Ligas Class Members Enrolled on PUNS: Summary by Ligas Class Member Age & Care Taker Age

Update 8/2/24

Summary By Class Member Age

Active Ligas Class
Member Count
% of Total
Class Members
18 - 22 4351 46.38%
23 - 29 3419 36.44%
30 - 39 833 8.88%
40 - 49 381 4.06%
50 - 59 216 2.30%
60 - 69 139 1.48%
70 - 79 40 0.43%
80 and above 3 0.03%
Total: 9382

Summary by Care Taker Age

Care Giver's
Active Ligas Class
Member Count
% of Total
Class Members
00 - 59 6273 66.64%
60 - 69 1992 21.23%
70 - 79 523 5.57%
80 and above 113 1.20%
Unknown 481 5.13%
Total: 9382

Note:  Counts include active Ligas Class Members enrolled on PUNS, including those marked as fully served.  Some class members, especially those living in ICFs/DD, may not yet be enrolled on PUNS.  Therefore, the totals here may not exactly match the total Ligas Class Members reported in the Ligas Six-Month Data Reports. The Ligas Six-Month Data Reports use a separate data source.