Mumps is no longer a common illness in the United States, with very few reported cases each year. In some years, there are more cases of mumps than usual because of outbreaks. Although the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is very effective, it does not ensure complete protection against the mumps virus. Individuals who have had two doses of MMR vaccine are 9 times less likely to become infected with the mumps virus than someone who has not been vaccinated. However, outbreaks of the mumps virus still occur in the United States, particularly in close contact settings such as schools, camps, and congregate living areas.
Individuals who fall into any of the following categories are presumed to be immune from the mumps virus
- Individuals who have had 2 doses of the MMR vaccine
- Individuals who have had laboratory testing which proves they are immune to mumps
- Individual who were born prior to 1957
Even if a person is presumed to be immune to mumps, they can still contract the illness. The following are symptoms of infection with mumps
* Swollen and tender salivary glands (under the jaw and ears)
See illustration
- Fever
- Headache
- Muscle aches
- Tiredness
- Loss of appetite
- Men can also have swelling and pain in the testicles
If someone is suspected of having a case of mumps they should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. A person with a presumed case of mumps should be excluded from all outside activities for five days after the onset of symptoms. Household contacts should be kept minimal during this time. The incubation period for the mumps virus can be two to four weeks. For more information, or questions on how to address a case of mumps within your setting, please contact your local health department, local healthcare provider, or refer to the CDC information regarding mumps at
This advisory is not intended as a sole area for information and advice. It is only to serve as information for a basic understanding of the subject included.