Chapter Twenty - Worker Administration

Table of Contents

  1. Reset Worker Password
    1. Select Worker
    2. Confirm Resetting Worker Password
    3. Worker Password Reset
  2. Worker Authorities
    1. Select Worker
    2. Select Worker Authorities
  3. Worker Information
    1. Select Worker
    2. Update Worker Information
  4. Worker Programs
    1. Select Worker
    2. Update Worker Programs
  5. Worker Status
    1. Select Worker
    2. Confirm Changing Worker Status
    3. Worker Status Changed
  6. Worker Subordinates
    1. Select Worker
    2. Update Worker Subordinates
  7. Worker Supervisor
    1. Select Worker
    2. Update Worker Supervisor
  8. Terminate Worker
    1. Select Worker
    2. Terminate Worker

The user must have the Security Coordinator role in order to perform the function described in this chapter.

The Worker Administration function allows the user to manage the information of registered agency workers. Typically, each Agency employs multiple workers to provide various program services. The Worker Administration menu option includes functions like Reset Password, Assign Worker Authorities, Update Worker Information, Update Worker Programs, Update Worker Status, Manage Worker's Subordinates, Manage Worker's Supervisor, and Terminate Worker.

Upon accessing a Worker Administration function, the user will be prompted to select the name of an agency worker before the function screen will display. The worker will remain selected for all Worker Administration screens unless the user selects a different worker.

Reset Worker Password

The Reset Worker Password function allows the user to reset the password of eCornerstone users.

  1. Click Administrative then click Worker Administration then click Reset Worker Password to access the Confirm Resetting Worker Password screen.
    • If an agency worker has not been selected, the system will forward the user to the Select Worker screen.

Select Worker

Select Worker screen

  1. Select the worker from the Select Worker drop-down menu.
  2. Click Continue. The system will display the Confirm Resetting Worker Password screen.

Confirm Resetting Worker Password

The Confirm Resetting Worker Password screen prompts the user to confirm resetting the worker's password.

  • Click Reset Password to confirm resetting the selected workers password. The system will display the Worker Password Reset screen.
  • Click Select Different Worker to select a different worker. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Select Worker screen.

Confirm Resetting Worker Password screen

Worker Password Reset

The system will display the Worker Password Reset screen with an auto-generated password. This password is temporary. The worker will be prompted to reset the password upon logging in to the eCornerstone system.

Worker Password Reset screen

Worker Authorities

The Worker Authorities function allows the user to assign work authorities to registered agency users. Each agency worker's system access is limited based on their role and responsibilities at their local agency. Click Administrative then click Worker Administration then click Worker Authorities to access the Select Worker Authorities screen. If an agency worker has not been selected, the system will forward the user to the Select Worker screen.

Select Worker

Select Worker screen

  1. Select a worker from the Select Worker drop-down menu.
  2. Click Continue. The system will display the Select Worker Authorities screen.

Select Worker Authorities

Select Worker Authorities screen

  1. Select the authorities to grant to the worker.
  2. Click Save. The system will update the worker's authorities and return the user to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click the Select Different Worker link to select a different worker. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Select Worker screen.

Worker Information

The Worker Information function allows the user to enter information about registered agency workers in the eCornerstone system. Click Administrative then click Worker Administration then click Worker Information to access the Update Worker Information screen. If an agency worker has not been selected, the system will forward the user to the Select Worker screen.

Select Worker

Select Worker screen

  1. Select a worker from the Select Worker drop-down menu.
  2. Click Continue. The system will display the Update Worker Information screen.

Update Worker Information

Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Update Worker Information screen

  1. Enter the worker's First Name.
  2. Enter the worker's Middle Name.
  3. Enter the worker's Last Name.
  4. Enter the worker's Title.
  5. Enter the worker's Start Date.
  6. Enter the worker's Professional License Number.
  7. Select the worker's Professional Credential Type from the drop-down menu.
  8. Click Save. The system will return the user to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click the Select Different Worker link to select a different worker. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Select Worker screen.

