October 15, 2014 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


October 15, 2014, 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. 


  • 401 S Clinton, 1st Floor-Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe - Springfield, IL
  • Call In: 888-494-4032 Code: 5329547331# 


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Committee Structure - DMC and JDAI Committee Membership
  5. Detention Study
  6. Legal Brief
  7. Work Plan Review
  8. Next Steps
  9. JJ Councils Meeting in January
    1. Date
    2. Agenda
  10. New Business
  11. Public Comment
  12. Next Meeting
    December 17, 2014
  13. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:40am.
  2. Roll Call
    Present: Chairman George Timberlake, Lisa Jacobs, Esther Franco-Payne, Rick Velasquez and Samantha Fields. Quorum declared present. Staff: Rob Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas, Monica Kelley. Guests: Peg Robertson.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve August 20, 2014 minutes. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion, minutes approved.
  4. Update Alternatives to In-Person Court Appearance Study
    DMC Coordinator, Karima Douglas gave an overview of the legal summary. The question proposed is to use audio visual technology that allows court personnel and juvenile defendants to communicate through the use of closed circuit television (CCT) for hearings with circumstances that are not critical. The group discussed the issues this involves. It will require the setup of private and secure lines. The issue of direct communication must be a consideration as youth should not lose their right to privacy. Currently Kane and Kankakee have separate areas where they can collaborate with their attorneys. It was noted it would be beneficial to have the attorneys present at the detention centers with the youth. There is a burden of cost on both sides. We need to narrow the set of circumstances that video would actually work. A secure line seems impractical as the attorney would constantly be stepping out of court to discuss information. Appearances must be considered as well. In court the judge is assessing the youth and this could be a less favorable portrayal of the youth via video. The nuances of being effective in this scenario must also be considered. It would not be used in critical cases at all and if used for preliminary and status hearings the logistics have to be perfect for this to be accomplished.
    Chairman Timberlake added that it appears the topic continues to narrow. Must consider defenders interviews with the minors and procedural justice. Will the minor understand what is going on? Who is responsible to ensure they do? Commissioner Jacobs does not feel we have the technology in centers or court rooms at this time. Chairman Timberlake responded that many court rooms do have the potential. We need to make these concerns a part of the survey. Confidentiality is a huge issue. Commissioner Jacobs stressed that confidentiality and fairness with secure lines and adequate space are a minimum of what we must provide.  Commissioner Velasquez added that we must consider the cost benefit. If we do this for only status hearings, how many are there normally? Preliminary work will continue.
  5. Review SFY15 Project Budgets
    Chairman Timberlake recommending contacting Judge Payne to get their input and feedback on what they have experienced thus far with their Juvenile Justice Councils. Commissioner Jacobs stated we need to know where we want the councils to be going, their ultimate function. Where will we be next year? In spring federal funding will be available and we could open up to agencies again to attract those that will utilize the funds. Are those not spending this money not a good match for the needs of the communities? What do they need? If we can't get past the barriers that keep them from utilizing these funds how can we help them. Commissioner Velasquez added that VERA could assist in this process. We can change the methodology and VERA would help with the analysis. Rob Vickery sent information out to all the JJC sites. They are discussing a statewide meeting in January. Mr. Vickery will continue to coordinate this.
  6. Committee Structure & Assignments - DMC and others
    DMC is now a separate Committee again and not combined with JDAI. Commissioner Esther Franco-Payne is the Chairman of DMC. Membership of all the committees was discussed. Commissioner's service on each committee was verified and updated.
  7. New Business
    Guest at the meeting asked about posting of the IJJC meetings. Rob Vickery explained the process. He asked whether funding is available. Chairman Timberlake explained how the money is allotted and funding decisions made.
    1. Probation Review Project
      Peg Robertson updated on this topic. The site visits are set up and pending.
    2. CJJ Virtual Visit
      CJJ is providing information to State Advisory Groups through a "virtual visit" with video conferencing. The group agreed this may be helpful, but only if the technology works out.
  8. Next Meeting: December 17, 2014.
    It was noted December is a very busy month. The Executive Committee will move its December meeting to December 10th to coincide with the Planning and Grants meeting.
  9. Adjourn
    Commissioner Jacobs motioned to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:24am.