Chapter Eighteen - Case Worker Functions

Table of Contents

  1. Assign Multiple Participants - Select Program
    1. Assign Multiple Participants - Select Participant(s)
      1. Assignment History
  2. Assign Multiple Participants - Select Worker
  3. Assign Multiple Participants - Confirm Assignments
  4. Transfer Worker Caseload
    1. Transfer a Caseload - Worker List
    2. Transfer Caseload - Programs
    3. Transfer Caseload - Select Worker
    4. Transfer Caseload - Confirmation
  5. Close A Case Assignment
    1. Close Case Assignment
    2. Confirm Close Case Assignment
  6. Worker Time/Activity
    1. Worker Time/Activity Summary
    2. Search Results
      1. Modify Participant Related Time/Activity
    3. Participant Related Time/Activity Detail
  7. Add Worker Related Time/Activity
  8. School Reporting Periods
    1. Add or Edit for a Single School
      1. School Selection
      2. School Reporting Period Summary
      3. School Reporting Period
    2. Add Reporting Periods for Multiple Schools
      1. Multiple School Selection
      2. Add School Reporting Period For Multiple Schools
  9. Program Planning
    1. Display Program Calendar
      1. Select Program
      2. Program Calendar
    2. Event Description
      1. Insert Event Description
      2. Update Event Description
      3. Enter the Event Description.
    3. Teen REACH Program Description
      1. Update Teen REACH Program Description
  10. Attendance
    1. Select Attendance
      1. Attendance
      2. Attendance Summary Selection
      3. Attendance Summary
  11. Display Agency Security Coordinators
  12. Reports
    1. Available Reports
      1. Reports Available For Your Agency
    2. Teen REACH Performance Indicators
    3. Homeless Youth
    4. Teen REACH Enrollments
    5. Teen REACH Terminations
    6. Youth Services New Enrollments
    7. Youth Services Terminations
      1. Reports Shared By All Agencies
    8. Teen REACH Core Services
    9. Teen REACH Performance Indicators
    10. Youth Services Performance Indicators
      1. Protected Reports For Your Agency
    11. Non-consented Participants
    12. Youth Services Active Case Managed
    13. Youth Services Terminations
    14. Youth Services Time and Activity
    15. Teen REACH Active Participants
    16. Teen REACH Active Participants by Site
    17. Teen REACH Last Day Attendance
    18. Teen REACH Last Day Attendance by Site
    19. Teen REACH Percent of Time Spent in Category to Total Time

The Case Worker functions enable the user to manage the work performed by their local agency case workers.

Assign Multiple Participants - Select Program

Follow these steps to assign participants. This process allows users with the Security Coordinator role in eCornerstone to assign multiple participants in various programs at the agency to an Agency Worker. Click Administrative then click Assign Multiple Participants to access the Assign Multiple Participants - Select Program screen.

  • Click the Program link to access the Assign Multiple Participants - Select Participant(s) screen. (The Program link will only be available if the agency has participants enrolled in the program.)

Assign Multiple Participants - Select Program screen

Assign Multiple Participants - Select Participant(s)

To select multiple participants, click the Program link found on the Assign Multiple Participants - Select Program screen. They system will display the Assign Multiple Participants - Select Participant(s) screen.

Assign Multiple Participants - Select Program screen

  1. Click the Case Worker Name link to display the worker's assigned participants.
  2. Select the participants to re-assign.
    • Click the View History link to access the participant's Assignment History screen.
    • Click the View link to view additional caseloads handled by the selected worker. The View link is not available unless the worker has additional caseloads.
    • Click the Hide link to hide the selected worker's additional caseloads. The View link is not available unless the worker has additional caseloads.
  3. Click Next. The system will display the Assign Multiple Participants - Select Worker screen.

Assignment History

To access a participant's assignment history, click the View History link found on the Assign Multiple Participants - Select Participant(s) screen. They system will display the Assignment History screen.

  • Click the Close Window link to close the Assignment History screen.

Assignment History screen

Assign Multiple Participants - Select Worker

Assign Multiple Participants - Select Worker

  1. Select the Case Worker to assign the selected participants.
  2. Click Next. The system will display the Assign Multiple Participants - Confirm Assignments screen.

Assign Multiple Participants - Confirm Assignments

Assign Multiple Participants - Confirm Assignments screen

  1. Click the Confirm button. The system will update the assignment records and display to the Assign Multiple Participants - Select Program screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Assign Multiple Participants - Select Program screen.

Transfer Worker Caseload

Transfer a Caseload - Worker List

The user must have the Security Coordinator role in order to perform this function.

The Transfer Caseload - Worker List screen enables the user to transfer one worker's caseload to another worker. Click Administrative then click Transfer Worker Caseloads to access the Transfer Caseload - Worker List screen.

Transfer Caseload - Worker List screen

1. Select the Worker Name link to transfer the worker's caseload. The system will display the Transfer Caseload - Programs screen.

Transfer Caseload - Programs

Transfer Caseload - Programs screen

  1. Select the program(s) caseload to transfer.
    • Click the [Click to view names of participants] link to display the names of the program participants.
    • Click the [Hide participant names] link to hide the names of the program participants.
  2. Click Next. The system will display the Transfer Caseload - Select Worker screen.
    • Click Back to return to the Transfer a Caseload - Worker List screen.

Transfer Caseload - Select Worker

Transfer Caseload - Select Worker screen

  1. Select the Worker whom will receive the caseload.
  2. Click Next. The system will display the Transfer Caseload - Confirmation screen.
    • Click Back to return to the Transfer Caseload - Programs screen.

Transfer Caseload - Confirmation

Transfer Caseload - Confirmation screen

  1. Review and confirm the caseload transfer.
  2. Click Confirm to confirm the transfer. The system will return to the Transfer Caseload - Worker List screen with the updated worker caseload(s).
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Transfer Caseload - Worker List screen.
    • Click Back to return to the Transfer Caseload - Select Worker screen.

Close A Case Assignment

The Close A Case Assignment function is used to close the assignment of the selected participant(s). By closing the case(s), the participant's assignment is changed to unassigned and can be reassigned to any of the case workers in the Agency. The pending assignment appears in To Do Messages to remind the user that case(s) should be reassigned.

