January 6, 2015 JDAI Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission JDAI Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


January 6, 2015, 9:30a.m. to 11:00a.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    7th Floor-Think Tank
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • Call in: 888-494-4032 Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Chair's Comments
  5. Detention/Detention Alternatives
  6. Project Updates
    1. Juvenile Detention Data Report Update
    2. Transportation Study
    3. Detention Standards
  7. Compliance Report
    1. End of the Year Update
    2. Process for Status Offender Violations
  8. New Business
    1. IPCSA Partnership Update
  9. Next Meeting
  10. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
  2. Roll Call
    Commissioners: Rodney Ahitow, Jacqueline Bullard and JDAI Chairman Rick Velasquez. Quorum present. Staff: Rob Vickery, Karima Douglas, Jeff Bradley and Julie Stremlau. Guests: Susan Witkin, Jason Steele, Kanako Ishida and Shirene Thomas.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Ahitow motioned to approve the minutes from September 9, 2014 and November 6, 2014. Commissioner Bullard seconded. Minutes approved.
  4. Chair's Comments
  5. Detention/Detention Alternatives
    1. Project Updates
      1. Juvenile Detention Data Report Update
        The group discussed Juvenile Detention Data report. Chairman Velasquez asked for comments or concerns from the group. Commissioner Bullard commented about the introduction. The reference to "up to 180 days" she believes could be a bad thing in certain circumstances. Commissioner Bullard is going to rewrite this paragraph and share with Rob Vickery. Commissioner Bullard also stated that from a legal standpoint the 3rd paragraph does not reference the credit for time served information. This should be accurate with the law. Commissioner Bullard will also rewrite this section and submit. Chairman Velasquez stated this is a great report. He asked the group to review the discussion questions included in the packet. No further comments noted.
      2. Transportation Study
        Executive Director, Rob Vickery explained that the recommendation for the IJJC to complete this study did not pass both houses. Currently on hold.
      3. Detention Standards
        Executive Director, Rob Vickery explained that he and Peg Robertson continue to work on updating the Detention Standards. There have been discussions with DJJ and he believes that in February or March the operationalizing of this process can begin. They are working on best practices, standards and corroboration. Jason Steel from AOIC would like to join the discussion when it is ready to move forward. He stated that AOIC's Standards have been updated and they need to see if the standards are corresponding with DJJ's plan. It was noted that AOIC's focus concerning standards is more focused on programming. DJJ's focus is health, mental health and welfare focus. Jason explained that AOIC is trying to work together with DJJ not to overstep or have DJJ overstep. There are certain interventions and programming that must exist. Jason further added that once the probation officers are involved in this future plan and past the basic process he wants to be involved. There is no final time frame as to when DJJ and AOIC will come together. Chairman Velasquez's goal is to have this completed by the end of the fiscal year. By July 1, 2015 we can review and determine if further funding will be necessary to assist in this process. Rob explained that this will be finalized in the Planning and Grants meeting.
    2. Compliance
      1. End of year update
      2. Process for Status Offender Violations
        Rob Vickery explained that IL total violations for the year were 170 and our de minimis is 240. There is continued tracking of the 17 year old population and the increases are being attributed to Raise the Age. Rob further explained the Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders requirements and how we have responded in the past. A draft directive was created to give a formal response to such issues. IDJJ is primarily responsible for ongoing monitoring of violations. Commission staff responds informally to violations. The intended actions as outlined by this directive were reviewed. Commissioner Bullard noted her concerns with the actions of judges, etc. and how these violations occur. She added that it appears girls disproportionally represent these violations. Upon further review, the group believes that action number 4 should be moved to the previous step. Commissioner Bullard added that this issue is a state issue and not just a DJJ issue. The judges have to do this or someone has to ask him to. Public defenders also actively need to oppose this process consistently. She added that locking a child up is a civil rights violation. What we indicate seems more informational and the group prefers formal notification over informal, the document will be edited with recommendations.
  6. New Business
    1. IPCSA Partnership
      Update Rob Vickery explained the addition of certain boards being added to this partnership. The IPCSA President is now Tracy Burke-Carriere. Focus is on policy and practice.
    2. Transportation Grant
      Chairman Velasquez explained that initially the IJJC funded four Transportation Sites for many years and now there is just one in Southern Illinois that assists in transporting youth to and from facilities. The preliminary Transportation Report has been shared and covers January 2014 to October 2014. He stated the Committee needs to review this information thoroughly and evaluate the impact on detention practices. He believes we have an obligation to look at the data and recommend how to proceed. Consideration should be given to budgeting issues and the Juvenile Detention Report should be considered as well. Rob Vickery added that a year ago we discussed the violations and how the programming changes could increase violations. He stated that changes have occurred but nothing major. Rob has reviewed the data with Compliance Monitor, Rob Smith and there appears to be no major upsets. It was noted this group is prepared to let the Planning and Grants Committee know that we support the end of the Transportation Grant by 2016.
  7. Next Meeting
    The next meeting is scheduled for March 3, 2015.
  8. Adjourn
    Chairman Velasquez motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Bullard seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:45am.