Family & Community Services - Operations - All Funds

FY15 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Staff (June 30th) - All Funds

FY14 Request FY14 Adj. FY14 EOY FY15 Adj. FY15 Request
Staff (June 30th) * 3,925.0 3,925.0 496.0 4,421.0

* GRF headcount funding for PS & Fringe will be shown on the "DHS Operations - Personal Services & Social Security" page

Appropriations - All Funds

Appropriation Name FY14 Approp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Est. Exp. FY15 Adj. FY15 Request
Contractual $9,968.7 $9,968.7 $750.0 $10,718.7
Contractual - Electronic Benefit Transfer $10,800.0 $10,800.0 $10,800.0
Travel $394.8 $394.8 $394.8
Commodities $26.6 $26.6 $250.0 $276.6
Equipment $95.2 $95.2 $750.0 $845.2
Telecommunications $2,617.3 $2,617.3 $2,575.7 $5,193.0
Addiction Prevention $1,000.0 $1,000.0 ($1,000.0)
Project Cornerstone $433.5 $433.5 $15.0 $448.5
Payments for Alcoholic Liquors $150.0 $150.0 $150.0
Operations of Federal Employment $10,680.4 $10,680.4 $103.3 $10,783.7
Public Health Programs $368.0 $368.0 $368.0
Maternal/Child Health Programs $4,848.1 $4,848.1 $150.5 $4,998.6
Subtotal $41,382.6 $41,382.6 $3,594.5 $44,977.1
Total Appropriation $41,382.6 $41,382.6 $3,594.5 $44,977.1

FY15 Staff - Adjustments - All Funds

Staff Adjustments Description  Amount
FY15 Staff increase for FCS Maximus Contract 45.0
Staff increase for FCS to reduce backlog and client caseloads 455.0
Staff decrease for the transfer of AmeriCorps Program to the Department of Public Health (4.0)

FY15 Adjustments - All Funds

Adjustments Description Amount
Contractual Increase in costs for postage related to additional staffing for FCS Maximus Contract $750.0
Commodities Increase in costs related to additional staffing for FCS Maximus Contract - $22.5K; and staff to reduce backlog and client caseloads - $227.5K $250.0
Equipment Increase in costs related to additional staffing for FCS Maximus Contract - $67.5K; and staff to reduce backlog and client caseloads - $682.5K $750.0
Telecommunications Increase of $1,504.7K for projected shortfall for regular telephone line charges billed by CMS.
Increase in costs related to additional staffing for FCS Maximus Contract - $96.4K; and staff to reduce backlog and client caseloads - $974.6K
Addiction Prevention Re-alignment of program to Addiction Prevention Grant ($1,000.0)
Project Cornerstone PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $15.0
Operations of Federal Employment PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $103.3
Maternal/Child Health Programs PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $150.5