January 21, 2015 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


January 21, 2015, 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor Conference Room
    Chicago, IL
  • Call In:Call in: 888-494-4032 | Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Update from Underage Drinking Programs at DHS
  5. Committee Updates and Motions
    1. DMC
    2. Executive Committee
      1. Funding for Mikva Challenge to Increase Use of Expunge.io
      2. Pay for Success Evaluation
    3. JDAI
      1. Process for Responding to Status Offense Violations in Detention Centers
      1. Detention Data Report Update
    4. Planning & Grants
      1. Funding for YMCA Expansion of Bridging the Divide
      2. Application Process for SFY 2016 Funding
    5. Youth Advisory Board
      1. Funding for Minigrants
  6. Budget Overview for SFY 2016
  7. New Business
  8. Public Comment
  9. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:19am.
  2. Roll Call
    Commissioners: Rodney Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Jacqueline Bullard, Shelley Davis, Veronica Dixon, Esther Franco-Payne, Arnetra Jackson, Lisa Jacobs, Brendan Kelley, Patrick Nelson, Michael Rodriguez, Ben Roe, Chairman George Timberlake. Quorum established at 10:55am. Staff: Robert Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas, Ron Smith, Jeff Bradley. Guests: Jim Bray, Susan Witkin, Kim Fornero, Kanoka Ishida, Shirene Thomas and Scott Kleiman.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Rodriguez motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Nelson seconded, minutes approved.
  4. Update from Underage Drinking Programs at DHS
    Kim Fornero, Bureau Chief of the Bureau of Positive Youth Development for the Department of Human Services gave the Commission an update on their current alcohol/substance abuse prevention programming. She explained the current efforts they have running and the Illinois Youth Survey data. The schools in the community report the data and it reflects what is going on in their communities. Chairman Timberlake added that it might be useful to connect the Juvenile Justice Councils with both the underage drinking prevention work and the opportunities to post additional questions to the local Illinois Youth survey. He asked that Ms. Fornero come back to the IJJC at a later date for further support.
  5. Committee Updates & Motions
    1. DMC/RED
      DMC/RED Chairman Franco-Payne gave the DMC update. Work continues to engage law enforcement involved in process. The recent reconfiguration of the DMC committee resulted in the three focus areas of public awareness, mental health and school to prison pipeline. Strategic planning will begin before the end of the fiscal year. Decatur presented on their DMC/RED work at the last DMC/RED meeting. The Youth Advisory Board Group will now report to the DMC/RED Committee. It was mentioned there may be a need for a part time person to manage the YAB and its special projects. Commissioner Jacobs noted that there was a council held in January where good strategies, concrete positive and replicable practices shared. Commissioner Franco-Payne is finalizing the DMC/RED summary that focuses on data gathering, local data and the use of the template. The detention data reports will be circulated. This is a good foundation to find how the data is used.
    2. Executive Committee
      1. Funding for Mikva Challenge to increase use of Expunge.io
        Executive Director Robert Vickery gave this report. Mikva Challenge recently received word that the Chicago Mayor will run some ads. The initial request for assistance is now altered but the IJJC continues to want to support this process. The Planning and Grants Committee voted to fund this project. Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned to fund this project for $14,150, with final approval from the DMC/RED Committee of the specific plans to use the funds (i.e. whether to use for Pandora ads, CTA, posters in public spaces, etc). No second necessary a committee motion. Motion passed.
      2. Pay for Success Evaluation
        Scott Kleiman, Innovation Fellow and Social Impact Bonds Lead- Governor's Office of Management and Budget presented. He indicated there are 17 counties involved and approximately 800 youth would be served in this project led by DCFS. The project uses a randomized controlled group evaluation, which is part of the pay for success contract. DCFS is applying for $102,521.00 from the Commission to fund the development of the evaluation protocol. Commissioner Rodriguez asked about third-party for-profit investors. Yes, there are private investors and they give the money but if the project is not successful they lose their money. Performance mechanisms are built in but Chairman Timberlake noted the evaluation needs to be developed before the contract can be finalized and private funding utilized. Commissioner Jacobs noted that if this project is successful it further reiterates that the IJJC is working to innovate and improve the delinquency system. She added that we would require a reporting schedule and that dually involved youth should be a focus. Overall consensus is that if DCFS will commit and other contracts are issued then the IJJC will get on board. Chairman Timberlake motioned to approve this proposal with the noted changes and feedback from the Governor's office to meet our conditions. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. Commissioner Rodriguez and Franco-Payne abstained from the vote. Commissioner Biehl voted no. Motion passed.
