Team 1: Support Coordination Enhancement Minutes (6-16-14)

Location of Meeting: CISA, Lincoln IL

Members Present

  • Mary Lou Borne
  • Steve Boisse
  • Darlene Kloeppel
  • Jennifer Gilmore
  • Laure Jerue
  • Molly Danay
  • Alise Raisebeck
  • Denise Oligney-Estill
  • Sherry Hinds
  • Mary McGlaughlin
  • Lisa Jacino
  • Mary Spriggs-Ploessl
  • Gary Hake

Members Absent

  • John Knight
  • Brent Schwartzhoff

Agenda Items

  1. Review of DHS Brochure

    The team reviewed the DHS brochure. The brochures can now be found online although it is difficult to get to the brochure. You need to click on developmental disabilities under customers, developmental disabilities, what services may be available (link in middle of page under Need more information and click on developmental disability services), then to More Information and Resources, and click on brochures, which will bring up all of the brochures.

    The committee discussed the fact that so many families don't know who ISC Agencies are or what ISC Agencies do. There is very broad information on the web site and it's hard to tell how that information can be helpful to you. The role of service coordination needs to be more prominent on the web site with a description of our role.

    As the work teams role out their work, the brochures and the web site will be revised to show more prominently the role of service coordination. Our team recommendation is that we will only be called Independent Service Coordination Service Agencies.

  2. Review of ISSA Standards for Training Subcommittee Work

    What did they discover? What do they recommend?

  3. Training Subcommittee

    The team reviewed the information from the Training Subcommittee Meeting on June 12, 2014.  Please review the minutes from the meeting for details (see attached).

    The team discussed having 8 additional hours of continuing education annually for ISC staff. There was discussion regarding what types of training that would encompass but it was decided it should be targeted toward specific ISC roles.

    Is there a list of criteria/checklist for approving CEU credits for training? Is there a way it would be easy for DHS-DD Division to approve training that traditionally does not have CEU's associated with it? All ISC agencies would have access to the checklist to see if training they are interested in would qualify for CEU's.

    We would like DHS to consider:

    1. Adding content about the ISC role in the QIPD training curriculum (the 40 hours for all QIDP's)
    2. Requiring an additional 8 hours of continuing education annually for ISC's that is related to ISC job performance and the ISC role (only if reimbursed for additional training time).
    3. For each training include a fact sheet (or a key knowledge to be shared document) about the training topic at hand will be distributed to everyone at the training.
    4. For those persons who have more complex needs (need to define complex needs) a recommendation is that there is a more skilled staff who will work with that person. Recommendation to the business team 6 that this will be paid for in one of 2 ways: with a higher level rate and an increase in the number of hours for the person.
  4. Discussion of Performance Indicators for Independent Service Coordination Agencies and Community Services

    1. Possible Performance Indicators

      • length of time from 1st phone call to 1st meeting that family requests (date when family is available)
      • Number of days to complete eligibility decision from 1st contact until finished
      • How many intake requests were received and how many were determined eligible
      • Number of hours of ISC time needed to determine eligibility
    2. PUNS

      • Length of time from PUNS pull until services begin
    3. Waiver Enrollment

      • No performance indicators discussed in this area
    4. PC Profile/Plan Development

      • Number of profiles approved that reflect the person's preferences (service request match the transition profile and reasons why/why not)
    5. Transitioning

      • Number of referrals (would need to define what constitutes a referral) made to service providers before the person is "accepted" into service
      • Number of Students within Special Education graduating within 18 months who received information about ISC/DD services
      • Number of services in place within 7-10 days of moving
    6. Visits/Reviews

      • Number of follow ups resolved without involving DHS
      • Number of days it takes to resolve issues identified during a "review visit" by provider
    7. Training

      • Number of new training modules developed that include ISC information role
      • Number of hours of training provided to schools and providers on ISC role
  5. What Recommendations Will Be Made to the Life Choices Project Steering Committee?

  • This team's recommendation is that we be called Independent Service Coordination Agencies. We will discontinue the reference to PAS/ISC/ISSA and strictly be referred to as Independent Service Coordination (ISC).
  • As of a person's date of disposition, they will be considered to be in waiver services rather than PAS. (traditionally in PAS for the first 4 weeks of starting services before moving to waiver).
  • Standard minimum visits of 6 times per year (with visits anticipated to be every other month).
  • Identify who is responsible for provider capacity building and the mechanism to actually accomplish it.

Potential Recommendation Ideas

  • If a person has a change in level of care of services provided (i.e. moving from family home to cila), the person will receive 8 follow up visits for the first 8 weeks and then a monthly visit for the first 10 months.
  • Training Recommendation: Skills section of ISSA guidelines be updated: list of topics that people need training on in the first year and a list of topics that people need ongoing training on
  • Annually the Division and all ISC agencies will get together each year to determine training topics for the next year.
  • ISSA guidelines manual be updated to be changed to encompass all programming under the ISC and that it be consistent with the contract/amendments and reviewed annually for updates. There is no person centered process or language in the current guidelines. It doesn't give you the purpose of the guidelines-they are very task orientated rather than infusing the desired outcomes the department has to help families and providers understand what ISC agencies do.
  • In the short term, the 2004 ISSA guidelines paper manual and ISSA guidelines on the web will be merged and updated for accuracy by August and removed from draft status and finalized
  • The August version of the ISSA guidelines needs to include the ISP approval process in detail
  • Long term, a new ISC manual will be completed that incorporates all functions of the ISC agencies (ISSA, Bogard, PAS, and PUNS). ISC agencies should be involved in this process to define what needs to be in the manual. Within 1 year of the finished work teams, this ISC manual needs to be completed. It should incorporate all of the approved team recommendations and incorporate a person centered view.
  • Consistent statewide handouts on the role of ISC's to have a guide to the families on what ISC's do
  • All ISC agencies be financially supported to have a web presence
  • BQM recommendations and findings for individual agencies need to be documented in written form and shared with all 18 ISC agencies for consistency
  • Anytime policy or procedural changes are made, there be a formal process that vetting and changes are being made.
  • In order to accomplish a formalization of the responsibility and concurrent authority of ISC agencies the expectations need to be clear, concise, and in one location.
  • The monitoring requirements developed by Team 5 needs to be formally adopted and made available to the whole DD system as included in the ISC manual and put on the website.
  • There should be one statewide data base documentation system for the DD system for all of the 18 PAS agencies and the Regions so everyone can interact. We would like a decision to be made to pursue this database within the next year.

Action Items (to be completed via email)

A list of recommendations will be sent to everyone on the committee that will be organized by category (Darlene has grouped the recommendations by category). Please review to see if all of the recommendations from prior minutes are on the list.

Review the recommendations and prioritize/identify your top 6 recommendations.

Next Meeting:NA

Minutes Prepared By: Denise Oligney-Estill