July 7, 2015 JDAI Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission JDAI Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


July 7, 2015, 9:30a.m. to 11:00a.m.


  • Youth Outreach Services
    2411 Congress Pkwy
    Chicago, IL 
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • Call in:  888-494-4032 


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Chair's Comments
  5. Detention/Detention Alternatives
    1. Project Updates
      1. Juvenile Detention Data Report Update (2013/2014)
      2. Adolescent Domestic Battery Toolkit
      3. Detention Standards/jail standards
      4. IPCSA Partnership
    2. Compliance Report
  6. New Business
  7. Next Meeting
    September 1, 2015
  8. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
  2. Roll Call
    Chairman Rick Velasquez and George Hill. No quorum present. Guests: Jason Steele, Sue Korpai, Shannon Hartnett, Wendy Nussbaum and Susan Witkin. Staff: Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas, Jeff Bradley, and Robert Vickery.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    No quorum for conducting business.
  4. Chair's Comments
    Chairman Velasquez explained the goals for the meeting: to discuss the adolescent domestic battery project and preview the 2014 Detention Data Report.
  5. Detention/Detention Alternatives
    1. Project Updates
      1. Adolescent Domestic Battery Toolkit
        Shannon Hartnett and Wendy Nussbaum presented the status of the adolescent domestic battery work. First, they provided an update on the research in progress by the National Youth Screening and Assessment Project on the "typologies" tool. This included data on 347 youth across multiple states and counties. This research will allow Shannon and Wendy to finalize the typology tool and guidebook for use in additional interested jurisdictions in Illinois. The committee wants to remain involved as this project progresses as there are implications for juvenile justice councils and CCBYS. Obtaining funding for adolescent domestic battery services is another area to explore.
      2. Juvenile Detention Data Report Update
        Susan Witkin presented data from the 2014 Detention Data Report, which is in progress. The committee discussed a need to respond to those jurisdictions who are "at the top" of the list in admission rates and average daily population index.
      3. Detention Standards/jail standards
        Work continues to update the standards but there is no update at this time.
      4. IPCSA Partnership
        Executive Director, Rob Vickery has communicated with IPCSA board members. They are waiting a vote to fully embrace JDAI as a primary initiative and will be seeking to partner after this occurs.
    2. Compliance Report
      No compliance update provided due to time.
  6. New Business
    No new business was discussed
  7. Next Meeting
    September 1, 2015
  8. Adjourn
    Chairman Velasquez adjourned the meeting at 11:00am.