    3. JDAI
      1. Process for Responding to Status Offense Violations in Detention Centers
        Executive Director, Rob Vickery explained the DSO response process. The JDAI committee will continue to provide advice on this process. Ron Smith, Compliance Monitor stated IL currently has 45 violations. He added that Illinois is one of the lowest states in violations. In the past, Illinois had only 16 violations at one time. There continues to be concerns with how the data is being entered that can cause issues. Also how DCFS designates the youth can cause automatic violations. Mr. Smith does not have major issues with the new DSO process but believes the letter may not be well received. Also, the action taken by the IJJC seems after the fact. There is a noted crisis around residential care in Illinois. 98% of non-offenders who become violations are DCFS youth. The protocol for DSO will be developed and finalized by the JDAI committee.
      2. Detention Data Report Update
        Jeff Bradley, JDAI Coordinator asked Susan Witkin to update the group on the Detention Data Report. The report is complete. Dissemination of the report is the next step. We need to cover any issues with data we do not understand and get clarification from the source. Please send emails to Susan with any questions or concerns.
    4. Planning & Grants
      1. Funding for YMCA Expansion of Bridging the Divide
        The request is for $7,760 for disseminating the information and process outside of Chicago. This will include development of a tool kit. Motion to approve up to $10,000. Committee motion made by Commissioner Jacobs. No second necessary. Motion approved.
      2. Application Process for SFY 2016 Funding
        Commissioner Jacobs talked about Reentry and other proposals. The IJJC grant will end June 30, 2015 and there will be a gap in Reentry services. Commissioner Biehl added her opinion that we need to know what has been done, what worked and how do we move forward with that knowledge. We will use this knowledge in the construction of the annual report. We will be working on JABG funding and to unify formula and discretionary with the RFP. It is due Feb 6th. Commissioners and volunteers will score the RFP's. February 25, 2015, there will be a special IJJC meeting to review the proposals. Notification for the meeting will be sent out when finalized.
    5. Youth Advisory Board
      1. Funding for Minigrants
        Commissioner Jacobs explained the motion to approve the minigrants received each amount of up to $1,000 each. This motion was approved by the Planning and Grants Committee. Commissioner Rodriguez requested more notifications for such funding opportunities as he was unaware.  Commissioner Davis asked about funding source and the answer is Title II federal dollars with ICOY contract. Committee motion by Commissioner Jacobs. No second necessary, motion passed.
  6. Budget Overview
    Executive Director, Rob Vickery gave the budget overview. A budget summary was enclosed in the handouts. JABG money is decreasing and will end. There is a need to reduce funding due to the funding decreases. Commissioner Jacobs noted that Systems Improvement has been the focus of this Commission since service began. The IJJC continues to create and distribute imperative reports as mandated. Moving forward we need to develop a work plan for the Annual Report, due very soon. Commissioner Jacobs asks that all those interested please take part in the process. Analysis is where the Commission is strongest she stated.
  7. New Business
    None noted. Commissioner Jacobs explained that she and Commissioner Bullard have presented the JSO Report this past year. There will be more presentations this year. She asked the group to consider doing another series of JSO in the next year. These are high profile juvenile issues. It was noted that each presentation usually had a couple hundred in attendance. It was noted the prioritization of sexual behavior problems and the registry are hot topics for consideration.
  8. Public Comment
    Executive Director, Rob Vickery announced that the OJJDP Reauthorization process is moving forward. Rob explained the bill will be sent to the Commission and he asks that you notify him of your comments, concerns and recommendations. This bill will have a huge influence and we should expand it in necessary ways for the best impact.
  9. Adjournment
    Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded. Meeting adjourned at 12:25pm.