Close Case Assignment

Click Administrative then click Close a Case Assignment to access the Close Case Assignment screen. Enter the Case Assignment filter criteria.

Close Case Assignment screen

  1. Select a Worker from the drop-down menu (The current user will be the default name).
  2. Select a Program from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Filter. The system will filter the case assignment list.
  4. Select the participant case(s) to close.
    • Click Check All to select all of the participant cases.
    • Click Clear to remove all of the case selections.
  5. Click Continue to access the Confirm Close Case Assignment screen.

Confirm Close Case Assignment

Close Case Assignment screen

  1. Review and confirm the case assignment closure.
  2. Click Confirm. The system will return to the Close Case Assignment screen with the updated case assignments.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Close Case Assignment screen.

Worker Time/Activity

The Worker Time/Activity function allows the user to enter the time spent on participant activities in a program. The activities can be held at the agency or site and can be with or without the presence of the participant. This process helps to calculate the exact time a case worker spends on a participant's activities.

Worker Time/Activity Summary

Click Administrative then click Worker Time/Activity to access the Worker Time/Activity Summary screen. Enter the Worker Time/Activity search criteria.

Worker Time/Activity Summary screen

  1. Enter the activity Start Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  2. Enter the activity Start Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  3. Click Search. The system will display the time/activity Search Results.

Search Results

The search results will display. If the worker time/activity record does not exist in the eCornerstone system, it can be added. If the record already exists, the record can be edited.

Worker Time/Activity Summary screen search results

Navigation Links:

  • Click the Expand All link to expand all of the Time/Activity record details.
  • Click the Collapse All link to collapse all of the Time/Activity record details.
  • Click the View Detail link to view the individual entry details.
  • Click the Hide Detail link to hide the individual entry details.

Action Links:

  • Click Add Worker Time/Activity to add a new Time/Activity record. The system will display the Add Worker Related Time/Activity screen.
  • Click the Participant link to view the Participant Summary screen for the select participant.
  • Click the Description link to update the participant's time/activity record. The system will display the Modify Participant Related Time/Activity screen.

Modify Participant Related Time/Activity

To modify participant related time/activity, click the Description link found in the search results of the Worker Time/Activity Summary screen. They system will display the Modify Participant Related Time/Activity screen for the selected time/activity record. The Activity Code will determine the available Time and Worker name fields. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

the Modify Participant Related Time/Activity screen

  1. Enter the Activity Time Start.
    1. Select the Hr from the drop-down menu.
    2. Select the Min from the drop-down menu.
    3. Select AM or PM.
  2. Enter the Activity Time End.
    1. Select the Hr from the drop-down menu.
    2. Select the Min from the drop-down menu.
    3. Select AM or PM.
  3. Enter the Time Spent.
    1. Enter the Hour(s) spent.
    2. Enter the Minute(s) spent.
  4. Enter the case worker's name:
    • Select the Worker from the Activity Performed By drop-down menu.
    • Enter the Worker Name.
  5. Indicate the Activity Contact Type.
  6. Indicate if the activity is on or off site.
  7. Click Save. The system will return to the Worker Time/Activity Summary screen with the updated time/activity record.
    • Click Delete to delete the time/activity record. The system will display the Participant Related Time/Activity Detail screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Worker Time/Activity Summary screen.

Participant Related Time/Activity Detail

To delete a participant related time activity detail, click Delete found on the Modify Participant Related Time/Activity screen. The system will display the Participant Related Time/Activity Detail screen.

Participant Related Time/Activity Detail screen

  1. Click Confirm to confirm the time/activity record deletion. The system will return to the Worker Time/Activity Summary screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Modify Participant Related Time/Activity screen.

Add Worker Related Time/Activity

To add worker related time/activity, click Add Worker Time/Activity found in the search results of the Worker Time/Activity Summary screen. They system will display the Add Worker Related Time/Activity screen. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Add Worker Related Time/Activity screen

  1. Enter the Activity Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  2. Select the Activity from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the Time Spent: Hour(s).
  4. Enter the Time Spent: Minute(s).
  5. Click Save. The system will return to the Worker Time/Activity Summary screen with the added Time/Activity record.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Worker Time/Activity Summary screen.

School Reporting Periods

The School Reporting Periods function is only used for Teen REACH program.

In order for academic progress to be reported for individual participants, school reporting periods must be established. This process defines the reporting periods used for the measurement of academic progress.

Add or Edit for a Single School

School Selection

Click Administrative then click School Reporting Period then click Add or Edit for Single School to access the School Selection screen.

School Selection screen

  1. Select the School from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Next. The system will display the School Reporting Period Summary screen.

School Reporting Period Summary

  • Click the Add Reporting Period to add a new reporting period record. The system will display the School Reporting Period screen.
  • Click the Reporting Period link to update an existing reporting period record. The system will display the School Reporting Period screen. (The Reporting Period link will only be available if there is an existing name record.)
  • Click the View Details (Opens New Window) link to access the School Detail screen.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Add or Edit for a Single School screen.

School Reporting Period Summary screen

School Reporting Period

The School Reporting Period screen allows the user to add/update reporting period records. To access a school reporting period, click the Add Reporting Period link or the Report Period link found on the School Reporting Period Summary screen. The system will display the School Reporting Period screen. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

School Reporting Period screen

  1. Enter the Reporting Period.
  2. Enter the Start Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  3. Enter the End Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  4. Click Save. The system will return to the School Reporting Period Summary screen with the added reporting period record.
    • Click the View Details (Opens New Window) link to access the School Detail screen.
    • Click Delete to delete the reporting period record. (The Delete button will only be available when updating an existing reporting period record.)
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Add or Edit for a Single School screen.

School Detail

To access school details, click the View Details (Opens New Window) link found on the School Reporting Period screen. The system will display the School Detail screen in a new window.

  • Click Close Window to close the window.

School Detail screen

Add Reporting Periods for Multiple Schools

Multiple School Selection

Click Administrative then click School Reporting Period then click Add Reporting Periods for Multiple Schools to access the Multiple School Selection screen.

