). If the immunizations have been recorded at another site, press F2 to copy those immunizations off the WAN. This will copy and add any statewide data to the local data. If the vaccine was administered at another location, there will be no lot number and the local clinic's inventory is not adjusted. Go to step 12
- If an immunization is administered at non-Cornerstone facilities, such as private physician's offices, press Enter to go to the "Provider Name" field and type in the name of the provider. If the vaccine was administered at another location, there will be no lot number and the local clinic's inventory is not adjusted. Go to step 12.
- Press Enter to go to the "Clinic Location" field and enter the correct local clinic code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- This field can be left blank, if the immunization is not administered at a local clinic facility.
- Press Enter to go to the "Lot Number" field and enter the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.) This field must be completed if the immunization date is within the last 30 days. The completion of this field will adjust the immunization inventory record to reflect the current entry.
- If the immunization date is within the last 30 days, the "Lot Number" field will default to the lot number with the nearest expiration date. To choose another lot number, use F1 Help to select another lot number.
- If the immunization date is within the last 30 days and the message "No doses available in this lot" is displayed, use F1 Help to select another lot number.
- If the immunization date is within the last 30 days and the field is blank, there is no inventory available at the current time or the immunization is not available at the local clinic
- If the immunization date is not within the last 30 days, this field is optional. If the user decides to complete this field, use F1 Help to select an available lot number and the inventory will be adjusted.
- The "TB Result Code" field will not be enterable unless the user entered "10" (tuberculin skin test) in the "Immunization Code" field. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Place of Service" field when the user is recording an immunization for another site or non-Cornerstone provider. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Comments" field. The "Comments" field is a free-form text field that can be used to enter additional information about the immunization being recorded. Type in comments pertaining to the participant's immunization record. This field may be used to record all documentation required for the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This step is optional.
- Press F4 to save the record. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- If inventory was adjusted, a pop-up window will be displayed showing the lot number of the used doses.
- If an immunization is entered for a participant that does not have an immunization program record on the Program Information (PA15) screen, the message "No Active Immunization Program Record Exists - Create One?" will be displayed. Type in the letter "Y" for Yes" or "N" for "No."
Screen Layout

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Immunization Code |
3 |
Code |
Name of the immunization/ vaccine administered. |
Immunization Date |
8 |
Date |
The date that an immunization was administered. |
Estimated Date |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the immunization date is estimated or not. |
Number in Series |
1 |
Numeric |
The dose number in the sequence for this immunization. |
Exemption Code |
4 |
Code |
A code to identify the reason an immunization is exempt for the participant. |
Provider ID |
Sep-50 |
Numeric/Assigned |
A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the provider giving the shot, followed by the name of the provider, if applicable. |
Provider Name |
50 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The name of the non-Cornerstone provider that gave the shot, if applicable. |
Clinic Location |
2 |
Numeric |
A location at which program services were delivered. The codes are setup by Central Office to support multiple clinic sites utilizing the same Cornerstone server. |
Lot Number |
10 |
Numeric |
A unique manufacturer's number listed on a vial of vaccine, referring to a particular batch of the product. |
TB Result Code |
4 |
Code |
The results of the TB skin test. |
Place of Service |
4 |
Code |
A description of the type of place where the immunization was provided. |
Comments |
70 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Free-form text field that can be used to enter additional information about the immunization being recorded. |
- Immunization history is used to inquire on the previous immunizations a participant has received. The screen shows Series 1 through 6, but only part of the data is visible on the screen. Press Tab or the left and right arrow keys to view the data that is not visible on the screen.
- This screen is for inquiry only.
The user has the option to select a Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up on this screen by pressing the F2 copy shared data key. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "Accessing the WAN" for more information.)
During their nightly processing, The Cornerstone Central Office downloads new immunization records via the Beginning of Day process. The participant must have a Program Information (PA15) record in order to receive the nightly immunization updates. This has eliminated the need to use the WAN to obtain immunization records. Any questions regarding immunizations and the WAN prior to this date should be addressed by calling the Cornerstone Service Desk.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F9 to the Immunizations (PA12) screen OR F10 to the Child Immunization Record (HSPR0301).
If the user presses F10 print, a pop-up window with the message "Do additional immunizations need to be retrieved from the WAN?" will be displayed. This question relates only to immunizations that have not already been copied from the WAN. If the user chooses "Y" for Yes, the Cornerstone system will go to the WAN. The report will include new immunizations on the WAN, any immunizations previously copied from the WAN, and immunizations given at the local clinic. If the user chooses "N" for No, the report will only include the immunizations that were previously copied from the WAN along with the immunizations given at the local clinic. Please refer to Chapter 11 "Reports" under "11.23 Child Immunization Record (HSPR0301)" for more information about the specific report.
You will also receive a pop-up window with the message "Do you wish to forecast immunizations?"
- If the user selects YES, the future immunizations will be included on the report. If the user selects NO, the future immunizations will be excluded on the report.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- The screen will display all previous immunizations that the participant has received. This includes immunizations given at the clinic and at other sites. If the participant has no previous immunization records, a message "No immunizations for this participant." will be displayed.
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Immunization History window, if necessary. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the immunizations.
Screen Layout
Immunization History:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.
- Future Immunizations (PA14) are used to inquire on recommended future immunizations, dose number in series, and recommended date for returning to receive vaccines. The Cornerstone system calculates this information based upon the recommendations of the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP).
- This screen is for inquiry only.
Upon entering the screen, the user will have the option of retrieving shared data from the Wide Area Network (WAN) OR will use local data only. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.7.2 Accessing the WAN" for more information.)
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F9 to go to the Immunizations (PA12) screen, OR F10 to go to the Immunization History (PA13) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- When the screen is accessed, a pop-up window with the message "Do additional immunizations need to be retrieved from the WAN?" is displayed. Type "Y" for Yes to get immunizations from the WAN or "N" for No to use the data currently at the local clinic. The future immunizations will be displayed.
- If the user selects yes, another pop-up window with the message "Are you sure?" will be displayed. Type "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Future Immunization window, if necessary. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the immunizations.
Screen Layout
Future Immunizations:

Confirm Box:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.
- Program Information (PA15) must be completed for each program the participant participates in.
- This screen is used to record required eligibility data for specific programs. When data is entered, the Cornerstone system checks income and household size values against the specific program's eligibility rules.
- The information displayed is found at the local site only. The user has the option to select a Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up by pressing the F2 shared data key on this screen. This will temporarily display any statewide data to the screen.
- The Program Information (PA15) screen is also used to accomplish a variety of other processes such as transfers, terminations, re-certifications and wait listing.
Step by Step Instructions
Please refer to Chapter 12 "Program Information (PA15) Screen for All Programs" for complete information and Step by Step Instructions about this screen.
Screen Layout
Program Information:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Program |
4 |
Code |
A specific funded program provided by the Cornerstone agency. |
Category |
4 |
Code |
A code that identifies the participant's category. |
Program Status |
4 |
Code |
Status in a given program. |
As of Date |
8 |
Assigned |
Date of status change. |
Ineligibility Reason |
4 |
Code |
A code that identifies the reason a participant is no longer eligible for program services. Required when the program status is "I" (ineligible). |
Termination Reason |
4 |
Code |
A code that identifies the reason a participant ended enrollment in a specific program. Required when the program status is "T" (terminated). |
Household Size |
2 |
Numeric |
The number of people in an economic unit (household). |
Annual Income |
6 |
Numeric |
Dollar amount of income for the persons identified in the household size. |
Proof On File |
4 |
Code |
A code that identifies the proof of income used to determine program eligibility. |
Location Code |
2 |
Code |
Site of initial program contact. The codes are setup by Central Office to support multiple sites utilizing the same Cornerstone server. |
Date of Initial Contact |
8 |
Assigned |
Date a participant is first registered into the Cornerstone system. |
NVRA (National Voter Registration Act) |
1 |
Code |
Required for new certifications with categories of P, B, or N that are determine income eligible. Field is not required when proof of income is 14 - Pending Verification. Choices are C (completed), A (already registered), D (Declined), or I (age ineligible). |
Open/Cert Date |
8 |
Assigned |
The date that an applicant is certified. |
Actual Closed/Term Date |
8 |
Assigned |
The actual date a participant's program status changes to "T" (terminated). Once a record is saved, it cannot be edited/changed. |
Last Update Date |
8 |
Date |
Displays the last date that the record was updated. |
Sched Closed/Term Date |
8 |
Assigned |
The date a participant's eligibility for the WIC program is scheduled to end. |
Transfer From Clinic |
6 |
Assigned |
Identifies the site a participant is transferred from. |
Transfer From Date |
8 |
Assigned |
The date a participant transferred from another site. |
- The Household Members (PA16) screen is used to add, edit, and delete the names and relationships of other members of the participant's household. This links household members who are not registered in the Cornerstone system to an existing participant. These household members do not need to be biologically or legally related to the participant.
- This screen should not be used to enter participants into a household when they have been linked through a group relationship.
- Family Case Management program requires use of this screen.
Fast Path Keys:
Any household member's Participant Profile (PA02) screen can be easily accessed and viewed. To view the Participant Profile (PA02) screen of the participant who is currently displayed in the PSPB, press F10 . To view the Participant Profile (PA02) screen of any household member who is not currently displayed in the PSPB, use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate participant and press F10 .
Press the F10 fast path key to view the selected household member's Participant Profile (PA02) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Household Members (PA16) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the Household Members for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight a household member.
- To add a household member record, press F5 Add. The "Add Household Member" pop-up window will be displayed. Go to step 4.
- To edit a household member record, press F6 Edit. The "Edit Household Member" pop-up window will be displayed. Go to step 4.
- To delete a household member record, press F7 Delete. The "Confirm Delete (Y/N)?" pop-up window will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- In the "Member Name (Last, First)" field, type the household member's last name comma , first name.
- Press Enter to go to the "Member Participant ID" field and, if available, type in the household member's Cornerstone participant ID or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Member Relationship" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Member Begin Date" field and type in the date this person became a member of the household. This can be the current date or a past date.
- For household members of an EI participant, the "Member Begin Date" field should be used to enter the household member's birth date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Member End Date" field and type in the date when the relationship ended or will end (no longer a member of the household).
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Household Members:

