May 16, 2014 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 16, 2014, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Call in number 888-494-4032  Pass Code:  5329547331


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Staff Update
  5. FY15 DHS/Redeploy Budget Update
  6. Redeploy Illinois Funding Update
    1. Grantee Expenditure Analysis
    2. FY14
    3. FY15
  7. Site Updates
    1. FY15 Program Plans
    2. New Sites Update
    3. Lee County Update
  8. Redeploy Focused
    1. Focus Programming Update
    2. Focus Fiscal Update
    3. Focus Funding Reallocation Decision (RIOB)
  9. FY14 Funding Committee Decisions
    1. Approval of Minutes
    2. Site Expansion
      1. Kankakee-Iroquois
      2. LaSalle-Bureau and Grundy
      3. St. Clair-Monroe, Randolph, Perry, and Washington
    3. Planning Grants
      1. Cook County Planning Grant
    4. Supplemental Funds
      1. Peoria-Employment/Readiness
    5. Miscellaneous Funding Request
      1. IAJJC Survey/Report
      2. JJ Conference Support
      3. Crossroads Training
  10. Annual Report (Released March 28, 2014)
  11. All Sites Meeting
  12. JJ Reconnecting the Pathways Conference
  13. Legislative Updates
  14. Next Meeting
    June 20, 2014
  15. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 1:06p.m.
  2. Roll Call
    Grace Hong Duffin, Betsy Clarke, Anne Studzinski, Pam Rodriguez, Shamisdeem Balogun (Representing Jack Cutrone), Mary Reynolds, Paula Wolff, George Timberlake, Meryl Paniak (Representing Janet Ahern), Esther Franco-Payne, Angelica Jimenez, John Payne, Karrie Rueter, and Emily Rose.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Approval of minutes was tabled as members identified several wording changes necessary. Staff will revise for next meeting.
  4. Staff Update
    Karrie Rueter reported that applications for the Redeploy Program Coordinator position have been reviewed. Karrie determined that none of the contractual rights applicants met the special qualification criteria. This should allow the Department to consider the remaining applicants that do not fall in the contractual rights category. Ms. Hong-Duffin explained to the board that this is a lengthy process complicated by the current management bill, but is still in process.
    Staff shared with the Board that John Payne, although employed by Youth Network Council continues to be dedicated full time to the Redeploy Program. The Board could consider adding additional funding to the Youth Network Council contract to add another full time person if they feel that the work load requires that. To move forward with that idea, the board would notify Youth Network Council to specify the role, experience, and qualifications the position would require. 2 or 3 members or staff from the Oversight Board could participate in the interview process. The individual would likely be hired on as either a contractual employee with YNC or as a direct employee with YNC. Ms. Hong-Duffin reported that she will work towards bringing this individual on with DHS and again reminded the board members that this is a lengthy process. Board members requested that Ms. Rueter provide an updated version of John Payne's job description and the official Redeploy Program Coordinator job description.
  5. FY15 DHS/Redeploy Budget Update
    Ms. Hong-Duffin discussed that the budget passed the house but it does not look like DHS has what it needs for full funding. However, it does currently appear that the Redeploy line is level.
  6. Redeploy Illinois Funding Update
    Ms. Rueter discussed the Expenditure document handout. The spreadsheet captures monthly expenditures for providers and examines where their spending level is expected to be. This analysis is an indication of potential to lapse funds. Staff currently anticipates that the three new providers will have unspent funds when we get to the end of the year.
    Ms. Rueter explained that the program as a whole is in danger of lapsing funds. Ms. Rueter briefly reminded everyone of the work staff and the Expansion Committee has done in an effort to expend funds. Ms. Studzinski requested a history of sites that have not spent their money previously. Ms. Rueter stated that staff would provide this.