Multiple School Selection screen

  1. Click the School name(s).
    • Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard while clicking the mouse to select multiple schools.
  2. Click Next. The system will display the Add School Reporting Period for Multiple Schools screen.

Add School Reporting Period For Multiple Schools

The Add School Reporting Period For Multiple Schools screen allows the user to add/update reporting period records for multiple schools at one time. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Add School Reporting Period For Multiple Schools screen

  1. Enter the Reporting Period.
  2. Enter the Start Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  3. Enter the End Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  4. Click Save. The system will return to the School Reporting Period Summary screen with the added reporting period record.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Add or Edit for a Single School screen.

Program Planning

The Teen REACH Program Description is only available to agencies that provide these specific services.

The Program Planning function services to participants enrolled at agency sites. The Program Planning option allows the user to plan Programs and Events for the participants at agency sites. The user is able to create multiple events to support program participants enrolled at an agency site. The user can schedule the various program dates in the calendar to keep the participant's schedule organized.

Display Program Calendar

Select Program

Click Administrative then click Program Planning then click Display Program Calendar to access the Select Program screen.

Select Program screen

  1. Select the program Site from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Program from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Month from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the Year from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Submit. The system will display the Program Calendar screen.

Program Calendar

The user can schedule program dates in the calendar to keep program schedules organized.

Navigation links:

  • Click the Previous Month link to access the previous month's calendar.
  • Click the Next Month link to access the next month's calendar.
  • Click the Current Month link to access the current month's calendar.

Action links:

  • Click the Add Program Hours link to add program hours to the calendar. The system will display the Add Program Hours screen.
  • Click the Time Range link on the calendar date to update the existing program hours. The system will display the Update Program Hours screen. (The Time Range link will only be available if there are existing program hours.)
  • Click the Change Site/Month link to return to the Select Program screen.

Program Calendar screen

Add Program Hours

To add program hours, click the Add Reporting Period link found on the Program Calendar screen. The system will display the Add Program Hours screen. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Add Program Hours screen

  1. Select the Site from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Program from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the Begin Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  4. Enter the program Start Time (hh:mm am/pm).
  5. Enter the program End Time (hh:mm am/pm).
  6. Indicate if the program is a Repeating event.
    • Select This Program Hours Range Does Not Repeat if the program hours do not repeat.
    • Select Repeats:
      1. Specify how frequent the program hours repeat.
      2. Enter the Begin Date.
  • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  1. Click Save. The system will return to the Program Calendar screen with the program hours added to the calendar.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Program Calendar screen.

Update Program Hours

To update program hours, click the Time Range link found on the Program Calendar screen. The system will display the Update Program Hours screen. Click the Time Range link on the calendar date to access the Update Program Hours screen. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Update Program Hours screen

  1. Select the Site from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Program from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the Begin Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  4. Enter the program Start Time (hh:mm am/pm).
  5. Enter the program End Time (hh:mm am/pm).
  6. Indicate the Extent of Change to the program hours.
    • Select This Item Only to only update the selected date.
    • Select From This Date On (i.e. mm/dd/yyyy) to update all items after the specified date.
    • Select All Items if all items are affected.
  7. Click Save. The system will return to the Program Calendar screen with the program hours added to the calendar.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Program Calendar screen.
    • Click Delete to delete the selected program hours.

Event Description

Click Administrative then click Program Planning then click Event Description to access the Event Description screen. Enter the Event Descriptions filter criteria.

Event Description screen

  1. Select the Program from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Filter. The system will filter and display the events.
    • Click the Add Event Description link to add an event description record. The system will display the Insert Event Description screen.
    • Click the Event Description link to update and existing event description record. The system will display the Update Event Description screen. (The Event Description link will only be available if there is an existing event description record.)

Insert Event Description

To insert an event description, click the Add Event Description link found on the Event Description screen. They system will display the Insert Event Description screen.

Insert Event Description screen

  1. Enter the Event Description.
  2. Select the Status from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Save. The system will return to the Event Descriptions screen with the new event record.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Event Descriptions screen.

Update Event Description

To insert an event description, click the Event Description link found on the Event Description screen. They system will display the Update Event Description screen.

Update Event Description screen

Enter the Event Description.

  1. Select the Status from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Save. The system will return to the Event Descriptions screen with the updated event record.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Event Descriptions screen.

Teen REACH Program Description

Click Administrative then click Program Planning then click Teen REACH Program Description to access the Teen REACH Program Description screen.

  • Click the Update Program Description link to access the Update Teen REACH Program Description screen.

Teen REACH Program Description screen

Update Teen REACH Program Description

To update the TeenREACH program description, click the Update Program Description link found on the Teen REACH Program Description screen. The system will display the Update Teen REACH Program Description screen.

Update Teen REACH Program Description screen

  1. Select Events to be provided with each Program by selecting the check box next to the event description.
  2. Click the Submit button. The system will return to the Teen REACH Program Description screen with the updated program event descriptions.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Teen REACH Program Description screen.


The Attendance function is only used for the Teen REACH program.

The Attendance function allows the user to view and update attendance information for the Participants enrolled in the TeenREACH program.

Select Attendance

Click Administrative then click Attendance then click Attendance to access the Select Attendance screen.

Select Attendance screen

  1. Select the Program from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Program Category from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the Attendance Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  4. Select the program Site from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select the Participant Level from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select the number of Participants On Page from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click Next. The system will display the Attendance screen displaying the participants who were present on the date selected.


Click Next to access the Attendance screen.

Attendance screen

  1. The user can enter Presets for each service listed if the user's agency uses preset times.
    • Click the Use Preset link to apply the preset times to the participant for each service.
  2. Enter the times for each service.
  3. Click Save. The system will display the Attendance Summary screen with the attendance time for each participant and service.
    • Click Save and View Next to save the data on the current page and forward the user to the next attendance page.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Select Attendance screen.

Attendance Summary

Attendance Summary Selection

Click Administrative then click Attendance then click Attendance Summary to access the Attendance Summary Selection screen.

Attendance Summary Selection screen

  1. Select the Program from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Program Category from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the Attendance Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
  4. Select the program Site from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Next. The system will display the Attendance Summary screen.

Attendance Summary

The Attendance Summary screen allows the user to view the attendance history of participants that participated in scheduled program events.

Navigation Links:

  • Click the Previous Day link to access the previous day attendance summary.
  • Click the Next Day link to access the next day attendance summary.
  • Click the Current Day link to access the current day attendance summary.

Action Links:

  • Click the Add/Edit Attendance link to access the Select Attendance screen.
  • Click the Change Date/Site link to return to the Attendance Summary Selection screen.

Attendance Summary screen

Display Agency Security Coordinators

The Display Agency Security Coordinators function allows the user to access a list of all the agencies, their Legacy Agency ID, and their Security Coordinator(s). Click Administrative then click Display Agency Security Coordinators to access the All Agency Security Coordinators screen.

  • Click the Number/Letter link to move to the agencies names that start with that number/letter.
  • Click the Back to Top link to return to the top of the screen.

All Agency Security Coordinators screen


The Reports function provides an analysis and summary of various programs, and program participants. There are three kinds of reports: reports available for the local agency, reports shared by all agencies, and protected reports for the local agency. Reports are generated by the system and automatically updated on a scheduled basis.

Available Reports

Click Administrative then click Reports to access the Available Reports screen. Enter the Available Reports filter criteria.

Available Reports screen

  1. Select a Folder from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select a Category from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the report Types from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Filter. The system will filter the report records.
    • Click the Reports… link to access the selected report in a separate window.

Reports Available For Your Agency

Reports seen only by Central Office and the Local Agency.

Teen REACH Core Services

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report will assist the DHS Central Office in measuring the performance of each agency that is providing Teen REACH programs to their participants. This report summarizes all recorded attendance information for Teen REACH participants that were active during the reporting period. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants were enrolled

Program Dosage:


less than 11

11 - 13

greater than or equal 14

greater than or equal  = 11

Categorize the ages of the active Teen REACH participants into 4 age groups.  Age reflects how old the participant was at the time the attendance occurred. Age will be determined by attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Each participant will be counted in the Overall age category.

Overall = all participants

less than or equal  11 = participants less than 11 years old

11-13 = participants equal to or greater than 11 years old and less than or equal to 13 years old

greater than or equal 14 = participants greater than or equal to 14 years old

greater than or equal 11 = participants greater than or equal to 11 years old

Average Number of Days Attended Per Week Count the number of recorded attendances during the reporting period.  Compute the number of weeks in the reporting period.  Calculate average by dividing the total number of attendances by the total number of weeks during the reporting period. Compute the average for each age breakdown by selecting only those attendances enter for participants within the appropriate age category.
Average Number of Hours Attended Per Week Count the number of recorded attendance hours during the reporting period.  Compute the number of weeks in the reporting period.  Calculate average by dividing the total number of attendance hours by the total number of weeks during the reporting period. Compute the average for each age breakdown by selecting only those attendance hours enter for participants within the appropriate age category.
Percent of Youth Attending goal number of days per week Count the number of participants with attendances during the reporting period.  Count the number of participants that attended required days a week*.  Calculate the percent by dividing the total number of participants with required attendance days by the total number of participants with recorded attendances during the reporting period*. Compute the percentages for each age breakdown by selecting only those attendances enter for participants within the appropriate age category.
Percent of Youth Attending goal number of hours per week Count the number of participants with attendances during the reporting period.  Count the number of participants that attended for required hours a week**. Calculate the percent by dividing the total number of participants with required hours by the total number of participants with recorded attendances during the reporting period**. Compute the percentages for each age breakdown by selecting only those attendances enter for participants within the appropriate age category.

*Note: Goal days per week is: For ages less than 11, 4 days; For ages 11-13, 3 days; For ages greater than or equal 14, 2 days.

**Note: Goal hours per week is: For ages less than 11, 12 hours; For ages 11-13, 9 hours; For ages greater than or equal 14, 6 hours.


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on a statewide and agency level.

Teen REACH Performance Indicators

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report will assist the DHS Central Office in measuring the performance of each agency that is providing Teen REACH programs to their participants. Participant recorded attendance in Teen REACH events, instead of just active Teen REACH program enrollments, is used for the main criteria during the analysis. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants were enrolled
Proposed Average Daily Attendance The number of participants the agency projected at the beginning of the fiscal year that would attend at the appropriate site on a daily basis
Actual Average Daily Attendance The average number of participants that actually attended at the appropriate site on a daily basis. Count each participant only once for any attendance during a day.  Compute average by dividing the daily participant totals by the number of days that attendance was recorded during the reporting period
Percent of Proposed Percent of proposed is computed by dividing the actual average daily attendance by the proposed average daily attendance
Average Number of Days Open Per Week Days open is based on at least one attendance recorded for that day.  Compute the average by dividing the number of day open during the reporting period by the number of weeks in the reporting period
Average Number of Hours Open per Week Hours open is based on attendance and the time/length of each attended event.  Compute the average by dividing the number of hours open during the reporting period by the number of weeks in the reporting period
Total Number Days Open in Report Period Days open is based on at least attendance recorded for that day
Number of Attendances in Report Period Total count of recorded attendances at the appropriate site during the reporting period.
Agency Fiscal Year Grant Amount The grant amount awarded to the agency for the Teen REACH program in a given fiscal year
Report Period Grant Amount The agency fiscal year grant amount divided by the number of months in the reporting period.
Average Cost Per Participant Per Day The average cost per participant per day is computed by dividing the report period grant amount by the number of attendances in the report period.
Average Length of Time (in days) to Record Attendance Calculate the number of days it took for an agency to enter each attendance record during the reporting period. Compute average by dividing the total number of days by the total number of attendances recorded.
Average Length of Time (in days) to Record Enrollment Calculate the number of days it took for an agency to enter each enrollment record during the reporting period. Compute average by dividing the total number of days by the total number of enrollments recorded.
Average Age of Participant Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by the attendance date minus the participant's birth date.  Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period.  Compute the average by dividing the total ages of all the participants by the number of participants.
Percent of Youth less than 11 Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period. Compute those participants that were under the age of 11 during the reporting period.  The percent will be those under the age of 11 divided by the total number of participants who attended.
Percent of Youth  11 - 13 Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by the attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period. Compute those participants that were equal to the age of 11 and less than the age of 14.  The percent will be those between the ages of 11 and 13 divided by the total number of participants who attended.
Percent of Youth greater than or equal 14 Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by the attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period. Compute those participants that were equal to or greater than the age of 14 during the reporting period.  The percent will be those equal to or greater than the age of 14 divided by the total number of participants who attended.
Percent of Youth greater than or equal 11 Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by the attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period. Compute those participants that were equal to or greater than the age of 11 during the reporting period.  The percent will be those equal to or greater than the age of 11 divided by the total number of participants who attended.


