Do I Qualify as a Ligas Class Member?

To Qualify as a Ligas Class Member

You must be an adult (18 and above) in Illinois who have an intellectual disability or other developmental disabilities and who qualify for Medicaid Waiver services:

  1. who reside in private ICFs-DD with nine or more residents.
  2. for whom the State has a current record showing that the individual has requested community-based services or want to live in a community-based setting
  3. who reside in a family home and need community-based services or want to live in a the community; and
  4. for whom the State has a current record showing that the individual has requested community-based services or to live in the community.

How to Become a Ligas Class Member

If you think you are eligible to be a Ligas class member and want to be included, you must:

  1. Contact your Pre-Admission Screening Agency (PAS) to establish your eligibility
  2. Become enrolled in the Waiting List or Prioritization of Needs for Services (PUNS) database.

Your Rights as a Ligas Class Member

  • You have the right to enroll if you qualify. 
  • You have the right to not enroll or drop out of the class if you you do not wish to receive community-based services.
  • If you are approved for community funding under Ligas, you have the right to choose from a menu of community providers and services.
  • If you are eligible for funding under crisis circumstances, you have the right to receive services in a timely manner.