Chapter Seven - Enrollment History

Table of Contents

  1. Add Enrollment - Program Selection
  2. Program Enrollment
    1. Referring Agency Search
      1. Search Results
  3. Program Enrollment (Update)
    1. Terminate Enrollment
      1. (Youth Services: CCBYS Termination)
      2. (Youth Services Homeless Youth Termination)

The Enrollment History function allows the user to display the selected participant's program enrollment history records. The Enrollment History screen also allows the user to add the participant's program enrollment records. In order to update an enrollment history record, the user must be the participant's assigned case worker. The user will only be able to view the history record unless they are the assigned to the participant. The participant must have an Address entered into the system in order to be enrolled into a program. The Enrollment History includes the agency name, program, service category, enrollment status, enrollment start date, and enrollment termination date for each program enrollment in the participant's history. Click Participant then click Enrollment History to display the Enrollment History screen. Enter the Enrollment History filter criteria

Enrollment History screen

  1. Select the Filter By Program option from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Filter. The system will display the selected program enrollment history records.
    • Click the Add Enrollment link to add a new enrollment history record. The system will display the Add Enrollment - Program Selection screen.
    • Click the Program link to update an existing enrollment history record. The system will display the Program Enrollment screen. (The Program link will only be available if there is an existing enrollment history record.)

Add Enrollment - Program Selection

The Add Enrollment - Program Selection screen allows the user to select the program to enroll the participant in to. The Participant's address must be updated in Intake prior to enrolling the participant in any programs. Click the Add Enrollment link to display the Add Enrollment - Program Selection screen.

Add Enrollment - Program Selection screen

  1. Select the Program from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Next. The system will display the Program Enrollment screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Enrollment History screen.

Program Enrollment

The Program Enrollment screen allows the user to enter the participant's enrollment information into the eCornerstone system. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Program Enrollment screen

Worker Selection:

The Worker Selection field will only be available for Youth Services programs.

1. When enrolling a participant into a specific Youth Services program, the user must assign a worker before completing the enrollment information:

Select a Worker from the drop-down menu.


The Program information will have additional data fields for the Youth Services: Homeless Youth programs.

  1. Select the program Category from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the participant's activity Status from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the Initial Contact Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop down calendar.
  4. Select the Length of Homelessness from the drop-down menu (Only relevant to the Homeless Youth program enrollment).
  5. Select the Site of Program Service from the drop-down menu.

Referring Information:

  1. Select the Source from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Reason for the participant's referral from the drop-down menu.
    • If the Reason code selected has two asterisks (**), select a Crisis Status for the participant from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the referral Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop down calendar.
  4. Enter the referrer's name or the agency that referred the participant to the program:
    • If the participant was referred by an individual, enter their Last Name and First Name.
    • If the participant was referred by another agency, click the Search button access the Referring Agency Search screen. Selecting an agency may automatically fill certain data fields in the Referring Information section.
  5. Select the Address Type from the drop-down menu.
  6. Enter the referring individual/agency's street address in the Street Address Line 1 field.
    • Enter any additional street address information in the Street Address Line 2 field.
  7. Enter the referring individual/agency's City.
  8. Select the referring individual/agency's State from the drop-down menu.
  9. Enter the referring individual/agency's postal Zip code.
  10. Enter the referring individual/agency's Township field.
  11. Select the Phone Type from the drop-down menu.
  12. Enter the referring individual/agency's Phone number.
  13. Click the Save button. The system will return to the Enrollment History screen with the new enrollment record.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Enrollment History screen.

Referring Agency Search

The user can perform an agency search to select a referring agency from the eCornerstone system. The user can enter one or more criteria to run a referring agency search. Selecting an agency may automatically fill certain data fields in the Referring Information section of the Program Enrollment screen. Click the Search button next to the Agency field. The system will display the Referring Agency Search screen. Enter the Referring Agency search criteria.

