- Beginning in April 2015 DHS will conduct matches of SNAP adults age 18 and older against the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH).
- A monthly report titled "National New Hire Match Listing For SNAP" to identify hire dates within 2 months of the match will be produced beginning on 4/13/15, and will continue to be produced on the second Monday of each month.
- A quarterly report titled "National Quarterly Wage Match Listing for SNAP" to identify wages paid by out of state and federal employers will be produced beginning on 5/15/15.
- A quarterly report titled "National Unemployment Insurance Match for SNAP" to identify unemployment received within the previous quarter will be produced beginning on 5/15/15.
- The system sends Instructions to Client - New Hire (Form 1721A) to active clients appearing on the New Hire Match Listing For SNAP.
- A Report titled "National New Hire Form Letter 1721A/S for SNAP" (Mobius #50470333) will be available to reproduce forms sent to clients.
- Match listings are mailed to the FCRC by the Bureau of Program & Performance Management.
- To ensure SNAP payment accuracy, FCRC staff act on NDNH information using the same procedures as currently used for the State New Hire match.
Beginning in April 2015, DHS will conduct new matches against the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) for adults age 18 and older who receive SNAP. SNAP members of TANF cases are included in the current TANF New Hire matches.
We will take advantage of all three components of the National Directory of New Hires for SNAP; New Employment, Unemployment and Quarterly Wage information.
Match Report Distribution Procedures
- MIS creates reports of matched information for both monthly and quarterly reports.
- Match reports are mailed to the FCRC by the Bureau of Program & Performance Management (BPPM).
- FCRC staff reference the reports and take action as required for each match.
- The FCRC mails match reports back to BPPM for shredding.
For procedures to protect the confidentiality of earnings records received through a federal cross match, see PM 01-01-04-c.
National New Hire Match
The National New Employment (W-4) file contains information on all newly hired employees as reported by employers to each State Directory of New Hires. Federal agencies report directly to the NDNH.
The National New Hire Match for SNAP report identifies SNAP recipients with new hire dates within 2 months of the match. The first listing will be created 4/13/15. It will continue to be created on the second Monday of every month.
To ensure payment accuracy, FCRC staff use the same procedure for the National New Hire match as for the State New Hire match. The system sends Instructions to Client - New Hire (Form 1721A) to clients listed on the report, requesting that verification of wages be provided within 10 days. If the client does not respond within 10 days after Form 1721A was mailed, and the information is needed to determine eligibility, cancel benefits as described in WAG 22-14-02.
A report titled "National New Hire Form Letter 1721A/S for SNAP" (Mobius #50470333) will be available to reproduce forms sent to clients.
National Quarterly Wages Match
The National Quarterly Wage (QW) file contains quarterly wage information on individual employees from the records of state and federal agencies. When an individual is working more than one job during the reporting period, separate records are established for each job.
The National Quarterly Wage Match Listing for SNAP report identifies wages paid by out of state and federal employers. The first listing will be created on 5/15/15. It will continue to be created at about the same time of month for February, May, August and November.
The listing displays the case name and address, the employer name and address, the social security number for the person with the wages, the amount of wages in the quarter, and the state the wages were received from.
The FCRC is responsible for the following:
- Verify the wage earner is the unit member rather than someone else. If the SSN is incorrect, see WAG 03-11-00 for SSN discrepancy procedures.
- If the wage earner is a unit member, contact the customer requesting verification of the employment.
- If an overpayment is found, use the income verification provided by the customer or if appropriate, the income displayed on the National Quarterly Wage - SNAP listing. Notify the customer of the overpayment (see PM 23-04-00).
- If the case remains eligible and the employment exists, budget the earned income.
- Document all actions taken.
National Unemployment Insurance Match
The National Unemployment (UI) file contains unemployment insurance information on individuals who have received or applied for unemployment benefits, as reported by state agencies.
The National Unemployment Insurance Match for SNAP report identifies unemployment received within the previous quarter.The first listing will be created on 5/15/15. It will continue to be created at about the same time of month for February, May, August and November.
The report displays the case name and address, as well as, the name and address of the person receiving the UIB. The report also displays the State they are receiving from and the amount issued in the most current quarter available. If the amount displays zero, the client has applied for UIB benefits during that quarter, but has not received benefits by the time the data was provided.
The FCRC is responsible for the following:
- Review the information on the report and determine whether UI benefits are being budgeted appropriately. If UI benefits are being budgeted correctly, and any appropriate overpayment has been referred, no further action is needed.
- If the information on the report differs from what is being budgeted, verify that the UI recipient is the SNAP unit member, rather than someone else using the same SSN and last name. If the SSN is incorrect, see WAG 03-11-00 for SSN discrepancy procedures.
- If the UI recipient is a SNAP unit member, budget the correct amount of UI benefits and determine if an overpayment occurred. If an overpayment is found, use the income verification provided by the client or if appropriate, from the match to determine the amount of the overpayment. Notify the client of the overpayment. (see PM 23-04-00)
- If the case remains eligible, budget the correct UI benefits with Item 90 Code 516 with source code "S" to indicate out-of-state UIB.
Manual Revisions
[signed copy on file]
Gregory M. Bassi
Acting Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services