September 19, 2014 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


September 19, 2014, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3.  Approval of Minutes
    •  August 15, 2014
  4. 1st Circuit Site Update
  5. FY15 Redeploy Funding Requests
    • Winnebago County revised request for increased base funding
    • Sangamon County revised site application
  6. RIOB Executive Committee
    • Decision to Create
    • Role/Responsibility/Authority
    • Membership
  7.  New Site Evaluations
  8.  Redeploy Retreat Update
    • Date, Time, Location, Lodging, etc.
    • Draft Agenda Items
    • Pre-Retreat Homework
  9. Social Impact Bonds Presentation (time permitting) by Janet Ahern and Patricia Griffith
  10.  Next Meeting:
    • Retreat: October 9 & 10, 2014
    • RIOB Meeting: November 21, 2014
  11. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 1:05 P.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Pamela Rodriguez, Betsy Clarke, Jim McCarter, Rick Velasquez, Mary Reynolds, Esther Franco-Payne (representing Paula Wolff), and Shamsideen Balogun (representing Jack Cutrone), Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, John Payne, Lindsay Lapoint, Steve Sawyer, Angie Jimenez, Mike Torchia, and Ann Hungerford. Anne Studzinski, and Erica Hughes participated via teleconference.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The RIOB discussed the minutes for August 15, 2014.
    Motion: Jim McCarter motioned to approve the August 15, 2014 meeting minutes. Rick Velasquez seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board voted to approve the August 15, 2014 meeting minutes.
  4. 1st Circuit Site Update
    John Payne gave an update on the current situation in the 1st circuit. Mr. Payne expressed a concern for the currently 7 youth who have been committed to Department of Juvenile Justice, and the concern for 1st circuit going over their allowable commitment number of 8 in the near future and becoming a penalty situation. Mr. Payne presented the board with both program issues as well as staffing issues within 1st circuit. Mr. Payne explained that Karrie Rueter, George Timberlake, and he had met with the site again in August. Steve Sawyer provided additional insight into the 1st circuit issues by discussing various meetings he has held recently with key partners in the 1st circuit. Members spoke about what steps the board should take when the commitment requirement has been exceeded. Members all suggested suspending services, excluding the kids currently involved in the program. Discussion postponed due to time constraints.
  5. FY15 Redeploy Funding Requests
    • Sangamon County
      Mike Torchia was present for Sangamon County to go over the boards concerns with their request for funding. John Payne reminded the board of their concern with Sangamon County's proposed 22% Administrative costs. Mr. Torchia stated that the cost of the facility, utilities, and administrative costs were all lumped together to come up with the $93,000 (22%) amount. Mike explained that the $93,000 will be used for food cost, psychological evaluations by TASC, transportation, staffing, and utilities within the facility. Betsy Clarke and Rick Velasquez both expressed concern for the lack of detail with the budget breakdown and suggested a more detailed line item break down of expenses. Some Board members were very concerned with the use of the Detention Center as the location for the reporting center and pressed Mr. Torchia to identify an alternate location for providing these services citing a number of concerns with utilizing a Detention Center. Mr. Torchia explained that services would be provided in a completely separate portion of the facility and they were not secure. Mr. Torchia further explained that he could identify an alternate location; however it would take time and would cost more than using the Detention Center. Members suggested funding the entire request except the reporting center and the services that would be provided within, until such time as a new location can be identified. Ms. Rueter pointed out that if only 2 of the 3 components were funded Sangamon County would still be required to meet the 25% reduction requirement which would pose a problem. Motion: Mr. Velasquez made a motion to allow Ms. Rueter to work with Mr. Torchia on the proposed contract and requirements, and present it to the board at the October meeting. The plan should allow for initial implementation in the detention center with a move to a new facility beginning July 1, 2015. Jim McCarter seconded that motion and Pam Rodriguez (TASC) abstained.
      Decision: Ms. Rueter and Mr. Torchia will work together to develop the specifics of a Redeploy Contract that require the implementation of the initial program within the detention center with the understanding that the program will continue in a new facility by July 1, 2015.
    • Winnebago
      John Payne explained to the board that Winnebago had requested an increase of $20,000 for their Redeploy Program. Mr. Payne informed the board that Winnebago is performing appropriately and providing a Family Cognitive Therapy Model as well as Love and Limits. Mr. Payne shared that he felt the $20,000 was appropriate and had no reason not to award the increase in funds. Motion: Jim McCarter made a motion to increase Winnebago's funds by $20,000 and Betsy Clarke seconded the motion. Decision: The Redeploy Board awarded Winnebago with a $20,000 increase to their Redeploy funding.
  6. RIOB Executive Committee
    Discussion postponed due to time constraints. 
    • Decision to Create
    • Role/Responsibility/Authority
    • Membership
  7. New Site evaluations
    Karrie Rueter explained that the 3 new Redeploy sites were due for their conditional review. Ms. Rueter informed the board the evaluation was required of the new sites in order to evaluate their baseline and implementation progress. Ms. Rueter presented the board with the need for evaluations and asked who they would recommend to conduct the reviews since the past years option were no longer available or not recommended.
    Ms. Rueter expressed to the board that DHS is capable of funding a state university partner or a private university whatever the board thought would be the best option. She also reminded the board that private universities would take additional time to process. Multiple options were suggested such as Jane Addams College of Social Work at University of Illinois at Chicago, and Western Illinois University Criminal Justice Program, and University of CPRD (Center for Prevention, Research and Development). The board expressed the need to fund someone ASAP due to the FY14 funds needing to be used by June 30th. Ms. Rueter informed the board that she would look to see what the cost per site was in the past and draft a request.
  8. Redeploy Retreat Update
    • Retreat: October 9 & 10, 2014
  9. Next Meeting
    • Possible RIOB Meeting: October (TBA)
    • RIOB Meeting: November 21, 2014
  10. Adjourn
    Motion: Rick Velasquez made a motion to adjourn. Jim McCarter seconded the motion.
    Decision: The meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm.