Table of Contents
- Allergies And Medications Summary
- Add/Edit Participant Physician (Primary)
- Add/Edit Participant Physician (Secondary)
- Add/Edit Allergy
- Add/Edit Medication
DISCLAIMER: All medically related information on this specification is provided solely for educational and informational purposes and should not be used for diagnosis of any condition or any other medical purpose without the advice and supervision of a licensed and qualified health care provider. The information is compiled from a variety of sources but should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation, or advice of the physician or other health care provider.
The Allergies and Medications function allows the user to track allergy and medication related information for the participant. The information provided is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for diagnosis of any condition or any other medical purpose without the advice and supervision of a licensed/qualified health care provider.
Allergies And Medications Summary
Click Participant then click Allergies And Medications to access the Allergies And Medications Summary screen.
Primary Physician:
- Click the Add Primary Physician link found under the Primary Physician table to add a primary physician record. The system will display the Add/Edit Participant Physician (Primary) screen.
- Click the Primary Physician Name link found in the Primary Physician table to edit the primary physician record. The system will display the Add/Edit Participant Physician (Primary) screen.
Secondary Physician(s):
- Click the Add Secondary Physician link found under the Secondary Physician(s) table to add a secondary physician record. The system will display the Add/Edit Participant Physician (Secondary) screen.
- Click the Secondary Physician Name link found in the Secondary Physician(s) table to edit the primary physician record. The system will display the Add/Edit Participant Physician (Secondary) screen.
- Click the Add Allergy link found under the Allergies table to add an allergy information record. The system will display the Add/Edit Allergy screen.
- Click the Allergy Type link found in the Allergies table to edit an existing allergy information record. The system will display the Add/Edit Allergy screen.
- Click the Add Medication link found under the Medications table to add a medication information record. The system will display the Add/Edit Medication screen.
- Click the Allergy Medication link found in the Medications table to edit an existing medication information record. The system will display the Add/Edit Medication screen.
Add/Edit Participant Physician (Primary)
The Add/Edit Participant Physician screen allows the user to add/edit the participant's primary physician. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Click the Add Primary Physician link found under the Primary Physician table on the Allergies And Medications Summary screen to add a primary physician record. The system will display the Add/Edit Participant Physician (Primary) screen.
- Click the Primary Physician Name link found in the Primary Physician table on the Allergies And Medications Summary screen to edit the primary physician record. The system will display the Add/Edit Participant Physician (Primary) screen.
- Select the participant's primary physician from the Physician Name drop-down menu.
- Click Save. The system will return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen with the added/updated primary physician record.
- Click Delete to delete the primary physician record and return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen. (The Delete button will only be available when updating an existing physician record.)
- Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen.
Add/Edit Participant Physician (Secondary)
The Add/Edit Participant Physician screen allows the user to add/edit the participant's secondary physician. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Click the Add Secondary Physician link found under the Secondary Physician(s) table on the Allergies And Medications Summary screen to add a secondary physician record. The system will display the Add/Edit Participant Physician (Secondary) screen.
- Click the Secondary Physician Name link found in the Secondary Physician(s) table on the Allergies And Medications Summary screen to edit the primary physician record. The system will display the Add/Edit Participant Physician (Secondary) screen.
- Select the participant's secondary physician from the Physician Name drop-down menu.
- Click Save. The system will return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen with the added/updated secondary physician record.
- Click Delete to delete the secondary physician record and return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen. (The Delete button will only be available when updating an existing physician record.)
- Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen.
Add/Edit Allergy
The Add/Edit Allergy screen allows the user to add/edit allergy information records. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Click the Add Allergy link found under the Allergies table on the Allergies And Medications Summary screen to add an allergy information record. The system will display the Add/Edit Allergy screen.
- Click the Allergy Type link found in the Allergies table on the Allergies And Medications Summary screen to edit an existing allergy information record. The system will display the Add/Edit Allergy screen.
- Select the Allergy Type from the drop-down menu.
- Enter any relevant Comments.
- Enter the Start Date.
- Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
- Enter the End Date.
- Click Save. The system will return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen with the added/updated allergy information record.
- Click Delete to delete the allergy information record and return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen. (The Delete button will only be available when updating an existing allergy information record.)
- Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen.
Add/Edit Medication
The Add/Edit Medication screen allows the user to add/edit medication information records. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Click the Add Medication link found under the Medications table to on the Allergies And Medications Summary screen add a medication information record. The system will display the Add/Edit Medication screen.
- Click the Allergy Medication link found in the Medications table to on the Allergies And Medications Summary screen edit an existing medication information record. The system will display the Add/Edit Medication screen.
- Select the Medication Type from the drop-down menu.
- Indicate if the participant has a physician's Prescription.
- Enter the Prescribing Physician.
- Enter the Prescribed Quantity.
- Enter the Prescribed Dosage.
- Select the Measures of Doses/Units from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Medication Frequency from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Dose Types from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Time of Day from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the Start Date.
- Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
- Enter the End Date.
- Click the Date Selector button to display the drop-down calendar.
- Click Save. The system will display to the Allergies and Medication Summary screen with the added/updated medication information record.
- Click Delete to delete the medication information record and return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen. (The Delete button will only be available when updating a medication information record.)
- Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Allergies And Medications Summary screen.
Chapter Seventeen