    Ms. Wolff requested a schedule of the funds being spent by the sites at every meeting or bi-monthly. This should include numbers served by provider and number of commitments for each month. Ms. Rueter stated that staff would work on this and will have at a minimum all information requested for the next meeting with the possible exception of the monthly IDJJ data. Ms. Reynolds indicated that IDJJ would be willing to assist with that data, but we would need to determine how to identify only those Redeploy eligible youth. This could take some time, but raw data could possibly be available sooner.
    Ms. Studzinski suggested that we look at it if we want to expand the provision of services to the technical violators. Ms. Rueter suggested that that should maybe be a much longer conversation of the group and suggested it might be a Retreat topic. The group then began discussing the Retreat and the need for data to make informed decisions. DHS, DJJ and CJA representatives agreed to provide whatever data was determined necessary.
  7. Site Updates
    Judge Payne reviewed the handout provided to the Board that describes the current status of each of the new Redeploy program sites.
  8. Redeploy Focused
    Ms. Rueter directed the Board to the handout prepared by Mr. Vickery that provides an update on the program and corresponding expenditures. Ms. Rueter explained to the Board that the funding committee is requesting the authority to spend Youth Network Council's remaining Focused funds on other items in an effort to prevent them from lapsing. This decision to reallocate those funds requires a 2/3rds majority vote. The estimated amount that the committee had made suggestions for is $103,270. Ms. Rueter stated that $102,500 is the remaining unobligated amount in the Focus line that the Board would be voting to reallocate.
    Motion: Ms. Studzinski made a motion to reallocate $102,500 from the Focus line in the Youth Network Council contract. Ms. Wolff seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved reallocation $102,500 from the Focus line. The vote was unanimous with one abstention.
  9. FY14 Funding Committee Decisions
    1. Approval of Minutes
      Motion: Mr. Timberlake put forth the motion to approve Expansion Committee minutes for May 14, 2014, Ms. Clarke seconded the motion. Decision: Minutes for the May 14, 2014 Expansion Committee were approved.  Ms. Rueter explained to the Board that there were several funding requests in their packet of handouts. These all represent funding requests for which the Expansion Committee is requesting Board approval. Each funding request was reviewed and discussed by the Board.
    2. Site Expansion
      Motion: Ms. Studzinski made a motion to approve all three site expansion requests put forth by the FY14 Expansion Committee's (Kankakee-Iroquois - $33,630 and $66,860; LaSalle-Bureau and Grundy - $124,000; and St. Clair-Monroe, Randolph, Perry, Washington - $5,355 and $186,700). Ms. Clarke seconded the motion. Decision: The Board approved the FY14 Expansion committee's recommendations for site expansion.
    3. Planning Grants
      Motion: Ms. Studzinski made a motion to approve the Expansion Committee's recommendation to fund the Cook County's planning grant at $24,500. Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion. Decision: The Board approved the Cook County planning grant.
    4. Supplemental Funds
      Motion: Mr. Timberlake made a motion to approve the Expansion Committee's recommendation to fund the Peoria County volunteer/readiness program $5,336. Ms. Wolff seconded the motion.Decision: The Board approved the Peoria County volunteer/readiness program.
    5. Miscellaneous Funding Requests
      Motion: Ms. Wolff made a motion to approve the funding requested for the IAJJC Survey/Report $29,931; JJ Conference Support $36,000; and Crossroads Training $50,000. Ms. Clarke seconded the motion.  Decision: The Board voted to fund the IAJJC Survey/Report, JJ Conference Support, and the Crossroads Training. Ms. Studzinski abstained.
  10. Annual Report
    The Redeploy Annual Report was released on March 28th, 2014.
  11. All Sites Meeting
    The All Sites Meeting will be held in Springfield at the Crowne Plaza on June 2nd.
  12. JJ Reconnection the Pathways Conference
    The JJ Conference will be held in Springfield at the Crowne Plaza on June 2nd and 3rd.
  13. Legislative Updates
    No Report.
  14. Next Meeting Date: June 20, 2014
  15. Adjourn
    Motion: Ms. Studzinski put forth a motion to adjourn. Ms. Wolff seconded the motion.  Decision: Meeting adjourned at 3:10p.m.