Revisions to the DDPAS-10 Form in the Pre-Admission Screening Manual

Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities
Information Bulletin

Revisions to the DDPAS-10 Form in the Pre-Admission Screening Manual
December, 2014


This Informational Bulletin is intended to notify the Division of Developmental Disabilities Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agencies of revisions to the DDPAS-10 Form in the DDD Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) Manual.

Process and Procedure

The Division has revised the DDPAS-10 to allow ISCs to specify the four types of Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) services available to individuals.  I.e., Family CILA, Intermittent CILA, Host Family CILA, and 24-Hour CILA.

The Division has been made aware that some individuals, guardians, and families were not advised as to the various types of settings and services covered by the CILA Program. In order to ensure individuals, guardians, and families across the State are given consistent, accurate information, the Division has provided more detail within the DDPAS-10 format. The revised DDPAS-10 shall be utilized by the ISC agencies to inform individuals, guardians and families of all options and services.

Effective Date

The revised form is available now for use in the DDD PAS Manual. The use of the revised DDPAS-10 form will be required 30 days following the release of this Information Bulletin in final form.