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on a statewide and agency level.

Homeless Youth

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report contains two (2) sections: one for New Enrollments and one for Terminations during the reporting period. Both sections will be broken down by the program categories for Homeless Youth and summarized with all categories. The categories for Homeless Youth are:

Emergency Shelter


Transitional/Not Pregnant - Parenting

Transitional/Pregnant - Parenting

The New Enrollments section summarizes participants that had an enrollment added in a Youth Service Homeless Youth program during the reporting period. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. New enrollments include initial enrollments and new enrollments. Residential Status (within week prior to or including enrollment in program), Length of Homelessness/length of time away from home environment (at time of enrollment in program), gender and age for new enrollments are broken down by the Youth Service Homeless Youth program categories during the reporting period.

The Termination section of the report will be generated by selecting all participants which have been terminated from the Homeless Youth program during the reporting period. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. Living Situation at Termination, Employment Status at Termination, Total Nights of Housing Provided during enrollment, Length in Program by Termination Reason, gender, and age for terminations are broken down by the Youth Service Homeless Youth program categories during the reporting period.

The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Youth Service programs
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Program Category

Emergency Shelter


Transitional/Not Pregnant - Parenting

Transitional/Pregnant - Parenting

New Enrollments: Breakdown by Gender/Age Count of the new enrollments gender wise
Residential Status Count of the new enrollments that were added during the reporting period categorized by where the participant was living within week prior to or including enrollment in program
Length of Homelessness/length of time away from home environment Count of the new enrollments that were added during the reporting period categorized by number of days the participant was homeless or away from the home environment at time of enrollment in program
Termination: Breakdown by Gender/Age Count of terminated enrollments gender wise
Living Situation Count of the terminated enrollments during the reporting period categorized by the living situation at the time of termination from the Homeless Youth program
Employment Status Count of the terminated enrollments during the reporting period categorized by employment status at the time of termination from the Homeless Youth program
Total Nights of Housing Provided Count of the terminated enrollments during the reporting period categorized by the total nights of housing provided by the agency for the participant during the enrollment in the Homeless Youth program
Length in Program by Termination Reason Count of the terminated enrollments during the reporting period categorized by the length of time in the program by termination reason


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

The report runs on a Homeless Youth Program Category level for an agency.

Teen REACH Enrollments

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report summarizes all Teen REACH new enrollments during the reporting period. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants were enrolled
Enrollments Breakdown by Gender/Age/Race Count of each new enrollment categorized by gender, age and race of the participant.  New enrollments include initial enrollments, new enrollments and re-enrollments
Total Enrollments Count of each new enrollment during the reporting period.
Initial Enrollments Count of each enrollment that was a participant's first enrollment into the Teen REACH program
New Enrollments Count of each enrollment that was a participant's subsequent enrollment into the Teen REACH program following their initial enrollment. (Count includes those enrollments where the previous Teen REACH enrollment had been terminated for re-enrollment.
Re-Enrollments (A sub-type of New Enrollments).  Count of only the enrollments where the previous Teen REACH enrollment had been terminated for re-enrollment.


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

The report will run on a statewide and agency level.

Teen REACH Terminations

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report summarizes all Teen REACH terminated enrollments during the reporting period. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants were enrolled
Termination Reasons Count of the termination reason associated with each terminated enrollment
Terminations Breakdown by Gender/Age/Race Count of each terminated enrollment categorized by gender, age and race of the participant


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

The report will run on a statewide and agency level.

Youth Services New Enrollments

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report summarizes participants that had an enrollment added in a Youth Service program during the quarterly period. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. New enrollments include initial enrollments and new enrollments. Groupings include current caseload, accepted referrals and service hours provided during the reporting period on these participants for all Youth Service programs. Referral sources, referral reasons, overall YASI scores, gender, age and race for new enrollments are broken down by the Youth Service programs during the reporting period. The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Youth Service programs
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Participants on Current Caseload Count of those participants who had an active enrollment added during the reporting period and were actively case managed during the reporting period
Referrals Accepted for Services Count of the active enrollments that were added during the reporting period with referrals
Service Hours Provided Count in hours and minutes of participant related services recorded during the reporting period on those participants who had an active enrollment added during the same time frame
Program Name of the Youth Service program
Referral Sources Count of the active enrollments that were added during the reporting period categorized by the referral sources
Referral Reasons Count of the active enrollments that were added during the reporting period categorized by the referral reasons
Overall YASI Score Count of the active enrollments that were added during the reporting period categorized by the overall YASI score on the most recent YASI assessment during the reporting period which was associated with the enrollment
Enrollments Breakdown by Gender/Age/Race Count of each new enrollment categorized by gender, age and race of the participant. 


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

The report runs on a Youth Service program level for statewide and agency.

Youth Services Terminations

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report summarizes all Youth Service programs terminated enrollments during the reporting period. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Youth Service programs
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Program Name of the Youth Service program
Termination Reasons Count of the termination reason associated with each terminated enrollment during the reporting period
Terminations Breakdown by Gender/Age/Race Count of each terminated enrollment during the reporting period categorized by gender, age and race of the participant
Number of Terminations by Overall YASI Score Count of each terminated enrollment during the reporting period categorized by the overall YASI score on the most recent YASI assessment during the reporting period which was associated with the enrollment
Average Length of Enrollment (in days) by Overall YASI Score For each enrollment terminated during the reporting period, count the number of days from the start date of the enrollment to the termination date of the enrollment.  Compute the average by dividing the total number of days by the total number of terminated enrollments.  Categorized by the overall YASI score on the most recent YASI assessment during the reporting period which was associated with the enrollment.


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

The report runs on a Youth Service program level for statewide and agency.

Reports Shared By All Agencies

Statewide Reports are seen by all users on the eCornerstone system.

Teen REACH Core Services

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report will assist the DHS Central Office in measuring the performance of each agency that is providing Teen REACH programs to their participants. This report summarizes all recorded attendance information for Teen REACH participants that were active during the reporting period. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants were enrolled

Program Dosage:


Less than 11

11 - 13

Greater or equal to 14

Greater or equal to 11

Categorize the ages of the active Teen REACH participants into 4 age groups.  Age reflects how old the participant was at the time the attendance occurred. Age will be determined by attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Each participant will be counted in the Overall age category.

Overall = all participants

Less than 11 = participants less than 11 years old

11-13 = participants equal to or greater than 11 years old and less than or equal to 13 years old

Greater or equal to 14 = participants greater than or equal to 14 years old

Greater or equal to 11 = participants greater than or equal to 11 years old

Average Number of Days Attended Per Week Count the number of recorded attendances during the reporting period.  Compute the number of weeks in the reporting period.  Calculate average by dividing the total number of attendances by the total number of weeks during the reporting period. Compute the average for each age breakdown by selecting only those attendances enter for participants within the appropriate age category.
Average Number of Hours Attended Per Week Count the number of recorded attendance hours during the reporting period.  Compute the number of weeks in the reporting period.  Calculate average by dividing the total number of attendance hours by the total number of weeks during the reporting period. Compute the average for each age breakdown by selecting only those attendance hours enter for participants within the appropriate age category.
Percent of Youth Attending goal number of days per week Count the number of participants with attendances during the reporting period.  Count the number of participants that attended required days a week*.  Calculate the percent by dividing the total number of participants with required attendance days by the total number of participants with recorded attendances during the reporting period*. Compute the percentages for each age breakdown by selecting only those attendances enter for participants within the appropriate age category.
Percent of Youth Attending goal number of hours per week Count the number of participants with attendances during the reporting period. Count the number of participants that attended for required hours a week**. Calculate the percent by dividing the total number of participants with required hours by the total number of participants with recorded attendances during the reporting period**.  Compute the percentages for each age breakdown by selecting only those attendances enter for participants within the appropriate age category.

*Note: Goal days per week is: For ages <11, 4 days; For ages 11-13, 3 days; For ages >= 14, 2 days.

**Note: Goal hours per week is: For ages <11, 12 hours; For ages 11-13, 9 hours; For ages >=14, 6 hours.


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on a statewide and agency level.

Teen REACH Performance Indicators

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report will assist the DHS Central Office in measuring the performance of each agency that is providing Teen REACH programs to their participants. Participant recorded attendance in Teen REACH events, instead of just active Teen REACH program enrollments, is used for the main criteria during the analysis. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants were enrolled
Proposed Average Daily Attendance The number of participants the agency projected at the beginning of the fiscal year that would attend at the appropriate site on a daily basis
Actual Average Daily Attendance The average number of participants that actually attended at the appropriate site on a daily basis. Count each participant only once for any attendance during a day.  Compute average by dividing the daily participant totals by the number of days that attendance was recorded during the reporting period
Percent of Proposed Percent of proposed is computed by dividing the actual average daily attendance by the proposed average daily attendance
Average Number of Days Open Per Week Days open is based on at least one attendance recorded for that day.  Compute the average by dividing the number of day open during the reporting period by the number of weeks in the reporting period
Average Number of Hours Open per Week Hours open is based on attendance and the time/length of each attended event.  Compute the average by dividing the number of hours open during the reporting period by the number of weeks in the reporting period
Total Number Days Open in Report Period Days open is based on at least attendance recorded for that day
Number of Attendances in Report Period Total count of recorded attendances at the appropriate site during the reporting period.
Agency Fiscal Year Grant Amount The grant amount awarded to the agency for the Teen REACH program in a given fiscal year
Report Period Grant Amount The agency fiscal year grant amount divided by the number of months in the reporting period.
Average Cost Per Participant Per Day The average cost per participant per day is computed by dividing the report period grant amount by the number of attendances in the report period.
Average Length of Time (in days) to Record Attendance Calculate the number of days it took for an agency to enter each attendance record during the reporting period. Compute average by dividing the total number of days by the total number of attendances recorded.
Average Length of Time (in days) to Record Enrollment Calculate the number of days it took for an agency to enter each enrollment record during the reporting period. Compute average by dividing the total number of days by the total number of enrollments recorded.
Average Age of Participant Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by the attendance date minus the participant's birth date.  Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period.  Compute the average by dividing the total ages of all the participants by the number of participants.
Percent of Youth less than 11 Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period. Compute those participants that were under the age of 11 during the reporting period.  The percent will be those under the age of 11 divided by the total number of participants who attended.
Percent of Youth  11 - 13 Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by the attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period. Compute those participants that were equal to the age of 11 and less than the age of 14.  The percent will be those between the ages of 11 and 13 divided by the total number of participants who attended.
Percent of Youth greater than or equal to 14 Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by the attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period. Compute those participants that were equal to or greater than the age of 14 during the reporting period.  The percent will be those equal to or greater than the age of 14 divided by the total number of participants who attended.
Percent of Youth greater than or equal to 11 Calculate the age of the participant who attended during the reporting period by the attendance date minus the participant's birth date. Calculate the number of participants who attended during the reporting period. Compute those participants that were equal to or greater than the age of 11 during the reporting period.  The percent will be those equal to or greater than the age of 11 divided by the total number of participants who attended.


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on a statewide and agency level.

Youth Services Performance Indicators

  • Quarterly
  • Cumulative

This report will assist the DHS Central Office in measuring the performance of each agency that is providing Youth Service programs to their participants. Initial enrollments made during the reporting period in a Youth Service program are used for the main criteria during the analysis. Initial enrollment is defined as the first enrollment for a participant in a specific program. There are four areas of focus which are compared to the total New Enrollments per agency and per program; Consented Enrollments, Pre-Assessment Completions, Full-Assessment Completions and Low Overall Risk Score. The data is counted from the first day of the reporting period through the end of the last day of the reporting period. The report is available for viewing by each State fiscal year quarter and by an accumulation of the first quarter in the fiscal year up to the current quarter.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Program Name of the Youth Service program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Youth Service program
New Enrollments Count of all the initial enrollments in the specific Youth Service program
Consented Number Count of all participants that consented during their initial enrollment in the specific Youth Service program
Consented Percent Percent of all participants that consented compared to the total initial enrollments in the specific Youth Service program
Pre-Assessment On Time Number Count of all YASI pre-assessments that were completed on time (completed within 14 days of enrollment start date) and associated with an initial enrollment in the specific Youth Service program
Pre-Assessment On Time Percent Percent of all YASI pre-assessments that were completed on time (completed within 14 days of enrollment start date) compared to the total initial enrollments in the specific Youth Service program
Full Assessment On Time Number Count of all YASI full assessments that were completed on time (completed within 30 days of enrollment start date) and associated with an initial enrollment in the specific Youth Service program
Full Assessment On Time Percent Percent of all YASI full assessments that were completed on time (completed within 30 days of enrollment start date) compared to the total initial enrollments in the specific Youth Service program
Low Overall Risk Score Number Count of all YASI Low Overall Risk Scores on YASI assessments which were associated with an initial enrollment in the specific Youth Service program
Low Overall Risk Score Percent Percent of all YASI Low Overall Risk Scores compared to the total initial enrollments in the specific Youth Service program


Quarterly: this report runs automatically on the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The report is available for viewing current and past quarters.

Reporting Levels

The report runs on a Youth Service program level for statewide.

Protected Reports For Your Agency

Protected reports are only seen by the local agency and assigned CSSC. These reports contain the names of relevant participants.

Non-consented Participants

  • Monthly

This report is used by the Youth Service and Teen REACH agencies to list the actively enrolled participants that are not consented within eCornerstone at the time the report runs. Each month the report is refreshed. This report is only viewable by the workers within the agency and is not accessible to anyone outside the agency. The report will list all participants alphabetically within their enrolled program.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency where the participants are enrolled
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Program Name of the program the participants are enrolled in
Participant Last, First Name Displays the participant's 'know by' first and last name
Birth Date Displays the participant's date of birth
Age The age of the participant at the time the report was generated
Address Displays the participant's residential address
Home Phone Displays the participant's home phone number


Monthly: this report runs automatically on the first Sunday of each month. The report is refreshed monthly.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on an agency level.

Youth Services Active Case Managed

  • Monthly

This report lists all participants that are actively enrolled in the Youth Service program based on data entered into eCornerstone at the time the report runs. Each month the report is refreshed. This report is only viewable by the workers within the agency and is not accessible to anyone outside the agency. The report is generated by case worker and those program(s) case managed by the case worker within an agency. The report will list all participants alphabetically that currently are active at the time the report is generated in the Youth Service program(s) at that agency.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing Youth Service programs
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Case Worker Name The first and last name of the case worker for the assigned caseload
Participant Last, First Name Displays the participant's 'know by' first and last name
Birth Date Displays the participant's date of birth
Age The age of the participant at the time the report was generated
Address Displays the participant's residential address
Home Phone Displays the participant's home phone number
Program Start Date The date the participant was actively enrolled in the Youth Service program
Total Number of Participants for Program The total number of participants listed per program per case worker.
Total Number of Participants for Case Worker The total number of participants listed per case worker.
Count of Cases by Program - Case Managed The total number of active participants for the program that are currently case managed at the agency
Count of Cases by Program - Unassigned The total number of active participants for the program that are currently not assigned to a case worker at the agency
Count of Cases by Program - Total The total number of active participants for the program that are currently case managed (assigned) and unassigned at the agency


Monthly: this report runs automatically on the first Sunday of each month. The report is refreshed monthly.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on agency level only.

Youth Services Terminations

  • Monthly

This report lists all participants that were terminated from a Youth Service program during the reporting period at the agency. Each month a new report is generated and the history of the previous months are available. This report is only viewable by the workers within the agency and is not accessible to anyone outside the agency. The report will list by Program and then Participant's Last Name, First Name, Program Start Date.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing Youth Service programs
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Program Description of the Youth Service program
Participant Last, First Name Displays the participant's 'know by' first and last name
Birth Date Displays the participant's date of birth
Program Start Date The date the participant was actively enrolled in the Youth Service program
Program Termination Date The date the participant was terminated from the Youth Service program
Length in Program The total amount of time the participant was actively enrolled in the Youth Service program (years/months/days)
Total Terminated Enrollments (per program) The total number of Youth Service enrollments that were terminated during the reporting period for the given program at the agency
Total Terminated Participants (per program) The total number of participants that were terminated from the given Youth Service program during the reporting period at the agency
Total Terminated Enrollments (per agency) The total number of Youth Service enrollments that were terminated during the reporting period in all Youth Service programs at the agency
Total Terminated Participants (per agency) The total number of participants that were terminated from all the Youth Service programs during the reporting period at the agency


Monthly: this report runs automatically on the first Sunday of each month. The report is available for viewing current and past months.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on agency level only.

Youth Services Time and Activity

  • Monthly

This lists all non-participant related activities and participant related activities with time recorded on participants that are, or have been, enrolled in the Youth Service program and assigned to a case worker. The time entered for the activity must have occurred during the reporting time period. Each month a new report is generated and history of previous months will be available. This report is only viewable by the workers within the agency and is not accessible to anyone outside the agency. The report is generated by case worker, or person who performed the activity, within an agency. The report will list by Case Worker's first name, last name, participant last name, first name and activity date. If the "person who performed the activity" is not a case worker then this person's name will be displayed and sorted in the format it was entered into the system when the time and activity was saved.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing Youth Service programs
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Case Worker Name The first and last name of the case worker for the assigned caseload or the person who performed the activity
Participant Last, First Name Displays the participant's 'know by' first and last name
Birth Date Displays the participant's date of birth
Program Youth Service program description the participant is enrolled in
Activity Date Date the activity took place
Activity Description of the activity
Hours/Minutes Total time recorded for the activity in hours and minutes
Total Participant Related Hours for Case Worker The total number of Hours and Minutes for activity that was related to participant(s) during the month for the Case Worker (person who performed the activity)
Total Non-Participant Related Hours for Case Worker The total number of Hours and Minutes for activity that was not related to any participant during the month for the Case Worker (person who performed the activity)
Total Hours for Case Worker The total number of Hours and Minutes for activity (Participant related and Non-Participant related) during the month for the Case Worker (person who performed the activity)


Monthly: this report runs automatically on the first Sunday of each month. The report is available for viewing current and past months.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on agency level only.