Add Household Member:

Field Definitions (pop-up window)
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Member Name (Last, First) |
25 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The participant's name. |
Member Participant ID |
14 |
Alpha/Numeric |
A unique system-generated identification number which is assigned to the participant at enrollment. |
Member Relationship |
4 |
Code |
Relationship of the household member to the participant. |
Member Begin Date |
8 |
Date |
Date the relationship began. |
Member End Date |
8 |
Date |
Date the relationship ends. |
- This screen is used to identify a participant's system/cross reference ID number.
- The System Cross Reference List (PA17) is used to add, edit, or delete cross reference ID numbers. The user cannot EDIT OR delete system generated cross reference ID numbers.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key is F9 to the System Cross Reference Look-up (PA18) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the System Cross Reference List (PA17 ) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the System Cross Reference List for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight a listed cross reference.
- To add a cross reference record, press F5 Add. The "Enter System Code and Cross Reference ID" pop-up window will be displayed. Go to step 4.
- To edit a cross reference record, press F6 Edit. The "Enter System Code and Cross Reference ID" pop-up window will be displayed. Go to step 4.
- To delete a cross reference record, press F7 Delete. The "Confirm Delete (Y/N)?" pop-up window will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel. The user cannot delete system generated cross reference numbers.
- In the "System" field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Cross Reference ID" field and type in the participant's system cross reference ID number.
- Press F4 to save. The system name and cross reference ID number will be displayed.
Screen Layout
System Cross Reference List:

Field Definitions (pop-up window)
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
System |
4 |
Code |
A code to identify other systems used, in order to cross- reference old or existing IDs for a participant. |
Cross-Reference ID |
14 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Identification number for another program (outside of Cornerstone) in which the participant is or has been a participant. |
- The System Cross Reference Look-up (PA18) is used to locate a Cornerstone participant ID number by entering the participant's cross reference ID.
A participant may have more than one system cross reference ID.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 fast path key to go to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen and F9 to the System Cross Reference List (PA17).
Step by Step Instructions
- In the "System Code" field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Cross Reference ID" field then type in the participant's system cross reference ID number. Go to step 7.
- If the cross reference number is unknown, press F9 to the System Cross Reference List (PA17). Go to step 3.
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the System Cross Reference List (PA17 ) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the System Cross Reference List for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and highlight the appropriate cross reference.
- Press the F9 fast path key to return to the System Cross Reference Look-up (PA18) screen.
- Press Enter . The message "Searching for participant's information. Please wait" will be displayed. After processing is complete, the Related Cornerstone Participants window will be displayed.
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Related Cornerstone Participants window. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and highlight the appropriate related Cornerstone participant.
Screen Layout
System Cross Reference Look-up:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
System Code |
4 |
Code |
Previous automated systems in which the participant had an ID number. |
Cross Reference ID |
14 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Identification number for another program, outside of the Cornerstone system, in which the participant is or has been a participant. |
- The DCFS Ward Information (PA19) is used to record information about DCFS wards, including their case ID number, case worker, and the dates of various activities related to the provision of medical case management services.
- DCFS wards are assigned to an agency either through the All Kids (formerly Medicaid) import process OR by notification by the Department of Children and Family Services. To view All Kids data, go to the View Participant Additional Eligibility Information (PA42) screen.
- The new case management agency receives the ward's Cornerstone records through the regular transfer process. (Please refer to Chapter 12 "Program Information (PA15) Screen for All Programs" under "12.4 In-State Transfers".)
A new record should be created for each period of temporary custody. If the temporary custody Initiation date is unknown or unavailable, contact the HealthWorks program staff from DHS for a dummy date. This is the date that a juvenile court judge awards temporary custody of the child to DCFS. Normally, this date is within two working days of the Protective Custody Initiation date.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the DCFS Ward Information (PA19) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the DCFS ward information for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight a listed cross reference.
- To add DCFS ward information, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit DCFS ward information, press F6 Edit. Go to step 7.
- In the "Date Temporary Custody Initiated" field type in the correct date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Case Worker (First Name)" field and type the case worker's first name.
- Press Enter to go to the "Case Worker (Last Name)" field and type the case worker's last name.
- Press Enter to go to the "Phone" field and type the telephone number of the case worker.
- Press Enter to go to the "DCFS Case ID Number" field, type the DCFS case ID number that was assigned to the participant.
- Press Enter to go to the "Date Protective Custody Initiated" field and type the date that DCFS took custody of the child. This field is optional.
- If entered, the date must be on/before the current date and on/after the participant's date of birth.
- Press Enter to go to the "Date of Initial Health Screening" field and type the date. This health screening normally occurs within 24 hours of the protective custody date. This field is optional.
- If entered, the date must be on/before the current date and on/after the participant's date of birth. If the "Protective Custody Date" field was entered, the "Date of Initial Health Screening" must be on or after the "Date of Protective Custody."
- Press Enter to go to the "IHS Date Available" field and type in "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- If a date is entered in the "Initial Health Screening" field, then "Y" for Yes must be entered into the "IHS Date Available" field. Go to step 12.
- If "N" for No is entered in the "IHS Date Available" field, the cursor will move to the "Reason for No Initial Health Screening Date" field. A reason must be entered. Go to step 11.
- In the "Reason for No Initial Health Screening Date" field, type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Date of Comprehensive Health Screening" field and type in the date. Normally, this health exam occurs within 21 days after permanent custody has been awarded. This field is optional.
- If entered, the date must be on/before the current date and on/after the participant's date of birth. If the "Date of Initial Health Screening" has been entered, the "Date of Comprehensive Health Screening" must be on/after the "Date of Initial Health Screening". If the "Date Temporary Custody Initiated" has been entered, the "Date of Comprehensive Health Screening" must be on/after the "Date Temporary Custody Initiated".
- Press Enter to go to the "Date Health Passport Initiated" field and type in the date. Normally, the Health Passport is initiated during the comprehensive health exam. This field is optional.
- If entered, the date must be on/before the current date. If the "Date Temporary Custody Initiated" has been entered, the "Date Health Passport Initiated" must be on/after the "Date Temporary Custody Initiated". If the "Date of Comprehensive Health Screening" has been entered, the "Date Health Passport Initiated" must be on/after the "Date of Comprehensive Health Screening".
- Press Enter to go to the "Date Medical Consent Expires" field and type in the date. Normally, the medical consent expires after the protective custody date, but can be as short as one day. A date as long as one year after the current date may be entered. This field is optional.
- If entered, the date cannot be more than one year from the current date. If the "Date Protective Custody Initiated" field has been entered, the "Date Medical Consent Expires" must be on or after the "Date Protective Custody Initiated". If the "Date Protective Custody Initiated" has not been entered, but the "Date Temporary Custody Initiated" has been entered, the "Date Medical Consent Expires" must be on or after the "Date Temporary Custody Initiated."
- Press Enter to go to the "Date Temporary Custody Ended" field and type in the date. This field must be completed before a new DCFS Ward Information record (for another period of temporary custody) can be added.
- This field can only be completed if a date was entered in the "Date Temporary Custody Initiated" field. If entered, the date must be on/before the current date and on/after the "Date Temporary Custody Initiated" and on/after the participant's date of birth.
- Press Enter to go to "Date Case Review for ACR" field and type in the Administrative Case Review date. An ACR should be conducted every 6 months for each child in foster care.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
DCFS Ward Information:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
DCFS Case ID Number |
8 |
Alpha/Numeric |
ID number of DCFS case. |
Case Worker |
13/15 |
Alpha/Numeric |
First and last name of DCFS case worker. |
Phone |
10 |
Numeric |
Phone number of DCFS case worker. |
Date Protective Custody Initiated |
8 |
Date |
Date the protective custody was initiated. |
Date of Initial Health Screening |
8 |
Date |
Date of the initial health screening. |
IHS Date Available |
1 |
Alpha |
Date of the initial health screening. |
Date Temporary Custody Initiated |
8 |
Date |
Date when temporary custody was initiated. |
Date of Comprehensive Health Screening |
8 |
Date |
Date of the comprehensive health screening. |
Date Health Passport Initiated |
8 |
Date |
Date the health passport was initiated. |
Date Medical Consent Expires |
8 |
Date |
Expiration date of the medical consent. |
Date Temporary Custody Ended |
8 |
Date |
Date when temporary custody ended and the child returns to the original family. |
- The Inquire By Participant Name/SSN (PA20) window is used to look up participants by their birth name, current name, or their Social Security Number (SSN). Only participants in the local clinic are displayed.
The user can only use one inquiry method to select a participant.
Participants are displayed alphabetically by last name, first name, and middle initial. The participant's Participant ID number, date of birth, Pregnant field ("Y" for Yes and "N" for No), and Group ID number are displayed.
Fast Path Keys:
Press the F8 fast path key to go to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen to view the selected participant's profile history or press F3 to return to the Cornerstone Main Menu.
Step by Step Instructions
- The user can perform an inquiry using the participant's "Birth Name", "Current Name", or "Social Security Number." Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate method of inquiry. Press Enter to select the desired inquiry method.
- If the "Inquire by:" "Birth Name" or "Current Name" field is selected, the cursor will move to the "Last Name" field. Type in the participant's last name. Press Enter to go to the "First Name" field. Type in the participant's first name or first letter of the first name and press Enter
- If the "Inquire by:" "SSN" field is selected, the cursor will move to the "SSN" field. Type in the participant's Social Security Number and press Enter .
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Cornerstone Participants window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the inquired list of participants. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the appropriate participant.
Screen Layout
Inquire by Participant Name/SSN:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Birth Name or Current Name or Social Security Number (SSN) |
1 |
Choice |
An "X" to indicate whether the participant's birth name, current name, or Social Security number is being searched. |
Last Name |
15 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Participant's last name (birth last name if the "Birth Name" field is marked or current last name if the "Current Name" field is marked). |
First Name |
13 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Participant's first name (birth first name if the "Birth Name" field is marked or current last name if the "Current Name" field is marked). |
9 |
Numeric |
Participant's Social Security number. |
- The Participant Duplicate Browse (PA21) is used to search for, identify, and display all possible "duplicate" participants in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB).
The Participant Duplicate Browse procedure involves two screens: the Participant Duplicate Browse (PA21) used to search for duplicate participants and the Participant Duplicate Resolution (PA22) screen used to delete duplicate participant records.
Participants are selected as potential duplicates if the participants have matching last name, first name, sex code, and birth date; have matching Social Security number, birth date, and sex code; and/or the first 12 digits of their participant ID's match.
If a duplicate participant has been found, the Duplicate Resolution (PA22) screen may be accessed by pressing F9 in order to delete a duplicate record. (Please refer to "3.22 Participant Duplicate Resolution (PA22) in this chapter for information about how to delete a duplicate record.)
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- The PSPB is the active window on the screen. The Participant Duplicate Browse window displays all possible duplicate participant enrollment records based upon the participant displayed in the PSPB. If the Cornerstone system does not find any possible duplicate records, a message "No duplicate records found" will be displayed.
- If a duplicate record is identified, press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Participant Duplicate Browse window. Use the up and down arrows to highlight the duplicate participant.
- Press F9 to go to the Participant Duplicate Resolution (PA22) screen. (Please refer to "3.22 Participant Duplicate Resolution (PA22)"; for more information.)
Screen Layout
Participant Duplicate Browse:

Field Definitions
There are no field definitions. This screen is for inquiry only.
- The Participant Duplication Resolution (PA22) screen is used to delete selected duplicate participant enrollment records.
- This screen can only be accessed from the Participant Duplicate Browse (PA21) screen.
The Cornerstone system will automatically determine which duplicate will be deleted based on the following program record information:
- If one of the participants has a WIC program record, the other participant will be deleted.
- If both participants have WIC program records regardless of status the Cornerstone system will not be able to delete either record. In this situation, a message "No deletes are allowed for these two records" will be displayed.
- If one of the participants has a Family Case Management record with a program status of "N - new All Kids (formerly Medicaid) recipient," it will be deleted.
- If one of the participants has a Family Case Management record or a Healthy Start program record, and the other participant has an Immunization program record, the IMM participant will be deleted.
If one participant record has two Cornerstone IDs, each with a WIC program record, the Cornerstone system will not permit the records to be merged. In this situation, a message "No deletes are allowed for these two records" will be displayed.
If one participant record has only a WIC program record and the other only has a Family Case Management or Healthy Start program record, and both participants have Med/Insurance records (program status "N") the Cornerstone system will not be able to delete either record. In this situation, a message "Unable to merge because the participant to be deleted has the following Medicaid/Insurance record(s) active." will be displayed.
If the selected participant is a member of a group, the Cornerstone system will display a warning message. In this case, the user must terminate the group relationship before deleting the participant. (Please refer to "3.6 Participant Group Relationships (PA06)" in this chapter for information about ending group relationships.)
If participant enrollment, birth data, and address data existed for the deleted participant, but did not exist for the remaining participant, the data will be transferred to the remaining participant.
Please refer to "Participant Duplicate Browse (PA21)" in this chapter for information about selecting duplicate records.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key is F9 and returns the user to the Participant Duplicate Browse screen (PA21).
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- The Participant Duplicate Resolution (PA22) window is divided into two windows displaying the two participant records in question. The duplicate participant record that will be deleted is identified by a double outline. To delete the selected participant record, press F7 Delete.
- If the Cornerstone system verifies the procedure, the message "Are you sure you want to delete this participant?" pop-up window will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- If the selected participant is a group member, the message, "Participant is currently in a group. You must go to the group relationship screen and end the participant's relationship from the group before the duplicate merge can be done. Press any key to continue." The user must terminate the group relationship before the duplicate participant can be deleted. (Please refer to "Participant Group Relationships (PA06)" in this chapter for information about ending group relationships.)
- If both participants have a Participant Med/Insurance (PA05) or View Participant Additional Eligibility Information (PA42) record, a message "Unable to merge because the participant to be deleted has the following Medicaid/Insurance record(s) active." or "Cannot merge these participants because the record to be deleted does not have a matching medicaid record on PA42." will be displayed.
- If both records meet the criteria for merging, you will see the following message after selecting F7 to delete "Deleting record, please wait". Once the delete process is complete, a message "Records deleted" will be displayed in the top left corner of the screen.
- After a participant is merged with another participant, the data cannot be restored to the original form.
Screen Layout
Duplicate Resolution:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Are you sure you want to delete this participant? |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No choice indicating whether the user wants to delete the participant or not. |
3.23 Multiple Immunization Entry (PA23)
- The Multiple Immunization (PA23) screen is used to enter a participant's multiple immunizations, rather than entering each individual immunization on the Immunizations (PA12) screen. The Multiple Immunization (PA23) screen allows greater flexibility in entering multiple immunizations on a participant, when the immunizations were all given on the same date.
- This screen can be used to inquire on prior immunizations, but cannot be used to edit or delete immunizations. The Single Entry Immunization (PA12) screen can be used to edit or delete immunizations. (Please refer to "3.12 Single Entry Immunization (PA12)" in this chapter for more information.) A Multiple Immunization (PA23) can be used to record immunizations given by the local clinic and outside providers for infant, child, and adult participants.
- Immunizations can be given at the local clinic if the biologic inventory is available. The inventory will automatically be deducted from the clinic's biologic inventory when the "Lot Number" field is correctly filled in.
- Immunizations can be given at another Cornerstone facility and added to the local data through the Beginning of Day process. If the Cornerstone system does not have a record of the immunization the user can record the shot manually, if needed.
- Immunizations can be given at a non-Cornerstone facility, such as private physician's offices. The records will be copied and added to the local data through the Beginning of Day process if the outside facility enters them into the ICARE system, or bills for the vaccines to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services. Otherwise, the data will have to be entered manually.
The user has the option to select a Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up on this screen by pressing the F2 shared data key. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.7.2 Accessing the WAN" for more information.)
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Immunizations (PA12) screen for single entry, F9 to automatically print the Child Immunization Record (HSPR0301) for the currently selected participant OR F10 to the Future Immunizations (PA14) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Multiple Immunization Entry window.
- The screen will display the most recent multiple immunizations record entered for the participant. Use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the Multiple Immunization records. If no immunizations have been recorded, a message "No immunizations have been entered for this participant" will be displayed.
- To add a multiple immunization record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- In the "Immune Date" field, the current date and any immunizations entered will be displayed.
- Once the cursor moves off of the "Immune Date" field, the field becomes disabled. If changes must be made in the "Immune Date" field, the user will need to press F12 cancel and then F5 Add to begin the process again.
- Press Enter to go to the "Estimated Date" field. This field is used to indicate if the immunization date is an estimate. The field will default to "N" for "No." If the date is estimated type in the letter "Y" for "Yes."
- Press Enter to go to the "Provider ID" field. This field is used to identify the Cornerstone provider who administered the vaccine. The Cornerstone provider ID number is the 6-digit ID number assigned to the local site by the Central Office.
- If an immunization is administered at the local clinic, it is important that this field contain the local clinic's ID number. The local clinic's provider ID can be found at the top of every Cornerstone screen. Entering the local clinic's provider ID will automatically fill in the "Place of Service" field with code "6" (clinic). This ensures that the clinic's inventory is adjusted. Go to step 7.
- If an immunization is administered at another Cornerstone site, type in the provider ID number or press F1 to go to the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen. (Please refer to Chapter 4 "Service/Activity Screens" under 4.3 Provider Look-up (SV03)). If the immunizations have been recorded at another site, press F2 to copy those immunizations off the WAN. This will copy and add any statewide data to the local data. If the vaccine was administered at another location, there will be no lot number and the local clinic's inventory is not adjusted. Go to step 8
- If an immunization is administered at non-Cornerstone facilities, such as private physician's offices, press Enter to go to the "Provider Name" field and type in the name of the provider. If the vaccine was administered at another location, there will be no lot number and the local clinic's inventory is not adjusted. Go to step 8.
- Press Enter to go to the "Clinic Location" field and enter the correct local clinic code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- This field can be left blank, if the immunization is not administered at a local clinic facility.
- Press Enter to go to the "Place of Service" field when the user is recording an immunization for another site or non-Cornerstone provider. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Immunization Code" box. This box contains a list of all possible shot types. To enter the immunizations given, select a shot from the "Immunizations Code" box and move it to the "Shots given" box.
- To move a selected immunization code to the "Shots given" box, the user can double click the shot with the mouse, single click the shot and use the mouse to click the Move button at the bottom of the screen, OR use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate shot and press Ctrl+M .
- Press Tab to go to the "Shots given" box. If an immunization code is added in error to the "Shots given" box, the code can be removed if the screen has not been saved by pressing F4 .
- To remove a selected immunization code from the "Shots given" box, the user can double click the shot with the mouse, single click the shot and use the mouse to click the Remove button at the bottom of the screen, OR use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate shot and press Ctrl+R .
- Press Tab to go to the "Lot Number" box. The lot number indicates the manufacturer's number listed on the vaccine vial. The completion of this field will adjust the immunization inventory record to reflect the current entry.
- If the immunization date is within the last 30 days, the "Lot Number" field will default to the lot number with the nearest expiration date. To choose another lot number, use F1 Help to select another lot number.
- If the immunization date is within the last 30 days and the message "No doses available in this lot" is displayed, use F1 Help to select another lot number.
- If the immunization date is within the last 30 days and the field is blank, there is no inventory available at the current time or the immunization is not available at the local clinic
- If the immunization date is not within the last 30 days, this field is optional. If the user decides to complete this field, use F1 Help to select an available lot number and the inventory will be adjusted.
- Press Tab to go to the "Cmnt" box. To enter a comment, the user can double-click on a specific immunization line in the "Cmnt" box with the mouse or press Enter when a particular line is highlighted. An Immunization Comment box will be displayed. The user can type the comment. Press F4 to save the comment. An "X" will be displayed in the "Cmnt" box for those immunizations with comments. The comments can be edited if the screen has not been saved by pressing F4 . This field may be used to record all documentation required for the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This step is optional.
- Press F4 to save the record. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- If inventory was adjusted, a pop-up window will be displayed showing the lot number of the used doses.
- If an immunization is entered for a participant that does not have an immunization program record on the Program Information (PA15) screen, the message "No Active Immunization Program Record Exists - Create One?" will be displayed. Type in the letter "Y" for Yes" or "N" for "No."
Screen Layout
Multiple Immunizations Entry:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Immune Date |
8 |
Date |
The date that an immunization was administered. |
Estimated Date? |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No field indicating whether the immunization date is estimated or not. |
Provider ID |
Sep-50 |
Numeric/Assigned |
A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the provider giving the shot, followed by the name of the provider, if applicable. |
Provider Name |
50 |
Alpha/Numeric |
The name of the non-Cornerstone provider that gave the shot, if applicable. |
Clinic Location |
2 |
Numeric |
A location at which program services were delivered. The codes are setup by Central Office to support multiple clinic sites utilizing the same Cornerstone server. |
Place of Service |
4 |
Code |
A description of the type of place where the immunization was provided. |
Immunization Codes |
2 |
Code |
Name of the immunization/vaccine administered. Multiple entries can be entered. |
Shots given |
2 |
Code |
Name of the immunization/vaccine administered. Multiple entries can be entered. |
Lot Number |
4-Oct |
Numeric/Code |
A unique manufacturer's number listed on a vial of vaccine, referring to a particular batch of the product. Multiple entries can be entered. |
Cmnt |
60 |
Alpha/Numeric |
Free-form text field that can be used to enter additional information about the immunization being recorded. Multiple comments can be entered. |
3.24 FAMILY FEE (PA25)
- The Family Fee (PA25) screen is used by the Early Intervention (EI) program to record family fee information for each EI participant.
- This screen is accessed by using the Ctrl+F11 function from the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen, or the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen.
- The Family Fee (PA25) record is not editable nor can it be deleted. The user adds a new record upon annual re-determination and/or when a participant's family fee information changes.
Adding a Family Fee Record:
Cornerstone will only allow a new record to be added if a Secondary address record with a "Relation" of "FR" ("Financially Responsible") has been completed on the Address pop-up window. The new PA25 record will auto-fill with the name of the "Contact Person" listed on the Secondary address screen.
When adding a family fee record, the "Household Size", "Income Amount" and "Proof of Income" will automatically fill based on data entered on the Program Information (PA15) screen. Cornerstone first checks the "EI" Program Information record for the data. If no information has been entered on the "EI" Program Information record, Cornerstone will check for an active "WIC" Program Information record. If no information has been entered on either of these Program Information records, the first Family Fee (PA25) record will be blank and the user will be required to complete these fields.
After the "Household Size", "Income Amount" and "Proof of Income" fields are completed and the record is saved, Cornerstone will automatically calculate and display the appropriate amount in the "Fee" field (based on the EI Program Family Fee Schedule).
Effective Date:
Monthly fee amounts begin to accrue when a family's earliest authorization for services subject to fees begins. Cornerstone automatically completes the "Effective Date" (begin date) based on the authorizations entered on the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen. Cornerstone also automatically completes the "Effective Date" (end date) with the "Current IFSP" end date recorded on the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen.
When adding additional Family Fee records, the "Effective Date" (end date) of the previous Family Fee record will default to the day before the current date. Any changes to the "Current IFSP" end date on the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen will change the "Effective Date" (end date) of the current Family Fee record.
The Family Fee pop-up (PA25) screen alerts users if a participant is in a group by displaying a message in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
- If the participant is in an open/active group, the message "IN A GROUP" will be displayed
- If the participant is not in an open/active group, the message "NOT IN A GROUP" will be displayed.
If a participant is in a group and changes are made to their family fee record, the Cornerstone system will automatically update the family fee for all participants active in the group and the message "All fees in group were updated" will be displayed.
Financially Responsible:
If a Residence address is entered, the secondary address will auto-fill with it's information (It will need to be verified and changed, if necessary). If a Mailing address is entered, the Secondary address will have to be manually entered. To ensure that family fee statements are mailed to the correct financially responsible adult, the user may have to update the Secondary address record with the financially responsible adult's address. The user will need to acquire the address of the person who is financially responsible if it is someone OTHER than the Contact Person identified on the "R - Residence" or the "M- Mailing" Address pop-up screen (accessed from the Participant Enrollment (PA03) screen). In the "S - Secondary" record on the Address pop-up screen, select the "Relationship" code of "FR - Financially Responsible".
Step By Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- From either the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) or the Early Intervention Service Authorization (SV07) screen, Press Ctrl+F11 to activate the Family Fee (PA25) window.
- The screen will display the most recent family fee record for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or the Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the family fee records.
- To add a family fee record, press F5 Add.
- The "Fee Added Date" field is not enterable and will automatically fill with the current date. NOTE: The "Household Size," "Income Amount," and "Proof of Income" fields will auto-fill if they were completed on the Program Information (PA15) screen. If so, Steps 5 - 7 can be skipped.
- In the "Household Size" field, type in the correct number of family members.
- Press Enter to go to the "Income Amount" field and type in the annual gross income for the household.
- Press Enter to go to the "Proof of Income" field and type in the correct code, or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Financially Responsible (L, F)" field and type in the name (last name, first name) of the person financially responsible for the participant.
- The "Financially Responsible (L,F)" field will auto-fill the name from the Secondary address record.
- Press Enter to go to the "SSN" field and type in the correct Social Security Number of the person financially responsible for the participant. This step is optional.
- The "Fee" field is for display only. Cornerstone will automatically calculate and display the appropriate amount in the "Fee" field (based on the EI Program Family Fee Schedule).
- The "Effective Date" fields are not editable when adding the first record for the IFSP period.
- The dates will auto-fill once the first billable authorization is entered on the SV07 screen.
- The "Entry Date" field is for display only. Cornerstone will auto-fill this field with the "Entry Date" recorded on the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen for the Current IFSP period.
- The "Change Reason" field is not available when adding a new record. When adding an additional record, the "Change Reason" field is used to document why the family fee information changed. Enter the correct code, or use F1 Help.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Family Fee:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Household Size |
2 |
Numeric |
The family size as used for reporting purposes plus any dependents since filing. |
Income Amount |
6 |
Numeric |
Total annual gross income. |
Proof Of Income |
2 |
Code |
A code that identifies the proof of income used to determine the family fee. |
Financially Responsible (L, F) |
Alpha |
The name of the person financially responsible for the participant. |
9 |
Numeric |
The social security number of the person financially responsible for the participant. |
Fee |
5 |
Numeric |
Monthly family participation fee. |
Effective Date (begin) |
8 |
Date |
Date the family fee is effective. |
Effective Date (end) |
8 |
Date |
Date the family fee period ends. |
Entry Date |
8 |
Date |
Automatically fills with the "Entry Date" recorded on the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen for the Current IFSP period. |
Change Reason |
1 |
Code |
Reason a new Family Fee record was added. |
- The Breast Pump (PA29) screen is used to follow-up with participants who have been issued a breast pump.
- This screen is also used to record or inquire on breast pump issuance, including the pump type, date received, and date returned.
- A new record is added each time a breast pump is issued to the participant.
- Information is included in the In-state Transfer Process. Users will be able to identify participants who have received a breast pump from a prior certifying agency. With this information, users can follow-up with appropriate breastfeeding support and counseling.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key from the browse view is F10 to the Infant/Child Health Visit (PA09) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Breast Pump window, if necessary.
- Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the appropriate record.
- To add a breast pump record, press F5 Add.
- To edit a breast pump record, press F6 Edit.
- To delete a breast pump record, press F7 Delete. The message "Confirm Delete?" will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- In the "Date Received" field, enter the date the breast pump was issued to the participant. The "Date Received" will default to the current date, but can be changed.
- Press Enter to go to the "Breast Pump Type" field. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Date Returned" field and type in the date the breast pump was returned. This step is optional.
- Press F4 to save the screen. The screen will return to the browse view and display the new record.
Screen Layout
Breast Pump:

Add/Edit Pumps:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Date Received |
8 |
Date |
Date the breast pump was issued to the participant. |
Breast Pump Type |
4 |
Code |
Code indicating the type of breast pump issued to the participant. |
Date Returned |
8 |
Date |
Date the participant returned the breast pump. |
- The participant needs to have an active IBCCP Program Information (PA15) record in order to add on this screen.
- This screen is used to add, edit, delete, or inquire on the BCCP screening cycle information for a participant.
- The Breast and Cervical Cancer Data (PA30) provides diagnostic and follow-up information for the participant with recommendations for future screening.
There are two tabs in the Breast and Cervical Cancer Data window titled Detail and Summary. The Detail tab is for information to be entered on a type of service. The Summary tab is a read only summary of services from the Detail tab.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path keys are F8 to the Participant Profile (PA02) screen, F9 to the Service Entry (SV01) screen, and F10 to the Procedure History Inquiry (SV06).
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Breast and Cervical Cancer Data screen, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent BCCP screening cycle record entered for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn in the "Type of Service" or "Screening Cycle Date" fields to scroll through BCCP screening cycle records. If the participant does not currently have a lead screening record, a message "No records for this participant." will be displayed.
- To add a BCCP screening cycle record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a BCCP screening cycle record, press F6 Edit
- To delete a BCCP screening cycle record, press F7 Delete. A Confirm box pops up with the message "are you sure you want to delete this record." Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- The cursor will go to the "Screening Cycle Date" field. Verify the date. If the date is incorrect, type in the correct date of the screening cycle.
- Screening Cycle Date cannot be prior to the initial date of contact located on the Program Information Screen - (PA15)
- If a new service record is added with a screening cycle date that is within three (3) months of another service record with the same service type, the following message "WARNING: Screening cycle record(s) were found within 3 months of the currently entered record. The following date(s) were found:" will be displayed. The screen dates of all other records found will be listed.
- Press Enter to go to the "Type of Service" field and type in the correct code or press F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "History" field and type in the correct code or press F1 Help.NOTE: Step 7 will be one of two fields depending on what 'Type of Service' is selected in step 5. If service type "BCS" (Breast Cancer Screening) is selected, the "Indication for Pap Test" field will display. If service test "CCS" (Cervical Cancer Screening,) is selected, the "Indication for Initial Mammogram" field will display.
- Steps A or B
- Press Enter to go to the "Indication for Pap Test" field and type in the correct code or press F1 Help.
- When Indication code IP3 (Referred by non-program Provider) is selected, the "Diagnostic Referral Date" field will need to be completed.
- If the code IP5 is selected, all fields will be disabled except for the "Next Screening Date" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Indication for Initial Mammogram" field and type in the correct code or press F1 Help.
- When Indication code IM3 (Referred by non-program Provider) is selected, the "Diagnostic Referral Date" field will need to be completed.
NOTE: Steps 8-22 apply to service types "BCS" (Breast Cancer Screening) and "CCS" (Cervical Cancer Screening,) selected in step 5. If the user enters service type "RTTA" (Referral to Treatment Act), go to step 23.
- Press Enter to go to the "Diagnostic Work-Up" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Next Screening Date" field and type in the correct date. A date is required and must be greater than the Screening Cycle Date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Status of Final Diagnosis/Imaging" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Final Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. The "Final Diagnosis" field is only required for code "F1" in the "Status of Final Diagnosis/Imaging" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Final Diagnosis Date" field and type in the correct date. The "Final Diagnosis Date" field is required for codes "F1," "F3," and "F4" in the "Status of Final Diagnosis/Imaging" field.
NOTE: Steps 13 - 21 apply to the diagnosis code in the "Final Diagnosis" field, selected in step 11. The diagnosis code that is selected will determine which fields will need to be completed.
- Press Enter to go to the "Stage at Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Notification Date" field and type in the correct date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Tumor Size" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Status of Treatment" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Date of Treatment Status" field. This field is required if a value of "1" (Treatment Started) or "6" (Treatment Completed) is selected in the "Status of Treatment" field. For all other values, this field is optional.
NOTE: Steps 18 - 19 will only be enabled if the "Status of Treatment" field is set to either "1" or "6."
- Press Enter to go to the "Radiation Treatment" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Chemo Treatment" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Treatment Provided" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Transfer to Provider" field if applicable to diagnosis. Press F1 to go to the Provider Look-up (SV03) screen. (Please refer to Chapter 4 "Service/Activity Screens" under "4.3 Provider Look-up (SV03).")
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
NOTE: Steps 23 thru 27 apply to service type "RTTA," selected in step 5.
- Press Enter to go to the "Final Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Final Diagnosis Date" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "Stage at Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Tumor Size" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Breast and Cervical Cancer Data - Detail:

Breast and Cervical Cancer Data - Summary:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Screening Cycle Date |
8 |
Date |
Date that the screening cycle starts. |
Type of Service |
4 |
Code |
A code that indicates the type of service provided to the participant. |
History |
4 |
Code |
Patient's history code. |
Indication for Pap or Initial Mammogram |
4 |
Code |
A code indication for type of service. |
Diagnostic Work-Up |
4 |
Code |
Indicates the status of the diagnosis. |
Diagnosis Referral Date |
8 |
Date |
Date that the diagnosis was Referred. |
Status of Final Diagnosis/Imaging |
4 |
Code |
Final Status of the diagnosis. |
Final Diagnosis |
4 |
Code |
Indicates the final diagnosis. |
Final Diagnosis Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of the final diagnosis. |
Stage at Diagnosis |
4 |
Code |
Indicates the stage at the diagnosis. |
Notification Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of the notification. |
Tumor Size |
4 |
Code |
Size of the tumor. |
Treatment Date |
8 |
Date |
Date that the treatment was initially begun. |
Status of Treatment |
4 |
Code |
Indicates the status of treatment. |
Radiation Treatment |
1 |
Y/N |
Yes/No field indicating whether radiation was recommended. |
Treatment Provided |
4 |
Code |
Method of treatment for cancer. |
Chemo Treatment |
1 |
Y/N |
Yes/No field indicating whether chemo-therapy was recommended. |
Transfer to Provider |
Sep-50 |
Numeric/Assigned |
A unique system-generated identification number assigned to the provider that the participant is being referred to for further treatment, followed by the name of the provider, if applicable. |
- The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and the Department of Human Services (DHS) are collaborating on a tracking system for children receiving Early Intervention (EI) services as the children turn three and move into school district programs and services.
- CFC staff will transfer data from completed and returned Early Intervention to Early Childhood Tracking Forms to the Early Childhood Tracking Screen (PA34).
- The Early Childhood Tracking Screen (PA34) will be completed after the child has turned 3 and the record has been closed.
- Performance data will be analyzed by ISBE and DHS and reflected back to local communities on a regular basis for improvement planning purposes. The Early Intervention to Early Childhood tracking system will help local communities identify transition trends, facilitate continuity of service and assure that no child is left behind.
Step By Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Early Childhood Tracking Screen (PA34) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Early Childhood Tracking Screen for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or the Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the Early Childhood Tracking records.
- To add an Early Childhood Tracking Screen, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit an Early Childhood Tracking Screen, press F6 Edit. Go to step 5.
- In the "Date EI to EC Tracking Form sent to LEA (Local Education Agency)" field, type in the date the participant was referred to the school district/LEA.
- The cursor will go to the "Parent Declined" field. This field is used to indicate if the parent declined the referral to the school district/LEA. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- If the "Parent Declined" field is marked with "Y" for Yes, go to step 6.
- If the "Parent Declined" field is marked with "N" for No, go to step 7.
- The cursor will go to the "If yes, Date Parent Declined" date field. Type in the correct date. Go to step 9.
- The cursor will go to the "If not declined: Date Transition Packet Sent to LEA" field. Type in the correct date.
- The cursor will go to the "Date LEA/EI Transition Planning Conference" field. Type in the correct date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Date Eligibility for Special Education Determined" field and type in the correct date.
- Any data entered into this field will remove any data previously entered in the "OR Parent" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "OR Parent" field and type the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Any data entered into this field will remove any data previously entered in the "OR Parent" field.
- Press Enter to go to the "IEP Completion Date" field and type the correct date.
- Press Enter to go to the "IEP Services Begin Date" field and type the correct date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Parent Declined LEA Services" field. This field is used to indicate if the parent declined the LEA Services. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- If the "Parent Declined" field is marked with "Y" for Yes, go to step 14.
- If the "Parent Declined" field is marked with "N" for No, go to step 15.
- The cursor will go to the "If yes, Date Parent Declined" field. Type in the correct date.
- The cursor will go to the "EI Transition Planning Conference Delayed" field. This field is used to indicate if there were any delays in the EI transition planning. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- If the "EI Transition Planning Conference Delayed" field is marked with "Y" for Yes, go to step 16.
- If the "EI Transition Planning Conference Delayed" field is marked with "N" for No, go to step 17.
- The cursor will go to the "If Yes, choose reason" field. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
Early Childhood Tracking Screen:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Date EI to EC Tracking Form sent to LEA |
8 |
Date |
Date the participant was referred to the school district/LEA. |
Parent Declined |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No choice indicating whether the parent declined the referral to the school district/LEA. |
If yes, Date Parent Declined |
8 |
Date |
Date the participant's parent declined the referral to the school district/LEA. |
If not declined: Date Transtition Packet Sent to LEA |
8 |
Date |
Date the transtition packet was sent to LEA. |
Date LEA/EI Transition Planning Conference |
8 |
Date |
Date the LEA/EI Transition Planning Conference occurred. |
Date Eligibility for Special Education Determined |
8 |
Date |
Date the participant was determined to be eligible for special education. |
OR Parent |
2 |
Code |
A code that identifies the status of the OR Parent. |
IEP Completion Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of the IEP completion. |
IEP Services Begin Date |
8 |
Date |
Date the IEP Services Begin. |
Parent declined LEA Services |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No choice indicating whether the parent declined LEA Services. |
If yes, Date Parent Declined |
8 |
Date |
Date the parent declined LEA Services. |
EI Transition Planning Conference Delayed |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No choice indicating whether a delay occurred in the EI Transition Planning Conference. |
If Yes, choose reason |
2 |
Code |
A code that identifies the reason for the EI Transition Planning Conference Delay. |
- Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) is added for each Early Intervention participant. A new record is added during the initial referral process, during re-referral, and at the time of the annual re-determination. Users can view multiple records by using the "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys.
- Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) is used to capture program-specific summary information for Early Intervention (EI) not contained on other Cornerstone screens. Most data captured on this screen is used to monitor and track program participation within the EI program enrollment period.
- In order to add this screen for an EI participant, the child must have an "EI" program record on the Program Information (PA15) screen and must have a complete mailing or residential address.
- Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) is used to record key dates during the intake period, including referral, evaluation, eligibility determination, assessment, and preparation of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). Also used to track key dates during service coordination after the initial service plan is completed, including follow-up dates, six month reviews, and annual reassessment points.
- The user has the option to select a Wide Area Network (WAN) look-up on this screen by pressing the F2 shared data key. This is an inquiry only function.
- Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) is used to record other EI program specific data such as information on private insurance and DSCC eligibility status.
- A child is considered "Pending" in EI during the 45-day intake period. Once the "Current IFSP" dates are completed, saving this screen makes a child "Active" in EI.
- Once a record is saved, it cannot be deleted.
- Users cannot add EI program records while working on a laptop that is downloaded.
- Laptop users that are downloaded only have edit rights to this screen.
- If a case manager has downloaded a participant to a laptop, users cannot add a new record for that participant at a workstation.
Early Intervention Enrollment
When the participant is first enrolled or when specific changes are made to the "Elig Determined" date field, "Level of Delay" field, and "Determination" field, the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen may send necessary updates to the Program Information (PA15) "Category" field, "Program Status" field, and "As of" date field.
When the participant's Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record is F4 saved with a "Determination" code set to an eligible value or left blank, the participant's Program Information (PA15) "Program Status" code will update from "E - Income Eligible" to "A - Active," and the "As of" date and "Open/Cert Date" will set to the current date.
When the participant's Early Intervention Program status is determined ineligible, go to the Program Information (PA15) screen to close out the case. Select the most appropriate ineligibility reason (33A - 34). Once the record is saved, the system will automatically change the status on the PA35 record to "C - Closed."
On the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen, the "EI Number" is an inquiry only field. This value will then be placed in the participant's system cross-reference record with a system code of "EI". This system cross-reference record will transfer to avoid assigning another number to the participant at another Child and Family Connections agency (CFC).
To avoid assigning duplicate EI numbers, users will not be able to add Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) records while working on a laptop. Laptop users only have edit rights on the Early Intervention Program Data(PA35) screen.
Adding a New Record
A new record can be added only if the "Status" of the previous record is "Closed" or "Active". When adding a new record, the "Status" will default to "Pending", and the "Intake Period" dates will default to the "Intake Period" dates recorded on the previous record.
The "Status" will remain in "Pending" and any previously existing Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record "Status" will update to "Closed" if the user completes the "Elig. Determined" field, "Level of Delay" field, and "Determination" field, but leaves the "Current IFSP" date fields blank.
Editing a Record
When editing a record, users can change the "Status" field from "Active" or "Pending" to "Closed." Once the "Status" field is changed to "Closed," the record cannot be edited. When the "Current IFSP" dates are blank, the following fields can be edited: "Elig Determined," "Determination," "Interim IFSP" dates, "Current IFSP" dates and "Status." When the "Current IFSP" dates have been completed, the following fields can be edited: "Status," "Next Follow-up," "Reason" and "Private Insurance."
The following updates are made automatically when the user enters the "Current IFSP" dates:
- The new Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record "Status" field will set to "Active".
- The "Current IFSP" end date on any previously existing Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) records will adjust to one day before the new Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record's "Current IFSP" start date.
- All existing Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) authorizations will close by adjusting the "End Date" on each authorization to one day before the "Current IFSP" start date recorded on the new Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record.
If the user enters the "Current IFSP" dates when "Interim IFSP" dates have been entered, the Cornerstone system will verify that the "Interim IFSP" date range does not overlap with the "Current IFSP" date range.
- If the "Interim IFSP" end date is greater than the "Current IFSP" start date, the "Interim IFSP" end date will adjust to end one day before the "Current IFSP" start date.
- Any existing authorizations entered on the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen for the Interim IFSP period will be adjusted to fall within the adjusted "Interim IFSP" date range.
- Also, The "Status" field of any adjusted authorizations will be set to "ADJT - Adjusted," unless the status is currently "CAN - Cancelled."
The following updates are made automatically when the new Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record's "Elig Determined", "Level of Delay", "Determination" and "Current IFSP" dates are completed and F4 saved:
- The new Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record's "Status" field will set to "Active."
- The "Status" field of any previously existing Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) records will set to "Closed."
- The "Current IFSP" end date on any previously existing Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) records will set to one day before the "Current IFSP" start date recorded on the new record.
- Any existing authorizations on the Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen will adjust to one day before the "Current IFSP" start date recorded on the new Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record.
Changing the Insurance Flag
All service authorizations for services billable to insurance will end if the insurance flag is changed from "01" to "02" OR "02" to "01". The user will receive a warning. If the user proceeds, they will be required to re-enter all authorizations for services that are billable to insurance.
Fast Path Keys
If the participant has been active in other Cornerstone sites, the user can view that information by pressing the F2 shared data key to access the WAN. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.7.2 Accessing the WAN" for more information.)
The available fast path keys are F8 to Participant Profile (PA02) screen, F9 to Participant Forms (CM10) screen, F10 to Early Intervention Service Authorization Entry (SV07) screen, and CTRL+F11 to Family Fee (PA25) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Early Intervention Program Data window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) record for the participant. Use the Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through previous records.
- To add an Early Intervention Program Data record, press F5 Add. Go to step 6
- To edit an Early Intervention Program Data record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 9.
- The "Entry Date" field is for display only. When adding a new record, the "Entry Date" will automatically default to the current date.
- The "Status" field will default to "Pending" for the first record.
- The cursor will move to the "Intake Period" field. The "Intake Period" date defaults to the Date of Initial Contact from the current Program Information record (PA15). If the date is not correct, the date must be changed prior to saving.
- When adding a new record, the "Intake Period" fields default dates recorded in the previous record. The "Intake Period" dates should only be changed when a child is referred to the program again. (See Chapter 18 "Early Intervention" under "18.2.7 Early Intervention (EI) Screen Flow - Re-Referral" for more information).
- Press Enter to go to the "To" date field. This field defaults to 45 calendar days from the Date of Initial Contact in the current Program Information record (PA15). If the Intake Period date was updated, the date will default to 45 days from the date.
- The "EI Number" field is automatically generated when the record is saved.
- Press Enter to go to the "Elig Determined" date field and type in the correct date of eligibility.
- Press Enter to go to the "Level of Delay" field and type in the correct data.
- The "Level of Delay" is optional if the determination code is a medical diagnosis (Ex: "E02" or "E04"), or if the "Current IFSP" date fields are not completed. If entered, the Level of Delay should be 30% or greater.
- Press Enter to go to the "Determination" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "School District" field. Using F1 Help, select the school district for the participant.
- Press Enter to go to the "Interim IFSP" field and type in the correct start date. Interim IFSP dates must be equal to or between the Intake Period dates. This field is to be completed when direct services are essential during the Intake Period and an interim individualized family service plan must be developed. This step is optional.
- Press Enter to go to the "To" field and type in the correct end date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Current IFSP" field and type in the correct start date.
- Press Enter to go to the "To" field. The "To" field will default to one year, less a day, after the Current IFSP start date or the child's third birthday, whichever is earlier.
- The "Initial IFSP" field is for display only. This field indicates the very first IFSP start date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Delay Status" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. This field designates whether or not eligibility was determined and/or the IFSP was developed within 45 calendar days from the referral (Intake Begin Date). This is a required field and is not editable during edits of the Early Intervention Program Data (PA35) screen.
- If the Current IFSP Date is less than 45 days from the Intake Period Begin Date, the Delay Status will auto-fill with "01 - NO DELAY."
- If the Current IFSP Date is more than 45 days after the Intake Period Begin Date, the user will be required to select one of the other Delay Status codes (02 - CFC Delay, 03 - Parent Delay, 04 - Provider Delay).
- Press Enter to go to the "Next Follow-up" field and type in the correct date. If this field is left blank, it will default to the date six months from the Current IFSP start date, or to the Current IFSP end date (the earliest date).
- Press Enter to go to the "Reason" field. This is an optional field that can be used to provide the reason for follow-up activity. The "Reason" field will default to "Normal 6 month review."
- The "Last Auth Printed" field is for display only. This field will automatically set to the date when the EI Authorized Provider Services Report (HSPR0771) is generated.
- Press Enter to go to the "DSCC Eligible" field and type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No to determine if the participant is DSCC eligible.
- Press Enter to go to the "Private Insurance" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. A Private Insurance code is required on this screen prior to adding a billable authorization on SV07.
- The "DCFS Ward" field is for display only. This field displays a "Y" for Yes or "N" for No to indicate the child's DCFS Ward status. This field is based upon the Case ID (Group Number) that begins with "98" on the View Participant Additional Eligibility Information (PA42) record.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" OR "Record edited" will be displayed.
Screen Layout
Early Intervention Program Data:

Field Definition
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Entry Date |
8 |
Date |
After saving a new record, this field defaults to the current date. This field is for display only and is not editable. |
Status |
1 |
Code |
The status ("Active", "Pending" or "Closed") of the record. |
Intake Period |
8 |
Date |
When adding the first record, this field defaults to the Date of Initial Contact from the current Program Information record (PA15). When adding additional records, this field defaults to the "Intake Period" begin date recorded on the previous record. |
To |
8 |
Date |
When adding the first record, this field defaults to 45 calendar days from the Date of Initial Contact from the current Program Information record (PA15). When adding additional records, this field defaults to the "Intake Period" end date recorded on the previous record. |
EI Number |
6 |
Assigned |
The EI Number is a unique system-generated number assigned to the participant. |
Elig Determined |
8 |
Date |
Date the child was determined eligible for EI services. |
Level of Delay |
2 |
Numeric |
The highest percentage of developmental delay. |
Determination |
4 |
Code |
The determined reason the child is eligible for EI services. |
School District |
No Limit |
Alpha |
Field to capture the child's school district information. |
Region |
3 |
Numeric |
Field auto-fills once School District information is entered. |
County |
3 |
Numeric |
Field auto-fills once School District information is entered. |
District |
4 |
Numeric |
Field auto-fills once School District information is entered. |
Interim IFSP |
8 |
Date |
Date that the Interim IFSP begins. |
To |
8 |
Date |
Date that the Interim IFSP ends. |
Current IFSP |
8 |
Date |
Date that the Current IFSP begins. This field is not editable. |
To |
8 |
Date |
Date that the Current IFSP ends. |
Initial IFSP |
8 |
Date |
Date of the very first IFSP. For inquiry only. |
Delay Status |
2 |
Numeric |
Designates whether or not eligibility was determined and/or the IFSP was developed within 45 calendar days from the Intake Begin Date. |
Next Follow-up |
8 |
Date |
Date that the user should follow-up on the child's status. |
Reason |
30 |
Alpha |
Free-form text field that can be used to enter the reason for the follow-up. |
Last Auth Printed |
8 |
Date |
Date the last Authorized Provider Services Report (HSPR0771) was generated. For inquiry only. |
DSCC Eligible |
1 |
Choice |
Yes/No choice indicating whether or not the child is DSCC eligible. |
Private Insurance |
2 |
Code |
The code indicating whether or not the child has private insurance. |
DCFS Ward |
1 |
Alpha |
Yes/No indicating the child's current DCFS Ward status. This field is for inquiry only, and is based upon the Case ID number from the View Participant Additional Eligibility Information (PA42) screen. |
- After the FHH Assessment (AS01) screen is completed, the genetic coordinator needs to review the assessment, determine if the participant has a positive family history of genetic/chronic disease, and mark the individual conditions by checkmark along with a checkmark if educational material was provided.
The Expanded Genetics Screening Tool (PA39) screen has four tabs:
- Disposition by Genetic Coordinator
- Newborn Screening Disorders
- Other Disorders
- Chronic Diseases
The user will be able to alternate between the tabs by using the mouse to click the appropriate tab.
The "Newborn Screening Disorders," "Other Disorders," and "Chronic Diseases" tabs display lists of screening disorders with checkboxes. The users can choose the "Positive Indicator" and/or "Educ. Mat. Provided" checkboxes, or leave the checkboxes blank.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Expanded Genetics Screening Tool (PA39) window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent genetics screening tool record for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or the Pg Up and Pg Dn to highlight the genetic screening tool records.
- To add a Birth Data record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a Birth Data record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 5.
- Disposition by Genetic Coordinator Tab:
- In the "DATE" field, type in the correct date of the genetic screening.
- In the "Employee ID" field, type in the correct employee ID number.
- Press Enter to go to the "Source of Referral" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Referral Made" field and type in the correct date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Appointment Date" field and type in the correct appointment date.
- Press Enter to go to the "Appointment Kept?" field. This field is used to determine if the appointment was kept. Type the letter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
- The curser will go to the "Referred to" field. Type in any referred to information.
- Press Enter to go to the "Primary Diagnosis" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- Press Enter to go to the "Follow-Up Attempts Made" fields and type in the date of the follow-up attempt.
- Up to three follow-up attempts can be recorded.
- Press Enter to go to the "Number of Attempts" fields and type in the number of attempts for each method of contact.
- Press Enter to go to the "Additional Comments/Informational handouts provided" field and type in any relevant comments. This field is optional.
- Newborn Screening Disorders Tab:
- Use the mouse to click on the "Newborn Screening Disorders" tab to view the list of screening disorders. The users can choose the "Positive Indicator" and/or "Educ. Mat. Provided" checkbox for each screening disorder, or leave the checkboxes blank.
- Other Disorders Tab:
- Use the mouse to click on the "Other Disorders" tab to view the list of screening disorders. The users can choose the "Positive Indicator" and/or "Educ. Mat. Provided" checkbox for each screening disorder, or leave the checkboxes blank.
- Chronic Diseases Tab:
- Use the mouse to click on the "Chronic Diseases" tab to view the list of diseases. The users can choose the "Positive Indicator" and/or "Educ. Mat. Provided" checkbox for each disease, or leave the checkboxes blank.
- Click the mouse in the "Other (List)" field and type in any additional diseases covered during the genetic screening.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layouts
Disposition by Genetic Coordinator:

Newborn Screening Disorders:

Other Disorders:

Chronic Diseases:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of Genetic Screening. |
Employee ID |
9 |
Numeric |
Employee's ID number. |
Source of Referral |
4 |
Drop Down Menu |
Displays participant's referral source. |
Referral Made |
8 |
Date |
Date referral was made. |
Appointment Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of appointment. |
Appointment Kept |
1 |
Y/N |
Yes or No field. |
Referred To |
30 |
Text |
Referred to information. |
Primary Diagnosis |
4 |
Drop Down Menu |
Displays participant's primary diagnosis. |
Follow up - 1st attempt |
8 |
Date |
Date of first follow-up attempt. |
Follow up - 2nd attempt |
8 |
Date |
Date of second follow-up attempt. |
Follow up - 3rd attempt |
8 |
Date |
Date of third follow-up attempt. |
Number of Attempts - Calls |
2 |
Numeric |
Number of follow up phone calls made to participant. |
Number of Attempts - Letters |
2 |
Numeric |
Number of follow up letters sent to participant. |
Number of Attempts - Home Visits |
2 |
Numeric |
Number of follow up home visits to participant's home. |
Number of Attempts - Clinic Visits |
2 |
Numeric |
Number of follow up clinic visits by participant. |
Addt'l Comments |
4 |
Memo |
Additional information can be recorded. |
Positive Indicator |
1 |
Checkmark |
Check box to indicate 'Yes'. |
Educ. Mat. Provided |
1 |
Checkmark |
Check box to indicate 'Yes'. |
Other (List) |
Unlimited |
Text |
Free form textbox for recording further information. |
- The Participant Child Health Visit screen will now display only the most recent lead screening records, regardless of how many are entered on the Lead Screening (PA40) screen. To see past results, scroll through the records on the Lead Screening screen.
- The Lead Screening data can be viewed under the Detail tab or under the Summary tab.
The user will only be able to use the "Detail" tab to add, edit, and delete lead screening records. The "Summary" tab is for Inquiry only.
The user will be able to alternate between the tabs by using the mouse to click the appropriate tab.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key from the browse view is F8 to the Infant/Child Health Visit (PA09) screen.
Step by Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press Ctrl+F1 to activate the Lead Screening window, if necessary.
- The screen will display the most recent lead screening record entered for the participant. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through and highlight the appropriate record. If the participant does not currently have a lead screening record, a message "No records for this participant." will be displayed.
- To add a lead screening record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a lead screening record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 6.
- To delete a lead screening record, press F7 Delete. The message "Confirm Delete?" will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- The cursor will move to the "Lead Screening Date" field. and type in the date that the lead screening was done.
- Press Enter to go to the "Lead Screening Method" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Lead Screening Results" field and type in the participant's blood lead level.
- The "System Generated" field will be filled automatically with either "Y" for "Yes" or "N" for "No."
- Press F4 to save the screen. The screen will return to the browse view and display the new record.
Screen Layout
Lead Screening - Detail:

