Help With Ligas Activities

You may contact the organizations below for any help you may need with Ligas Activities, as well as the contacts provided within the Department of Human Services and the Federal Court Monitor.

Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities
600 East Ash  Building 400  Third Floor
Springfield, IL  62703

Ronnie Cohn, Federal Court Monitor
Phone:  (914) 649-1856

  • Equip for Equality provides self-advocacy assistance, legal services, education, public policy advocacy, and abuse investigations. The offices are located at:
    • 20 N. Michigan, Ste. 300
      Chicago, IL  60602
      (800) 537-2632
    • 1 West Old Capitol Plaza, Ste. 816
      Springfield, IL  62701
      (800) 758-0464
  • Guardianship and Advocacy Commission is a state agency consisting of three divisions: Legal Advocacy Services, Human Rights Authority and the Office of the State Guardian.
    • 160 N. LaSalle Street, Suite S500
      Chicago, IL  60601
      (312) 793-5900
    • 521 Stratton Building
      401 S. Spring Street
      Springfield, IL  62706
      (217) 785-1540