Ligas Class Members Enrolled on PUNS: Summary by ISC Area - Hispanic/Latino Origin

Updated 2/5/2025

Please note: Some agencies operate in multiple areas.  Currently data is reported under only one area.  As a result, some areas show no active count.  We are in the process of updating the reports for individuals residing in the ISC Area H.

Summary by ISC Area and Hispanic/Latino Origin

Total Active Ligas
Class Members
% of Active Ligas
Class Members
Area A  (Service Inc.)
Not Hispanic 0 0.00%
Totals: 0
Area B  (Community Alternative Unlimited)
Cent/South American 17 0.69%
Cuban 2 0.08%
Mexican 419 16.98%
Not Hispanic 1895 76.78%
Other Hispanic 62 2.51%
Puerto Rican 59 2.39%
Unknown 14 0.57%
Totals: 2468
Area C  (Community Service Options)
Cent/South American 2 0.23%
Mexican 291 33.22%
Not Hispanic 576 65.75%
Other Hispanic 2 0.23%
Puerto Rican 5 0.57%
Totals: 876
Area D  (Suburban Access)
Cent/South American 1 0.09%
Cuban 1 0.09%
Mexican 126 11.18%
Not Hispanic 791 70.19%
Other Hispanic 32 2.84%
Puerto Rican 7 0.62%
Unknown 169 15.00%
Totals: 1127
Area E  (Service Inc.)
Other Hispanic 0 0.00%
Totals: 0
Area F  (Service Inc.)
Cent/South American 13 0.42%
Cuban 4 0.13%
Mexican 374 12.15%
Not Hispanic 2569 83.44%
Other Hispanic 54 1.75%
Puerto Rican 15 0.49%
Unknown 50 1.62%
Totals: 3079
Area G  (Prairieland Service Coordination)
Not Hispanic 7 77.78%
Other Hispanic 2 22.22%
Totals: 9
Area H  (Champaign County Regional Planning Commission)
Not Hispanic 5 100.00
Region I  (Central Illinois Service Access)
Mexican 3 0.44%
Not Hispanic 666 96.94%
Other Hispanic 15 2.18%
Puerto Rican 1 0.15%
Unknown 2 0.29%
Totals: 687
Region J  (Prairieland Service Coordination)
Cent/South American 2 0.21%
Cuban 1 0.10%
Mexican 36 3.72%
Not Hispanic 919 95.04%
Puerto Rican 3 0.31%
Other Hispanic 1 0.10%
Unknown 5 0.52%
Totals: 967
Region K  (Prairieland Service Coordination)
Region L  (Southern Illinois Case Coordination)
Cent/South American
Not Hispanic 175 77.09%
Other Hispanic 3 1.32%
Unknown 49 21.59%
Totals: 227
Total Active Ligas Class Members 9445

Note:  Counts include active Ligas Class Members enrolled on PUNS, including those marked as fully served.  Some class members, especially those living in ICFs/DD, may not yet be enrolled on PUNS.  Therefore, the totals here may not exactly match the total Ligas Class Members reported in the Ligas Six-Month Data Reports. The Ligas Six-Month Data Reports use a separate data source.