October 31, 2014 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


October 31, 2014, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Welcome Redeploy Program Site Representatives
  4. Review of Current Policy
  5. Review Current Practice
  6. Discussion to Consider a Change with Policy
  7. Summarization of Consideration Points
  8. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 2:15 P.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Betsy Clarke, Paula Wolff, George Timberlake, Jim McCarter, Janet Ahren, and Mary Reynolds. Pamela Rodriguez, Scott Clark, and Erica Hughes (representing Jack Cutrone) participated by phone. Staff and Guests: Esther Franco-Payne, Kim Becker, Tara Montgomery, Mark Smith, Lori McCormick, John Payne, Steve Sawyer, Michele Landers, and Angie Jimenez.
  3. Welcome Redeploy Program Site Representatives
    Four site representatives participate in the meeting including Lee County Probation Director Kim Becker, Second Judicial Circuit Probation Services Program Manager Tara Montgomery, Children's Home and Aid Delinquency Supervisor Mark Smith serving Madison County and St. Clair County, and McLean County Court Services Director Lori McCormick. They provided the Redeploy Oversight Board with information regarding the types of services, number of pre-adjudicated youth served, and recommendations on the topic of serving pre-adjudicated youth.
    1. Lee County
      Kim Becker discussed the services provided to juveniles with Redeploy funding including Parenting with Love and Limits, substance abuse counseling, life skills, and mentoring. She explained the need to serve pre-adjudicated youth in Lee County who often wait months before their cases go to trial. By serving these youth who have been charged and cases are pending, they are able to offer these services quickly. Kim explained that what drives this determination is their risk levels pursuant to the YASI. Those who score medium to high on the assessment are referred to Redeploy services prior to their trial dates. In Lee County, the officer conducting the YASI has a conference with the State's Attorney's Office and with the community-based providers. Kim stressed that if they are unable to provide services to pre-adjudicated youth, Lee County might not be able to meet their requirements.  Betsy Clarke asked about the role defense counsel plays in this process. Kim shared that there is a preliminary conference report, and defense attorneys are at the table for staffing meetings and responsive to their clients participating in Redeploy services as soon as they can.
    2. Second Judicial Circuit
      Tara Montgomery reiterated Kim's comments regarding the importance of the YASI and how YASI scores drive referrals for pre-adjudicated youth. In the Second Judicial Circuit, Redeploy services includes psychiatric evaluations, MST, sex offender treatment, transportation, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Currently, there are 236 Redeploy eligible youth who are on supervision in the Second Judicial Circuit. Tara also shared that there are 109 pre-adjudicated youth who are on a continuance under supervision. Typically, the time frame for a case in juvenile court lasts approximately three to five months from pre-trial to disposition. Tare shared that they are able to have a greater positive impact by serving pre-adjudicated youth. The Second Judicial Circuit lacks resources, and it would be an injustice to deprive these youth from receiving services through Redeploy. She stated that public defenders do not want their clients to plead guilty or make an admission in order to receive services.
      Of the 42 pre-adjudicated youth who have participated in services through Redeploy, 27 of them had their cases dismissed. Paula Wolff raised the question of whether Redeploy eligible youth are not receiving services because the Second Judicial Circuit is serving pre-adjudicated youth. Tara said that Redeploy eligible youth are being served and this is not being interfered with by serving pre-adjudicated youth.
    3. Madison and St. Clair Counties
      Mark Smith stated that while they do not serve pre-adjudicated youth through Redeploy in Madison and St. Clair counties, he notes a cultural shift since the inception of Redeploy. He stated that these counties have eliminated sending youth convicted of misdemeanors to the Department of Juvenile Justice. In Madison County, more youth are on supervision than probation. There is the reverse trend in St. Clair County. There are youth in Madison County who are court mandated to mental health evaluations, covered by Redeploy funding, in cases where the youth was charged with a Class X felony or is too young for commitment to the Department of Juvenile Justice.
    4. McLean County
      Lori McCormick stressed that McLean County has a robust intake department and receives every police report. The county has a strong relationship with the State's Attorney's Office and diversion programs for youth. Lori stated that currently there are four youth who are court supervised. Their caseloads including all adjudicated youth except for the four on supervision. They have 200 adjudicated youth, and not all of these youth participate in services through Redeploy. That determination to provide services through Redeploy is YASI-driven. Only one to two youth are committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice. Lori shared that sometimes the public defender requests services. 49 youth are on informal probation. The average length of time to process the case from charge to disposition is approximately three to four months.
  4. Adjourn
    Both the Redeploy site representatives and Redeploy Oversight Board members thanked one another for taking the time to discuss this topic.Betsy Clark made a motion to adjourn. George Timberlake seconded the motion.The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pm.