Table of Contents
- Login
- System Change Password
- Select Worker Agency
- Logout
- Navigation Tabs and Sub-menus
- Help
By entering a valid User ID and Password the user gains access to the eCornerstone System. The user's User ID and Password must be assigned by DHS prior to first login.
- Go to
- Enter the User ID (the user's DHS ID).
- Enter the Password (first time users will receive a temporary password from DHS).
- Click Login. The system will display the eCornerstone Home Page screen.
- Click Clear to remove all entered data.
System Change Password
First time users will be prompted to change their password after logging into the eCornerstone system. The system will display the System Change Password screen. This screen will allow the user to replace the temporary password with a new password:
- The password must be at least eight (8) characters in length.
- The password must contain at least four (4) alpha characters.
- The password must contain at least one (1) numeric character.
- The password cannot contain more than two (2) repeated characters.
- The password is case sensitive.
- Enter the temporary password in the Input old password field.
- Enter the new password in the Input new password field.
- Re-enter the new password in the Confirm new password field.
- Click Change Password.
Select Worker Agency
If the user's ID is associated with more than one agency, the user will be required to select an agency for the work session in eCornerstone. A worker agency must be selected before the user can be logged into the eCornerstone system
- Select the Agency for this session from the drop-down menu.
- Click Submit. The Home Page (eCornerstone Home Page) screen will display.
Click the Logout tab to logout of eCornerstone system.
Navigation Tabs and Sub-menus
The main-menu tabs are used to navigate the user to specific screens within the eCornerstone system. These screens are used to complete certain tasks within the system. In order to display the sub-menu options, use the mouse to hover over the main-menu tabs.
Once the user accesses a Participant via the Lookup main-menu tab, the Participant main-menu tab will also be available.
The following is a list of the main-menu tabs and their sub-menus:
- Home Page.
- Information Center.
- To Do.
- Case List.
- Enrollee List.
- Print Blank YASI II Pre-Assessment (Opens a new window).
- Print Blank Full YASI II (Opens a new window).
- Reset Password.
Lookup: forwards the user to the Participant Lookup screen.
Participant (Will not be visible until the user runs a Participant Lookup).
- Intake.
- Demographic.
- Name.
- Address.
- Phone.
- Consent.
- Family/Support.
- Cross Reference.
- Participant Summary.
- Enrollment History.
- Assignment.
- Assessments.
- Progress Notes.
- Services.
- Time/Activity.
- Academic.
- Academic Progress.
- Standardized Tests.
- Create Case Plan/Work With Case Plan/View Case Plan.
- Close This Case/View Closed Case Plan(s).
- RIN.
- RIN History.
- RIN Search.
- RIN Delete (Will not be visible until a RIN is assigned).
- Allergies and Medications.
- Attendance History.
- Assign Multiple Participants.
- Transfer Worker Caseloads.
- Close A Case Assignment.
- Worker Time/Activity.
- School Reporting Periods.
- Add or Edit for a Single School.
- Add for Multiple Schools.
- Agency Profile.
- Agency Business.
- Agency Services.
- Agency Business Hours.
- Staff Profile.
- Providers.
- Provider Services.
- Broadcast Messages.
- Program Planning.
- Display Program Calendar.
- Event Descriptions.
- Teen REACH Program Description.
- Attendance.
- Attendance.
- Attendance Summary.
- Display Agency Security Coordinators.
- Reports.
- Worker Administration (Only visible for Security Coordinators).
- Reset Worker Password.
- Worker Authorities.
- Worker Information.
- Worker Programs.
- Worker Status.
- Worker Subordinates.
- Worker Supervisor.
- Terminate Worker.
- Administrative Functions.
- Broadcast Messages.
- Activities.
- Manage CSSC/Agency Relationships.
- Show Worker Group Memberships.
- YASI/Case Planning Training.
- YASI/Case Planning Training Update.
- YASI/Case Planning Training Exceptions.
Help: forwards the user to the Help screen.
Logout: logs the user out of the eCornerstone system.
Click the Help tab to access the ECornerstone User Help screen in a separate window. The ECornerstone User Help screen provides access to eCornerstone online training and tutorial information. The user can also download Adobe Reader.
- Click the Online Training link to access The Springfield Urban League e-Learning Center.
- Click the logo to download Adobe Reader.
- Click the Close Window link to close the screen.
Chapter Three