Management Information Systems – All Funds

FY15 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Staff (June 30th) - All Funds

FY14 Request FY14 Adj. FY14 EOY FY15 Adj. FY15 Request
Staff (June 30th) * 179.0 179.0 179.0

* GRF headcount funding for PS & Fringe will be shown on the "DHS Operations - Personal Services & Social Security" page

Appropriations - All Funds

Appropriation Name FY14 Approp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Est. Exp. FY15 Adj. FY15 Request
Personal Services $3,165.0 $3,165.0 ($1,501.3) $1,663.7
Retirement $1,275.9 $1,275.9 ($571.5) $704.4
Social Security $242.1 $242.1 ($114.8) $127.3
Group Insurance $774.7 $774.7 ($406.7) $368.0
Subtotal $5,457.7 $5,457.7 ($2,594.3) $2,863.4
Contractual $19,876.3 $19,876.3 ($1,900.0) $17,976.3
Contractual - Information Technology Mgmt $37,295.2 $37,295.2 ($1,580.0) $35,715.2
Commodities $70.1 $70.1 ($30.0) $40.1
Travel $74.0 $74.0 ($40.0) $34.0
Printing $65.8 $65.8 ($60.0) $5.8
Equipment $893.3 $893.3 ($800.0) $93.3
EDP $150.0 $150.0 ($150.0)
Telecommunications $4,939.7 $4,939.7 ($1,400.0) $3,539.7
Op of Automotive $2.8 $2.8 $2.8
MIS Technical Assistance & Support $6,312.1 $6,312.1 $324.5 $6,636.6
Maternal & Child Health Program $396.1 $396.1 $10.2 $406.3
Non PS&F Subtotal $70,075.4 $70,075.4 ($5,625.3) $64,450.1
Total Appropriation $75,533.1 $75,533.1 ($8,219.6) $67,313.5

FY15 Adjustments- All Funds

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority: ($1,502.3)
Annualization of Staff, COLA & Steps: $1.0
Retirement Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority: ($578.3)
Annualization of Staff, COLA & Steps: $6.8
Social Security Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority: ($114.9)
Annualization of Staff, COLA & Steps: $.1
Group Insurance Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($406.7)
Contractual Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($1,900.0)
Contractual - Information Technology Mgmt Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($1,580.0)
Commodities Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($30.0)
Travel Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($40.0)
Printing Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($60.0)
Equipment Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($800.0)
EDP Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($150.0)
Telecommunications Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($1,400.0)
MIS Technical Assistance & Support PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $324.5
Maternal & Child Health Program PS&F Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $10.2