12/16/2014 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation (BAJA) and the Illinois ADA Project host an ADA Distance Learning session on "Accommodating Persons with Environmental Sensitivities: Challenges and Solutions." This session will discuss how to accommodate people with environmental illnesses by reducing or eliminating environmental barriers in the public and private sector including housing, employment, healthcare, and in other areas.
- Darrell Lynn Jones, IL-NET and New Community Opportunities Center Independent Living Research Utilization, Houston, TX
- Mary Lamielle, Executive Director, National Center for Environmental Health Strategies, Inc.
CE Recognition: Cert. of Attendance, CRCC
To Register
The program is free to those who call and register. You must pre-register with the Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation prior to the training date in order to receive the dial-in number and pass code.
Please contact the Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation at one of the following numbers:
- (312) 793-0034 (Voice)
- (312) 793-3917 (FAX)
- (888) 614-2384 (TTY)
Reasonable Accommodations
If you are requesting a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation and specify what form of accommodation is needed at least two weeks prior to the training date.