Lead Screening - Summary:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Lead Screening Date |
8 |
Date |
Date of Lead Screening. |
Lead Screening Method |
1 |
Assigned |
Type of Lead Screening Method used. |
Lead Screening Result |
Results of Lead Screening. |
System Generated |
1 |
Yes/No |
System generated records will display a 'Y' and non-system generated records will display a 'N." |
- This screen is for inquiry only and cannot be edited.
- All Kids (formerly Medicaid) information, along with cash and food stamp information, is displayed on this screen. Medicare, private insurance and other coverage types are displayed on the Participant Medicare/Insurance (PA05) screen.
- Information on PA42 is updated daily, as long as the site has a successful End of Day (EOD) and Beginning of Day (BOD).
All DCFS wards are eligible for All Kids.
The Med(icaid) case ID number for DCFS wards always begins with "98." However, "98" is also used to identify the dependents of a ward.
When a new ward enters protective custody, a temporary MediPlan card is issued by DCFS. In the "Medicare ID/Med Case ID/Group Number" field, type the case identification number given on the temporary MediPlan card. In the "Med Recipient ID/Individual Number" field, type the recipient identification number given on the temporary MediPlan card. In the "Effective Date" field, type the protective custody date. This number may or may not be on the temporary MediPlan card. The DCFS case worker can provide the date of protective custody.
If the child was already eligible for All Kids at the time that protective custody began, the Med(icaid) recipient ID number on the permanent card will be the same as the child's original Med(icaid) recipient ID number.
If the child was not eligible for All Kids at the time protective custody began, the Med(icaid) recipient ID number from the temporary MediPlan card will become the child's permanent Med(icaid) recipient ID number.
When a permanent MediPlan card is issued by HFS:
The "Medicare ID/Med Case ID/Group Number" and the "Med Recipient ID/Individual Number" fields should be added as a new record. The "Effective Date" field should be the date that will be displayed on the permanent MediPlan card. The "Effective Date" and the "Termination Date" fields on the old record establish a date range. If the dates on the new record overlap with the old dates the user will not be able to add a new record.
To verify All Kids information from the All Kids Import Process:
The All Kids import is a daily process to download up-to-date All Kids (formerly Medicaid) information to the sites. "The fields on the screen will be filled in automatically by the All Kids import process." (Please refer to Appendix F "All Kids Import Process" under "Appendix F" for more information.) The "Effective Date" field will be updated automatically by the Cornerstone system through the All Kids import process. This date is the last time the All Kids import process created/updated this record.
Screen Layout
View Participant Additional Eligibility Information:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
RIN/Elig.Type |
N/A |
Alpha/Numeric |
Participant's Recipient Identification Number (RIN).
Active - Active for Medical/Cash/Food Stamp Coverage.
Cancelled - cancelled for Medical/Cash/Food Stamp Coverage.
Denied - Denied Application for Medical/Cash/Food Stamp Coverage.
Extend Med - Authorized for Extended Medical Coverage (similar to Active - applied to Medical only).
1 Month Aprv - only applicable to Food Stamps and identifies a 1 month Mercury issuance of Food Stamp benefits.
Status/Case Id. |
N/A |
Alpha/Numeric |
Pending - Pending Application for Medical/Cash/Food Stamp Coverage.
Restricted - Sanctioned from Medical/Cash/Food Stamp Coverage (similar to cancelled).
Suspended - Suspended from Medical/Cash/Food Stamp Coverage (similar to cancelled).
Transfer - Transferred from Medical/Cash/Food Stamp Coverage (similar to cancelled).
Transfer Appl - Transferred Pending Application for Medical/Cash/Food Stamp Coverage.
Effective Date |
N/A |
Date |
Date that participant's coverage is approved. |
End Date |
N/A |
Date |
Date that participant's coverage ends. |
Primary Care Case Mnger |
N/A |
Alpha |
The name of the participant's Primary Care Case Manager. |
- The Genetic Services (PA43) is used to record information needed for the quarterly " Genetic Services Educational Activities Form" and "Additional Information Form" reports.
The "Educational Activities" tab is any information that would have previously been entered on the paper copy Genetic Services Educational Activities Form. This information will print on the Genetic Services Educational Activities Report (HSPR0763).
The "Additional Information" tab is any information that would have previously been entered on the paper copy Additional Information form. This information will print on the Genetic Services Additional Info & County Counts Report (HSPR0764).
The "Counts by County" tab documents a count of services provided to Non-Cornerstone participants. These counts are recorded by county. This information will print Genetic Services Additional Info and County Counts Report (HSPR0764).
The "Educational Act. Summary" tab is a summary of the activities recorded on the "Educational Activities" tab. This screen is for inquiry only.
The "County Count Summary" tab is a summary of the activities recorded for Non-Cornerstone participants on the third tab, "Counts by County." This screen is for inquiry only.
The user will be able to alternate between the tabs by using the mouse to click the appropriate tab. Use the mouse to click on the appropriate genetic service tab.
Step by Step Instructions
Educational Activities Tab:
- The screen will display the most recent genetic services record. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the existing genetic services.
- To add a genetic services record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a genetic services record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 4.
- To delete a genetic services record, press F7 Delete. The "Confirm Delete (Y/N)?" pop-up window will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- In the "Activity Date" field, type in the correct date of the educational activity.
- The cursor will move to the "Presentation Topic" field and type in the primary topic during the activity.
- Press Enter to go to the "# of Participants - Consumer" field and type in the correct number of consumers.
- Press Enter to go to the "# of Participants - Professional" field and type in the correct number of professionals.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Additional Information Tab:
- The screen will display the most recent genetic services record. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the existing genetic services.
- To add a genetic services record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a genetic services record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 4.
- To delete a genetic services record, press F7 Delete. The "Confirm Delete (Y/N)?" pop-up window will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- In the "Accomplishment Date" field, type in the correct date of the educational activity.
- The cursor will move to the "Comment Box" field, type in any relevant comments.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Counts by County Tab:
- The screen will display the most recent genetic services record. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the existing genetic services.
- To add a genetic services record, press F5 Add. Go to step 4.
- To edit a genetic services record, press F6 Edit. Go to step 4.
- To delete a genetic services record, press F7 Delete. The "Confirm Delete (Y/N)?" pop-up window will be displayed. Select "Yes" to delete the record, or "No" to cancel.
- In the "Activity Date" field, type in the correct date of the educational activity.
- The cursor will move to the "County" field. Type in the correct code or use F1 Help. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under "2.4.2 Keyboard Functions" for more information about F1 Help.)
- Press Enter to go to the "Program" field and type in the correct code or use F1 Help.
- If the code "O - Other" is selected, the user will need to complete the additional information box.
- Press Enter to go to the "Count" field and type in the correct number of Non-Cornerstone participants.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Educational Act. Summary Tab: This tab is for inquiry only.
- In the "Activity Date" field, type in the genetic services activity date.
- Press Enter or use the mouse to click the "Display Summary by Date" button. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the summary.
County Count Summary Tab: This tab is for inquiry only.
- In the "Activity Date" field, type in the genetic services activity date.
- Press Enter or use the mouse to click the "Display Summary by Date" button. Use the up and down arrow keys and/or Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the summary.
Screen Layouts
Educational Activities:

Additional Information:

Counts by County:

Educational Act. Summary:

County Count Summary:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Activity Date |
8 |
Date |
The Date of the Genetic Services Activity. |
Presentation Topic |
50 |
Text |
The Primary topic during the genetic services activity. |
# of Participants - Consumer |
3 |
Numeric |
The number of consumer participants that attended the genetic services activity. |
# of Participants - Professional |
3 |
Numeric |
The number of professional participants that attended the genetic services activity. |
Addt'l Comments |
2500 |
Memo |
A field used to write out additional comments or remarks regarding the genetic services activity. |
County |
3 |
Drop Down Menu |
The residing county of the counted Non-Cornerstone Participants that attended the genetic services activity. |
Program |
4 |
Drop Down Menu |
The genetic services program the counted Non-Cornerstone Participants attended. |
Count |
3 |
Numeric |
The number of Non-Cornerstone Participants that attended the genetic services program. |
Display Summary by Date |
N/A |
Button |
A display button that organizes genetic services record entries by date. |
- The TPS Verified Participant Activities (PA55) screen is used by the Teen Parent Services program to record the activity, date, code, and description of various activities.
- Following the entry of the first verified activity, the participant then becomes active in the Teen Parent Services program.
- Per program policy, the case worker must have contact with the participant and update the TPS Verified Activity Entry (PA55) screen every 30 days.
- In order to add this screen, the participant must have a "TPS" program record on the Program Information (PA15) screen.
Fast Path Keys:
The available fast path key from the browse view is F10 to View Activities Summary. Use Pg Up and Pg Dn to scroll through the TPS Verified Participant Activities.
Step By Step Instructions
- Verify that the information in the Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB) belongs to the participant currently being processed. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Participant Standard Processing Block (PSPB)/Participant Browse" for more information about PSPB.)
- Press F5 Addto add a new record for an existing participant.
- In the "Effective Date (mm/yyyy)" field, enter the month and year that the service was performed.
- In the "Activity" field, enter the correct code or use F1 Help to complete this field. (Please refer to Chapter 2 "System Environment" under " Function Keys" for more information about F1 Help.)
- In the "Verification Date" field, enter the date the activity was verified.
- Press F4 to save the screen. A message "Record added" will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Screen Layout
TPS Verified Participant Activities:

Field Definitions
Field Name |
Length |
Field Type |
Definition |
Effective Date (mm/yyyy) |
6 |
Date |
Date in month and year that the service was performed. |
Activity |
2 |
Code |
A code that describes the activity. |
Verification Date |
8 |
Date |
The date the activity was verified (as recorded on the verification form). |