Chapter Twenty-one - Administrative Functions

Table of Contents

  1. Broadcast Messages
    1. Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List
    2. Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Add/Update
    3. Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Preview/Confirm
  2. Activities
    1. Administrative Functions Activity - Activity List
      1. Administrative Functions - Add Activity
      2. Administrative Functions - Update Activity

The user must have the Security Coordinator role in order to perform the function described in this chapter.

The Administrative Functions includes broadcasting messages to other agencies, adding activities to more than one Agency, Managing inter-agency participant's data through the CSSC, and managing worker group membership. Both the Manage CSSC/Agency Relationships and the Show Worker Group Membership functions are exclusive to DHS workers and will not be covered in this manual.

Broadcast Messages

The Broadcast Messages function provides a means for the Central Office Administrator to communicate with users from multiple agencies for reasons such as version releases and/or procedure changes. This function allows the user to view existing broadcast messages and add new broadcast messages. The broadcast messages can be viewed on the eCornerstone Information Center screen.

Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List

Click Administrative then click Administrative Functions then click Broadcast Messages to access the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List screen.

  • Click the Add Broadcast Message link to add a broadcast message. The system will display the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Add/Update screen.
  • Click the Begin Date link to update an existing broadcast message. The system will display the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Add/Update screen. (The Begin Date link will only be available if there is an existing broadcast message.)

Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List screen

Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Add/Update

Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

  • Click the Add Broadcast Message link found on the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List screen to add broadcast messages. The system will display the Broadcast Messages Add/Update screen.
  • Click the Begin Date link found on the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List screen to edit broadcast messages. The system will display the Broadcast Messages Add/Update screen.

Broadcast Messages Add/Update screen

  1. Enter the Message Begin Date.
  2. Enter the Message End Date.
  3. Select the Related Program from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the Broadcast Message.
  5. Indicate who the message will be broadcasted to.
    • Select the All Agencies indicator to broadcast the message to all agencies that participate in the selected program.
    • Select the Specific Agencies indicator to broadcast to selected agencies. The system will display a list of agencies to select.

Broadcast Message to all agencies or specific agencies screen

  1. Click Preview. The system will display the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Preview/Confirm screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the message and return to the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List screen.
    • Click Delete to delete the message and return to the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List screen. (The Delete button will only be available when updating an existing broadcast message.)

Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Preview/Confirm

The Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Preview/Confirm screen prompts the user with a preview message and allows the user to confirm the broadcast message.

Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Preview/Confirm screen

  1. Click Save. The system will return to the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List screen.
    • Click Edit to return to the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Messages Add/Update screen and edit the broadcast message.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Administrative Functions - Broadcast Message List screen.


The Activities function allows the user to define program activities to be performed in the agency. The activity can be participant related and/or program related.

Administrative Functions Activity - Activity List

Click Administrative then click Administrative Functions then click Activities to access the Administrative Functions - Activity List screen.

  • Click Add Activity to add a new activity. The system will display the Administrative Functions - Add Activity screen.
  • Click the Activity link to update an existing activity. The system will display the Administrative Functions - Update Activity screen. (The Activity link will only be available if there is an existing activity record.)

Administrative Functions - Activity List screen

Administrative Functions - Add Activity

To add an activity, click the Add Activity link found on the Administrative Functions - Activity List screen. The system will display the Administrative Functions - Add Activity screen. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Administrative Functions - Add Activity screen

  1. Enter a Brief Description.
  2. Enter a Detailed Description.
  3. Indicate if the activity is Participant Related.
  4. Indicate if the activity is a Medicaid Activity.
  5. Select the Programs that relate to the activity.
  6. Click the Save button. The system will return to the Administrative Functions - Activity List screen with the added activity record. The activity's status will be pending.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Administrative Functions - Activity List screen.

Administrative Functions - Activity List screen

Administrative Functions - Update Activity

To add an activity, click the Activity link found on the Administrative Functions - Activity List screen. The system will display the Administrative Functions - Update Activity screen.

Administrative Functions - Update Activity screen

  1. Enter a Brief Description.
  2. Enter a Detailed Description.
  3. Select the activity's Status from the drop-down menu.
  4. Indicate if the activity is Participant Related.
  5. Indicate if the activity is a Medicaid Activity.
  6. Select the Programs that relate to the activity.
  7. Click the Save button. The system will return to the Administrative Functions - Activity List screen with the updated activity record. The activity's status will update.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Administrative Functions - Activity List screen.

Appendix A

Administrative Functions - Activity List screen.