Independent Service Coordination (ISC) Agencies

The 8 statewide ISC agencies will conduct the following pre-admission processes:

  1. ISC agencies will conduct pre-admission screenings for potential Ligas Class Members.  This is to determine eligibility for DD services and to make sure that all federal and state pre-admission screening laws and regulations are met.
  2. Assess individuals who may have developmental disabilities who want to live in a nursing facilities.
  3. Assess individuals who want Medicaid-funded services in a developmental disability setting and who are Medicaid eligible or are expected to become Medicaid eligible within 60 days.
  4. Conduct and arrange for assessments needed to complete the screening process for an individual.
  5. Determine the service needs for individuals based on assessments and evaluations, including the presence of a developmental disability, the need for 24-hour nursing care, and the need for active treatment for the developmental disability.
  6. Screen for guardianship needs.
  7. Educate individuals and families, present all options and help with the service selection process.
  8. Link individuals to needed services.
  9. Complete all documentation to support the ISC agency's determinations and supply necessary information to an existing or potential service provider.
  10. Provide 24-hour help for individuals, families, and providers.

How To Contact Your ISC Agency

  1. To locate the ISC Agency closest you live, please use our DHS Office Locator
  2. Select "Developmental Disabilities Services" and enter your county or the zip code for Cook County. 
  3. Maps "to and from" the ISC Agency office are provided, along with contact information.