ACCT Providers 12 Steps to Get Started

Once a provider has completed/submits both the RFI/RFA and the signed Provider's Pledge the following suggested steps will help you in becoming an active participant in the ACCT process. 

  1. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the ACCT process by visiting the Active Community Care Transitions website at . The site has information about the ACCT process, success stories and a section dedicated to providers.
  2. Draft a one page summary of your agency that will be shared with the SODC Transition Coordinators & Social Workers as well as guardians/families. Highlight your experience serving individuals from SODC's and focus on your agency strengths.
  3. Prepare agency Marketing Packets that can be shared with potential individuals and their guardian/families.
  4. Make personal contacts with the SODC Transition Coordinators & Social Workers from each of the SODC's and share both the one page summary of your agency and your agency marketing packets.
  5. Make personal contacts with the PAS/ISC that serve the SODC communities and share both the one page summary of your agency and your agency marketing packets.
  6. Plan to attend the monthly ACCT provider meetings. These meetings are meant to share any updates regarding the process, answer questions, explore provider ideas, concerns or recommendations, and to allow time to network, share and learn from each other. A schedule of the meetings is posted on the website at  in the providers section.
  7. Introduce yourself and become familiar with the ACCT/CRA team members. The more they are aware of your interest in potentially serving individuals from the SODC's and familiar they are with your agency capacity, the more likely they can assist in engaging your agency in the ACCT process.
  8. Don't get caught up in the numbers, instead focus on serving one person from an SODC. Our ACCT team will walk you through the ACCT process and show you how the numbers can work out.
  9. Be prepared to discuss and explore with the ACCT team whom your agency is interested and capable to serve. Think about the following questions:
    1. a. What geographic area does your agency wish to cover?
    2. b. How many individuals does your agency want to potentially support?
    3. c. Does your agency wants to develop agency, consumer controlled housing, or both?
    4. d. Does your agency want the housing to be developed by others and want to focus primary on supports?
  10. CILA requirements still apply in the ACCT process but may be slightly different than what the provider has experienced in the past. Learn about what you need to know and the changes.
  11. Prepare to act deliberately, the pace moves quicker than what you may have experienced in the past. Safe transition is our highest priority, but as stated in #1 of Our Principles and Values, we understand the urgency of the situation.
  12. Welcome providers, we look forward to you being part of our team. We think you will find the ACCT process to be different and a positive experience.