Team 5: Monitoring And Quality Meeting Minutes (3-11-14)

Members Present

  • Shawna Egan (Communicator), Little City
  • Deb Stanley, Suburban Access
  • Patty O'Brien, Suburban Access
  • Trevelyn Florence-Thomas, DHS/BTS
  • Michael Hurt, DHS
  • Joshelle Gilden-Williams, Service, Inc
  • Patty Walters (Chair Person), DSC
  • Kathy Wampach, Access Services of No IL
  • Mary Lou Bourne (Facilitator), SDA/NASDDDS
  • Vicki Stillman-Toomey, NASDDDS
  • Elicia Dexter, Little City
  • Joanell Voight, CAU
  • Trina Steling, Trinity Services

Meeting Notes


What do we want to accomplish?

  • Credibility
  • Timeliness and access
  • Does the voice of the customer count? How do you enhance the ability of families to speak up for themselves

Team's Purpose

  • Service plan monitoring is in the waiver and cannot go away.
  • Have to monitor for health and safety
  • Have to have independent service monitoring
What We Want What We Don't Want
Set day for meeting schedules Not get in cross purposes/contradice or duplicate
Ensure we stay focused on oru task with reasonable timeliness Individual stories from families, providers, ISSA or families to become generalized into a rule for all.  Don't lose the system focus
Uniform training for all stakeholders:  PAS/ISSA, providers, families, regional facilitators and DCFS/DHS Reviews Acceptance of the status quo.  Don't become complacent
Clear goal on what the final produce needs to look like Empty rhetoric and/or inconsistent messages
Regulations vs. service delivery - regulations need to be more person-centered Unrealistic message
Resarch stratetic plan for definition of person-centered
Fairness across the state for process and rates
Minutes and agenda ahead of time to prepare
More outreach to consumers to define core quality basics

Ground Rules

  • There are no dumb questions
  • Speak what's on your mind
  • Don't assign motive or be judgmental about what you hear
  • Keep conversation on task with no sidebars
  • Summary at the end of the day - Wrap up with action steps and assignments
  • Stay open to several ways of presenting ideas
  • Some people have limitations in their authority
  • Check your assumptions and inferences - turn judgment and criticisms into requests for clarification and verification


The vision statement relates to the whole Life Choice process. How does the vision statement relate to the task of the work group?

  • DDD Quality Committee - effort to have one member on each team
  • What is the Quality team doing in relationship to the work teams?
  • What is the difference between quality and monitoring?


How do we determine quality for people with DD, and are severe/profound - how do you know about the quality of the program?

  • Observation
  • Talking with staff and guardians
  • Talking with families

How can you determine quality for people who are more higher functioning?

  • Talk to them
  • Choice of consumer vs families' choice
  • Long term relationships
  • Diplomacy
  • Independence vs risk
  • #'s of contacts can be limiting
  • More contact for people with difficulty in communicating
  • Communication with provider
  • How can the monitoring process be improved
  • Person based frequency for visiting.
  • Some people just need more time
  • Need vs. prescribed time with ISCs
  • Need to maximize the support to the people involved with an individual's placement
  • 25 hours isn't enough

Wrap Up

  • Clarify target date for completion of entire project
  • What reports are needed?
  • List of current requirements from a provider, ISSA and DDD - Patty and Deb and Michael Hurt
  • Website definition of person centered - Shawna


Next meeting - April 17th 10:00am - 2:00 p.m.
1304 W. Bradley Avenue
Champagne, IL