November 18, 2015 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


November 18, 2015, 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor Conference Room
    Chicago, IL
  • 888-494-4032
    Code:  5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
    June 8th, August 19th, September 1st and September 16th
  4. Fiscal Update
  5. Discussion:  New Reentry Brief-Chapin Hall
  6. Expungement Report Presentation/Recommendations
  7. Funding Request
    1. DMC Youth Engagement Event


  1. Invisible Cage Viewing and Discussion
  2. SFY 2017 Grant Application Process
  3. JDAI Partnership with IPCSA
  4. Approval of 2014 Juvenile Detention Data Report
  5. Other Project Updates
  6. New Business
    2016 IJJC Meeting Calendar
  7. Public Comment
  8. Next Meeting
    January 20, 2016
  9. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 9:10am. 
  2. II. Roll Call
    Chairman George Timberlake, Vice Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Commissioners: Rodney Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Jacqueline Bullard, Shelley Davis, George Hill, Arnetra Jackson, Michael Rodriguez, Ben Roe and Dana Weiner. Quorum established at 9:30am. Guests: Susan Witkin, Jiffy Lansing, Chapin Hall and film makers:  Dawn Dewald and Phil Batta.  Staff: Robert Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas, Jeff Bradley and Ron Smith.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Hill motioned to approve the July 8th, August 19th, September 1st, and September 16th minutes. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. All minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Update
    Executive Director Rob Vickery gave the fiscal update. He explained the current fiscal information in the packet. As of 11/10/15, the spreadsheet depicts current spending. No issues at this time and the grantees seem to be on track with spending.
  5. Discussion Reentry brief
    Reentry brief from Chapin Hall. Jiffy Lansing presented. She explained that this is a qualitative study. The staff focused on developing opportunities for program participants in the areas of education and work. The Aftercare Specialists (ACS) worked specifically with requirements of the program, to fulfill the plan to complete the process. The ACS and the program staff worked well together. Many of the aftercare youth were required to complete substance abuse counseling and that was one of their focus topics.The attachments that developed with the community and their staff was an added bonus. Commissioner Hill asked who they felt was best represented in the study that showed the most promise or the most success. Jiffy explained that the younger youth seemed to benefit the most from the programming. The Commission believes the system is flawed and that youth involved with any state worker (ACS, Parole Officer, Social Worker, etc.) is a negative. The youth need to be in the care of community workers and community based services utilized. Vice Chairman Jacobs added that there are also benefits to what the state can offer youth in terms of access to certain services. The question remains how do we ensure we push less state resources and support community work. We need to use the information gained in this study to stress this.
  6. Presentation of Expungement Report Recommendations
    Commissioner Biehl presented the Expungement report in the absence of her colleague Carolyn Frazier. Work on expungement reform has been going on for years. We have determined that one of the major issues is the lack of understanding of the law. The law is complicated and confusing for most lawyers and seems to be based on myth. Commissioner Bullard added that in the 1990's they updated juvenile law and made it more adult focused and more criminal oriented and not rehabilitative. Commissioner Biehl wants this report released and would like it to have an impact.There is a great need for people to see and review and understand this report. Commissioner Hill motioned to approve final review, recommendations and release by the Executive Committee. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motions. Motion passed.
  7. Funding Request: DMC Youth Engagement Event
    DMC Chairman Franco-Payne was unable to present this request and asked Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs to present. Vice Chairman Jacobs explained that this request was initiated by the DMC Committee and now is being brought forward by the Planning and Grants Committee. The request is for up to $10,000 for the DMC Youth Engagement Event; DMC Youth UN-Fair. After a brief discussion, Vice Chairperson Jacobs motioned to approve. No second necessary. All in favor, motion approved.
    • Funding Discussion of the Balanced and Restorative Justice Report.  Chairman Timberlake mentioned that funding may be required for the Balanced and Restorative Justice report the IJJC is undertaking with IBARJ and the Juvenile Justice Initiative.  He asked the Executive Committee be authorized to take up this request if needed.  Commissioner Bullard motioned to approve.  Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion.  All in favor, motion passed. 
  8. Invisible Cage Viewing and Discussion with Filmmakers
    The IJJC and guests were shown the video. There was a discussion and critique of the film following viewing.
  9. SFY 2017 Grant Application Process
    Executive Director Vickery and Vice Chairperson Jacobs presented the SFY2017 Application Process. The group discussed the plan and explained the IJJC roll in processing the pending applications. Process in on track at this time.
  10. JDAI Partnership with IPCSA
    JDAI Coordinator Jeff Bradley gave the update of the IPCSA partnership. Their next meeting is November 19th and they are still getting sites together. 
  11. Approval of 2014 Juvenile Detention Data Report
    The final version of the report has been shared. Please email Rob Vickery if you have any major concerns or edits of the information. Chairman Timberlake requested that the JDAI Committee work to ensure access and proper use of this report. Commissioner Bullard would like the report shared with AOIC and the Supreme Court as the data it contains has great information in it and especially concerning DMC issues.
  12. Other Project Updates
    The group discussed the Policy Initiative update and will continue to address these at the next meeting.
  13. New Business
    The group reviewed and accepted the 2016 IJJC Meeting Calendar. Commissioner Hill motioned to approve the calendar and Commissioner Bullard seconded the motion. All in favor.
  14. Public Comment
    A guest who works with young people in Chicago commended the Commission's work. 
  15. Next Meeting
    January 20, 2016
  16. Adjournment
    Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Bullard seconded. Meeting adjourned at 12:29pm.