Worker Programs

The Worker Programs function allows the user to assign case work so that agency workers can be assigned program participants and tasks. Workers do not need special setup to work on non-case managed programs like Teen REACH. Click Administrative then click Worker Administration then click Worker Program to access the Update Worker Programs screen. If an agency worker has not been selected, the system will forward the user to the Select Worker screen.

Select Worker

Select Worker screen

  1. Select a worker from the Select Worker drop-down menu.
  2. Click Continue. The system will display the Update Worker Program screen.

Update Worker Programs

Update Worker Program screen

  1. Select the Programs for the worker based on their role and responsibilities at the Agency.
  2. Click Save. The system will return the user to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click the Select Different Worker link to select a different worker. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Select Worker screen.

Worker Status

The Worker Status function allows the user to manage each worker's status. Click Administrative then click Worker Administration then click Worker Status to access the Confirm Changing Worker Status screen. If an agency worker has not been selected, the system will forward the user to the Select Worker screen.

Select Worker

Select Worker screen

  1. Select a worker from the Select Worker drop-down menu.
  2. Click Continue. The system will display the Confirm Changing Worker Status screen.

Confirm Changing Worker Status

The Confirm Changing Worker Status screen prompts the user to confirm changing the worker's activity status.

  • Click Activate Worker to confirm activating the selected worker. The system will display the Worker Status Changed screen.
  • Click Deactivate Worker to confirm deactivating the selected worker. The system will display the Worker Status Changed screen.
  • Click Select Different Worker to select a different worker. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Select Worker screen.

Confirm Changing Worker Status screen

Worker Status Changed

The Worker Status Changed screen confirms the selected workers status has been changed.

  • Click Select Different Worker to select a different worker. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.

Worker Status Changed screens

Worker Subordinates

The Worker Subordinates function allows the user to manage the hierarchy of agency workers. The user can select each worker and then assign their subordinates. Click Administrative then click Worker Administration then click Worker Subordinates to access the Update Worker Subordinates screen. If an agency worker has not been selected, the system will forward the user to the Select Worker screen.

Select Worker

Select Worker screen

  1. Select a worker from the Select Worker drop-down menu.
  2. Click Continue. The system will display the Update Worker Subordinates screen.

Update Worker Subordinates

Update Worker Subordinates screen

  1. Select the workers who will be supervised.
  2. Click Save. The system will update the worker's subordinates and display the Select Worker screen.
    • Click the Select Different Worker link to select a different worker. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Select Worker screen.

Worker Supervisor

The Worker Supervisor function allows the user to manage the hierarchy of agency workers. The user can select each worker and then assign their supervisor. Click Administrative then click Worker Administration then click Worker Supervisor to access the Update Worker Supervisor screen. If an agency worker has not been selected, the system will forward the user to the Select Worker screen.

Select Worker

Select Worker screen

  1. Select a worker from the Select Worker drop-down menu.
  2. Click Continue. The system will display the Update Worker Supervisor screen.

Update Worker Supervisor

Update Worker Supervisor screen

  1. Select the name of the supervisor from the Select a Supervisor drop-down menu.
  2. Click Save. The system will update the worker's subordinates and display the Select Worker screen.
    • Click the Select Different Worker link to select a different worker. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Select Worker screen.

Terminate Worker

The Terminate Worker function allows the user to remove a worker when the worker is no longer associated with the agency in a capacity that requires the use of the eCornerstone system. No participants, cases, or other responsibilities can be assigned to a terminated worker in the system, and currently assigned cases will be unassigned. Click Administrative then click Worker Administration then click Terminate Worker to access the Terminate Worker screen. If an agency worker has not been selected, the system will forward the user to the Select Worker screen.

Select Worker

Select Worker screen

  1. Select a worker from the Select Worker drop-down menu.
  2. Click Continue. The system will display the Terminate Worker screen.

Terminate Worker

Terminate Worker screen

  1. Enter the Date the worker was terminated.
  2. Click Save. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click the Select Different Worker link to select a different worker. The system will return to the Select Worker screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Select Worker screen.

Chapter Twenty-one