Management Information Systems – GRF

FY154 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund      

Staff (June 30th) - GRF

FY14 Request FY14 Adj. FY14 EOY FY15 Adj. FY15 Request
Staff (June 30th) * 107.0 107.0 107.0

* GRF headcount funding for PS & Fringe will be shown on the "DHS Operations - Personal Services & Social Security" page

Appropriations - GRF

Appropriation Name FY14 Approp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Est. Exp. FY15 Adj. FY15 Request
Contractual $17,745.9 $17,745.9 $17,745.9
Contractual - Information Technology Mgmt $35,422.6 $35,422.6 $35,422.6
Travel $24.0 $24.0 $24.0
Commodities $9.5 $9.5 $9.5
Equipment $43.3 $43.3 $43.3
Telecommunications $2,989.7 $2,989.7 $2,989.7
Total Appropriation $56,235.0 $56,235.0 $56,235.0