November 6, 2014 JDAI/DMC Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission JDAI/DMC Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


November 6, 2014, 9:30a.m. to 11:00a.m. 


  • 160 North LaSalle
    7th Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL 


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Chair's Comments
  5. IPCSA Conversation with AECF and Commission
  6. Compliance Monitor Update on Jail Removal Violations
  7. Detention Data Report
  8. New Business
  9. Next Meeting
    January 6, 2015
  10. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:33am.
  2. Roll Call
    JDAI Chairman Rick Velasquez, Ben Roe, George Hill, Rodney Ahitow. Quorum declared present. Guests: Susan Witkin, Peg Robertson and Jason Steele. Staff: Monica Kelley, Karima Douglas, Rob Vickery and Julie Stremlau.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Minutes were not reviewed, tabled for next meeting.
  4. Chair's Comments
    Chairman Velasquez noted that this is the first meeting for the JDAI Committee separate from the DMC Committee since DMC's break to its own sub-committee of the Commission. Chairman Velasquez asked Robert Vickery to present first due to his required attendance at the Juvenile Justice Councils Conference in Champaign, IL.
  5. Illinois Probation and Court Services Association (IPCSA) Conversation with Annie E Casey Foundation (AECF) and Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission (IJJC)
    Executive Director, Robert Vickery gave the update on the IPCSA conference. He explained that the partnership with AECF is moving forward and moving JDAI to the next level. They were very complimentary of the work the Commission and the JDAI Committee has done thus far. The conference was very well attended. DuPage did a Domestic Battery presentation and there was a workshop on the Juvenile Sexual Offender Report. Cook County Juvenile Probation presented on treatment for sexual offenders. There was not a lot of push back on the JSO report and there seemed to be a consensus around the report recommendations. Our partnership with AOIC is moving forward. The IJJC Executive Director further explained that the IJJC will work the IPCSA and outline the responsibilities and roles for this continued work.
  6. Compliance Monitor Update on Jail Removal Violations
    Executive Director, Robert Vickery gave the Compliance report. As noted in previous meetings, there was concern over the de-minimus number increasing. Compliance Monitors Ron Smith and Dick Walsh were asked to investigate the violations. Upon their review and work the violations number decreased to 15 from 45. Many of the violations were 17 year old felons. Raise the Age has contributed to the violations and this is an area of concern across the state.
  7. Detention Data Report
    Susan Witkin of CPRD gave an overview of the DRAFT Detention Data Report. The IJJC and the JDAI Committee was specifically given the role of informing on detention activity statewide. Ms. Witkin explained the report and how it is set up. She noted the changes to aid in ease of reading. She requests that this document not be shared as it is in draft form. It was noted that this report contains 14 categories of Ethnicity. She explained there are errors in this draft and they plan to fix prior to sharing with the full Commission next week. Ms. Witkin believes the report will be finalized in the next couple of weeks. The timeline to release is not set and there is not a strategy in place, at this time. Chairman Velasquez expressed his great appreciation and thanks to Susan Witkin, her people at CPRD, Peg Robertson and all staff involved for their work on this report. He remarked that they accomplished a great deal in a very short period of time and their hard work is clearly apparent in this report.
  8. New Business
    None noted.
  9. Next Meeting
    January 6, 2015
  10. Adjourn
    Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Roe seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:25am.