DHS Operations - Personal Services and Social Security - GRF

FY15 BUDGET - General Revenue Fund

Staff (June 30th) - GRF

FY14 Request FY14 Adj. FY14 EOY FY15 Adj. FY15 Request
Staff (June 30th) * 5,194.0 5,194.0 608.0 5,802.0

* GRF Funding for all Operations Headcount with the exceptions of MH and DD State Operated Facilities and headcount funded from GRF lump sum appropriations.

Appropriations - GRF

Appropriation FY14 Approp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Est. Exp. FY15 Adj. FY15 Request
Personal Services $315,525.6 $315,525.6 $72,762.6 $388,288.2
Social Security $22,911.0 $22,911.0 $6,794.3 $29,705.3
Subtotal $338,436.6 $338,436.6 $79,556.9 $417,993.5

FY15 Staff Adjustments

Staff Adjustments Description Amount
FY15 Staff increase for Office of the Inspector General 15.0
Staff increase for Administration and Program Support (HR, Fiscal, Call Center) 47.0
Staff increase for Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification 11.0
Staff increase for Developmental Disabilities SODC Regional Plan 10.0
Staff increase for Treatment and Detention Center Expansion 24.0
Staff increase for Mental Health Forensic Expansion 5.0
Staff increase for FCS to reduce Maximus Contract 45.0
Staff increase for FCS to reduce backlog and client caseloads 455.0
Staff decrease for AmeriCorps program transfer to Il Dept. of Public Health (4.0)

FY15 Adjustments

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps - $38,011.0
Staff increase of 15 for Office of the Inspector General - $1,174.1
Staff increase of 47 for Administration and Program Support (HR, Fiscal, Call Center)- $3,673.6
Staff increase of 11 for Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification - $985.2
Staff increase of 10 for Developmental Disabilities SODC Regional Plan - $844.8
Staff increase of 24 for Treatment and Detention Center Expansion - $1,216.9
Staff increase of 5 for Mental Health Forensic Expansion - $366.5
Staff increase of 45 for FCS to reduce Maximus Contract - $2,435.0
Staff increase of 455 for FCS to reduce backlog and client caseloads - $24,378.0
Staff decrease of 4 for AmeriCorps program transfer to Il Dept. of Public Health - ($322.5)
Social Security Social Security Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps - $4,134.6
Staff increase of 15 for Office of the Inspector General - $89.8
Staff increase of 47 for Administration and Program Support - $281.0
Staff increase of 11 for Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification - $75.4
Staff increase of 10 for Developmental Disabilities SODC Regional Plan - $64.7
Staff increase of 24 for Treatment and Detention Center Expansion - $93.0
Staff increase of 5 for Mental Health Forensic Expansion - $28.0
Staff increase of 45 for FCS to reduce Maximus Contract - $186.3
Staff increase of 455 for FCS to reduce backlog and client caseloads - $1,864.9
Staff decrease of 4 for AmeriCorps program transfer to Il Dept. of Public Health - ($23.4)