Teen REACH Active Participants

  • Monthly

This report lists all participants that are actively enrolled in the Teen REACH program based on data entered into eCornerstone at the time the report runs. Each month the report is refreshed. This report is only viewable by the workers within the agency and is not accessible to anyone outside the agency. The report is generated by sites within an agency and by agency. The site level report will list all participants alphabetically that currently are active in the Teen REACH program at that site. The agency level report will list all participants alphabetically that currently are active in the Teen REACH program at the agency.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants are actively enrolled
Participant Last, First Name Displays the participant's 'know by' first and last name
Birth Date Displays the participant's date of birth
Home Phone Displays the participant's home phone number
Address Displays the participant's residential address
Race Description of the race of the participant. "Multiple" will be used to describe those participants where more than one race has been selected.
Gender Indication of the gender of the participant.  M=Male F=Female
Number of Active Participants The total number of participants listed per site level or agency level.


Monthly: this report runs automatically on the first Sunday of each month. The report is refreshed monthly.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on agency and agency site level.

Teen REACH Active Participants by Site

  • Monthly

This report lists all participants that are actively enrolled in the Teen REACH program based on data entered into eCornerstone at the time the report runs. Each month the report is refreshed. This report is only viewable by the workers within the agency and is not accessible to anyone outside the agency. The report is generated by sites within an agency and by agency. The site level report will list all participants alphabetically that currently are active in the Teen REACH program at that site. The agency level report will list all participants alphabetically that currently are active in the Teen REACH program at the agency.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants are actively enrolled
Participant Last, First Name Displays the participant's 'know by' first and last name
Birth Date Displays the participant's date of birth
Home Phone Displays the participant's home phone number
Address Displays the participant's residential address
Race Description of the race of the participant. "Multiple" will be used to describe those participants where more than one race has been selected.
Gender Indication of the gender of the participant.  M=Male F=Female
Number of Active Participants The total number of participants listed per site level or agency level.


Monthly: this report runs automatically on the first Sunday of each month. The report is refreshed monthly.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on agency and agency site level.

Teen REACH Last Day Attendance

  • Monthly

This report lists all participants that are actively enrolled in the Teen REACH program based on data entered into eCornerstone at the time the report runs. Each week the report is refreshed. This report is only viewable by the workers within the agency and is not accessible to anyone outside the agency. The report is generated by sites within an agency and by agency. The site level report will list all participants alphabetically that currently are active in the Teen REACH program at that site. The agency level report will list all participants alphabetically that currently are active in the Teen REACH program at the agency.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants are actively enrolled
Last Day of Attendance The date the participant last attended a scheduled event at a site within the agency. No date is displayed if the participant has never attended a scheduled event.
Participant Last, First Name Displays the participant's 'know by' first and last name
Birth Date Displays the participant's date of birth
Home Phone Displays the participant's home phone number
Address Displays the participant's residential address
Enrollment Date The date the participant last enrolled in the Teen REACH program at the agency.
Number of Active Participants The total number of participants listed per site level or agency level.


Monthly: this report runs automatically on the first Sunday of each month. The report is refreshed monthly.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on agency and agency site level.

Teen REACH Last Day Attendance by Site

  • Monthly

This report lists all participants that are actively enrolled in the Teen REACH program based on data entered into eCornerstone at the time the report runs. Each week the report is refreshed. This report is only viewable by the workers within the agency and is not accessible to anyone outside the agency. The report is generated by sites within an agency and by agency. The site level report will list all participants alphabetically that currently are active in the Teen REACH program at that site. The agency level report will list all participants alphabetically that currently are active in the Teen REACH program at the agency.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants are actively enrolled
Last Day of Attendance The date the participant last attended a scheduled event at a site within the agency. No date is displayed if the participant has never attended a scheduled event.
Participant Last, First Name Displays the participant's 'know by' first and last name
Birth Date Displays the participant's date of birth
Home Phone Displays the participant's home phone number
Address Displays the participant's residential address
Enrollment Date The date the participant last enrolled in the Teen REACH program at the agency.


Monthly: this report runs automatically on the first Sunday of each month. The report is refreshed monthly.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on agency and agency site level.

Teen REACH Percent of Time Spent in Category to Total Time

  • Monthly

This report lists all participants that were actively enrolled in the Teen REACH program during the reporting period. The report also displays the total number of minutes recorded for attendance per participant during the reporting period in each category/service area and the percent of time. This report is only viewable by the workers within the agency and is not accessible to anyone outside the agency. The report is generated by sites within an agency and by agency. This is a monthly report. Each month the report is refreshed.

Explanation of Individual Fields on Report

Field Name Description
Agency Name The name of the agency providing the Teen REACH program
Agency Number The Cornerstone agency number assigned to the agency
Site Name of the site where the Teen REACH participants were enrolled

The Category/Services available are:

Academic Achievement

Life Skills



Parental Involvement

Sports Enrichment/Recreation/Arts & Culture

Participant Last, First Name Displays the participant's 'know by' first and last name
Total Time of Participation The total number of minutes recorded for attendance (in all categories) for the participant during the reporting period.
Total Time of Participation in Category The total number of minutes recorded for attendance in the appropriate category for the participant during the reporting period.
Percent of Time of Participation in Category Percent of Total Time of Participation in Category to Total Time of Participation for the participant during the reporting period.
Total Number of Active Participants Count of each participant that was actively enrolled in the Teen REACH program during the reporting period


Monthly: this report runs automatically on the first Sunday of each month. The report is refreshed monthly.

Reporting Levels

This report runs on agency and agency site level.

Chapter Nineteen