New Provider Technical Assistance

Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disbilities
Information Bulletin

New Provider Technical Assistance
January, 2015


The Division of Developmental Disabilities conducts a quality review of all new providers during the agency's first year of providing direct services. These quality reviews suggest a potential benefit for additional supports for providers early in their operations so that policies, procedures, and practices are in place to better ensure that quality services meet contractual obligations and waiver expectations. This information bulletin outlines the role of the Division of Developmental Disabilities' Bureau of Quality Management in these efforts.

Process and Procedure

  1. Initial Contact

    Upon receipt of notice that a new provider has been issued a license, certified as a provider, intiated new provider enrollment forms, or issued a DHS contract to provide direct services, a representative of the Bureau of Quality Management Quality Review Section will make phone contact with the Executive Director or designee. The purpose of this initial contact will be to:

    1. Share information about various documents outlining expectations for services.
    2. Provide a brief tutorial of information available to providers on the DHS website including providing a list of "helpful links."
    3. Provide contact information within the Bureau to assist the provider to make contacts later when help is needed.
    4. Ensure provider is aware of method to add additional representatives to the DDD email list to ensure receipt of significant notices.
    5. Outline the process for submitting individual service plans to the Bureau for review after individuals are enrolled in services.
    6. Provide further information about the waiver, rules, and expectations to be followed during the monitoring period.
  2. Training Consultation

    Following the initial phone consultation, a separate contact will be made by a Bureau of Quality Management, Quality Enhancement Section (QES) representative to review:

    1. DSP and QIDP training requirements for all providers.
    2. Process for submission and approval of training curricula.
    3. Requirements and process for enrolling with the Illinois Department of Public Health's Health Alert Network web portal.
    4. Upcoming training schedule, including suggestions for courses that would be helpful.
  3. Review of Individual Service Plans

    As award letters are issued to providers, a letter will be sent to the new provider agency's Executive Director requesting a copy of the implementation strategy and supporting documents for each person receiving services. Representatives from the Bureau of Quality Management will review the implementation strategy and provide assistance, as needed, to the provider's representatives to facilitate revision of the strategy to ensure it meets all requirements.

  4. Mock Review

    Approximately three to four months following enrollment of the first consumer, the Bureau of Quality Management will make contact with the new provider to offer an optional "mock" review. The mock review will be conducted on dates scheduled in advance with the provider, usually 6-8 months following enrollment of the first consumer. Upon completion of the review, Bureau representatives will assist the provider to identify and develop actions needed to address areas not in full compliance with contractual and waiver expectations. QES will provide additional follow-up in areas of training requirements, staff qualifications, or issues related to the Health Care Worker Registry, DPH Health Alert Network, DSP training registry or any at hire or annually required registry clearances as needed based on the Mock Review outcome. Scores from mock reviews will not be posted on the DHS website.

  5. Ongoing Consultation and Support

    As needed, new providers may contact the Division by phone or email for assistance and consultation. Although, this information bulletin is specific to providing new provider support, any provider may contact the Bureau of Quality Management for on-going support for any service related issue.

Effective Date

This mock review process is available to all providers who begin enrollment on or after July 1, 2014. This process is provided free of charge to the provider agencies.

Contact Information

Bureau of Quality Management may be contacted via: