Ligas Class Members Enrolled on PUNS: Summary of Support Needed

Updated 1/3/2025

Summary by Support Needed

Personal Support 8024 561 8585
Respite Support 2971 116 3087
Behavioral Support 4169 157 4326
Physical Therapy 2435 159 2594
Occupational Therapy 3668 153 3821
Speech Therapy 4219 158 4377
Assistive Therapy 2681 126 2807
Adaptations to Home or Vehicle 1184 78 1262
Nursing Services - In-Home Intermittent 616 29 645
Other Individual Supports 4700 297 4997
Transportation: Trip/Mileage Reimbursement 5278 305 5583
Transportation: Other Services 6578 400 6978
Support to Work at Home 957 28 985
Support to Work in Community 5708 293 6001
Work/Activities in Disability Setting 5985 354 6339
Activity Center for Seniors 333 6 339
Out-of-Home Residential: Less than 24-Hour 2021 150 2171
Out-of-Home Residential: 24-Hour 2976 243 3219

Unduplicated Count of Records with Current Needs

Need Count
Change of Category 8771
Planning 665
Total: 9436


  1. See PUNS Form for complete description of supports needed.
  2. Individuals can have change of category in needs and planning for needs. For the purpose of this report, individuals are counted once in the highest category of need checked.
  3. Individuals can, and often do, need more than one type of service. Thus, the totals of the columns would be greater than the number of individuals represented in them.
  4. The unduplicated count of records with current needs does not represent the total number of PUNS records. Some individuals with PUNS records now have all their needs met or have withdrawn for specified reasons.

Summary of Closed Records

Need Count
Deceased 7
Fully Served 59
Moved 4
Withdrawn 5
Other Closed 43
Total: 118

Note:  Counts include active Ligas Class Members enrolled on PUNS, including those marked as fully served.  Some class members, especially those living in ICFs/DD, may not yet be enrolled on PUNS.  Therefore, the totals here may not exactly match the total Ligas Class Members reported in the Ligas Six-Month Data Reports.The Ligas Six-Month Data Reports use a separate data source.