May 20, 2015 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 20, 2015, 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m.


401 S Clinton
Chicago, IL

888-494-4032  Code:  5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Project Updates
    1. Expungement Study
    2. DJJ Screening & Assessment
    3. City of Chicago, Department of Family and Support Services
    4. House Resolution 396: BARJ Report
    5. Mikva Challenge
  5. Committee Updates & Motions
    1. DMC/RED
    2. Executive Committee
    3. JDAI
    4. Planning & Grants
  6. Senate Oversight Hearing and DOJ Audit
  7. Three Year Plan - Discussion and Approval of Priorities, Goals, and Activities
  8. Fiscal Update
  9. New Business
  10. Public Comment
  11. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 9:11am. Quorum established at 9:38am.
  2. Roll Call
    IJJC Chairman Timberlake was presenting at a Juvenile Justice Conference so the meeting was facilitated by Vice Chairman Lisa Jacobs. Commissioners Rodney Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Jacqueline Bullard, Shelley Davis, Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill, Arnetra Jackson, Brendan Kelley, Michael Rodriguez, Ben Roe, Rick Velasquez, Dana Weiner. Guests: Susan Witkin, Erica Hughes, Jeff Bradley, Kanako Ishida, Jim Bray, Heidi Mueller, Era Laudermilk and Shirene Thomas. Staff: Rob Vickery, Karima Douglas, Julie Stremlau and Ron Smith.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Ahitow motioned to approve minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Hill, minutes approved.
  4. IV. Project Updates
    1. Expungement Study
      Senate Joint Resolution 79 asked the Commission to study and make recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly regarding effective policy and practice concerning juvenile record confidentiality and expungement. This study was initiated due to the lack of confidentiality around youth's records. Julie Biehl, IJJC Commissioner and Clinical Associate Professor of Law and Carolyn Frazier, Clinical Assistant Professor of Law presented Juvenile Justice Commission Study on Juvenile Expungement and Confidentiality Laws, Policy and Practice. The study is to be completed by December 2015 and presented to the Legislature by March 2016. Commissioner Biehl explained the process of the study. They have analyzed current laws and concluded there are far too many agencies and individuals whom have access to youth's records. They continue to interview and document those eligible for expungement. They are working with stakeholders to determine further steps. There are two key findings they determined; Limit those who can view these records and provide all youth the knowledge and access needed to expunge their records. It was noted they believe those who access youth records unnecessarily should be sanctioned. A copy of the PowerPoint was shared with the Commission.
    2. DJJ Screening & Assessment
      Department of Juvenile Justice, Deputy Director of Programs-Heidi Mueller updated the Commission on their projects. She explained the funding they have used for their programs. PBIS and honor dorms are a few of the programs supported by JABG funds. She also explained that funding was used for assessment. The entire Department has been trained in the YASI assessment. IJJC Vice Chairman Jacobs explained that DJJ is requesting additional funds to continue the roll out of the Assessment. The Planning and Grants Committee voted to fund this increase. This motion is brought forth from the Planning and Grants Committee and does not need a second. Motion is to approve a $42,000 grant. All in favor, motion passed. Deputy Director Mueller also explained that they are working on the Juvenile Detention Standards and legislation for JCAR. DJJ Legal Counsel Beth Compton and Kathryn Williams, along with Peg Robertson, are working on this. IJJC Vice Chairman Jacobs asked for an update from DJJ at the September 2015 IJJC meeting and would like Aftercare included in the update.
    3. City of Chicago, Department of Family and Support Services
      No update at this time.
    4. House Resolution 396: BARJ Report
      No update at this time.
    5. Mikva Challenge
      Chris Rudd, Juvenile Justice Council Director for Mikva, was unable to attend, his presentation will be moved to the next IJJC meeting.
  5. Committee Updates & Motions
    1. DMC/RED
      DMC Coordinator Karima Douglas and DMC Chairman Franco-Payne explained that the CASP sites of Macon and Peoria continue to make progress. She explained that at the last DMC meeting they reviewed the initial goals and focus areas.
    2. Executive Committee
      Vice Chairman Jacobs explained there are no updates at this time but work continues on updating the IJJC bylaws.
    3. JDAI Committee
      Commissioner Velasquez gave the JDAI update. He explained they are reviewing the Casey Foundation and JDAI and its association with the Commission. Do we consider IL in line with Casey and JDAI efforts is the question? We need to review and highlight areas we want the IJJC to consider. Compliance Monitor, Ron Smith announced concern about increasing jail removal violations. He stated there was a 35% increase in violations, which we believe are due, at least in part, to Raise the Age. In addition, the Transportation Grant in Franklin ending has the potential to add to the issues. This concern will be addressed at the next JDAI meeting.
    4. Planning and Grants
      IJJC Vice Chairman and Planning and Grants Chairman Jacobs stated there was no update needed from the Planning and Grants Committee except the final review and approval of the 3 year plan by the full Commission. Please see section (VII) below for further information.
  6. Senate Oversight Hearing and DOJ Audit
    Executive Director, Rob Vickery gave an overview of the Senate Oversight Hearing and DOJ Audit. He explained that the audit by Department of Justice Office of Inspector General went very well. A final written document won't be produced until the entire audit of OJJDP is completed; but it will be shared with the Commission when received.
  7. Three Year Plan - Discussion and Approval of Priorities, Goals, and Activities
    Vice Chairman Jacobs explained the process and final activities on the 3-Year Plan from the Planning and Grants Committee. She stated that since we have allotted all of our funding we need to focus on what the Commission would really like to accomplish and not over reach on our goals. The group discussed the four priority areas. The Commission decided to remove some topics of interest. The areas of focus are: Priority 1: Maintain full compliance with the Core Requirements of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act; Priority 2: Youth do not enter or penetrate the State's juvenile justice system unnecessarily; Priority 3: Youth who enter the juvenile justice system receive developmentally appropriate, individualized support and services; Priority 4: Youth leave the juvenile justice system with positive outcomes which can in turn enhance public safety. This plan brought to full IJJC from Planning and Grants Committee motion, no second needed. IJJC Vice Chairman Jacobs motioned to approve and all Commissioners in favor. Motion passed, 3 Year Plan finalized and will be added to the Title II 2015 Formula Grant application for submission to OJJDP.
  8. Fiscal Update
    No fiscal update, please see discussion of current goals and 3-Year Plan.
  9. New Business
  10. Public Comment
    It was noted we do not know how much Illinois will receive for 2016 from OJJDP but our application is to reflect last year's amount until the actual amount is released.
  11. Adjournment
    Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. Meeting ended at 12:38pm.