Referring Agency Search screen

  1. Enter the Provider Name
    • Select the Provider Name Match Type (Starts With, Exact Match, Sounds Like) from the drop-down menu.
    • Select the Provider Combine Type (And, Or) from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the provider's City.
    • Select the Provider Name Match Type (Starts With, Exact Match, Sounds Like) from the drop-down menu.
    • Select the City Combine Type (And, Or) from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the provider's Zip Code.
  4. Click the Search button. The Search Results will display.
    • Click Clear remove all the entered data from the screen.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Program Enrollment screen.

Search Results

The search results will display. If the provider agency record exists in the eCornerstone system:

  • Click the Provider Name link to select the agency. The system will return to the Program Enrollment screen with the selected agency information. Selecting an agency may automatically fill certain data fields on the Program Enrollment screen.
  • Click the View link to access the Service Provider Information screen.

Service Provider Information screen

Service Provider Information

To view the Service Providers Information, click the View link found in the search results of the Referring Agency Search screen. The screen will open in a new window.

  • Click the Close Window link to close the screen.

Referring Agency Search screen

Program Enrollment (Update)

In order to update an enrollment history record, the user must be the participant's assigned case worker. The user will only be able to view the history record unless they are the assigned to the participant. Click the Program link to display the Program Enrollment screen for the selected program. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Program Enrollment screen


The Program information will have additional data fields for the Youth Services: Homeless Youth programs.

  1. Select the program Category from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the participant's activity Status from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the Initial Contact Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop down calendar.
  4. Select the Length of Homelessness from the drop-down menu (Only relevant to the Homeless Youth program enrollment).
  5. Select the Site of Program Service from the drop-down menu.

Referring Information:

  1. Select the Source from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Reason for the participant's referral from the drop-down menu.
    • If the Reason code selected has two asterisks (**), select a Crisis Status for the participant from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the referral Date.
    • Click the Date Selector button to display the drop down calendar.
  4. Enter the referrer's name or the agency that referred the participant to the program:
    • If the participant was referred by an individual, enter their Last Name and First Name.
    • If the participant was referred by another agency, click the Search button access the Referring Agency Search screen. Selecting an agency may automatically fill certain data fields in the Referring Information section.
  5. Select the Address Type from the drop-down menu.
  6. Enter the referring individual/agency's street address in the Street Address Line 1 field.
    • Enter any additional street address information in the Street Address Line 2 field.
  7. Enter the referring individual/agency's City.
  8. Select the referring individual/agency's State from the drop-down menu.
  9. Enter the referring individual/agency's postal Zip code.
  10. Enter the referring individual/agency's Township field.
  11. Select the Phone Type from the drop-down menu.
  12. Enter the referring individual/agency's Phone number.
  13. Click the Save button. The system will return to the Enrollment History screen with the updated enrollment record.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Enrollment History screen.
    • Click Terminate to terminate the participant's enrollment. The system will display the Terminate Enrollment screen
    • Click Re-Enroll to reactivate a participant's enrollment in the program (Only relevant to the Teen REACH program enrollment).

Terminate Enrollment

Click Terminate found on the Program Enrollment screen. The system will display the Terminate Enrollment screen. The Terminate Enrollment screen will have a different configuration of fields for certain programs. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

The Terminate Enrollment screen

  1. Select the Termination Reason from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Terminate. The system will return to the Enrollment History screen with the terminated enrollment record.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Program Enrollment screen.

(Youth Services: CCBYS Termination)

The CCBYS program is case managed. All open case plans must be closed before termination. Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

The Terminate Enrollment screen

  1. Select the Termination Reason from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the number of Agency Arranged Placement nights of housing.
  3. Enter the number of Family Generated Placement nights of housing.
  4. Enter a termination Comment (Required if the selected Termination Reason has an asterisk).
  5. Select the Case Disposition from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select the Living Arrangement from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click Terminate. The system will return to the Enrollment History screen with the terminated enrollment record.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Program Enrollment screen.

(Youth Services Homeless Youth Termination)

Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

The Terminate Enrollment screen

  1. Select the Termination Reason from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the participant's Residential Status from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the participant's Employment Status from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the number of Agency Arranged Placement nights of housing.
  5. Click Terminate. The system will return to the Enrollment History screen with the terminated enrollment record.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the screen and return to the Program Enrollment screen.

Chapter Eight