June 19, 2015 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


June 19, 2015, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room
  • Springfield: 100 South Grand Avenue-Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room
  • (888) 494-4032; Pass Code: 532.954.7331


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes
    April 17, 2015 - RIOB Meeting
    May 28, 2015 - Executive Committee Meeting
  3. RIOB Meeting Schedule - decisions
  4. Fiscal Update
    1. Site Spending/ Commitment Analysis
    2. 2.25% Appropriation Reductions - Update
    3. YNC Spending Update (includes Redeploy Illinois Focused)
    4. FY15/16 Funding Projections
  5. FY16 Montgomery County (4th Circuit) Base Funding Increase Request
  6. FY16 Sangamon County Annualized Funding Request
  7. FY16 Union County (1st Circuit) Program Plan Review
  8. Redeploy Retreat - status update
  9. Redeploy All - Sites Meeting report out
  10. Next Meeting
    July 17, 2015
  11. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 1:03 P.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Anne Studzinski, Jim McCarter, Pat Griffith, Rick Velasquez, Shamsideen Balogun (representing John Maki), Pam Rodriguez, Mary Reynolds, Janet Ahern, Esther Franco Payne (representing Paula Wolff), and Grace Hong Duffin. George Timberlake (attended by phone), Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, Steve Sawyer, Kassandra Hauptmann, and Angelica Jimenez.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The RIOB reviewed minutes from the April 17, 2015 Board meeting and the May 28, 2015 Executive Committee meeting.
    Motion: Anne Studzinski motioned to approve the minutes from April 17, 2015. Rick Velasquez seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the April 17, 2015 RIOB meeting minutes.
    Motion: Janet Ahern motioned to approve the minutes from May 28, 2105 Executive Committee Meeting. Jim McCarter seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the May 28, 2015 Executive Committee meeting minutes.
  4. RIOB Meeting Decisions
    Karrie Rueter reminded the board of previous discussions to officially set a new meeting schedule. She explained that since the formation of the Executive Committee there was consensus on convening the full board less frequently, possibly every other month. A new meeting schedule needs to be officially agreed to. Toward that end, Karrie reviewed past meetings to determine the months most frequently canceled and also considered months in the year where Board decisions are most likely to be needed. She suggested the following schedule to the board to initiate discussion:
    The RIOB would meet in: February, April, May, June, August, and October. (If the RIOB decides to convene fewer than 6 times per year, then the August meeting could be removed). Karrie also stated that a few Board members have suggested changing the day and time of our meetings. The Board was asked for feedback regarding proposed changes.
    Following discussion, the Board settled on keeping the meetings on the 3rd Friday but moving the time to 9:30 a.m. and adding an additional meeting to the proposed schedule (the 2nd Friday in December). The group also decided that the Executive Committee should keep their calendars open for the 3rd Friday of the alternate months at the same time - just in case a meeting was necessary in an effort to ensure a quorum would be present.
    Motion: Rick Velasquez motioned to adopt the proposed schedule with the additional meeting in December and the new time of 9:30a.m. - 11:30a.m.. Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the motion. Jim McCarter opposed the motion - preferring to keep the current monthly meeting schedule.
  5. Fiscal Update
    Karrie reminded the Board that the Redeploy program was subject to the 2.25% reduction, however, staff was able to avoid any impact to the providers by utilizing current unobligated funds. She further explained that contracts were going out in the next few days and that they would be for less than the current fiscal year award amounts. The Redeploy appropriation in the Governor's Budget was funded at 100%, however in the House Budget it was at a 12.5% reduction. She reviewed the handout depicting proposed distribution of anticipated FY16 Redeploy funding that would minimize the impact to Redeploy providers. The proposal utilizes anticipated unobligated funding, eliminated planned staff positions at DHS and ICOY, dramatically reduced Focused funding and included a reduction to providers of only 1%.
    Karrie also reviewed the current site spending and commitment analysis with the board discussing sites that were expected to lapse funding. The Board suggested that the sites report out in the late fall/early winter whether they project they will spend all of their funds. If any sites are under spending, they should submit a written rationale. Karrie explained that this is done each month, beginning in the 2nd quarter (Fall), with any site that is behind in their spending by 5% or more.
    While Board members agreed that it would be better to reallocate unspent funds to Redeploy sites, it was also suggested that it was critical to have at least one staff position.
    The Board agreed and provided direction for staff to keep a portion of the funding allocated to ICOY to fill the full-time staff position, with that position estimated to start in the 2nd quarter of the year. Karrie explained that doing this would increase the percentage cut to the providers by approximately 2%, maybe 3%. This was understood and the Board agreed that supporting the infrastructure is critical.
  6. FY16 Montgomery County (4th Circuit) Base Funding Increase Request
    Karrie Rueter presented the 4th Circuit's base funding increase request. Stephen Sawyer and John Payne submitted written recommendations on the request.
    One member wanted to see more specificity on how the 4th Circuit provided services and the cost per youth, noting that Effingham County provided the most services. Another member had a question regarding the percentage of youth who were Medicaid-eligible.
    Motion: Anne Studzinski motioned to approve the increase in the base funding to $261,767. Janet Ahern seconded the motion. Pam Rodriguez abstained.
    Decision: The Board approved the base funding increase request.
  7. FY16 Sangamon County Annualized Funding Request
    Karrie Reuter presented Sangamon County's funding request for FY16. Stephen Sawyer and John Payne submitted written recommendations on the request.
    The board discussed a number of questions such as reduction costs per youth. Jim McCarter expressed concerns regarding the county's attempt to supplant existing services through Youth Services Bureau (YSB) UDIS program. Board members and staff explained that this was not occurring because the UDIS program had not been funded for approximately 4 years and also discussed some of the program differences. Another member was concerned that the services provided by YSB were not sufficiently clear.
    Motion: Anne Studzinski made a motion to approve Sangamon County's funding request. Pat Griffith seconded the motion. Pam Rodriguez abstained. Jim McCarter opposed the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the motion.
  8. FY16 Union County (1st Circuit) Program Plan Review
    Karrie Rueter presented the 1st Circuit's program plan. Stephen Sawyer and John Payne submitted written recommendations on the request.
    Based on the data in their plan, they are serving between 20-25 youth at a cost range of $7,800 to $9,850 per youth. They project to serve approximately 75 youth. One stipulation previously discussed by the Board was that they work to expand to the remaining counties in the circuit. This plan includes the recent addition of Pulaski County in FY16; work continues to be done toward the remaining two counties.
    Motion: Pam Rodriguez made a motion to approve the 1st Circuit's program plan. Anne Studzinski seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the motion.
  9. Redeploy Retreat-Status Update
    Karrie Rueter suggested that given the current state of the budget that the Board may want to consider postponing the RIOB Retreat currently scheduled for July 20. The Board was in agreement and suggested moving it to the fall. Angie Jimenez will contact the venue to reschedule that date and check with the RIOB to see which time works best.
  10. Redeploy All-Sites Meeting Report Out
    Karrie Rueter asked the two RIOB members who attended the All-Sites meeting to share their feedback. Pat Griffith and Janet Ahern noted that they found the new format to be very informative and beneficial to sites. They discussed several things about the day indicating that they also learned a few things from the various sites. Both members remained for the full day. Sites had a forum to ask questions, discuss challenges and explore possible solutions.
  11. Next Meeting:
    RIOB Meeting: August 21, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.
  12. Adjourn
    Mary Reynolds made a motion to adjourn. Anne Studzinski seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.