MR #14.20: Excessive LINK Card Replacements Notice

Illinois Department of Human Services



  • A new federal regulation requires that a notice be sent to any household requesting four replacements of their LINK card within a twelve month period, and
  •  the case be referred for investigation if another request is made and trafficking is suspected.
  • Form 277, Notice About Excessive Link Card Replacements, will be sent to meet the federal requirement.

What Does This Notice Mean for Clients?

Starting the week of July 7, 2014, Form 277; Notice about Excessive LINK Card Replacements,  will be sent each month to each customer who requested four replacements of their LINK card in the past 12 months.

The Notice:

  • Informs the household that their frequent replacement requests may be a sign of wrongful use of their benefits and that they could be investigated if they make any future replacement requests.
  • Reminds them that they do not need a new card every month, but that their current card can be used each month they receive SNAP.
  • Provides the telephone number for the Help Line (1-800-843-6154 or TTY 1-866-324-5553).
  • Informs them that they should continue to request replacement if they lose or damage their Link card.
  • Reminds them of the penalties for illegal use of their SNAP benefits.

Mobius Reports

Two monthly reports are available in Mobius. Report 3BPFWP71, titled Excessive LINK Card Replacements-Notices Sent to Households, will contain a listing of households sent Form 277. Report 3BPFWP81, titled Excessive LINK Card Replacements-Referrals to HFS OIG, will contain a listing of households  referred to the Bureau of Investigations because they requested another replacement after receiving form 277.

Manual Revisions

Form referenced:

* Form 277

Michelle R.B. Saddler

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services