New Provider Orientation Training for CILA and CDS Providers

  1. Intended Audience
  2. Prior to Attending
  3. Orientation Registration
  4. Upcoming New Provider Orientation Schedule
  5. Participation Verification
  6. Contact Information for Assistance

Intended Audience

Prospective Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) and Community Day Services providers seeking basic information about CILA and CDS.

Prior to Attending

Before Registering or Attending, you are strongly encouraged to review the following relevant information:

Orientation Registration

  • Space is limited to only 2 persons from each prospective provider. Only 2 persons per camera will be permitted.
  • All registrants will receive email instructions prior to the training.
  • Registration includes handout materials

Upcoming New Provider Orientation Schedule

Orientation Date Orientation Times Course Status
Next orientation scheduled for February 13, March 11 and 13. All potential new providers must attend all 3 sessions to move on in the process. 9 am - 1 pm TBD

To register for the orientation, please email

Participation Verification

  • Training begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. Attendance on camera is required per all virtual sessions. "The WebEx link will be open by 8:30AM both mornings.  Each participants will be required to attend both sessions with a video camera turned on and complete the survey following the training to have a successful completion of the new provider orientation." 
  • You will be required to sign in and out to verify participation (for virtual trainings attendance is based on WebEx participation).
  • A post survey is required to be completed to verify participation.  The link to the survey will be sent with the second day webex invite.
  • After full Participation is verified, the Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification (BALC) directs the application process, and upon request, will send you an application.
  • If you arrive late, leave early or do not remain on camera for the entirety of both sessions of the NPO then a request for an application will not be accepted by BALC.

Contact Information for Assistance

If you have any questions about this training, please contact: